Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 143: Repeatedly fighting against each other can do nothing but retreat

At night, Su Jie slept in Odley’s small courtyard room.

He just fought against the “Sanction” Kong Temple, and it was dangerous, but deep in his heart, he was as easy as he had done a question, and he was not afraid of life and death in his heart, and he didn’t even worry about it.

If you offend this kind of killer, let alone ordinary people, even high-ranking officials will have trouble sleeping, but Su Jie should still eat, sleep, and sleep without any discomfort.

His psychological quality is better than that of experience in a war-torn place, and he is gradually approaching some kind of perfection.

Just when he switched to sleep with the “big corpse method” and “baby curled up”, a dark shadow appeared outside the yard.

The black shadow has light hands and feet, similar to a civet cat. When he reached the root of the courtyard wall, he overturned without even seeing how hard he was. If you are filmed, I am afraid that you will shout that it is really light work.

Black Shadow went over the wall and was admitted to the hospital. After listening for a while, he locked in which room Su Jie was sleeping.

He directly touched the door of the room, took out a wire, fiddled with it, and the lock opened.

The door was pushed open, but there was still no sound.

In the darkness, he could see clearly that Su Jie was sleeping on the bed.

The shadow moved his hand.

When the cold light flew out, it was another hidden weapon with the blade, the purpose was to kill Su Jie.

But in an instant, Su Jie’s whole person was still under the bed with a “telescopic” speed, then rolled out again, and rushed towards the dark shadow.

“It’s really a killer, he actually came to kill me.” Su Jie knew it was “punishing” Kong Dian. This guy is really worthy of a senior killer, Gu Yang’s brother. The assassination technique is hard to guard against. If Su Jie’s ears are clear and his eyes are clear, he will be assassinated if he detects the killing intent at the slightest.


A cold light flashed in Kong Dian’s hand, and the dagger appeared again, colliding with Su Jie.

The two daggers have been broken during the previous battle, but as a killer, it is impossible to have only one. Su Jie was also prepared long ago, with a self-defense weapon hidden in his body.

The two actually fought the dagger again in the dark room.

Su Jie has become more cautious. The opponent’s dagger may cut his own blood vessels at any time. There can be no loopholes in the fight between each other, and no distraction can be tolerated at all.


The two wielded their daggers, and each displayed all their body skills and techniques, and their spirits were poured into the daggers.

Su Jie took out the ability to play the crystal ball, and the dagger changed like magic in his palm. Every time he fought, his skills improved by a level.

This is the benefit of actual combat, not the kind of “feeding” training.

Competing with the real killer is more exciting than Oudli training himself.

In the final analysis, there is still a huge difference between being madly assassinated and simulation training.

“Fortunately, I have played with the crystal ball for so long, and integrated that kind of agility into the dagger, so that I can withstand the assassination of Kongdian.” At this time, Su Jie only felt that the dagger in his palm had also become After the crystal ball, it was crystal clear, and it seemed to emit light, illuminating the surroundings, and any movement of Kongdian fell into his “eyes.”

Accurately speaking, it did not fall into his “eyes”, but fell into his “heart”.

Even if Su Jie closes his eyes, he can feel Kongdian’s movements, which way he is attacking, this is an extremely magical touch.

Just like a person who has been blind for a long time, over time, he can simulate what the world looks like in the depths of his heart. In the process of continuous exploration, the simulated world in his heart becomes closer to the real world.

That’s the case with Uncle Blind.

In mystery and mystery, it means “seeing the world with my heart”, making it clearer and clearer.

Scientifically speaking, thinking simulation is highly overlapping in the process of exploring reality.

Su Jie’s mind is getting more and more keen, even if he doesn’t need his senses, he seems to think he can simulate what the real world is like.

Tranced, he somewhat understood the realm of “living dead”.


The daggers fought again.

Su Jie accurately held the “Sanction” Kong Temple’s dagger, and then unconsciously rotated it, matching the footwork and body technique, and actually cut the “Sanction” Kong Temple’s clothes.

Although it didn’t hurt the opponent’s skin or flesh, Kong Dian was still shocked.

His body retreated sharply, went straight out, disappeared over the wall, coming fast, and going fast.

When Su Jie saw him go, he didn’t chase after him, closed the door and went to sleep, as if he had driven away a mouse with ease.

The next day.

Su Jie found Kongdian in another remote farmhouse.

Kong Dian didn’t stay in that high-end hotel anymore, as if he was afraid that Su Jie would come to find him again. During the two fights, he was already afraid of Su Jie.

The two met again without saying a word.

The dangerous fight begins again.

After dozens of rounds, he was tumbling, and finally Kong Dian suddenly groaned, and he shot out many hidden weapons with blades, which almost injured Su Jie.

Su Jie didn’t continue to consume it, so he left immediately, and Kong Dian couldn’t catch up with him.

After half a month has passed, Su Jie and Kong Dian seem to be enemies of life and death. Either I am looking for you, or you are looking for me. Especially Kong Dian seemed to have a real fire. Several times he looked for opportunities to assassinate Su Jie, but every time he was assassinated, Su Jie hid him, and he felt a little bit that Su Jie was under his assassination. The more you can do it.

He couldn’t help but this “brown candy”.

Fortunately, Su Jie didn’t want to kill him.

That night, Su Jie was still sleeping.

When the Kong Dian arrived outside the door, he didn’t overturn the wall to come in. Instead, he kicked the door open and went to the middle of the courtyard: “Boy, today we will have a real contest. If you can kill me, then I will leave here. Don’t trouble Gu Yang.”


Su Jie came out of the room and stared at the “Sanction” Kong Temple, not daring to relax at all.

He could feel that today’s “sanction” Kong Dian is different from usual. The killing intent is condensed to the extreme, leaving only a slight change, and the whole person is unprecedentedly calm. He is like an avenger who finally makes a decision to take the life of the enemy.

Kong Temple’s killing intent has reached its limit.

He was annoyed by Su Jie.

If you don’t kill Su Jie, there will be no way to complete the mission.

An apprentice who Gu Yang taught is playing tricks on him, so how can you deal with Gu Yang?

Kong Dian also looked at Su Jie, and the dagger slipped and held it in his palm.

He didn’t even look, and ran quickly, rushing towards Su Jie.

In the process of running, Hanmang flew, and the hidden weapon blade had already arrived in front of Su Jie.

This is a real method of killing, and the speed and power of the action has been significantly improved compared to the previous one.

“No, his speed and strength have been improved. These days I played against him and felt that he did not hide his strength and could not improve that much at once. Yes, he took stimulants.” Su Jie Thinking in my heart for an instant, an inspiration flashed.

When the blade was present, he drilled slightly and went behind the fish tank in the yard.

Those blades were all chopped on the fish tank.

Chichi, the entire large ceramic fish tank was actually embedded with a blade, and there were large cracks. Water rushed out of the cracks, causing greater damage, and then bursting into pieces.

The goldfish inside are all flowing in the yard, struggling vigorously.

At this time, Kongdian’s dagger reached Su Jie again.

Pointing, picking, stabbing, poking, cutting, cutting, wiping and other methods were done in one go, blocking all the way out of Su Jie.

Su Jie’s body exploded, and the dagger carried the cold light, like a firefly, which was fleeting.

He accurately intercepted all the dagger offensive routes of Kongdian.

In these days of fighting and training, his strength has indeed improved a lot. The pressure of Kong Dian’s assassination made him truly produce some kind of final transformation. Prior to this, even if he had achieved great success in practicing Kungfu, his body was in the “golden body” that the blind uncle said, but he was still not sure about how to deal with Feng Hengyi.

After half a month of “training” in the Kong Temple, Su Jie feels that he now has some confidence even in the advantage of Hengyi. Of course, it does not mean that he has the confidence to defeat the opponent, but that he has the confidence to defeat the opponent. The possibility of self-protection.

“Kill!” Kong Dian issued a long howl, his dagger hit the moon like a comet, and Jing Ke assassinated Qin, the imposing imposing manner, forcing Su Jie to retreat violently.

Originally, as a killer, there should be no sound during killings, absolutely no sound can be made, otherwise it will alarm the outsider, even if the assassination is successful, it will be difficult for him to escape, but now he actually starts to scream, which means that even death Here, also kill Su Jie.

Just like Jing Ke stabs Qin, knowing that whether he succeeds or not is a dead word.

Su Jie felt the tragedy in it.

But there was peace in his heart.

It’s like a frozen lake without any waves.

Being present at the dagger.

He squatted down, spiraled, and raised his hand.

It’s another trick to “hoe the head.”

The dagger resembles a spiral lightning, and it shoots out in the air, and the silver snake dances with a thunderbolt.


He gave Ge Fei the dagger of Kong Dian, and then cut it down~IndoMTL.com~ and pointed it to Kong Dian’s eyes. With just a single delivery, it could penetrate deep into his eyeballs.

But Su Jie didn’t stabbed him down.

“Very good, good!” Kong Dian’s body quickly backed away, leaving from the gate, without saying a word.

He knew that he couldn’t kill Su Jie.

After he left, Su Jie picked up the goldfish on the ground, filled the basin with water, put it in the outside pond, let them return to freedom, and began to tidy up the broken fish tank.

At this time, Gu Yang walked in and nodded with admiration: “Kong Temple’s assassination technique is very sophisticated, and his skill is also top-notch among the many killers, but he can’t kill you, and he will be killed by you. He Knowing that if this continues, it is not your opponent at all, and finally left. But I can be considered to have caused you a lot of trouble. I am afraid that there will be people like Kong Dian, or someone more powerful than him, coming to you. You always have to Be careful.”

“Coach, what is your strength?” Su Jie became curious: “How about Zhang Hongqing and Oudli?”

He knew in his heart that Coach Gu Yang must know these two characters.

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