Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 351: The first chapter of the needle knife

Chapter 351 The technique of acupuncture and knife clears the odd meridian and the eight meridians


   One by one, the silver needles pricked many acupuncture points on Zhang Manman’s body, or the sensitive areas of neurons.

   Zhang Manman is standing, Su Jie is playing with the crystal ball with one hand and performing acupuncture with the other. Many of his acupuncture points are different from ancient records. They are not even using traditional Chinese medicine techniques, but are acupuncture-knife peeling techniques used in modern surgical operations.

   The technique he has now developed is a regimen that stimulates potential and activates the muscles and bones. It looks like acupuncture, but it actually relieves fatigue, makes people enter the state quickly, and even accelerates the endocrine of the pineal gland in the brain. At the same time, the motor nerves are more coordinated. In the ancient Chinese Kung Fu legend, this is called “opening up the Qi Meridian and Eight Meridians”.

   But in fact, it is a scientific method of surgery.

   Actually, the ancient Chinese Kung Fu could not do this at all. It is just a guess.

   Just like the ancient myths guessing that people can fly to the moon, modern technology has achieved this, and the ancients certainly couldn’t do it. But their guess is correct.

   Su Jie’s needle-knife surgery is to stimulate the motor nerve and endocrine to activate the potential in the body. It is his unique research in recent months, through supercomputer and artificial intelligence calculations, plus his own experience, summed up this set Technique.

   In fact, the principle of acupuncture in ancient times is similar to this, but medicine at that time could not be as advanced as modern, and there was no understanding of the brain, body structure, and cellular and molecular drugs. But at that time there were also masters of acupuncture and moxibustion, who could actually help people improve their athletic ability and invigorate their spirits. This was also an experience that was explored again and again.

  Su Jie now thinks about it this way. People in ancient times were really great. If there were supercomputers and artificial intelligence big data to analyze clinics, and countless examples in one second, how much would it reach?

  The reason why Su Jie is so powerful now is actually because of the light of technology.

   In fact, it all started with Zhang Manman. If Zhang Manman hadn’t asked him to apply for Laliki’s bodyguard, he would not really be exposed to some high-tech, naturally he would not be able to make current progress.

   After acupuncture and moxibustion, Su Jie used the rotation of the crystal ball to relax Zhang Manman and fell asleep in a short while.

   While Zhang Manman was sleeping, Su Jie recorded many data about her body for scientific research.

   After three children, Zhang Manman woke up, and only felt as if his energy was about to explode. With a move of her palm, a dagger appeared on her fingertips, and she swiped a few assassination methods that she usually trained, and found that the speed was much faster and her whole body was unobstructed, which really seemed to increase her “skill”.

   “What’s the matter?” She couldn’t help being surprised.

  ”This is to strengthen your motor nerves. Every movement of a human is that the brain first generates an idea, or subconscious, and then sends instructions to the motor nerves to coordinate the whole body, and finally complete this action. This It involves the transmission of biological waves to the motor nerve. Motor nerve is the road. If the road is not smooth, the central command will not be able to leave the capital.” Su Jie said in detail to Zhang Manman. This is for her training and class. These days in the United States, Su Jie must take out his training experience, just like Oudley cultivated himself in the past to cultivate Zhang Manman.

  ”Wait I have already sent an email to Mr. Lalridge’s laboratory. They will send me some new medicines, which are prescribed by me. Not to mention the short-term enhancement of your motor nerves, it can make your cells more active and greatly increase the anti-aging ability.” Su Jie said again.

   “You are now getting higher and higher in Lalich’s mind. Before the change, he would never provide you with some new medicine.” Zhang Manman was surprised.

   “Of course, because my value is getting bigger and bigger, in fact, he also wants me to make a clinical trial. If you succeed, he will definitely ask me to take care of him.” Su Jie said: “Now The project I am researching is a key project in Lalridge’s life science laboratory. It has received his strong support, and all resources are inclined to me. But in fact, my research is not very expensive, and it can even be said to be more expensive than Other projects are pitiful. You know, it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to develop a new drug casually.”

   Among the scientific research projects, Su Jie’s project is indeed the least expensive and the most profitable.

  Lalich calculated an account. Su Jie was simply a bargain. Even if Su Jie applied for 100 million U.S. dollars a year for scientific research, Lalich thought it was a bargain.

   “By the way, you just talked about new medicines, but I want you to help.” Zhang Manman kept trying various actions, and found that her athletic ability had improved a lot. She felt it was incredible. She didn’t believe it was. Science, and believe this is a miracle.

   “What’s the matter?” Su Jie knew that Zhang Manman would not speak easily, so he must have encountered some difficulties.

  ”It’s still a matter of cargo transportation. I recently received an order.” Zhang Manman said: “This order is also to transport a batch of new drugs that have just been developed. It is a large pharmaceutical company. This batch of new drugs is not used for Instead of going to the market to do clinical trials in war-torn places. However, this new drug is extremely expensive, and there will be many black forces on the road to spy on it, trying to take it back to do research. I now have the order for this batch of goods, but it is still Don’t dare to deliver. If it succeeds this time, you can follow the company’s drug delivery logistics business and open up the situation at the same time, making the company’s orders more abundant.”

   “I see, I’ll deliver this batch of drugs.” Su Jie nodded, the company opened, many orders must be followed, and only success, no failure, once it succeeds, it will completely open the situation, and business will roll in .

  The world is very uneasy nowadays, there are conflicts everywhere, cross-border logistics is very difficult to do, but if it is done well, it will be a huge business opportunity.

   Zhang Manman did this business, Su Jie remembered the ancient escort.

   The ancient **** was most popular during wars. Even in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the court’s tax and silver were handed over to the **** for escort, because the reputation of the **** was much more reliable than its own officers and soldiers.

   So in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, martial arts also showed a heyday. The prestigious Xingyiquan among Neijiaquan came from Shanxi’s ticket dart board, and the real kung fu masters are all in the dart board. They went north and south, and encountered various robbers on the road, even officers and soldiers, or ground snakes. They could only fight and fight, and they used **** many times to create practical kung fu.

  Su Jie actually did not expect that he would also be a modern escort.

   “You tell me the information and plan, about how many new drugs are in this batch, and how many people are needed?” Su Jie asked.

   “The new medicine is just a box, there is not much, and the other party will come, you only need to protect the person to arrive safely, and then **** the person back.” Zhang Manman said: “This pharmaceutical company will not Don’t worry about putting the new medicine in our hands, you must hold it yourself, and we only need to provide protection.”

   “This is simple, and it’s also something I’m good at.” Su Jie said.

  ”Don’t take it lightly. The Honey Badger Security took over this business once. Last time, a batch of Sith Pharmaceuticals’ goods was the Honey Badger Security to protect the delivery, but they were all taken away.” Zhang Manman shook his head and warned: ” This incident has caused my brother to lose a lot, and his position is almost not preserved. If we do this, we can even **** the honey badger security items. I see what my brother has to say. “

   “The security of the Honey Badger has failed, and things are definitely not that simple.” Su Jie’s strength is now extremely strong, even confident to fight Zhang Hongqing, but the Honey Badger training camp also has three major instructors, of which the other two, Not under Zhang Hongqing, even beyond. The most powerful one is also extremely mysterious, and his methods are so clever that he may still be superior to Zhang Hongqing.

Although the    Honey Badger training camp is not as good as Typhon, the most powerful thing is that Jai Xuan will be reported. If you offend the people in this training camp, you will be chased to death, even if they die.

   This is the honey badger spirit.

  The honey badger is the most difficult animal. On the land of Africa~IndoMTL.com~It’s a lot of air, fighting with lions, leopards, bisons is a common thing, little one, I spend every day in fights. Either you killed me, or I killed you.

  The Honey Badger Training Camp has spawned many industries, among which security is the latest development. Among them, Zhang Manman’s brother Zhang Kaitai is one of the executives.

   Zhang Manman also wanted to get this senior management position, but unfortunately it was set up internally. He had to leave the family and set up a company by himself.

   It was very difficult at the beginning and could hardly hold on, but it received investment from Zhang Jinchuan, and Su Jie got Liu Shi’s side, the company became prosperous. Now Zhang Manman started to recruit troops, expand the scale, and succeed. It is vivid and colorful.

   Zhang Manman is trying to prove himself. Su Jie also knew her thoughts, and wanted to show her family members, she could open up a whole new situation, and Su Jie naturally fully supported him for her ideal.

   But the delivery of new medicines is not trivial. Su Jie had to think about it and get all the information.

   Of course, he must be next, which is also a challenge for him. This matter may encounter some real big people, fighting against these people and collecting their data will be of great benefit to Su Jie’s cultivation.

   “It’s been a long time since I met life and death. Since I cultivated to the realm of the living dead, there are fewer and fewer people who can pose a threat to me.” Su Jie stood up.

   “You have to be careful, only you can do this.” Zhang Manman said: “Actually, if you want, there are many orders you can take. For example, a few days ago, an auction house was also trying to get rid of the chaos of war. I brought antiques from the land, but I couldn’t find a suitable bodyguard.”

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