Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 613: The Tao of Nothing.

The Typhon Group has all kinds of problems, and it has developed, eager for quick success and quick profit, focusing on plundering. It is not a business upright and sustainable development. But Su Jie knows that Mr. Typhon is not actually for the development of the entire group. The ultimate goal is to rely on plunder to develop scientific and technological research, and to develop technologies that can lead to longevity within one’s lifetime.

This is the most critical purpose.

He knew very well in his mind that even if the group developed well, it would have no meaning after his death, and even if he did not die, it did not mean that he could always control all the resources and wealth of the entire group. Maybe they will make wedding dresses for others.

Anything outside of the body is not one’s own.

Only strength and evolution are the long-term way.

In terms of group management, Mr. Typhon was misguided, but Mr. Typhon was the best in terms of eager for quick success and quick gain to strengthen himself. Su Jie was unable to manage Typhon when he managed to do so. Because of Su Jie’s character, he didn’t like to sacrifice others to perfect himself.

The so-called thing is a matter of success, he can’t do it.

So, he is actually not suitable for being a leader, only suitable for being a hermit among the race. Do not divorce from the ethnic group, but do not integrate into the ethnic group, spreading ideas in a subtle way.

Furthermore, Su Jie knows that the results of Typhon’s research now, even if the entire group is wiped out, are completely worth it. Some of the materials and technologies are actually worth ten, or even the total wealth of a hundred Typhon Group.

According to the principle of equivalence exchange, as long as Typhon sells a little technology, the financial crisis can be completely reversed.

However, these technologies cannot be sold, and the more important point is that although many countries want this technology, it cannot afford it and is not easy to trade.

When the value of a product is too great, this problem occurs.

“Actually, in my opinion, the only key to breaking the game is to transfer to the real world.” Xudela said: “For example, many of Typhon’s key technologies are taken out to establish one or several companies. Then it is converted to civilian use. This technology can definitely defeat many large multinational companies in the world. I calculated that if Typhon Group can convert high-tech products to civilian use, it will definitely be in computer networks, biopharmaceuticals, and even Weapons and equipment can occupy the position of giants, and they can eat very richly in the real world.”

“This is true.” Su Jie nodded: “In fact, many countries are also carrying out the civilianization of military products. This is one of the ways to boost the economy. However, Typhon wants to switch from the dark world to the real world. Maybe, because it will be suppressed by many forces. Think about it, some real-world giant companies now, they must know that once Typhon’s technology flows into the real world market and successful civilianization, then their company value stock I am afraid that it will be annihilated in an instant. For their own wealth, these giants are doing their best to suppress Typhon. Although Typhon is powerful, it is still difficult to support in the face of many giants in the real world.”

“Yes, for example, if Typhon’s artificial intelligence technology is civilianized and appears in the real world, then Lalici’s company will immediately collapse.” Xudela said: “So, Typhon’s best now The way is to give profits, transfer your own technology to many companies in the real world for cooperation, share equity, take dividends, and make money together and make money together. You can never eat alone. In this way, not only can you solve your own financial crisis, but also Successful transformation will arrive in the real world, gaining more room for development, and being able to unite many giants.”

“Yes, this is the best way to break the game.” Su Jie nodded: “However, it is not that simple to take this step. After all, Typhon is a dark world super giant and has the ambition to dominate the world. In fact, they have accumulated too many original sins. In the dark world, they are not bound by rules. Once they enter the real world, all technologies, finances, etc. must be liquidated according to the rules of the real world. They are simple. Moreover, after being too deeply connected with the real world, they are basically assimilated. The original ideals of the Typhon Group have been completely destroyed, and their spiritual cohesion has been lost. Although Typhon’s financial crisis has been resolved, the roots are No more. You know, the establishment of Typhon Group actually has a large number of people who hate the rules of the real world. They have genius and strength. They are gathered under the command of Typhon. This is the essence of Typhon. If these people are discouraged, Typhon will be over.”

“It’s the boss, you see it deeply.” Xudla took a deep breath: “So it seems that Typhon still can’t break the game?”

“It’s hard to break the game, at least I don’t see any hope.” Su Jie waved his hand: “In the final analysis, Typhon’s concept is wrong. The dark world can exist, but it is impossible to expand. If you don’t expand, you can live well, but if you want to expand rapidly, you will inevitably collapse.”

“Typhon’s future is not to be discussed, but now there is a big opportunity.” Xudela said: “There are now three factions in Typhon. One faction is determined not to cooperate with the real world, continue to plunder, and finally transform the whole The world, this is the old school, this kind of force still dominates. The second is the reformist, which is to solve the financial crisis and integrate with the real world. The third is the wall-riding school, which does not make a stand, and is secretly looking for a way out. . Now because of the financial crisis, the reformists have the upper hand. The new chief financial officer is the leader of the reformists, called Toyohira. He has begun to contact some groups.”

“Go on.” Su Jie nodded.

“This is a huge business opportunity. I think we should also take some of Typhon’s technology and set up a company. Within five years, we can become a global giant. The opportunity is indispensable. Let other companies take the lead, otherwise it will squeeze our living space. For example, our laboratory is almost incompetent, but it happens to be seen by this organization. The real world is actually the law of the jungle.” Hsudra said: “There is one more thing, I have to say, that is, Fengping, who is now in close contact with the organization that is dealing with us, and hopes to transfer artificial intelligence technology to this organization, and make it bigger and crowded together. Suppress the giants in the world now.” Xudela said an important news.

“This Fengping is Chinese?” Su Jie asked.

Actually, many people in Typhon have information on Su Jie. You can get the information as soon as you look up the artificial intelligence Xiao Jie, but Su Jie has always focused on the scientific information in it, and he didn’t get distracted. Research personnel information.

“Accurately speaking, he is still a Chinese American, and you seem to be brothers, because his coach is Oudli.” Hsudra said: “But I doubt that this person and the organization that dealt with us They are inextricably linked. It may even be the son of a big boss in the organization.”

“The people trained by coach Oudli are by no means idle. This organization is also powerful. It actually allows people to break into Typhon. However, Mr. Typhon also needs such a person to balance the power and obtain some funding. The help of the two parties is complementary. After all, there is no conflict between this organization and Typhon Group, and cooperation is not uncommon.” Su Jie nodded, “What is the name of the organization that is against us? Do you know the information?”

“This organization does not have a name. It is said that their philosophy is that Tao is unnamed, and strong names are Tao. But they don’t want to name it, so they don’t have a name.” Xudla speaks very well in Chinese. Recently, he has not studied Less knowledge of Chinese culture.

The avenue has no name.

This organization does not have a name. The founders agreed that their organization is Tao and must have no name. In other words, no name can describe its greatness and truth.

“I see.” Su Jie said: “Do you have any thoughts~ IndoMTL.com~ Both signed with Tang Yun, Zhang Jinchuan, and Zhang Manman to discuss what they want to do, and even cooperate with Typhon. , It doesn’t matter.” Su Jie said: “Just be careful of the traps.”

“No problem.” Xu Dela came to the spirit, he was afraid that Su Jie would not agree, because in his opinion, this is actually a rare thing in a lifetime. In the entire laboratory, he also hopes to make the laboratory truly Be bigger and become an international enterprise.

Su Jie naturally knew the ambitions of these people, and he would definitely let these people do it.

As for himself, he is doing research and practicing quietly. Even if these people leave the laboratory and do their own things, Su Jie will not stop them at all, and even help them. In his realm, wealth Status and resources under control are all over the air, so it’s good to have some connections.

However, after hearing what Xudra said, Su Jie already knew that the organization’s layout was far-reaching and complicated. Never take it lightly.

After the meeting, Su Jie returned to City B by plane overnight and went to Minglun Wushu School.

He wants to find a breakthrough from Tie Kunlun, to warn the bigwigs of this organization, or directly attack them.

Su Jie doesn’t like to provoke others, but when others come to provoke himself, he will definitely not be polite.

Su Jie didn’t go to the Tie Kunlun father and son that night, but went straight to the mountain early the next morning.

The Tie Kunlun father and son were not in their own office, but went to the mountain to practice. Su Jie didn’t ask anyone at all, so he knew it naturally. This was a kind of spiritual induction.

Su Jie and this place have almost communicated with God.

Just like Monkey King wants to inquire about things, he chants a spell to call out the local **** of the land, and asks to find out. In this place, Su Jie could almost command the “Land God”.

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