Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 373: The security customer masters are like clouds.

Chapter 273 The security customer master is like a cloud.

  ”Indeed, I’m not strong enough now. It’s not enough to meet some big guys to talk about business, and the deterrence is not enough. I didn’t even talk about the conditions, and it was very difficult for me to talk to their subordinates, and the details would take a long time.” Zhang Manman negotiated extremely hard.

   “If you reach the seventh sense, the mental temperament of the whole person will be different. During negotiations, you can accurately grasp some of the other party’s mentality, thereby gaining a great psychological advantage.” Su Jie said.

   “Are the seventh sense, the state of the living dead, and the state of Ming Lun seven characters the same thing?” Zhang Manman asked the most critical point.

  ”It’s not the same thing. The seventh sense is a fundamental thing. In Chinese Kungfu, this is the real inner strength. The so-called inner strength is the inner spiritual recuperation. When you go through a long period of scientific psychology Quality training, one day I suddenly felt that I was very sharp and could hear and see details that ordinary people could not find. Hearing could be comparable to animals, vision could be similar to that of an eagle. At the same time, the mental quality was very calm, no worries, no If you get rid of your troubles, don’t be swayed by any external environment. At this time, it means that your internal strength has achieved a lot. But this is only one aspect. Next, you must combine this internal strength with your body to make your body stronger. And the realm of the living dead uses the seventh sense to simulate the clarity of the moment of death. By maintaining this state all the time, the human body functions will advance by leaps and bounds. And the state of Minglun’s seven-character Zhongming is similar to this. , But more profound, it is the incomparable clarity in the heart, such as the big sun in the sky, shining all over the world, the sun and the moon, the cycle of yin and yang, so that there is no shadow in the depths of my heart and in my body. The sun is blazing, and the moon is bright. To a certain extent, the efficiency of using the seventh sense of Mingzi in the seven characters of Minglun is higher than that of the three characters of living dead.”

   Su Jie made the matter of practice clearly.

  ”I understand that the seventh sense is the foundation, which is the power of the human body, and the living dead, or Ming, and other meditations are all moves. These moves are all using the power of the seventh sense. It’s just that the utilization rate is high or low.” Zhang Manman said.

  ”Yes, it’s okay to understand it this way. There are many meditation methods, such as Long Tianming’s method of slashing me, inherited from the leader of Tifeng, constantly cutting the past self, regenerating, and attempting to activate the genes in the body. To reach the goal of true immortality.” Su Jie said: “This kind of self-suggestion practice method is overbearing, even if you reach the seventh sense, you can’t control it, and it can easily cause confusion. Long Tianming uses the sixth sense to cultivate. It’s really rare that you haven’t had any problems in your practice.”

   Su Jie There are countless methods of mental quality training and meditation. The physiological conditions caused by various meditations are also recorded with data. After countless clinical analyses, Su Jie has mastered a complete set of the best method.

   Now he himself has used Zhang Hongqing’s ultimate move to successfully break through the ninth sense. Next, he will pass countless self-clinical experiments to make use of the ninth sense.

   The ninth sense is very powerful. People who have reached this inner quality are almost “becoming immortals,” “becoming gods,” “being Buddhas,” and “becoming demons.”

   This perceiving person can succeed in anything. You can also choose your own path of practice.

   For example, using the ninth sense to “Wukong”, you can comprehend the profound and magical effects of the realm of “emptiness”.

   Another example is to use the ninth sense to “seek middle”, and you can also obtain the extremely spiritual and subtle mystery of the middle.

   For another example, using the ninth sense to “activate divinity” can also make all human emotions disappear, leaving only the naked “divine nature”.

  There are also various states, all of which can be used to the extreme with the ninth sense.

   Su Jie has now escaped from the seven characters Minglun, which is Wukong. And he is “seeking middle”.

  In Su Jie’s thinking, now a truth gradually came out. The entire cycle of heaven, earth and universe is actually an extremely delicate and balanced environment. As long as that delicate cycle can be maintained and continued, it will be long and stable, and it will never be exhausted.

   is like a balance with heavy objects on both sides. If the weights on both sides are equal and the length of the lever is just right, the weights on both sides will be in an absolute balance and will never fall. Go down.

   This is balance.

   From life, to governing the country, even to scientific research, and everything, it is all about striving for balance and stability.

  The same goes for people’s psychology and life. Whoever can grasp that balance point can truly live forever.

  Human life is actually a balance, one end is one’s own body, and the other end is the passage of time. On the other side of the balance, the weight of the years will become heavier and heavier, eventually crushing life.

  In Su Jie’s mind, this scene appeared every moment.

  How to keep the balance of life always in balance, that is, when the years add weights to it, people also add weights, or use the length of the lever to solve the problem.

   grasping this subtle balance all the time is what Su Jie is pursuing.

  He has completely his own way.

   The so-called Dao, that Dao, lightly touched, just right, is the highest state.

   understands that these days, Su Jie’s research and practice have had a direction, and his cultivation base has also increased day by day. When Zhang Manman was strengthened, Su Jie’s progress was actually even greater.

   Su Jie also understands why Oudley likes to train others, because in the process of training others, he is actually the most trained one. Just like a teacher teaching students, he must first prepare precise lessons and know all kinds of The knowledge points, only then began to explain.

   Otherwise, the students will ask you, if you ask three questions, it would be too embarrassing.

   One more week passed. Su Jie spent a lot of effort on Zhang Manman. Zhang Manman’s comprehension and training abilities were indeed good. Under strong training and clinical surgery drugs, she also started Gradually, there is a certain characteristic of the seventh sense. Although it has not yet reached the seventh sense, the certain momentum of every move, the whole person’s thinking, speech, and style are very different.

  ”It’s still a bit worse, and I haven’t been able to make a breakthrough.” Su Jie finished a course of treatment, and was not very satisfied with his own results. In this seventh sense project of life sciences, he felt that there were still some The difficulty has not been able to break through.

  The problems in psychological medicine are difficult to overcome.

   But Su Jie also felt that the day of the breach was not too far away.

  As long as you can get the data from Honey Badger, you can enrich his research results.

   On this day, Su Jie and Zhang Manman left.

  Because I want to meet the pharmaceutical company that is delivering medicines to the war zone.

   Su Jie and Zhang Manman came to their company building.

   Zhang Manman’s new company opened in the suburbs, and he also bought a building and built the site, the scale is not smaller than that of Minglun Wu School. This is the first time Su Jie has come to his company.

   Yes, this company is his own.

   Although it was handed over to Zhang Manman, he owns the shares.

   When Zhang Manman came out of the family, Su Jie helped him get Zhang Jinchuan’s investment, Liu Shi’s investment, and Lalich’s investment made Zhang Manman’s business aside, but continued to expand. Now Liu Shi After the capital increase, Dracula Fund and Honey Badger Fund also began to talk about investment cooperation, and Zhang Manman became more wealthy and good.

   The building is actually not high, only 20 stories high, but it occupies a wide area and the decoration is not very good. It is no different from a normal training camp. There is a shooting range around the building and a field training camp. Used to train security personnel.

   Zhang Manman is now mainly supported by some of the collateral disciples of the Zhang family, and she is also recruiting some retired special forces outside. Her business is security and cross-border logistics, her old line of business.

   In addition, there are some old friends from the dark world who have also been drawn over by him, and there are several extremely powerful bounty hunters.

   Zhang Manman was also a bounty hunter back then, and caught many criminals. In the world of bounty hunters, she is the famous Siren Siren~ IndoMTL.com~ As long as you have money, recruit some companions over. easy.

The world of    bounty hunters, most of them are masters who pursue excitement, otherwise they can’t do this business, it’s extremely dangerous, and they will lose their lives at any time.

   The two came to the reception room of this building. It was very simple, crude, and there were no waiters.

  ”Your company has a huge monthly expenditure, right? Is it losing money or making money?” Su Jie asked.

  ”You also have shares in it.” Zhang Manman said: “Currently it is losing a little bit, but according to the plan, it will be profitable next year. As long as Zhang Jinchuan fixes the Mingxia woman Jiang Zhiyan, the Mingxia Group’s list If I get it, I can make a profit.”

  Su Jie nodded, he didn’t want to worry about specific business.


   There was the sound of off-road vehicles from outside. In front of the company building, a small convoy appeared. All armored vehicles were bulletproof and guarded closely. They had stronger security than the vehicles that transported banknotes and gold.

   There was a blonde woman in the middle of the convoy, and five bodyguards in camouflage uniforms followed. One of them was carrying a big box and didn’t know what was inside.

  The people around are protecting this box all the time.

   “This pharmaceutical company seems to have hired several security companies.” Su Jie saw the situation and knew that the woman was today’s customer. She had spent a lot of money and wanted to deliver the materials and medicines in the box. Inside the research institute in the war zone.

   I have failed the previous few times. Fortunately, there is an automatic destruction function in the box. After being snatched, it exploded by itself, and the enemy did not get medicines and research materials. …

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