Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 730: The Secret of Possession 1 is serious nonsense

Mr. Typhon has much more information about the mysterious organization than Su Jie, and a little talk can let Su Jie know a lot of secrets.

The two masters, Sun Pilong and Yama, are in charge of the domestic area. They don’t know what plots and tricks they want to do, but these are not within Su Jie’s consideration. Su Jie only needs to take these two people Catch, everything is naturally clear.

If these two are not eliminated, it is a hidden danger after all.

Su Jie is certainly not afraid of these two people, but his relatives and friends are very difficult to guard against. The other party can kill people in the air with a single idea, and can even use various methods to control people. Where can such people reach? Both are extremely dangerous.

“Today’s exchanges were very rewarding.” Mr. Typhon said, “Things will be settled like this. If there are things, you can contact me through Xiaojie. Only through this channel can I not be known by that mysterious organization. .”

After saying this, Mr. Typhon went straight down the mountain, moved a little, flickered a few times, and disappeared completely in the forest. At this speed, even apes and birds can’t compare.

This is a certain limit of human stamina, almost several times the power of ancient apes.

In ancient times, the great apes who lived on hunting were far inferior to Mr. Typhon’s current physical fitness and explosive power. Not only did he return to his ancestors, but he also surpassed his ancestors.

This is equivalent to breaking away from the original inherent genes of human beings and entering a whole new state of life.

It can be said that the new wave of mankind started by Mr. Typhon’s generation is a major turning point in human society.

Su Jie can even think that this is no longer the “holocene” in the geological age. Instead, a new name should be adopted.

“Everyone needs to take a good look.” Odley said: “I will stay here for a while, about two months, if you have anything you need to ask me, or if you want to discuss with me , You can ask and communicate with me at any time.”

Odley is a coach himself, and he is willing to communicate with masters, which is also a process of rich experience for him.

Everyone heard Oudli’s words, and they were immediately full of joy. If Oudli’s guidance can be obtained, it will be of great benefit to future cultivation, even if it is the young Lord Shiva who has just been promoted to the realm of new humans. People also think that this is the best opportunity. In the process of consulting Ou Deli, they will definitely be able to consolidate and improve their realm.

And other people can take this opportunity to improve their realm, especially Zhao Yan, now he is actually only close to the door, and he can also enter the realm of new humans. He also hopes to obtain expert guidance and analyze the realm. Let yourself finally transform.

Su Jie still has something to do. He greeted him: “You can all follow the coach to learn and communicate here, but I want to eliminate the hidden dangers first.”

Zhao Yan’s eyes flashed, knowing what Su Jie was going to do.

But this is a good thing for him. It is also a great thing for the country and the people. After all, that mysterious organization is a huge hidden danger. If it is not removed for a day, it is a timed nuclear bomb. I don’t know when it suddenly exploded, causing countless Scourge.

Moreover, no one can help them.

If Zhao Yan goes to catch him by himself, he will not even be able to find Mao, and he will even be manipulated by the other party to become a human being and a ghost or a ghost.

He remembered that young man, Duan Fei, was pretending to be a ghost in City B. Many high-ranking elderly people were cured by him. He even believed that he really relied on acupuncture and qigong. In three to five years, then it is very likely that he will develop a power, and it will be very difficult to move him at that time.

Furthermore, this is just a **** of Sun Pilong.

There are probably many pieces of chess like this in China.

Every chess piece is likely to be lurking somewhere, taking root, and not well known. Perhaps Duan Fei is only the most conspicuous one, or it was thrown by the mysterious organization to test whether there are any master chess pieces in City B that were placed on the bright side.

The one hidden in the dark is much more powerful than Duan Fei on the bright surface.

“Fortunately, there is Su Jie, or it is really unimaginable.” Thinking of this, Zhao Yan was scared into a cold sweat, secretly afraid in the depths of his heart.

Actually, it is extremely easy to infiltrate City B with Duan Fei’s method, that is, as long as a mere ten or twenty years, it can even shake the overall situation, and no one can control it.

“Su Jie, can you pull out all the chess pieces that are lurking in the country on the surface of this mysterious organization, and all the pieces in the dark.” Zhao Yan grabbed Su Jie and asked in private.

“Grabbing Sun Pilong, I will find all kinds of hidden children in his consciousness. I will give you the information at that time, and you can do these things.” Su Jie knew Zhao Yan’s Meaning: “However, the most important thing is that you should first learn from coach Oudley and improve yourself. At that time, you can deal with many problems by yourself.”

“I know.” Zhao Yan nodded, watching Su Jie also go down the mountain.

Su Jie descended the mountain alone, instantly disappearing, and no one knew where he was going now.

With the huge crowd, how easy is it to find Sun Pilong and King Yama?

At this moment, in a very exquisite health club in D city, two people are having a conversation.

One of them was Duan Fei who had fled.

The other person is a middle-aged man, who looks quite powerful, looks extremely dignified, and has an entrepreneurial temperament. At first glance, he often gives orders, is more authoritative, and can give orders to others.

However, such a character can’t show up in front of Duan Fei, but now Duan Fei is respectful in front of him.

Furthermore, when the middle-aged man spoke, he actually made a very old voice, which seemed to come from a thousand years ago. It was Sun Pilong’s voice.

Sun Pilong’s consciousness controlled this middle-aged man.

In other words, it is not conscious control, but a higher level of “possession”, just like the ghost-possessed person in ghost stories.

Since ancient times, both in the East and the West, there have been legends of being possessed by ghosts or demons. In the East, there are Taoist monks to exorcise evil spirits, while in the West there are priests and exorcist professions.

In modern medicine, there are indeed some examples. Some people suddenly change their temperament, as if they have become another person. Even speaking, their thinking and personality are completely different from before.

This is actually a kind of thinking mutation caused by consciousness being invaded by information.

Human conscious thinking is a kind of very complicated information, but it is actually very fragile and easily changed by external forces. However, one’s own body also has some defense mechanisms, which can break through under certain conditions. The defense mechanism can completely change people’s consciousness.

To explain in more cryptic words, the soul has been replaced.

Now, this middle-aged man is like that.

This middle-aged man is a very prestigious entrepreneur in the local area. He has a certain social background and identity. The industry has a chain layout in D city and even some surrounding cities.

Now, he is actually “possessed” by Sun Pilong.

“Master, you finally came from the immortal realm, possessed on this person, and rescued me.” Duan Fei said, “The possessed person, after waking up, his life span will increase a lot. This is His blessing is contaminated with your immortal spirit, Master. However, Master, I have found the traces of the devil, not his opponent at all. I still can’t step into the realm of congenital rebirth and transform the mortal body into an immortal body. If this goes on, you will not be able to fight the devil at all.”

“This person’s father is friends with me.” Sun Pilong said: “I used to go down to earth and have some friendship with his father. It is nothing to give him some benefits. He has a lot of energy in D city. Actually You can also monitor and intervene in that place. It will also help you in your mission in the future. After I leave, he will assist you in completing the mission. Remember, this mission is very difficult, but as long as you complete it, I will play Heavenly Court, so that you will be among the immortal class.”

“Yes.” Duan Fei said: “Master, you said that this world is about to change drastically. In the next hundred years, it will be an unprecedented huge calamity. The spiritual energy will return to the world, the devil and the gods are in chaos, and the monsters and ghosts appear one after another. I feel it. The strength of the Demon God is not something I can contend with. Even I can’t even defeat the Demon God’s subordinates. This time it hit my confidence extremely severely. I want to ask, the one called Su Jie, he is Isn’t the demon **** itself, or is it an incarnation of the demon god?”

“He is just a clone of the Demon God~IndoMTL.com~ Sun Pilong said: “But he is also the strongest clone. I think only when I come, can he be suppressed. But this is not the priority. “

“What is that?” Duan Fei asked.

“The top priority is actually his sister’s problem. Although he is a clone of the Demon God, his sister is even more dangerous. His sister’s ability is much more harmful than him. Now your task is to let him Sister, change evil and return to righteousness.” Sun Pilong said: “You have this ability and ability.”

“Yes.” Duan Fei nodded: “What should I do in my next practice? How to make breakthroughs? This failure, for me, although I have gained some experience, it actually hit me. Self-confidence, I feel that it is really difficult to repair this self-confidence.”

“You still have to rely on yourself.” Sun Pilong said: “You have to defeat the young man possessed by Shiva, start with him, step by step, and stand by the gods. In fact, this is the best for you. You have encountered the best age. Since ancient times, as a practitioner, who can meet such a good age and be able to directly confront the demon god? In the future, you will even see all kinds of demon gods. You have to remember , It’s not a human being you lose, but a demon god, that’s right.”

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