Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 323: The first chapter of Nanshan Mountain

Chapter 323 The ulnar nerve is injured by the spicy hand of Nanshan Residence

The strange thing is that the phone signed by Tang Yun has been busy and could not be reached. He may be talking with someone.

Today is her father’s 50th birthday. Although there is no big fanfare, there are still a lot of friends. Su Jie saw that there was a large flat area in front of the yard as a parking lot, which was filled with congratulations. Luxury cars.

But there is no festive weather outside.

There were no lights or festoons, no firecrackers, or even the red carpet. Just at the door, there are three or four security guards standing, as a reception, as long as the visitor shows the invitation, you can enter it.

Su Jie didn’t have an invitation, only waiting for Tang Yun to sign out and pick him in.

But he was not in a hurry. Looking at the front courtyard, there was a plaque on it, which read the three characters “Nanshanju”.

Nanshan is a good name, the most famous is “Fu Ru Donghai, Shoubi Nanshan”. This meaning comes from the Book of Songs Xiaoya Tianbao, in which there is a sentence “like the eternal moon, like the rising of the sun, like the longevity of Nanshan, neither dying nor collapse”.

Nanshan is Zhongnanshan, a residence for the immortal family’s practice.

From the outside, this compound looks like a fan, embracing inward, and beside it is a lake. The gate and wall of the entire yard seems to be a person hugging the lake, forming the “hub pearl” pattern in Feng Shui.

This pattern is not only longevity, richer, richer, richer, but also richer.

Water is wealth, and holding on to water is to gather wealth. Suffering is breaking money.

That’s not even counted. Looking from the outside to the compound, it looks like layer upon layer of layers. The houses inside are like mountains, with multiple towers, and the formation of the “Lianshan Return to Tibet” trend.

Lianshan, Guizang, and Zhouyi, the three books are the Three Changes, but now Lianshan, Guizang has long been lost and only exists in ancient records.

However, there are mountains with overlapping mountains, which is most suitable for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The so-called deep mountains and Daze must hide dragons and snakes.

Going back to Tibet means summarizing, all rivers returning to the sea, all rivers are inhabited, and Tibet is the Tibetan wind and gas.

The construction of houses in this pattern can nurture big people in it.

And the lake outside hugs it, and it is nourished by wealth, so that the big man has the resources for growth.

In such a pattern, there is a chance to give birth to a grand master.

In addition, Su Jie took a closer look and found that the houses inside and the stars in the sky also corresponded to each other, especially the change of the twenty-eight nights, the blue dragon came out of the water, the basalt and the ming, the red bird dances, and the white tiger views the mountain. The four zodiac constellations contrasted with each other, and it seemed vaguely that the magnetic field of the celestial star matched the topography, making the people inside conform to the astrological signs, contaminating the temperament of some stars.

In ancient times, there were stars such as Wenqu and Wuqu, as well as fierce stars such as Seven Kills, Breaking Army, Greedy Wolf, etc. It is rumored that if someone was born with the aura of astrology and conjoined with these stars, it would be the reincarnation of a star.

The most famous one is Bao Zheng and Bao Qingtian, who is said to be the reincarnation of Wenquxing.

Su Jie observed and found that there was really such a taste. In fact, in his research, where the baby was born has a lot to do with the day after tomorrow.

If you are born in a place where people are outstanding and spiritual, then babies will naturally have an innate spirituality. If they are born in a filthy place, they will be evil.

Of course, if it is a real great saint, then the birth is a sinister place. This is another way of saying it.

This may be related to the magnetic field.

Of course, this is still being researched and explored. The specific principle, Su Jie, can only come to a conclusion after the data has been accumulated.

All in all, the “Nanshanju” of the Tang family is very interesting, and it can be said to be a model for studying the pattern of Fengshui.

“It can be seen that Tang Nanshan’s Feng Shui technique is not under Master Luo and Master Ma. Why is there no reputation in the industry? Yes, he thinks these are also trails. To show off, you can’t make money. Otherwise, the Tang family will become a family of Feng Shui, which will reduce the pattern. The family style of the Tang family is based on the Shilin line. If it becomes a family of Feng Shui, it will be inferior and not even as good as a merchant. Now.” Su Jie nodded in his heart.

In the ancient three religions and nine streams, the position of Feng Shui fortune teller was extremely low, and because of leaking secrets, he was basically alone all his life.

Su Jie didn’t call Tang Yun any more, but waited in front of the parking lot, watching the surroundings, but he was very patient.

With his current state of mind and cultivation level, even if the sky falls, he will not be shaken in the slightest. He has truly understood himself, opened the eighth consciousness, and even started to come into contact with the ninth consciousness.


While he was waiting and wandering outside, suddenly several cars drove in from the road outside. These cars were all extremely luxurious business cars, forming a small fleet, and the car in the middle was obvious The grade is very high, at least more than five million, and the rest are escorts.

From this, we can see that someone has arrived.

The car door opened, and first walked down a middle-aged man with gray hair and hand-cut casual clothes. I don’t know which big-name designer came from it.

The one who followed this middle-aged man out of the car was actually a young man, Shi Yuan. Chairman of the University Student Union.

The appearance of this ostentatious middle-aged man and Shi Yuan is a bit similar. At first glance, there is a blood relationship. After reading the information of everyone in the Shi family, Su Jie immediately recognized that the middle-aged man is Shi Zhongtian.

When Shi Yuan came down, his eyes swept around, and he immediately saw Su Jie.

There is no way, he is so impressed with Su Jie, he has been thinking about how to deal with this person recently. He was even more disturbed by Qin Hui.

“What’s the matter?” Shi Zhongtian asked when he realized that his son was not right.

“That person is Su Jie.” Shi Yuan wanted to go up as soon as he moved, but was stopped by Shi Zhongtian.

“What do you want to do? Do you want to laugh at him? He waited at the door, apparently he didn’t get the invitation.” Shi Zhongtian instantly understood his son’s thoughts: “What is the difference between you and a gangster? Don’t forget your own identity. The other party is just a gangster and a rascal. Let your subordinates deal with it. If you contact him, you will lose your identity. This gangster dares to blackmail our Shi family. I really don’t know the sky and the earth. Tiefeng, Tie Gong, take him away!”

“Okay.” The two next to him were serious and dressed in black suits. The driver and bodyguard heard Shi Zhongtian’s instructions and walked towards Su Jie.

Su Jie also saw all this, he did not move, just watched the two approaching.

“You are Su Jie, aren’t you?” One of the two bodyguards is called Tiefeng and the other is called Tie Gong. Although there are some distances between them, Su Jie’s ears are very sensitive and he can hear him very clearly. As a gangster, he also heard clearly.

Tie Feng and Tie Gong came to Su Jie, vaguely blocking his retreat, and the man named Tie Feng asked.

“Something?” Su Jie asked.

“I heard that you were at odds with our boss’s son, and you said you got some black material from him and wanted to threaten him? This is the case, right.” Tie Gong said, “You don’t need to argue, we It’s just to reconcile the matter, but it’s not convenient to chat here, so let’s go inside the car.”

While speaking, Tiefeng put Su Jie’s shoulders on his shoulders. It looked like it was an invitation between men, just hooking his shoulders and putting his back on his back. But in fact, this is a method used by agents to kidnap people.

The moment Tiefeng put on Su Jie’s shoulders, he wrapped his arms around his neck, causing the arteries to get stuck in an instant, the brain fainted, and the ability to scream was lost. At the same time, his other hand pinched Su Jie. The central nerves of his spine made him paralyzed and unable to move.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Tiefeng just hooked his shoulders, and the other party obediently followed him into the car.

This kind of kidnapping technique is very subtle, but the requirements for the person who perform it are also very high. First, it must be strong, fast and natural, and subdue the opponent with a thunderous force, otherwise it will deal with screaming and struggle. , It will miss.

This is a sneak attack.

In fighting, this is not very practical, but kidnapping on the street is very effective.

The key is that Tiefeng stepped forward and hooked his shoulders and back and felt unsafe. In addition, Tie Gong also came up and controlled Su Jie’s hands, as if he was pulling and pulling him directly into the car to “discuss.”

The two men are very strong, and they don’t know where the bodyguards were recruited.

Su Jie knows domestic security groups, such as Jiuding Security, and he also knows the head coach Shen Dao. But the quality of the bodyguards of Jiuding Security is definitely not as good as Tiefeng and Tie Gong.

Even the elite bodyguards around Lalici are not close enough.

The skills of these two people are similar to those of Qin Hui.

“You are so courageous. In broad daylight, you dare to play kidnapping here.” The moment Su Jie hooked his shoulders to his back, a smile appeared on his face. Strength and horizontal training, even if they stand here and let them fight, the two have no chance at all.

The defense cannot be broken.

Su Jie just shook slightly.


Tie Feng and Tie Gong only felt that they had grabbed the high-voltage transformer box, and their whole bodies were suddenly numb, as if they had lost consciousness, and then their knees were squeezed by Su Jie with a quick leg.


The two knelt on the ground at the same time~IndoMTL.com~ They were paralyzed all over, and it was difficult to even think of it.

Su Jie started a little bit more aggressively, and directly damaged their ulnar nerve, also known as “hemp tendons”, which hindered their future movement, but it was difficult to examine the injuries, and it was only temporary. Numbness, the sequelae will not show up until a long time later.

In Oudli’s instructional video, there are many nerve-damaging tactics that were developed by Typhon training camp. They are hard to guard against. Su Jie has learned everything, but he generally doesn’t want to be tricky, but this At first glance, the two of them often engaged in illegal activities, and from the face of it, they all had the temperament of gangsters. In order to reduce the number of victims in the future, he committed some ruthless hands.

The security guards at the entrance of Nanshanju saw this scene and were shocked. He didn’t know why the two bodyguards knelt down, but now the two of them just knelt in front of Su Jie and couldn’t get up.

Su Jie also ignored these two people, but walked towards Shi Zhongtian and Shi Yuan.

“You…what are you going to do?” Shi Yuan’s expression appeared panicked.

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