Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 335: Fortune and luck.

Chapter 335 Luck is added to the body and presses the gourd to lift the scoop

We already know a lot about the secret Su Jie of   Tifeng training camp.

  During this time, he is also doing everything possible to collect information constantly. One is that my sister has entered the artificial intelligence experiment work and will be rescued in the future. The other is that he overheard the news from Long Tianming that if the big leader is looking for Liu Shi, he will definitely find himself.

  His kung fu core for the big boss has obtained the mystery from Long Tianming, and with this core essence concept, it is also very beneficial to his kung fu, otherwise it would be impossible for him to defeat Wen Ting so easily.

   To be fair, Wen Ting is also a rare master, and he cannot be easily crushed. Even a master like Zhang Hongqing won’t be able to win it for a while.

   But Su Jie only needed three moves to break many bones in Wen Ting’s body.

   Now even if Feng Hengyi and Wen Ting join forces, Su Jie can basically deal with it calmly.

   But for the three founders of Typhon training camp, he thinks he is still invincible.

   The master’s kung fu was earth-shattering, and Oudley’s kung fu was shocking. Only the mysterious “Fool” didn’t know what was going on, but Su Jie decided to find out.

   Now with the eighth sense, Su Jie feels that the coach behind this Jiang Zhiyan mentioned by Zhang Jinchuan is probably the mysterious “Fool”.

The core of    Great Chief’s practice is to kill oneself, the cycle of eternal life, which is extremely terrifying. However, Oudli still adheres to the ancient oriental practice, which is the unity of nature and man. As for the mysterious fool, Su Jie felt some aura from Jiang Zhiyan’s video, an overriding, detached artistic conception.

   Zhang Jinchuan looked at Su Jie thinking: “In fact, there is another point, that is, in the Mingxia Group, this woman is always against me and against me. Especially the last time my company got financing from Mingxia , Originally the valuation was very high, but she stalked it and strongly opposed it at the conference, and finally suppressed the valuation of our company. Now, I have prepared a series of business plans, but none of them have been passed, except for this. In addition, our club is preparing to cooperate with Mingxia Sports, and she has been disturbed by it. Not only that, but there is one more thing, I think you will be even more angry when you hear it.”

   “What’s the matter?” Su Jie asked.

  ”Mingxia Group recently launched a multinational e-commerce business, and it wants to compete with Hedao Group for the e-commerce market in some emerging countries. This will bring logistics and security opportunities. I have already convinced Xia Shang to hope Zhang Man Manman’s newly established company can eat up the multinational business of Mingxia Group, so that it can earn at least 20 million US dollars in net profit every year. Zhang Manman’s security company has been revitalized. But it is this woman who tried to prevent it. Now, Mingxia Group started to discuss with another company and completely abandoned my plan. The other company actually has the foundation of the Typhon training camp behind it. Although it is well hidden, it was still discovered by me because In this matter, I doubted the true face of this woman, but could not find any evidence, because the background and life of this woman could not find any traces of contact with the Typhon training camp.”

   Zhang Jinchuan said all the things he had encountered these days.

   Although he is also in the upper hand in the Mingxia Group, he is an outsider after all, and the resistance is huge. Moreover, it is normal for big companies to fight tit-for-tat. Even in the Hedao Group, there are many hills. Sometimes Liu Shi is unbalanced and can only balance on both sides.

The same goes for    Xia Shang.

   However, Zhang Manman’s company and Su Jie’s interests are closely related. If the overseas logistics and transportation business of the Mingxia Group can be eaten up, then it is indeed possible to get rich at once and get a great respite.

   This list is extremely important, but it was disturbed by a woman. After Su Jie heard it, he frowned.

  ” Just a few days ago, Zhang Manman went to meet Jiang Zhiyan, but he closed the door. According to reason, Mingxia Group’s business abroad needs to expand, and it is better to cooperate with us. And doing business is kind. To make money, even if you don’t cooperate with us, you still have to contact us so that you can negotiate a price with another company. Now I have rejected this matter. Isn’t this a chance for the other party to sit on the floor and raise the price?” Zhang Jinchuan said the recent events again : “There is a lot of tricky in this, what do you think is good now?”

   “With your ability, it is not difficult to fight this woman in the company.” Su Jie said.

  ”It’s a bit difficult. If she’s an ordinary white-collar strong woman, I won’t have a problem with him, but it’s hard to say that there is a Typhon training camp behind her. You and I know this is a fortune. What a great power, even if Mr. Liu Shi wants to expel Wen Ting now, it is not so easy.” Zhang Jinchuan glanced at Liu Guan: “How is your sister and Wen Ting now?”

  ”My sister didn’t listen to her life and death, but this time because of Wen Ting, she was injured by Su Jie and was admitted to the hospital. My dad immediately asked the security to take my sister back, and then he planned to send her to study abroad, completely cut off The relationship between her and Wen Ting. Now my sister is looking for life and death, it is simply a headache.” Liu Guan was annoyed when she mentioned this: “If she were to find another ordinary person, I would not be so hot. Finding such a mourning star, but outsiders still think that there is a match made in heaven. You say I really have a hard time to tell.”

   In the eyes of the outside world, Wen Ting hardly has a better youth than him.

   The more important thing is that Wen Ting’s operation in the Hedao Group is a classic, and it is now known as a business wizard. Sometimes, Liu Shi can’t clearly oppose it, because Wen Ting does a lot of things. It is beneficial to the shareholders of the entire group.

   If Liu Shi objected, he would be irresponsible to the shareholders of the entire group, which would also have a great impact on his reputation.

   “In fact, one of the things your father wants most now is Wen Ting to go abroad, discuss something, and then be killed, that’s all.” Su Jie said with a smile, he understood Liu Guan’s family affairs very well. .

   Actually, he also understands Liu Guan’s sister Liu Xiaoguo very well. Women caught in a love trap are blind and will not trust anyone, especially women nowadays. Family concept is for them. It is far less important than love.

  ”Why? Do you want to do this?” Liu Guan’s eyes flickered with a fierce look: “In fact, only you can do this now, and kill Wen Ting. Unconsciously. In this way, I asked my dad to send him on a business trip abroad, and you would go out and find a chance to kill him. In exchange, my father could even give you many core interests in exchange.”

  ”This is still wrong.” Su Jie waved his hand: “I can kill Wen Ting, but I don’t kill anyone, and I have never killed anyone. Actually, there is no need to make this matter so extreme. The perfect way is to find an excuse, saying that Wen Ting’s job is unfavorable. He just drives and kicks out of the company. He can’t do anything messy. Of course, the biggest problem in this matter is to damage Liu Shi’s reputation. In addition, the group’s newly acquired Haoyu Film and Television Group There will be big fluctuations, but this is not to hurt the root. Just like a pustule, when it is squeezed, there must be pain, but if it is not squeezed out, the inside will be corrupt. Liu Shi wants to cherish his reputation, but does not want to make trouble. , Where is the best of both worlds?”

   “My dad really wants the best of both worlds.” Liu nodded his head: “Thinking about this now, I’m afraid I’m overly optimistic. It’s better to act decisively.”

   “Go bold, I’m staring at Wen Ting. Hedao Group’s business is going to be dealt with.” Su Jie said, “If Liu Shi doesn’t make this determination, I can’t help. And your sister’s. The matter is actually very simple. She will follow Wen Ting and let her follow. It is her own choice. As long as Wen Ting can’t actually cause any harm to you, it doesn’t matter.”

  ”Wen Ting’s abilities are indeed terrifying, and my sister will always be at risk following him.” Liu Guan is thinking about some things: “I am afraid that after my sister has no use value, Wen Ting will change her face.”

   “Sometimes, people just don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back. It’s also time to let my sister hit the wall and try, or she won’t fully wake up.” Su Jie has always been this attitude. If a person wants to die by himself, Then simply don’t pull her, because pulling is useless, but will treat you as an enemy.

   This is God’s evil, there is something to do, it is self-inflicted, and you cannot live,

   “Then I’ll go and persuade my dad to make a decision early.” Liu Guandao.

   “No need, if your dad is a hero~IndoMTL.com~ there will be a decision recently.” Su Jie said: “According to my understanding of him, I hurt Wen Ting this time, he will definitely not I missed the opportunity.”


   Just as Su Jie’s voice fell, a company-wide email appeared on Liu Guan’s cell phone.

   After he clicked on, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help but said: “It was an email sent by my father to the entire company. Wen Ting needed to rest because of his injury. The company specially arranged for him to take a three-month sick leave. All of Ting’s duties were replaced by Ling Shaofeng. This Ling Shaofeng was also an outstanding young man who used to be one of my dad’s key training targets, but after Wen Ting came in, the two fought, and Ling Shaofeng was beaten seventy times. Falling and making mistakes, my dad had to deal with him.”

  ”Sure enough, the methods are old and spicy.” Su Jie looked at the Hedao Group’s email and nodded: “Three months of sick leave, arranged for the opponent to take over his work, when he comes back, the day lily will be cold. Looks like you Dad had already prepared, just waiting for this opportunity, and Wen Ting was indeed sick and hospitalized. It is normal to let him rest for three months. The major shareholders of the board of directors have nothing to say.”

  ”Wen Ting is basically done now.” Zhang Jinchuan said: “It is necessary to get that Jiang Zhiyan in Mingxia. I always feel that this woman is better than Wen Ting. She is like some TV series. And the heroine in female novels, every time she encounters something, a man will shield her from the knife, making her safe from danger, and every man with ability and status will be attracted to her after seeing her, I use After several tactics, she almost made her useless, but at this time, a man of status will come out to save her.”

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