Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 77: To force is the first.

“How can this sign be changed now? What’s the meaning?” Feng Shoucheng asked again.

“Haoyu Group now has luxuriant branches, big trees and deep roots, and it is always standing at the top of the tide. It is really not that easy to want to collapse. But this group is so big, it is not yours, if you There is a calamity, Haoyu is still Haoyu, just someone else’s Haoyu, not your Feng family’s Haoyu. Since ancient times, the world has always been the world, and the court is still the court, but the last name is not good.” The old man said.

“It seems that my trouble is not small.” Feng Shoucheng sneered: “There are always some clues that can be predicted in advance, is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?”

“I don’t know about natural disasters and man-made disasters, but there is a key word in these two poems. Follow this key word to find it. Maybe you can break the game. If you can break the game, you can go smoothly and enjoy another ten years of great luck.” Old man Said again.

“What will happen after that ten years?” Feng Shoucheng said: “Is there a solution once and for all.”

“Once and forever? You want to be beautiful, the world has both growth, residence, and emptiness, and gods and gods. The dynasty is replaced every three hundred years. What’s more, you? Ten years later, there is nothing to do with you. It depends on whether your son can keep his profession and can carry forward.” The old man sneered: “Your three sons are also extremely fateful. Your eldest son Feng Yuxuan responded to the gluttonous appearance. The son Feng Qian Zang is the form of Pixiu, and the third son Feng Hengyi is the form of Juxuan. They are all ancient fierce beasts. They have great magical powers and gather wealth and treasure. Increase your family wealth and aura, but between these fierce beasts gaining wealth , It is inevitable that there will be a **** storm, leading to all kinds of grievances and retribution. It depends on whether you can hold it.”

“I see.” Feng Shoucheng said: “Then you can explain the verses on this sign.”

The old man thought for a long time before he said: “The so-called time comes and the world is the same force, and the hero is not free to transport. Among them, there are two most important words. The first sentence is’force’. With this’force’, you can Being able to take advantage of the momentum, without’power’, one can only dormant obediently.”

Hearing this, Feng Shoucheng nodded.

“As for the second sentence, transporting the hero is not free. The most important thing is the word’go’. Why is the hero not free? That’s the’force’ he took advantage of and was dropped by the’de’.” Old man Question: “What is the combination of Quzi and Lizi?”

“Cause!” Feng Shoucheng said suddenly: “The robbery of the number!”

“That’s right, let the power go for the robbery! Just eliminate the robbery! The big luck is yours.” The old man said: “Remember, the key point of these two poems is to answer the word for robbery and eliminate the robbery. Everything is well.”

“Eliminate this’jump’…” Feng Shoucheng thought: “Where should this felon be? Is it a person or a thing? Or something else? Is there any further explanation?”

“The secrets of heaven are so difficult to peek. Even the saints cannot understand everything. This time the divination is already at the limit. If you can peep further, then it depends on your own wisdom. If you don’t have enough wisdom, you’re in danger. “The old man said: “I will naturally help you with this matter. After all, my family and yours are now both prosperous and both prosperous, and everything will be destroyed.”

“That’s good, that’s good.” Feng Shoucheng thought for a while, and suddenly said: “I heard that if you leak too many secrets, you will get retribution. .”

“My sons and daughters born abroad, and they are all abroad now.” A strange look appeared on the old man’s face: “Foreign countries do not talk about karma.”

Feng Shoucheng frowned: “Is there any other saying?”

The old man said: “One heaven and earth, one road, one water, soil and another god.”

At home.

Su Jie fiddled with the brick tablet computer that the old sister Su Muchen gave him, and activated the battle module.

Suddenly, on the computer boot screen, two people appeared, one was himself, and the other was Liu Long, the current national champion and first-ranked fighter.

“Start the battle.” Su Jie clicked the start on the screen.

Immediately these two men competed in the ring.

Su Jie launched an attack on Liulong, using the “hoe hoe” to culminate continuously.

And Liu Long dodges again and again, using his legs to stop Su Jie’s offensive.

The two entangled for about thirty seconds. Suddenly Liulong launched a fierce offensive. He displayed the signature Willow-style quick kick, with his legs crossed, his legs were not high, and his speed was extremely fast. Attack people below the knees, and the upper body makes various movements to seduce them.


Su Jie hit the ground.

“This battle module does not show my full strength.” Su Jie thought for a while: “I don’t think there is 80% accuracy, at most 60%.”

He transferred a large number of his own videos to the tablet computer, and the tablet computer downloaded a large number of Liulong videos from the Internet, built a character module from the data, and then played against it. The more videos you upload, the richer the data and the higher the degree of authenticity.

These days, Su Jie has been researching the smart module in this tablet computer, and found that it is actually limited. It is to let you know the style of some opponents and some postures in training. For example, you upload a video of your training. The artificial intelligence inside will analyze whether this posture is correct or not, and where it is wrong, and then someone who looks exactly like you will do the same posture.

Ke Su Jie’s various actions are absolutely correct.

Of course, this tablet is also good, that is, you can build your own module to fight against various fighters, and you can understand the style of these fighters.

For example, Su Jie played against Liu Long just now, and lost to his Liu-style quick kick. If he played himself in the battle, he would definitely not be Liu Long’s opponent.

Although Su Jie defeated Zhou Chun, and now he has achieved great success in horizontal kung fu, after all, the heat is still shallow, and there is still a big gap between him and the first person in the country. This gap will take time to make up, even if he has the training of “God Maker” Oudli.

Odeli once spent three years training a young man into a world mixed martial arts champion. That young man is the current fighting king “Ryan”.

And Su Jie only received one month of training from Oudli.

“The artificial intelligence training of the old lady is nothing more than that. It may be a hardware problem, or it may be that the technology has not yet made breakthroughs.” Su Jie put down the tablet, knowing that this thing is not very useful for him.

I don’t know how strong the artificial intelligence of Typhon training camp is.

Anyway, the smart module in hand is far worse than Oudli.

Of course, Oudley, who is a **** maker, is inferior to this inferior smart module, and the title “God maker” is wasted.


Just when Su Jie was thinking about what technique to use to fight Liu Long if he met Liu Long, his father Su Shilin came back.

“Yesterday, Chen Juan, your head teacher, called and said that you took a leave of absence for a month and came back. The monthly exam is the number one. You are pretty good. The last time I went to the martial arts school, it took two months. This time I went out for a month. I didn’t say hello, what did I do?” Su Shilin sat down on the sofa, ready to smoke, and put it back after thinking about it.

“I followed a psychology student named Master Ma and stayed in his home for a month, together with Master Chen at the Hunyuan Taiji Hall next to the park.” Su Jie said, “Dad, why are you always addicted to smoking? Can’t quit, didn’t you promise my mother to quit smoking?”

“Isn’t there no smoking? Brat, you dare to train your dad.” Su Shilin’s voice increased a little, and suddenly he seemed to think of something: “Ma? Manianfeng? This person is amazing. Waiting for idlers. Can’t even see him, you still live in his house for a month?”

“Dad knows Master Ma?” Su Jie was a little surprised.

“Last time our boss started construction on the real estate, there are a lot of requests. At any rate, he showed up and looked around on the foundation. I am responsible for security there.” Su Shilin said: “The ostentation is scary. However, this person has real talents and learns, and he is regarded as a **** in the circles of many big bosses. Many big bosses are obedient to him. Some big stars want to fawn on him.”

“By the way, Dad, do you know Zhang Hongqing?” Su Jie asked a name.

“Zhang Hongqing, how did you know him?” Su Shilin frowned when he heard the name.

Manman Zhang invited Su Jie to join her startup company~IndoMTL.com~ but Su Jie did not agree, but considered it again.

Zhang Hongqing is Zhang Manman’s father. Whether it is Master Ma or the rich uncle of the last time to wash the heart, the respect for Zhang Manman is obviously because of his father. It can be seen that her father is a great man. figure. Of course, this is not the case. Master Ma said that this person’s realm has reached the realm of “living dead”, which is as terrible as Oudli.

This makes Su Jie want to know.

“Do you know Dad?” Su Jie felt that Dad’s past was definitely not easy.

“I’ve heard of it, I haven’t met each other. It’s said to be a big man in a foreign gang. I’ve heard about it when I went abroad to work and serve dishes in a restaurant in Chinatown.” Su Shilin waved his hand: “I don’t care about your social life. , But you must recognize right and wrong so as not to cause trouble.”

“Dad, how is your skill? Would you like us to try it.” Su Jie suddenly felt a thought and said with a smile.

“Little bastard.” Su Shilin yelled: “Is the wings hard? After a few days of learning, I feel swollen? Dare to do something with your old man. If you don’t give you two things, you still don’t know how strong the world is.”

While cursing, Su Shilin took out the security high-voltage electric baton he carried with him.

“Don’t… Dad, why do you still use this kind of electric baton weapon?” Su Jie said quickly.

“Do you think that when you fight with people, others will follow the rules?” Su Shilin pressed the electric baton, and crackling sparks came out from it, which was extremely scary.

Although Su Jie was electrocuted to death on the side of Uncle Blind, it was a very small electric current. Although it was painful, the purpose was to stimulate the cells to rejuvenate. And it is a medical intelligent module that specifically controls the current size to achieve the most accurate and scientific.

The high-voltage electric baton of the security guard is purely used to subdue the gangster.

Su Jie was not afraid in his heart, but he still stood up: “Dad, you are busy, you are busy, I will go out.”

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