Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 334: Mysterious and foolish first.

Chapter 334 Mysterious Fool, there will also be lurkers in Ming Xia

Su Jie is not that he doesn’t understand business. On the contrary, he has a very deep understanding of the operation of various business models. It is just that he concentrates on cultivation and does not want to spend his energy on this.

Liu Guanglie said that he had a grand fortune before the age of twenty-four, and everything would be smooth sailing, but after the age of twenty-four, if the fortune takes a turn for the worse, I am afraid that he will encounter huge calamities and dangers.

In fact, the current Su Jie, the state of mind of his cultivation base and even his various perceptions are not under Liu Guanglie’s, and the research of some things is even more than Liu Guanglie, he also vaguely feels a little bit, that is what he will encounter in the future I am afraid that the danger has to be advanced.

Actually, it is not a matter of infinite energy and luck, but his strength has reached a certain level, becoming a giant, he must conflict with the original giant, and will be suppressed or even strangled.

The same is true between people, and between companies and companies.

In recent years, Mingxia Group and Hedao Group have no idea how many companies that threaten them commercially have been suppressed.

This is especially true between countries. If a country wants to rise, it will definitely be suppressed by the original big country. It is even more naked and impossible to be human. The battle for national fortune, even if millions of people die There will be a little hesitation.

Su Jie has vaguely seen through the future, so he began to make arrangements.

Qin Hui is just one of his layout points.

The various business model plans in Qin Hui’s email are indeed very good, but in Su Jie’s view, there are limitations in his vision, he is not perfect, and he has not used all the resources around Su Jie, so Su Jie changed this plan a bit.

Su Jie opened the laptop and tapped his hands on the keyboard. After a while, a perfect business plan was handed over to Qin Hui: “You take this plan to do things, if you encounter difficulties, Let’s communicate again.”

Qin Hui took back the plan and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more he was surprised. He originally thought that Su Jie must have some inadequate places in this regard, but now it seems that everything is tight and tight, even he Many unexpected places have closed loopholes, so that this business plan has the possibility of being implemented.

He was completely convinced by Su Jie.

There were some small movements in his mind, but now they are completely gone.

At least for now, he decided to do something for Su Jie wholeheartedly.

At the moment, he respectfully went out with this plan.

Su Jie began to invite Zhang Jinchuan, Liu Guan, Liu Long and others to come in to discuss the matter together.

These three people are all wealthy people. Liu Long is a little bit weaker, but his energy is huge. After so many years of fame, he has established many contacts across borders.

In the secret room, Su Jie gathered three roommates: Zhang Jinchuan, Liu Guan, Liu Long, Lin Tang, Wang Shun, and Tan Dashi. In addition, Kang Gu and Pi Youdao were among them. About now Su Jie’s core Friends are these few people.

These people also study kung fu all day together, and each day has a huge harvest.

Su Jie sent a copy of the plan to each person and said directly: “I am going to form a company. This is a plan. What do you think? There is your share in it.”

“It should have been like this a long time ago.” Zhang Jinchuan looked at it for a while, patted the table, his expression was extremely excited: “Actually, with your energy, doing this is a matter of course now. Anyway, I want to follow you. Get rich.”

“Are you not rich enough now?” Liu looked at Zhang Jinchuan and said with a smile: “Your company is now valued at almost ten billion, and you recently took another one billion investment in Mingxia.”

“These are all small money.” Zhang Jinchuan said: “The company’s money is not my personal money, and I can’t spend it randomly. In fact, my personal cash is not a lot. But Liu Long, you have recently made a profit by investing in stocks. A lot of money.”

“Lin Tang did it for me.” Liu Long nodded.

“Which help me do it too?” Zhang Jinchuan asked.

“The international environment is not very good now, and trade protectionism is on the rise. I am afraid there will be a sharp decline in the capital market. Investment must be cautious. But now we accumulate funds, and then we can pick up bargains.” Lin Lin Tang said: “In addition, you can invest in some hedging products, or simply go short.”

“It seems that you agree with my opinion.” Su Jie said: “Establishing a new company, Lin Tang, you are the president of the investment department, you can recruit subordinates, do you think it is feasible?”

“Boss, I will do what you ask me to do.” Lin Tang nodded. He expressed his loyalty to Su Jie. Over the past few days, after being trained by Su Jie’s devil, he has learned absolute obedience. In addition, he knew that Su Jie would definitely be a god-like person in the future, and he could pursue the pinnacle of life with him, instead of fighting in the world. In addition, he knew that if Su Jie were to do financial securities, absolutely Many times more powerful than him, with his eighth sense, he can become a huge rich almost soon.

Su Jie nodded.

His three roommates are still very good.

The reason that Su Jie didn’t use them to do things in the beginning. In fact, the classmates had unstable dispositions and started to have a good relationship, and they were the easiest to fall out. But after one year of training and training, these people have grown in ability and discipline in their bones. Only Su Jie Ma’s head is foresight.

With Su Jie’s control over psychology, if he can’t bring the three roommates back together, then his psychology will be useless.

Of course, the three roommates are also one of the experimental subjects of psychology, and the psychological data obtained during training is very useful.

Now the three people have made great progress in their kung fu, even the weakest Lin Tang, it’s not a problem for one person to deal with three or five big guys, but he learns the most scientific combat, the most scientific exercise method, and the most rigorous and precise Psychological training.

In fact, what is most needed in the financial market is psychological quality.

After more than a year of training, Lin Tang found that he was not surprised. Even if the financial market fluctuates, he will not change his face, and he can handle it calmly at all times.

More importantly, his ability to predict, the sixth sense, seems to have a hint of enlightenment. He can predict some huge risk fluctuations. With this sudden ability, he operates stocks these days and escapes There have been several plunges.

Lin Tangqi is thinking all the time in real time, if he can reach the realm of “living dead” and he uses this mental quality and spiritual realm to invest in stock, financial and bond futures, to what extent?

He is now a blind worship of Su Jie.

“Your plan is seamless, I think it’s ok. Anyway, I will do whatever you want.” Liu Long did not raise any objections.

Liu nodded his head and would not object at all.

He has also regarded Su Jie as the backbone.

Neither Kang Gu nor Pi Youdao expressed their opinions. They really don’t understand business issues. They only study Kung Fu, practice martial arts, and teach students.

Anyway, Su Jie now offers them all food and clothing. Basically, they have nothing to worry about. They can practice boxing wholeheartedly, and there are a group of people to study and communicate. It is already heaven.

“Everyone agrees.” Su Jie asked.

“You can do what you say.” Even Zhang Jinchuan listened to Su Jieyan and didn’t care about his own gains or losses. Unconsciously, Su Jie had completely become their leader.

The undisputed king.

“This involves some things in the summer of tomorrow, I will go and fix it.” Zhang Jinchuan said: “By the way, you said one thing last time, that the Typhon Group sent Wen Ting to swallow together, so correspondingly , There must be such a similar existence in Mingxia Group. I have been observing in secret, but have not found it for a long time, but recently I have discovered some clues.”

“Who is it?” Su Jie asked.

“Do you look at this person?” Zhang Jinchuan played a video.

The video above shows a woman sorting out information, swiftly, while sorting out, while in a meeting, between meetings, her thoughts are very clear, and she berates Fang Qiu as a strong white-collar woman.

This woman is about twenty-seven or eighteen years old. She wears female professional attire, high heels, walks with wind, her face is always serious, and there is a sense of self-confidence between her eyebrows. It seems that there is nothing in this world that she can’t handle. .

“This is the president of the Mingxia Group’s strategic planning department, named Jiang Zhiyan. She is actually an old man of the Mingxia Group. She is now 28 years old and has worked for the Mingxia Group for ten years. Before the next summer, it was still a medium-sized company, and it did not grow into the current giant company, and it has encountered several crises. No one is optimistic about this company.” Zhang Jinchuan said.

“Ten years ago, I was eighteen years old, about the same as I am now, and I started working? Haven’t you gone to college?” Su Jie asked.

“Yes, she didn’t go to university, and she was in a rural area. She came out to work very early.” Zhang Jinchuan said: “I don’t know how I applied for a temporary job in Mingxia Group at that time, but Excellent work ability, step by step through ten years, come to this position. Because of Wen Ting’s relationship, I only pay attention to some of the most powerful roles that have recently entered the Mingxia Group, ignoring some old people~IndoMTL.com~Plus this Jiangzhi Yan’s family background is very ordinary, and he has not even gone abroad before. It is impossible to be a member of the Typhon Group. But recently I have reached a certain level in my practice. Based on my intuition, I feel that this woman has a problem!”

“Really?” Su Jie looked at the woman on the video, his eyes condensed, and he said after a long time: “This woman is indeed not simple. On the surface, she is a capable white-collar worker with powerful methods, but this is her outside. She is extremely mysterious inside, as if she has freedom above all laws, but her heat is not in place, it is the person behind her, and the spiritual realm should be above me.”

“Really? I can’t see it.” Zhang Jinchuan frowned.

Liu Long also said: “Unless I see a real person who can see her temperament, otherwise, it is difficult to determine her true face.”

“I can see her spiritual core regardless of me.” Su Jie said: “It is said that the three founders in the Typhon training camp, the first is the big boss, and the second is the **** maker Ou Profit is actually the people who trained me and Kanggu. The third is an extremely mysterious person who wears the mask of the Tarot card “Fool”.”

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