Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 727: Peerless 1 battle, who can win the world’s providence

The fight between Su Jie and Mr. Tifeng is indeed out of the scope of martial arts, and also out of the scope of the confrontation of consciousness. In fact, the confrontation between the two of consciousness has been completed since the dialogue just now, and neither of them has How can I get each other.

Furthermore, Su Jie didn’t actually use the ground pressure here.

However, even if the pressure of the earth is used here, it is of no use to Mr. Typhon, because Mr. Typhon has reached another realm. This realm can blend with the world anytime, anywhere, and blend into this world. Among them, no matter how powerful the world is, it can actually be integrated into it and become a part of it.

At this level, how can you deal with it?

However, Su Jie doesn’t care. His realm has also reached a level of invincibility. He can accurately grasp various information transmission, store information, destroy information, change information, and even create information structure.

Furthermore, at the first glance of Mr. Typhon’s body, many of his spiritual doubts have also been verified. In this moment, his strength has been significantly improved, and he has actually reached his level. This realm is different from ordinary people. The spiritual realm of ordinary people has been improved, but the physical ability will not be significantly improved.

It must be digested for a period of time before large-scale growth can be achieved. The most typical thing is that after Su Jie broke through the realm of the living dead, he actually had to spend two weeks to cultivate before his physical strength increased substantially.

But now, his realm is different. It can help others improve their physical fitness in an instant. Any chemical reaction in the body, even some cells, can be manipulated, and it can be adjusted from the body in an instant. Take the stored energy to strengthen your limits.

So, as long as the realm is improved, Su Jie’s physical condition can also be improved accordingly.

Now that he and Mr. Typhon are working together, their auras are actually getting higher and higher.

In an instant, the two played against each other for dozens of rounds.

On the cliff, you can only see the shadows of the two shaking each other, and the person with a slightly weaker eyesight cannot see clearly whether it is a human or a ghost.

Actually, none of the people present had seen what Su Jie’s full shot was like. Because Su Jie and the human hands are actually using consciousness to control, the number of times that he can take personal shots is almost gone, and even if he takes shots personally, even one-tenth of his power is not displayed, the enemy Has fallen down.

Now, Su Jie’s full shot is a combination of consciousness and physical ability. Together, all the tangible and intangible things between heaven and earth are gathered on Su Jie.

Between Su Jie’s shot, there was a sudden shock. Between the changes in his fist technique, he seemed to show a soft, dense, lingering spring weather and rain, as if he was going to wrap all Mr. Typhon into it, making The hero will die in the tender country.

Wen Rou Xiang is the Tomb of Heroes.

This is between the two hands, from fast to slow. It was Su Jie who took the initiative to slow down for the first time, but his slowness actually slowed down with the pace of the entire battle.

However, Mr. Typhon did not slow down, but speeded up.

However, no matter how fast the attack is, it can be intercepted under Su Jie’s slow movements.

In the eyes of everyone, one is slow to the extreme, and the other is fast to the extreme, causing everyone to have a time difference and speed difference.

Everyone fell into a feeling of being in a cloud and mist.

Only Oudley can see clearly.

Actually, the movements of Mr. Su Jie and Typhon have not actually changed, because their will and physical stamina are highly combined, and their style of boxing has changed, creating an illusion.

However, what Oudley is now looking at is the clash of boxing techniques between the two.

In Oudley’s opinion, Su Jie’s boxing technique is with an obvious human style and unpretentious, and various details of human life can often be seen from it.

Mr. Typhon’s boxing method is God’s will, without the smell of fireworks in the world, high above, running fortune, all things are one mind, and the gods are derived.

Now, Oudley sees it clearly.

Su Jie’s boxing method is the world. His boxing method carries the world’s trivial things, labor, work, diligence, laziness, beauty, hope, passion, coldness, intrigue, promises, etc., and so on. Many emotions, good and bad, are intertwined.

This is the real human society.

Su Jie’s boxing method is no longer martial arts, but a work of art. It is recording and describing all the various aspects of human society. It seems that his boxing method has punched out the entire human society. The human race has arrived from the very beginning of its birth. The current development process is a vast epic.

In the history of human development, countless natural disasters, man-made disasters, and even extinct viruses have beaten humans to pieces, but humans have not extinct, but every time they experience a calamity and disaster, I survived tenaciously, and in the midst of the disaster, I found a way to deal with the calamity. In the beginning, he defeated the beasts, and afterwards, he defeated floods, snow disasters, droughts, diseases, and even challenged the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death in the future.

Humans, in constant conquest, have never given up the pace of advancement.

It seems that there is something in the midst of something that is constantly testing the human race, but the human race has passed the test again and again, and has never disappointed destiny, or rather disappointed destiny.

If destiny hopes that mankind will be extinct, then destiny will be completely disappointed.

If destiny wants mankind to grow, then mankind has never let it down.

Su Jie’s boxing technique showed two sides. On the one hand, it shattered the shackles of fate; on the other hand, it showed human resilience in the face of fate.

When he started his practice, he was digging and hoeing the ground, which has lasted for thousands of years. It’s people’s livelihood, it’s society, it’s the foundation.

Up to now, the life sciences he studied are also the foundation of life.

He never changed himself from start to finish.

Mr. Typhon’s boxing technique is no longer human, but more like fate. Many disasters are coming down, destroying everything, or creating again.

His boxing technique completely divorced from reality and rose to the height of mythology.

The gods are made in the palm.


The situation has changed again, and Mr. Typhon’s strength has increased.


He struck him with a punch, and everyone felt countless natural disasters, such as flash floods, lightning and thunder, heavy rain, volcanic eruptions, even plagues, planets hit the earth.

The despair in everyone’s heart, seems to be the despair of ordinary people who have experienced the disaster film in their own lives.

However, before Su Jie took action, it seemed that all the disasters had been resolved.

He seems to be a world-famous hero, and any disaster can be resolved. But he is not a hero of the world, because in his boxing technique, he seems to be telling everyone that everyone will resist the disaster together, work together, and help each other. In history, it has never been a hero to save sentient beings, but sentient beings save themselves.

Everyone, in the battle between Mr. Typhon and Su Jie, they did not know it, deep in their consciousness, along with Su Jie, resisting Mr. Typhon’s fist and natural disaster.

The natural disasters come, but all people will subconsciously unite to resist.

This is the commonality of human beings.


Su Jie suddenly launched a counterattack.

His five fingers suddenly caught all the attacks of Mr. Typhon in the air, and then squeezed his fist violently. With a squeeze of his fist, it seemed that his entire arm had turned golden, and the golden light was like inside a rice field. All the grains are mature and will be harvested soon. It is not the kind of golden light, not dazzling, and very soft, giving people endless hope and satisfaction.

Anyone who sees the golden rice fields and mature millet will feel confident, confident, infinite motivation, and infinite spiritual satisfaction.

This is the confidence of mankind to overcome all kinds of disasters.

The golden-yellow arm, which was like rice, swiped in the air, breaking all the blockades of Mr. Typhon, and hitting Mr. Typhon unable to move.

This punch, not straight, not curved, not bent, not bent, tenacious, and with an infinite continuity, punched out a future.

Kungfu, at this moment, is no longer a technical means, or in other words, this is the highest technology.

The future is opened up by a punch, and fate is reversed by a punch.

Faced with this punch, Mr. Typhon’s eyes showed an obvious look of surprise. He made an unexpected movement, which was to back up, hold his head, and defend.

This is one of the most instinctive moves in boxing, holding your head in defense and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

It is also extremely important in traditional martial arts. It is called a tiger holding its head. It is a defensive point to imitate a tiger to get out of the hole, fearing danger, so the tiger’s claws hug the head and jump out.

However, this kind of defensive action shouldn’t appear on Mr. Typhon at all. Mr. Typhon can’t defend at all. In his realm, no one in the world can let him use this kind of action to defend.

And now that Su Jie punched out, it actually forced him to use this kind of action to defend for the first time, which was an unprecedented first time.


Su Jie’s punch collided with Mr. Typhon’s defense.

Mr. Typhon resisted this punch~IndoMTL.com~His defense, the copper wall and iron wall, are as solid as gold, seemingly an insurmountable line of defense.

It’s as if human beings are now able to prolong their lives, but no matter how they study, they can’t solve the problem of immortality. Even if it is infinitely close, they can’t break through this critical point. The natural law of birth, aging, sickness and death cannot be broken.

Su Jie couldn’t break Mr. Typhon’s defense either.

The two of them are frozen here.

A pause for a second, it seems that the strength of both parties is continuing and passing.

Then, both sides shook at the same time, and immediately separated, and each took five steps back, which happened to be a position that could both fight and turn fighting into jade. The precision of this action is almost comparable to the highest precision machinery.


{The head was injured by a wooden stick, so it was broken. Updates these days will not be very stable. }

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