Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 54: Choose and refine the first.

Chapter 54: Choosing and Refining the Heart, and Returning After All the Gold is Dissipated

Cultivation requires money.

The so-called poor culture and wealth.

Ke Su Jie gradually understood some truths after reading the Book of Changes. Although money is indispensable, it cannot be a slave to money. You must master money thoroughly, choose whatever you want, and walk away with your hand, waving like a cloud.

After making the decision, Su Jie felt that a trace of haze in his heart had completely disappeared, replaced by fearlessness and light.

Heroes are not afraid of death, but what are they afraid of?

I’m afraid there is no money.

As the saying goes, a penny stumps heroes.

Even a noble person will inevitably be bent over five buckets of rice. This is life. When a person is not bound by money, his heart must be round and flawless.

Although it is said that Su Jie cannot completely get rid of the shackles, he now has this subconscious mind.

The mind, that is, his psychological quality, is becoming stronger step by step.

At first, he was able to persevere and endure pain under the training of Odley. Later, under the blind uncle’s massage, this patience deepened. At the last time, he was locked in a dark room by the blind uncle for several days and nights, and got rid of despair. Then he found his kung fu again. “Soul”, the psychological quality has been greatly improved.

Then in the conversation with my father, Su Shilin, I realized the mentality of being calm in any environment.

Today, he has refined and sublimated himself, and he can choose money at will in his heart.

In this way, step by step, he is sharpening his mind to make it more indestructible and more in control.

In this way, his boxing skills will be purer and his kung fu will break through again.

Seeing that Su Jie donated a full 200,000 scholarship without blinking, Qian Zheng also showed an extremely solemn expression on his face, and Ning Zixi didn’t understand what happened to Su Jie this summer vacation. What, she is very curious.

“The evening school night self-study is canceled. Now everyone can go back to the dormitory to rest and go to class tomorrow.” After the exam results came out, Su Jie received the award and donated money, and nothing happened. The head teacher Chen Juan clapped her hands to let the students go to rest.

“Su Jie, our students will have something to do. We are going to the computer room to experience the school’s new learning system.” Ning Zixi stopped Su Jie.

“Okay.” Su Jie nodded with a smile.

Qian Zheng has completely returned to normal at this time. It seems that the second place in the exam today has nothing to do with him. I have to sigh that his psychological quality is also extraordinary.

“Let’s go, after we give it a try, we have to write some thoughts.”

As the chairman of the student union, he still takes the lead.

The school’s computer room is huge. The computers in it are definitely not ordinary computers, but special equipment with huge computing power, which is very advanced.

This was installed and debugged by Haoyu Group. It is said that they did not ask the school for money, but gave it as a gift.

“This is the artificial intelligence learning system.” Qian Zheng walked to a computer with a height of one person. The camera on it flashed, and facial recognition was performed, and then a voice appeared: “Qian Zheng, I It is the artificial intelligence Xiaochen, I am very happy to help you with your studies.”

“This voice…” Su Jie heard it. The voice of this artificial intelligence “Xiaochen” was exactly the same as that of her sister Su Muchen, obviously based on her voice module.

“Hello.” Qian Zheng was also startled. Hearing this sound, he thought there was a person hidden in the computer.

“According to your multiple comprehensive examination papers, your grades are very good, but there are also some aspects that are lacking. I can now train for your blind spots in learning knowledge. You pick up the electronic pen next to me, and I will ask If you do it, strengthen your blind spot of knowledge. If you can’t do it, I will explain it to you.”

This artificial intelligence “Xiaochen” is much higher than the best teachers in the country.

Actually, it is a collection of many excellent teachers, and it also introduces new ideas. It strengthens the learning weaknesses of each person, and makes it interesting to learn.

“Artificial intelligence is really powerful. Is teaching reached this point? And this is still ordinary artificial intelligence. If it is real high-tech, such as the artificial intelligence of Typhon training camp, I don’t know how strong it should be. Coach Oudli is unemployed.” Su Jie thought.

The three of them worked on the artificial intelligence learning system for an hour and came to conclusions.

The artificial intelligence learning system counts the test scores of each student in advance, analyzes which knowledge points need to be strengthened from their questions, and then lists a series of questions to explain the learning methods, so that the students’ scores can be improved rapidly.

Of course, all this still requires students to study hard by themselves.

Just as if there are coaches like Oudley, it is useless for students to be afraid of pain and not exercise. At present, there is no black technology infused with “hundred years of skill” in the novel.

After debugging for a while, Su Jie has discovered that this artificial intelligence learning system is indeed a good one, and it is a super assistant for students who like to learn. With this system, it is tantamount to bringing many outstanding teachers with you 24 hours a day.

But that’s it. At best, it’s just a super learning assistant, which is better than the various search engines on the Internet.

“I’m almost finished.” Su Jie said goodbye to Qian Zheng and Ning Zixi: “I will go home and rest. Tomorrow I will take the time to write today’s experience and experience as an email to the school leaders.”

“I will study for a while and see you tomorrow.” Ning Zixi rushed to study.

And Qian Zheng didn’t mean to leave either.

Both of them were stimulated by Su Jie today, even if they are tired, they still have to stay here to study.

Su Jie took the subway straight home and practiced boxing for two hours in the community at home before taking a shower, reading a book, and sleeping.

When he lay down, it was exactly nine o’clock in the evening, and a certain habit had already formed.

When he sleeps, he still uses the “big corpse method”. Now he has practiced to fall asleep as soon as he wants to go to bed, and then wake up every second when he wants to wake up.

He is like an alarm clock, you can set it yourself.

Precise, precise, no waste of a second, work and rest behaviors are no different from robots.

While he was sleeping, Dad Su Shilin quietly went to the door of the room, pricked up his ears and listened to his breathing. He could only feel that Su Jie’s breathing, if not, sometimes not even, was as long as a silk thread. It seems to be cut off at any time, but it never happens.

Just like the gleam of vitality that always exists between the heaven and the earth, the so-called road is infinite.

“This sleep, a big corpse…has reached a state of being dead or dead. If you go further, it will be the living dead. What exactly did he encounter?” Su Shilin frowned deeply.

“What are you hiding here to eavesdrop on? The children are asleep.” Mother Xu Ying came over and beat Su Shilin.

“This son of ours is really amazing. His kung fu has really been in the room. I can’t believe it was trained in two months.” Su Shilin didn’t know what his mood was. He was thinking about many things.

“Although I don’t understand Kung Fu, I have known your difficulties for so many years.” Xu Ying called Su Shilin to sit down: “How does my son’s Kung Fu compare to you?”

“He is a little worse, but he is much more pure than me. I can’t see where his limit is. Maybe he can step into the level I dream of in the future.” Su Shilin said.

“Why don’t you try to train your son to practice Kungfu? Anyway, he says he won’t fall behind in his studies.” Xu Ying asked.

“There is no need to train him. He already has a mature training system. He has formed his own ideas. No one can interfere. He has his way. We just need to observe.” Su Shilin suddenly laughed. : “God treats me not so badly, he actually gave me such a big gift bag.”

“Hey what, there will be trouble in the future. Xu Shen has found me.” There is a worried look between Xu Ying’s eyebrows.

“What happened to finding you? Are we afraid of him? What age is it now. We live our lives, and the Xu family lives the Xu family’s lives. Everyone is not in the water. If they want to do something, I will Let them know the pain back then.” Su Shilin’s eyes were sharp as a knife.

“It was originally irrelevant, but the old man is going to leave. He made a will and divided the family property into me.” Xu Ying said.

“Just push it away. Although we have no money now, we can live a good life. Our children are more and more productive. It is better to live in peace than anything.” Su Shilin said.

“I think so too, but I am afraid it is not that simple.” Xu Ying was still a little worried.

“The soldiers will cover the water and earth~IndoMTL.com~ You can rest assured, I will settle everything.” Su Shilin is like a mountain, sheltering from wind and rain.

The rest of the time, Su Jie still wakes up at three o’clock in the morning to practice exercises for three hours, eats and goes to school at six o’clock every day.

Study in the school step by step, exercise in the school sports room between classes, and practice for three hours after school in the evening. This is true every day.

The atmosphere in the whole senior year was very tense, but for Su Jie it was easy.

The course of the third year of high school is basically an exam. Every time he takes an exam, he always finishes the test papers within ten minutes, hand in the papers out of the examination room, go straight to the computer room to check various materials, or go to the sports room to exercise. I had a lot of free time.

The key is that every test paper is basically full score.

The teacher is also used to his genius behavior.

One month passed in this way, and it was plain and calm.

In this month, Su Jie completely settled his impetuous mind. He practiced the trick of “hoeing the head” repeatedly, and then searched for various martial arts fighting materials through the school’s computer room to conduct his own research.

At the same time, he taught himself a lot of knowledge in anthropology, medicine, massage, acupuncture, meridian, yoga, meditation, psychology, etc., to add more theoretical foundations for his practice.

In the two months at Minglun Martial Arts School, his training, actual arena combat, massage, acupuncture, electric stimulation, time lined up, all of which are related to physical fitness.

Now, he has conducted the deepest academic research while training has not fallen behind.

In the process of academic research, he gradually understood some things that he didn’t understand before practicing.

The harvest is huge.

He has the feeling that he listens to his father and settles down on academic research, which is more effective than just exercise.

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