Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 644: Suddenly a killer came to sneak attack in the must-dead situation

   Mei Yi didn’t worry about Su Jie at all, if he didn’t understand it, it would be fine.

   The ignorant is fearless.

   Ke Shang knows that this person’s spiritual realm and skill are extremely advanced, and he has even received the transformation of the water of life. Although the actual combat experience is relatively lacking, he has not been baptized by the blood and blood, but he has an insight into the essence of life consciousness. , But far surpassed the kind of predator who fought out.

   In terms of spiritual practice, fighting is just a means to stimulate the human body’s potential and exercise the will, but this method is faster than most methods.

   Of course, the danger is also great.

   This is a high-efficiency, high-risk, high-return practice method.

   However, in the research of Su Jie and Mei Yi, this method is also outdated, with low efficiency, high risks, and low returns.

   Su Jie and Mei Yi have mastered more advanced training methods than **** fighting.

  Society is constantly improving, and the means of human evolution are also constantly improving.

  ”Junior brother is like a bottomless eye of the sea. It is impossible to guess how deep he is. Sometimes, he clearly sees him as if he has reached the limit, but in a blink of an eye, his strength is raised again, and he is right. This kind of person, his opponent is simply a torture.”

   Shang elders are becoming less optimistic about Su Jie.

   Su Jie watched the Shenyue man recover his aura, knowing that he was facing an earth-shattering blow. But he was calm, as if he was facing an experiment.

   Under the look of Su Jie’s eyes, the Shenyue people suddenly felt an insult.

   Because he felt that Su Jie looked at him as if he was looking at a mouse in the laboratory. No matter how high his aura is and how unfathomable his methods are, Su Jie is watching him, no matter how arrogant he is, he can’t escape this laboratory.

   At the moment, Shenyue people’s murderous heart abruptly.


  His body stepped out in one step, his arms vibrated slightly, and his sleeves suddenly seemed to cover the sky and the sun. The atmosphere was turbulent, the wind screamed, and the clouds and water shook.

  The sleeves of the clothes worn by Shenyueren are not very big, but they have shown this kind of power, which is actually a kind of spiritual illusion, but now this kind of illusion is extremely real to people. Obviously, his spiritual power The pressure has raised a whole new level.


   Under this power, his palm pierced out of his sleeve and printed on Su Jie’s chest.

   This blow, in the eyes of a real martial artist, has exceeded the scope of Kung Fu, and is close to Xianshu.

   “Yes, this is your real skill.” At this moment, when the Shenyueren attacked, Su Jie’s voice rang out in his mind. This is pure spiritual communication, not language. say.

   The two fought each other too quickly. With just one word, they had fought for more than ten times, or even dozens of times. It was too late, only pure spiritual communication.

   However, the spiritual world of Shenyue people is as solid as a rock. When fighting, he is the only one to attack others, and it is impossible for others to pass information into his brain.

   Of course, he couldn’t break through Su Jie’s spiritual world.

   But now, Su Jie can actually send his own spiritual thoughts into his spiritual world, so that he can perceive Su Jie’s thoughts.

   This is definitely not a good thing.

  ”Next, I will show you my real skills.”

  The moment Su Jie’s thoughts passed into the spiritual world of the gods, he changed suddenly.


   A breath that can cover the sky and the sun is released from him.

  In an instant, everyone felt that the stars in the sky had disappeared, and the sky had disappeared, and the high sky suddenly disappeared like a trick.

  When there is no sky on top of a person’s head, what is going on?

   This is a scene that people can’t even think of.

   However, this perception is just a moment, which makes people feel like an illusion in an illusion. If Shenyueren’s spiritual aura was released, in the depths of everyone’s hearts, they knew that this was a spiritual illusion, but when Su Jie’s aura was displayed, everyone would not know whether this was real or a dream.

   In other words, the great world is a dream in itself, and life is a dream in a dream.

   This is Su Jie’s strength.

  Shenyue people are the aura to suppress people, but they can’t change the conscious perception deep in people’s hearts, but Su Jie can reverse people’s worldview.

   At the moment when the aura was released, Su Jie’s hand also slapped out, colliding with the palm of the Shenyue man in his sleeve. Without any skill, what he fights is the strength of the spirit and the body.

   This is head-to-head.


   The hands of the two confronted each other, and many people’s hearts were shocked.

   Next, everyone saw an incredible scene.

   Su Jie’s body remained motionless, while the Shenyue people stepped back again and again, taking four or five steps back at once, his body panicked, obviously losing his mental aura and strength.

   Because of this one just now, it is the real strength match.

   “Impossible!” Shenbo and Bu Zhixuan lost their attitude at the same time and cried out.

   In the battle, the people of Shenyue have always bullied the big with the small and have the absolute upper hand, at least in their opinion, but when the people of Shenyue took back the momentum of suppressing City B, they wanted to attack Su Jie. Between Dingding’s blow, was actually suppressed by Su Jie?

   What is going on?

   Didn’t Su Jie use all his power just now? Playing with the gods?

   Even Elder Shang had a violent body shaking. He didn’t expect such a thing to happen, thinking that he was wrong.

   “Didn’t I just say that?” After Su Jie shook the Shenyueren back, he didn’t take advantage of the momentum to attack. He just locked the Shenyueren firmly with his spirit: “Shenyueren, you depend on heaven for food, you The consciousness structure of is extremely special. It can be said that the standard of the new human being reached at birth is more than 10% of the control of the human body. Through practice, you have stimulated the potential that you should have, and your strength has swept the world. , Almost invincible, but in a certain theory, you are not a new human, a new human, although the standard is to control the human body at 10%, but through the reorganization of your initial consciousness structure to improve your talents, Do not rely on God, rely on your own destiny to control your own destiny, have the right to choose evolution. This is the real new human. And you have not realized this point yet.”

  ”Really?” Shenyueren was repulsed, not angry, but took a deep breath at the sky: “I know it is not that simple, with one person’s strength, suppressing the whole country, the backlash is great It’s absolutely unimaginable, I can’t think of it, it is so big, but the more so, the more valuable it is, very good, very good.”

   He gave a long scream, shaking his spirit, and the whole person didn’t seem to be displeased at all, only joy, “This kind of backlash will not let me down. If it can be easily cleaned up, I will feel deep in my heart. “

  ”When I reach the present, I still think it is a backlash.” Su Jie said: “However, you can think what you think.”


   Before he finished his words, the Shenyue people had attacked again.

   This time, the Shenyue people are more fierce. They fists, fingers, legs, knees, elbows and shoulders in one go. There are offensive points everywhere, and there are deadly ultimate moves. At this moment, he doesn’t know how many martial arts have been promoted. The art of lore.

   Su Jie took a deep breath, preparing to completely defeat the gods with one blow.

  Because Mei Yi is already collecting data here, it would be a waste of time to entangle with Shenyueren.

   At this moment, when Su Jie was about to completely defeat the gods, the sudden change occurred.

   At the gate of the yard, I don’t know how a person came in. This person, wearing black clothes, can’t tell at night whether he is a human or a ghost.

   Moreover, his head is completely covered by the black cover, I don’t know what his face looks like.

   When he appeared, the timing was just right, that is, Su Jie locked the Shenyueren, and the moment the two faced each other, they had no time to take care of the others.


   His arm moved, a small dagger flew out, pierced the sky, and assassinated Su Jie’s back. This throwing knife was even more powerful than a gun at a distance of more than ten steps. It’s bigger, and it’s hard to guard against.

   What’s more powerful is that he has nine daggers, each of which is aimed at Su Jie’s vitals, blocking all his routes, and there is no angle to dodge.

   The man in black did not attack the Shenyue people, as if his target was Su Jie, and it seemed that the Shenyue people had invited him to deal with Su Jie at the most critical moment.

   “It’s him, that’s right, it’s him. The murderer who killed my son is so bold that he dare to come here.” Shang elder recognized it in his heart.

   However, this sudden change is so fast that no one has time to react.

   Moreover, this man in black is a master at the same level as Su Jie, Shenyueren. There are only a few people in the world, and now all three appear in the courtyard.

   “Not good.” Zhao Yan reacted, but it was too late.

  Zhao Yan has already seen that Su Jie can defeat Shenyueren~IndoMTL.com~ But at this moment, another near-invincible master attacked, taking advantage of the two people’s battle to attack and kill Su Jie. , Then no one can be saved.

  The change of elbow and armpit, although the emperor cannot prevent it.

   And Zhao Yan’s task is to protect Mei Yi. At this time, he must stay close to Mei Yi and be ready.

   More importantly, it is too late for Zhao Yan to pounce. He is not an opponent of any of these three people.

   At this moment, Su Jie is truly in desperation.

  The gods attacked him frantically, and the mysterious man in black appeared, issued a small dagger with a hidden weapon at him, and slaughtered him at the same time.

  If Shenyueren stops attacking at this time, it will give him a little bit of survival.

  Because he could see that this mysterious man in black was not on the same road as the Shenyue Man, but was always lurking, looking for opportunities.

   However, the spirit of the Shenyue people sensed the appearance of the mysterious man in black, and cooperated with him to carry out the killing attack on Su Jie, the Shenyue people did not shrink at all, nor did they show the emotion of “victory without war” because of the siege. It’s that his attacks are crazier, stronger, and even more coordinated with the mysterious man in black’s killing sneak attack.

  Shenyue people also blocked Su Jie’s vitality to death.

   makes Su Jie nowhere to escape.

   Although there is no prior agreement, the cooperation between the Shenyue people and the mysterious man in black can be described as seamless.

   Must kill Su Jie!


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