Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 397: No obstacles.

Chapter 97 has no obstacles and is as strong as a broken bamboo intuition

   Su Jie helped people get the seventh sense a long time ago, and it was just an accidental burst of inspiration.

  As his experiments increased, he gradually grasped one of the inevitability.

   He already knows what the seventh sense is. If it stimulates people’s emotions, the area of ​​the human brain that dominates the senses and intuition will get a high-frequency boiling, so that people can continue to strengthen their intuition and obtain the seventh sense. .

  ”Sit down now and take this bottle of medicine.”

   Su Jie is actually very happy to help Tang Yun sign the seventh sense, because this is one of the best experimental subjects, which is very helpful for human brain evolution research.

   Su Jie had already acquired the seventh sense himself, but he has been unable to mass produce the seventh sense. His current research is hoping to achieve this as soon as possible.

   This may seem like a crazy idea, but in fact Typhon has already done it.

   It’s just that Typhon Group’s costs are too high and efficiency is too slow.

   Su Jie wants to mass produce the seventh sense at low cost and high efficiency, so that people can activate the senses in the brain in an instant, and obtain super memory, intuition, perception, logical thinking ability and so on.

   This is not madness, but the inevitability of science.

  In these hundreds of years, countless great scientific achievements have burst out. Even if Su Jie has achieved this, it is just a good wave in the great sciencetrend.

   “What kind of medicine is this?” Tang Yunxian saw Su Jie take out a bottle. There was no label on this medicine, and there were capsules inside.

  ”It is a neurological drug that can increase brain excitement and stimulate brain nerves.” Su Jie said: “Don’t be wary of drugs. In fact, human life can be doubled now. This kind of medicine, especially the newborn baby, will not die in the future, relying on various vaccines to enhance the antibody. People learn the essence of nature from heaven and earth to evolve themselves. This is also the Taoist understanding of the natural way.”

   Tang Yun signed the bottle of capsules: “How to take it?”

   “You take three pills first.” Su Jie then brought some measuring instruments to Tang Yun’s body, “I will test your brain thinking ability now. This is a new drug that has not yet been on the market, but it has been It has passed the clinical trial, but Debyer Group is unwilling to take it out.”

   Just when Tang Yun signed to take it, a voice came from a corner of the laboratory: “I’m hungry, I’m going to find something to eat.”

   click, click, click.

   Something seems to be crawling.

   Tang Yunxian saw a tortoise-like mobile phone case, with Su Jie’s mobile phone, crawling on the ground, found a charging socket, climbed up, clicked, plugged in.

  ”This is the high-tech developed by your laboratory?” Tang Yun signed a look of surprise: “A mobile phone case that can automatically charge?”

  ”This is not a high-tech.” Su Jie said: “This thing was manufactured by Mr. Grevalt in the 1950s. It was the first batch of artificial intelligence machinery and equipment. At that time, I looked for sockets everywhere, waited for it to be fully charged, automatically pulled it out, and then continued to crawl. Many things that we think are amazing were actually born in scientists’ laboratories in the last century.”

   Tang Yun signed three capsules.

   Su Jie looked at the data on the computer, and it accurately reflected the fluctuations in her brain. With the effect of the medicine, some areas of the brain became obviously active, which is just a kind of stimulant without side effects.

  ”The human left brain is mainly responsible for logical understanding, memory, time, language, judgment, arrangement, classification, logic, analysis, writing, reasoning, inhibition, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, etc. The right hemisphere is mainly responsible for Responsible for spatial image memory, intuition, emotion, physical coordination, visual perception, art, music rhythm, imagination, inspiration, insight, etc. The way of thinking is disordered, jumping, intuitive, etc.” Su Jie said: “So the right half The brain is extremely important. There are some areas in it that are in charge of intuition and super-sensing. As long as this area can be activated, in a sudden state, the number of active electrons reaches a certain level, you can get the seventh sense.”

  Su Jie has thoroughly studied the human brain. In the past six months, he has successively obtained scientific research data from Honey Badger and Debyer. After the huge amount of data came in, he kept analyzing and obtained extreme results. Great technical support, especially the honey badger did not know how many human experiments have been done. After the data of these human experiments were obtained by Su Jie, through digestion and understanding, it finally settled down, making Su Jie’s inspiration for countless times.

   This gave him full confidence and could help Tang Yunsign to gain the seventh sense.

   With the living experiment of Tang Yun signing, he can then help Zhang Manman truly gain the seventh sense.

   “I want to see, by what means did you help me get the seventh sense.” Tang Yun was also very curious: “If you can mass-produce the seventh sense, that would be a breakthrough in psychology. , You are the world’s number one psychologist, and this contribution to science is extremely huge. Think about it, if you can help domestic scientists to gain the seventh sense, how many times will their scientific research capabilities increase?”

  ”Where is it so easy. I can help Liu Long, Pi Youdao, Master Luo, Master Ma, and Zhang Jinchuan to gain the seventh sense. That is that they have an extremely strong foundation and reached a critical point. Others Where does a person have such a solid foundation?” Su Jie said: “However, this is also where I study. It is possible to reduce the cost and let everyone gain the seventh sense. That is the real new era.”

  ”In fact, there are a lot of new science and technology coming out in the laboratory, but the cost is too high to be popularized.” Tang Yun signed: “Where is the obstacle that I have been unable to break through the seventh sense?”

   “You have almost no obstacles.” Su Jie said: “Zhang Jinchuan, he has obstacles, and the two masters Luo Ma also have them, but you don’t. In fact, even without me, you will be in the next year or two. , You will also get the seventh sense, so it’s easiest to turn on your seventh sense.”

  While speaking, Su Jie stretched out his hand and pressed several neuronal sensitive points on Tang Yunxian’s head. He was like a massage master, and Tang Yunxian quickly fell into a comfortable feeling. In the state of wandering beyond the sky.

  Su Jie’s power can penetrate into the human brain, and make that area obtain a very comfortable frequency oscillation. I am afraid that the whole world may not be able to find a few.

   Even if he is undergoing surgery now, he is comparable to minimally invasive robots.

   After a long time, Tang Yunxian suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, the radiance suddenly shined, and it seemed that his life level had increased by one level.

   “Just like that, I got the seventh sense?” Tang Yun asked by signing.

   She feels her thinking is extremely active, seeing the whole world very clearly and real, knowing that she must have made a major breakthrough.

   “Look at your brain waves.” Su Jie said: “From the shape of the brain waves, you have indeed reached the state of the seventh sense. In fact, the seventh sense is not a very accurate description. The seventh sense. There is a big difference in the strength of the brain wave shape, and the peak value is completely different. For example, Feng Hengyi is now in the seventh sense level, but his peak value is several times that of yours. Wen Ting’s is weaker than Feng Hengyi, but the fluctuations are very high. Stable. The peak of Kanggu has now surpassed Feng Hengyi.”

   “It seems that congenital defects can make the brain clearer.” Tang Yun signed.

   “That’s good.” Su Jie nodded, “So many practice is to cut off one’s senses and get the true emotions deep in one’s heart.”

   “Your realm now has surpassed my dad?” Tang Yun signed Tang Nanshan.

   “Your dad’s realm is the eighth sense, and the peak is very high.” Su Jie said: “My realm is the ninth sense. In the past six months, the brain peak has increased a lot, and I gradually found a way to strengthen it. This Still relying on the establishment of this laboratory, I have the ability to conduct independent research and conduct various experiments.”

  In Lalridge’s laboratory, Su Jie actually has no autonomy. Although Lalridge tried his best to meet his requirements, it is not as convenient as making his own decisions.

  In the past six months of research, Su Jie seems to be doing scientific research, but in fact he is actively improving himself, using himself as a new drug experiment~IndoMTL.com~Many new drugs developed by Debyer Group, Su Jiedu Using it on oneself, conducting live data analysis, and then returning it through research feedback, it gave Debyer Group a lot of valuable research materials. Not only that, but the many suggestions and improvement methods put forward by Su Jie made Debyer Group a breakthrough. A lot of difficulties.

   “I have joined your scientific research group now, what is the research direction?” Tang Yun signed and asked: “I am good at architectural design, feng shui, psychology, and hypnosis. There is also computer design, and I have some experience in medicine. “

   “Do you know computers? How about the technology?” Su Jie asked.

   He could see that after he took out the laptop of Lalich, Tang Yun saw it at a glance and was very excited, and he could see that she had some knowledge in computers.

   “If you don’t know how to do architectural design, you can’t basically work.” Tang Yun signed: “My second major is computer, programming, design, and I also study artificial intelligence. I will come to you this time. In fact, I want to do a project with you, and our Tang family’s charity fund also wants to invest in it.”

   “I have guessed it.” Su Jie said with a smile: “But now the shares of the laboratory have been allocated. Unless the Tang family has paid a large price, the other major shareholders are not the same. I will agree to this matter. I think you can understand how powerful it is.”

   “I naturally know that in your laboratory, money is not a problem. The greatest wealth is data and various scientific research successes.” There is still a reason why Tang Yun signed: “Those homes have invested in. I also gave you the data for your research. Naturally, it is impossible for Tang Jiaguang to take the money and share the results.”

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