Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 53: The 10 all-around entrance examination is the first place

Chapter 53 Entrance Exam Decathlon is the first.

The difficulty of the questions for this entrance exam is very high and time is tight.

When the first Chinese exam came to the end of the paper, many students in the class did not finish the paper.

Know that Su Jie’s school is a national priority. Even the worst students can get into a university without any problems, but now they can’t do anything about the test papers.

Even Qian Zheng has a solemn face.

“Where is the difficulty only 50% higher, more than doubled, what exactly does Haoyu Group want to do?” After the exam, Ning Zixi couldn’t help but start to complain.

The entire class is frustrated.

But before they adjusted their mindset, the second test came again.

There are four exams to be completed in a whole day, which consumes a lot of physical and mental energy.

The second session is mathematics. The problem is even more difficult. Most of the students didn’t even finish half of it.

After the two exams in the morning, many students didn’t even have enough energy. After barely finishing lunch, I took a short break, and then started taking the foreign language test again, and then the liberal arts or science synthesis.

Su Jie’s class is a science class, and the test papers are more difficult. After the comprehensive science exam, the whole class was lifeless, like a defeated soldier.

“Finally handed in the paper.” The moment Su Jie handed in the test paper, he felt more tired than playing a whole day of competition. His brain power seemed to be drained, and even his physical power almost couldn’t support it. This time The exam is very difficult.

Qian Zheng also paled.

Of course, there are students who give up early. They saw that the difficulty of the question had exceeded their limit, so they simply refused to do it, which made it much easier.

Qian Zheng wants to maintain his honor, so he must do it all his brains, and naturally he is half tired.

After everyone handed in the papers, Chen Juan, the head teacher, came in with a smile: “The test paper scores will be reviewed in one hour. This time the test paper will be graded using artificial intelligence to scan the image and enter the system for scoring. There will be no errors. , And the score ranking will be announced on the computer, you are waiting here.”

In the past, if it was a city-wide exam, after the exam, the teacher organized a very large manpower for marking the papers, and it took at least three or four days before the results were available.

Now I put the test papers into the scanner, and the images entered the system, and the test results came out. The efficiency has increased more than a hundredfold.

“After that, the homework can be corrected in the same way, saving the teacher a lot of time.” Su Jie thought.

The entire class of students sat in the classroom to rest and wait for the test results with the head teacher Chen Juan.

There is a large computer projection screen in front of the classroom, and the city’s exam rankings will be announced as soon as possible. This test seems to be an exam launched after a long time of negotiation and cooperation between Haoyu Group and various high schools in the education department. Compact, everything pays attention to efficiency.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Suddenly, there was a countdown on the big screen.

Ten, nine…

Everyone is nervous, it seems that it is the time when they are really facing the scores of the college entrance examination.

Chen Juan, the head teacher, looked at it and nodded: “This atmosphere makes everyone feel the tension of the college entrance examination in advance. If you come a few times, all the students will adapt to the pace of the college entrance examination, so there will be no excessive pressure and exams. It’s a dysfunctional situation.”

She has been a class teacher for many years, and she has seen too many students with very good test scores. Because of her psychological quality, she failed in the college entrance examination, which she felt was a pity.

“The test results are out, who is the city’s first place?”

“Two hundred thousand. That’s a bonus of two hundred thousand. I don’t believe that Haoyu Group has given so many rewards.”

“This time I was exhausted from the test. I don’t want to take another test in my life. I think anyone who can test this set of test papers with more than 700 points should take 200,000.”

“Yes, the question is too difficult. Usually I can get 600 points on the test, but this time I am afraid I can’t get 500 points.”

“It must be Qian Zheng, after all, he is the first place in the exam every time.”

“I think it’s him, too.”

“I just don’t know if he can get 700 points. Even if he gets the first place, he won’t get the bonus if he doesn’t have 700 points.”

“Look and see, it’s out.”

Everyone held their breath.

Then all looked at the festive scarlet letters popping out on it.

First place, Su Jie, with a total score of 723.

Second place, Qian Zheng, with a total score of 700.

The third place, Ning Zixi, with a total score of 690.

Then the list below keeps jumping, and it is announced to the top 100.

There was a full minute of silence before the whole classroom was fried.

Everyone looked at Su Jie, it was incredible. Even Qian Zheng only got 700 points, but he actually got a score of 723 against the sky.

In the usual exams, Qian Zheng’s score is between 710-730. This time the difficulty of the question is very large, Qian Zheng has passed 700, which is also against the sky.

When everyone got the question, they all thought that it was impossible for anyone to get 700 points.

“Mom, is this still not a human?”

“Why did Su Jie make so much progress during the summer vacation, and took the magic medicine? Or was he taught his skills?”

“Are you reading too many novels? Did Su Jie get the test paper in advance?”

“Impossible. This test paper is said to be automatically generated and printed out within an hour before the test. Haoyu Group developed this system to prevent someone from leaking the test paper before the test, which can be completely fair and just.”

“That’s his true strength? This is too scary. This time Qian Zheng’s first throne in ten thousand years was finally pulled down by him.”

“After the love letter incident, Su Jie learned from the pain and studied hard for a summer vacation. But Qian Zheng was not idle, he seemed to be studying hard and exercising.”

“He also broke through 700 points. In fact, if it weren’t for Su Jie, he would be the first this time, and he safely won a scholarship of 200,000 yuan. Unfortunately, there was a variable.”

Li Juan, the head teacher, was also taken aback. Qian Zheng was able to get 700 points in the test. She was already shocked. She never expected that Su Jie could get 723 in the test. The first thing she thought was that the test paper was leaked.

It’s impossible to think about it. The test papers are only generated and printed out one hour before the test, even if they get it one hour in advance.

“Impossible!” When Qian Zheng saw Su Jie’s score, he stood up abruptly, obviously gloomy.

He knew very well the difficulty of this question. He forced out all his potential and only reached 700 points. He thought that he could stand up to the crowd, but he didn’t expect Su Jie to be so much higher than him.

In the past, the score difference between him and Su Jie was always 20-30 points, and Su Jie had no hope of catching up. Now he was actually exceeded so many points in turn, which made him choose not to believe it for the first time in his heart.

After a long time, he sat down, remained calm, and walked towards Su Jie: “Congratulations, this time you finally won the first place, so let’s share your learning experience. But next time you take the exam, I will take it back.”

“In the future, we will study together and make progress together.” Su Jie was not shocked in his heart. He felt that this was normal, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

He saw another world of Kung Fu, and his vision broadened a lot.

“Su Jie, great.” Ning Zixi’s eyes flashed with curiosity.

Papa Papa… “The classmates are all back to their original positions, be quiet.”

Chen Juan, the head teacher, clapped her hands, and the classroom suddenly became quiet, and her face showed uncontrollable joy: “This time you performed very well. The top three in the city are in our class. Of course, we can’t be proud of this. , Make persistent efforts. Su Jie, come up. The principal will come to give you awards later, and your bonus will be directly applied to your card.”

Sure enough, after a while, all the school leaders came over.

Su Jie is standing on the podium, it can be said that the stars hold the moon. Of course, he himself is the top three top students, and the school leaders have long been registered as the target of focus and training.

“Su Jie can be said to have gained both fame and fortune this time. He made the limelight, and his second son of ten thousand years stood up.”

“Yes, Qian Zheng looks very ordinary, and he must be upset in his heart. It depends on how he gets it back for the next exam.”

“Even if I win the exam next time, there won’t be such a big bonus.”

“This time is a promotion conducted by Haoyu Group to warm up their artificial intelligence, regardless of the cost. Of course there will be no such good opportunity next time, with a bonus of 200,000 yuan. You can buy two or three square meters. The house is now.”

“The tallest mansions on our side are more than 200,000 square meters.”

“Wait for Su Jie to entertain guests.”

Su Jie was not restrained at all on the podium.

“Student Su Jie, talk about your thoughts~ IndoMTL.com~ And after this huge huge scholarship is obtained, how are you going to use it?” The principal is a middle-aged man named Zhao Ming, without bureaucratic atmosphere On the contrary, he has a strong academic temperament.

“I hope this bonus won’t be credited to my card. If possible, please donate it directly to those students who have difficulty studying in the mountainous area in the name of our class.” Su Jie thought for a while before speaking.

“Wait, look, Su Jie said that he would donate all this bonus to those students who have difficulty studying in the mountainous area.”

“Two hundred thousand, just donated like this? Isn’t it in his own name, in the name of the class?”

This sentence caused a sensation again.

“Su Jie, do you really want to donate all this money in the name of our class?” When hearing Su Jie’s words, Chen Juan, the head teacher, was stunned.

“Yes, donate it in the name of our class.” Su Jie nodded firmly.

He thought about it just now. In fact, he was short of money. Especially after practicing Kung Fu, he knew that his physical fitness was accumulated by money. The 200,000 yuan could allow him to do a lot of things, but in the end he decided to donate go.

After making up his mind to speak out, he was relaxed.

Money is very important to him, but he has seen the left-behind old people and children in the countryside. Although his family conditions are not as good as those of the rich second generation, he can enjoy the education in the big city, which is better than those in the countryside. a lot of.

If you can do part of it, you can do part of it.

During the study class, Gu Yang taught them to carry rice, grain and oil to the countryside in the second class to offer condolences to the left-behind elderly and children. In fact, he was deeply impressed.

Donate the money to see if you are willing or reluctant. According to changes in your mentality, you can measure your gains and losses. Money is very important to him, but can it affect his heart?

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