Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 532: Spiritual search black hair turns white and reincarnates

“It is true. To the will of the earth itself, we humans are nothing but a parasite in the long years.” Oudli said.

“Did the earth’s own will produce the idea of ​​exterminating mankind? It is the rapid development of mankind that destroys the environment and invented the weapon that destroys the sky and the earth? The earth’s will feels danger and has produced the idea of ​​exterminating mankind?” At this moment, Zhang Manman came up and issued a question.

“It shouldn’t be the case.” Su Jie waved his hand. He saw extremely deeply. “The earth environment is very comfortable now. Even if the environmental problem is ten times worse, it can’t be said to be really bad. There have been many times in history. It’s extremely terrifying. For example, in the Carboniferous era 280 million years ago, when the earth was densely covered with plants, the oxygen content was twice the current level, and the insects produced were huge because of the abundant plants. For thousands of years, an extremely rich layer of coal was accumulated. At the end of the Carboniferous, the coal layer ignited spontaneously, causing a fire on the earth. At that time, the entire earth was full of flames, and the poisonous gas of coal burning permeated the entire atmosphere. The state lasted for a full 50,000 years, resulting in the mass extinction of living things. At that time, there was no human beings. It was purely a disaster caused by the over-development of the earth itself. So I think human beings can actually cause no damage to the environment. It should be the earth’s periodicity. The mass extinction may be in the process of brewing. This process is very long for humans. In the short term, there may be tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, but for the earth, tens of thousands of years are just as short as one day. It’s time to make some preparations. As for Mr. Typhon, perhaps it is in the dark that fits this will, but it’s definitely not the earth’s aversion to humans.”

Su Jie has a deep study of astronomy, geography, and history. Fengshui is actually a trail, but science is a great way. Chinese Fengshui is a magical technique, but in fact it has great limitations. Masters, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng, who are said to be like gods and men, have no idea about the history of the earth, let alone the cryptozoic era, the Phanerozoic Era, and the geomantic changes of the earth’s plate movement.

Only by deeply studying the history of the earth’s changes, countless life explosions, countless biological extinctions, and summarizing the laws, can we observe the world, calculate the direction of human destiny, and explore the secrets of our own life evolution. Establish a basic macro and overall situation in the world.

For this, Su Jie will never make detours.

Although he is also proficient in various ancient classics, but he only understands with an attitude of appreciation, and he definitely does not worship the ancients.

“Your understanding and thinking is correct.” Oudley said, “In fact, with the current strength of human beings, it is really impossible to cause any substantial damage to the earth, but perhaps the great cycle of biological extinction should have started. It’s the age of dinosaurs since the last mass extinction. This cycle has passed nearly 100 million years. This cycle starts to reach extinction, and we certainly can’t see it. Maybe our children and grandchildren can’t see it. It’s too far away. However, You are right. When starting, this aura is inherited by some people, and they will definitely show some extraordinary ability.”

“This is just one of our guesses.” Su Jie said, “Coach, I remember that you were leaving here after training. You gave me an I-Book for me to read. After I read it, I found that it contained something. Most

The profound truth is that after the first history of mankind, over a period of hundreds of years, everyone has an understanding of the humanities and nature of the universe. The deeper you read, the better you will be able to understand the changes. However, this understanding also has great limitations, and you must read it through before jumping out of it. “

“Yes, you jumped out very quickly.” Odley nodded. “However, you are now jumping into a larger pit. This is the depth of science. If you jump out of it, you will see To the wider world.”

“Perhaps so.” Su Jie said. “The current science is the human understanding of the world and the universe in the past few hundred years. Just like the Book of Changes, it is the same as the human understanding of the universe thousands of years ago. Limitations. I have always understood this in my mind.”

“I have been looking for Mr. Typhon’s breath.” Mr. Honey Badger said, “In my instinct, he did come here, but I couldn’t feel his breath. He used a What method can actually shield our thinking senses? Oudley, have you discovered him? The connection between you is very deep, and there must be some kind of thinking.”

“Actually, I couldn’t find him either.” Oudley shook his head. “The reason why I built a hayloft to live here is half to observe the changes in Qi, and the other half to discover the Qi of Typhon. To be able to grasp his aura, that is to be able to truly sit on an equal footing with him, on the same level as him in the realm of thinking, and now we can’t find him, it means that our realm is still a fine line from him. So Su Jie, I hope you I can find his trace.”

“I think so too.” Su Jie sat down cross-legged and took a deep breath, condensing his intuition to the extreme.

Just now he and Ou Deli discussed the history of the earth and the cycle of biological extinction. In fact, they were also discussing the reason why the Typhon master became so powerful.

A person’s strength must have a reason. After analyzing the deep-seated reasons, you can absorb some experience and make yourself so powerful.

Su Jie has insight into some secrets of the big boss, and now he starts searching with intuition.

His thoughts spread out, like the light of the sun, shining on the entire land, and even the places where the eyes can’t reach are also explored, interacting with each other, and more subtle places are affected by his thoughts. The feedback reached his intuition.

He just sat quietly, and he didn’t know how long it took. The day turned into night, and night turned into day. He remained still and sat for more than 30 hours.

During this period, Zhang Manman was also quietly waiting for him.

Su Jie is in this, and his spiritual world is expanding infinitely. After covering all of this land, he keeps using his thinking to screen, over and over again, never stopping, it seems that he is tempering some of the sharpest things. Spiritual.

This is also a kind of exercise. It is the highest level of exercise on the spiritual level.

Su Jie has reached the limit, his thinking is flickering, and he seems to be exhausting all his vitality, truly “exhausted.”

Suddenly, Zhang Manman saw that Su Jie’s hair on the temples started to turn gray and then white. Although it was very subtle, it was completely different from Su Jie’s shiny and shiny hair.

This is the reason for the excessive mental exhaustion.

Wu Zixu turned white after spending a night in Shaoguan. It was because of excessive psychological pressure that caused Yu Qi and blood to deteriorate. This is extremely damaging to life.

Seeing that Su Jie did the same, Zhang Manman wanted to step forward to stop it, but was blocked by Oudli.

“This small loss is nothing to him. It just used a little bit of energy. In fact, it doesn’t even count as an overdraft.” Oudli said, “When his physical fitness reaches his level, many ordinary people think that it is a loss. Big acts are actually small things.”


Su Jie’s breathing changed, and it seemed to have a clanging sound of metal shaking, and it was rolling like a muffled thunder.

In Su Jie’s body, there seemed to be many swords shaking each other, about to break out, and in the depths of his dantian, the air current was brewing and erupting, and the yin and yang were surging, and there seemed to be thunder gestating.

Thunder and swords.

This is a kind of vision that his internal and external integration, physical energy stimulation, breathing and vomiting can reach.

Suddenly, in his spiritual world, a shadow flashed past, and the shadow seemed to be, as if not. This is the clue.

The shadow just flashed by, and disappeared in Su Jie’s spiritual world at any time, but Su Jie found him after all, and after a startled glance, a smile appeared on Su Jie’s face.

“You caught a trace of him.” Odley understood.

“Yeah.” Su Jie nodded, stood up, flexed his muscles, ate something, drank some water, lay down and rested for two hours.

Zhang Manman was surprised to find that Su Jie’s originally whitish temples had returned to their normal color.

This is simply a miracle that ordinary people can’t understand~IndoMTL.com~ There is nothing wrong with the hair turning from white to black, it is all dominated by human essence. “Odley said,” Don’t be surprised. In fact, as far as people are concerned, the human body is not our own, because our control authority over the human body is too low. If the human body is like a computer, then our own This consciousness is just an operator with the lowest authority. Think about it. For ordinary people, when their hair turns white, we can’t control the body to turn black automatically. If the teeth fall, we can’t let the teeth grow again. Being short, he can’t control himself to grow taller. Even sometimes, he can’t control his emotions, and he can’t control his own emotions. This is actually a very sad thing, as if you have a large amount of funds under your account, and the ownership is yours, but you can only spend a small part of it every day. Su Jie’s control over the body has now been improved a lot. But it is only just getting started before he truly takes control of his body. “

“Operation authority over the body?” Zhang Manman heard what Oudli said, and seemed to have a new understanding of practice again.

“Yes, I have been discussing a question with Mr. Honey Badger these days, and that is what people practice for. I said it was for freedom, and he said it was for survival. In fact, in the final analysis, we reached an agreement in the end. The realization that practice is to unlock our authority to operate our own body.” Oudli said…

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