Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 660: The abolition of supernatural powers and powerful self-owned power governance

  In an instant, the two of them fisted head-to-head.


   Centered on the two, a wave of air suddenly erupted and passed by in a flash.

   Su Jie is not moving at all, and the Shenyue people took seven or eight steps back to stand firmly, but this time he failed to fight again, but the whole person’s spiritual world has almost undergone earth-shaking changes.

   He felt that at this moment of confrontation with Su Jie, his consciousness had expanded like never before, and the string was finally broken.

   He still has a feeling, it’s as if he’s been a human again, reborn, and has become another brand new existence. The self just now is no longer himself, but the mortal body before, and now his Both body and mind are the bodies of gods.

  ”Is this the re-editing of consciousness? I finally realized this state.” After Shenyueren retreated, he felt the essential changes in his body and mind, and a more cruel smile appeared on his face: “Junior, You are very good, but today’s battle will end here. If it weren’t for your attack just now, I really don’t understand that my mentality would still make such a breakthrough. Thank you very much. Now I can show my true strength. Come!”

   Shenyueren called at random, and the luck of the whole S city gathered again, but there was no earth-shattering aura, but directly and instantly entered the depths of his spiritual world, thus making his body full of vitality and blood again. .

   At this time, the strength of Shenyue people has truly reached the peak.

   He felt that he could even suppress everything while breathing.

  天时! Location! People and! It’s all on my side.

   “Alright.” Su Jie saw the state of Shenyue Man and knew that he had made a breakthrough on the spot, but it seemed to be in his expectation. Su Jie recorded the information and data of this kind of on-the-spot breakthrough in his mind. It has a very significant effect: “You are now in your life. It can be said to be the most prosperous time. At the peak, you should have no regrets if you abolish you at this time.”


   Shenyue’s popularity is booming again, like a dragon like a tiger, and the wind and clouds suddenly rise.

   Various chemical reactions occur rapidly in his body, brewing a shocking blow.

   At this time, Su Jie stepped out and stepped forward with a punch in the chest. This punch seems to be slow, but in fact it is slow in consciousness, and the speed in reality is incredibly fast.

   Shenyue people only feel that Su Jie’s punch seems to have split a balance between consciousness and reality, creating a huge gap.


  In front of Su Jie’s punch, Shenyueren felt that all his resistance was in vain, and the little thing he had just realized seemed trivial.

   He is like a pauper. He suddenly won the 5 million lottery. He took the money to find someone who looked down on him. He wanted to show off. When he wanted to slap him in the face, he found that the other party was actually A super rich with a net worth of 50 billion.

   The psychological loss at this moment is nothing short of self-confidence.

   However, these psychological changes are of no avail to him against Su Jie.

   When Su Jie came with this boxing, he yelled, trying to closely integrate his consciousness with reality, make correct judgments, and resist Su Jie’s attack.

   is roaring

In the sound of   , he twisted his arms, trying to smash Su Jie’s fist directly.

   But Su Jie fisted a little, and an unparalleled force was passed over, like a broken bamboo, there was no power to resist him.

  The blocker is invincible, and you fly when you touch.

  At the moment when he touched Su Jie’s fist, I don’t know why, the gods of the gods thought of the description of the golden cudgel in Journey to the West. >


  The thoughts in my mind flashed past.

  Shenyueren was knocked into the air.

   “I don’t believe it!” After being knocked into the air, Shenyue Ren suddenly turned over, got up again, and peeked at his arm, Rulong poke out a huge claw from the cloud, trying to catch Su Jie completely.

   But in the face of this attack, Su Jie just snorted and shot like lightning, grabbing Shenyueren’s wrist in one fell swoop, and then shaking.


   Shenyue people seem to feel that the flesh and blood of their body are separated, all the power has disappeared, and the whole body is extremely sore.

   Su Jie’s trick is actually very common. It’s a folk trick of begging flowers to catch snakes. Even if they encounter a poisonous snake, they are caught by lightning. They catch seven inches of the snake and shake instantly. The whole snake’s bones are all separated and soft. Lie down, no more power.

   I never thought that one day, I would be grasped by this superficial technique.

   was captured this time, Su Jie did not stop, riding on the Shenyue people no longer able to urge the attack, suddenly slapped.


   A soft, crisp sound hit the head of Shenyueren.

   By this blow, Shenyueren only felt that his head was not injured, and the brain tissue was not damaged. Su Jie’s blow was actually very gentle, but his spiritual world experienced waves that seemed to be stormy. .

   He felt a huge impact on his spiritual world, like a planet hitting the earth.

  In his spiritual world, it was originally an extremely rich world, with clear levels, clear logic, and almost the most sophisticated computer in structure, with layers of calculations, everything is in the hands of Zhizhu.

   This is his state in the entire spiritual world just after evolution.

   But, at this moment, all of a sudden, a huge force, like the might of annihilating the world, impacted and directly destroyed his spiritual world.

   He is now in a mess in his spiritual world, with fragmented information everywhere, like a drunk person, fragmented.

  ”What did you do to me?” Shenyueren saw Su Jie who slapped his head, and felt that his spiritual world was almost in ruins. He was shocked and angry.

   “Nothing, just like Bu Lie, you have knocked down the realm.” Su Jie said calmly: “You have just been promoted to the realm of a new human, but now you have fallen and become an ordinary person, right? Feeling very uncomfortable? But it doesn’t matter, you will gradually adapt. After Bu Lie has been so long, has he gradually survived without committing suicide?”

  ”No!” Shenyue people simply couldn’t accept all this: “I have reached the realm of new humans. How can you still defeat my realm, I will definitely be able to recover, this is only temporary.”

   “Sure enough, people have lost their realm, what kind of temperament,

   Composure, calm, all aura disappeared. In the final analysis, this is the fundamental support of the thinking structure. “Su Jie observes the expression and physical state of the Shenyue people, his eyes are like observing the white mice in the laboratory, so that the Shenyue people simply cannot accept this reality.

   “Don’t even think about temporary, you can recover. Do you think you are drunk? Sleeping can relieve it? The brain regains consciousness?” Su Jie said: “Your consciousness structure was completely broken by me. Even I can’t recover. You can use this analogy. For example, when the laboratory is doing genetic modification to people, the result is unbalanced gene chain and genetic disorder. What will that person look like? Can he recover? And the structure of consciousness, It is more complicated than the gene chain.”

   “Impossible, you can’t get people to be promoted to a new human at all, how can you destroy my conscious structure.” Shenyue people still don’t believe all this.

   “I said that your thinking is messed up, and you don’t understand such a simple truth. It is easy to kill a person, but it is impossible to save him. It is difficult to build, but is it difficult to destroy?” Su Jie laughed: “At this time. You are still thinking about what your organization will do. Do you think you can lead this group of people without your spiritual realm? This group of people treat you like gods, it is based on your ability Come on. Let me tell you, if you calm down, put everything aside, go to Minglun Martial Arts School to confess and practice, let go of your successes and failures, and maybe one day, you can recover. If you don’t, it’s probably hard to survive. Because you have offended many people over the years. Those people know that you have lost the ability to kill you. How can you resist?”

   At this time, the Shenyue people no longer have any threatening ability.

   is equivalent to a tiger with all its claws cut off and its teeth pulled out. It is just a bigger orange cat.

  ”Okay, don’t think about it, come back to Minglun Martial Arts School.” Su Jie didn’t have time to chat with Shenyue people at this time. Do teaching honestly~IndoMTL.com~ If you have any ambitions, then I am sorry, your sons and daughters, I will make them the same as you.”

   “You dare.” Shenyue man roared.

  ”If you are in the first year of junior high school, I will be doing the fifteenth.” Su Jie sneered: “To be honest, I don’t like cutting grass and roots, but if you are not honest, there is no way. Go!”

   Su Jie stopped drinking, and the Shenyue people suddenly blurred their eyes, followed Su Jie in the car, arrived at the airport, bought tickets, boarded the plane, and soon arrived in D City, and then went to Minglun Wu School.

   When he took the Shenyue person to the wooden tower to find Liu Guanglie, Liu Guanglie was shocked, and even rubbed his eyes, only to confirm that this was the Shenyue person.

  He has met Shenyueren.

   is because of Minglun martial arts school.

   Tie Kunlun wants to swallow Minglun Wushu school, behind the Shenyue people’s plan, if there is no Shenyue people, Tie Kunlun can still fight.

   Liu Guanglie remembered that when he saw the Shenyue people, the opponent’s aura was so oppressive that he couldn’t breathe, like the heavenly Shenyue, suppressing everything, but now it looks like a marionette, with no aura.

   The contrast is so big that Liu Guanglie thought they were not the same person.

   There is a difference between a person’s spiritual temperament and no spiritual temperament.

   The so-called “coming from the heart”, Liu Guanglie can fully understand why there is such a sentence.

  With the spiritual realm, people are gods, without the spiritual realm, people are ordinary people.


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