Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 102: Xu Jiawei’s first chapter

“Su Jie, are you going back so soon? Master Ma and Master Luo have not finished learning yet!”

On this day, Zhang Manman couldn’t help asking when he saw Su Jie packing up and preparing to go back to S City.

“In fact, the essence of Xiangshu and the essence of Fengshui have been told to me, but I will not be able to comprehend it for a while, and the knowledge cannot be digested. Going back and slowly experiencing it, it is not very good to absorb more things. I have asked for leave for a month.” Su Jie is definitely not a good student in terms of going to school on time, because by the third year of high school, he always asks for leave at every turn, often not going to school for a month.

The head teacher is accustomed to it. As long as Su Jie’s performance does not decline, he will let him go.

Furthermore, Chen Juan, the teacher in charge of the class, and the parents passed the anger, knowing that the reason for Su Jie’s not attending class was to learn other knowledge, so I felt more relieved. After many exams, the head teacher also knew that Su Jie not only thoroughly learned all the subjects in high school, but also taught himself many college courses. There was really nothing to teach him in class.

“Why don’t you take a tour of City B? I’m familiar with it. I used to come here often. Why don’t you walk around with you?” Zhang Manman sent out an invitation.

“It’s okay, anyway, I want to come here to study in the future. It’s not bad to get familiar with it in advance. It’s also convenient to go back. The plane will be there in two hours.” Su Jie nodded.

From City B to City S, it takes only two or three hours by plane to fly back and forth a dozen times a day, which is similar to taking a bus, because it is an international metropolis and the transportation is convenient.

“Huh?” Now it was Zhang Manman’s turn to be surprised: “I have invited you to go for a walk several times these days, and you are all shitting, saying that you want to study, why are you free today?”

“Really? Why don’t I remember.” Su Jie was taken aback, only to remember that Zhang Manman had mentioned it many times intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Manman laughed when he saw that Su Jie was not artificial. I don’t know what it feels like, anyway, when she came into contact with Su Jie when she was in Minglun Martial Arts School, she felt that he was a regular and extremely self-disciplined person.

Later, I had a little contact in Master Ma’s courtyard, and felt that he spent almost all of his time studying, but at that time she had something to do and did not live more.

Now that she is studying here as well, eating and living together, she really sees the power of Su Jie.

Get up on time in the morning, practice exercises, eat, study, practice at night, and then go to bed.

This is true every day, almost every second.

She feels that Su Jie is like a robot, a biohazard, or an artificial intelligence in human skin.

She has also seen many learning madmen, but they have no plans, and there are almost no such terribly accurate ones like Su Jie.

Su Jie is not distracted at all, he is thinking, learning, exercising, comprehending every moment, and every move is correct and majestic, giving people a feeling of dignity and solemnity, which can’t be seen from him. There is a trace of what young people should have, even middle-aged people, he doesn’t have the traits that old people have.

“My father is not like this? Is there such a strong thirst for knowledge?” Zhang Manman felt that Su Jie’s behavior was really uncomfortable anyway, saying that his lifestyle was incorrect, and he couldn’t find anything wrong, and said He is correct, but less human.

But just now, Su Jie actually accepted her invitation, which surprised her very much, and felt that “humanity” had returned to Su Jie’s body.

“By the way, how is your company going?” Su Jie remembered one thing.

“Look at this news first.” Zhang Manman did not answer, but took out his mobile phone and showed it to Su Jie.

“A major earthquake occurred in the Xu family. Xu Qiaomu’s will was announced. The three generations of juniors in the family, Xu Jiazhi, were in charge. Xu Ziming, Xu Zide, Xu Ziqiang, Xu Jiahao, and Xu Jiaren were reported by the group board of directors to investigate the crime of embezzlement. The five lawyers firmly denied , And at the same time transferred all the shares and companies under his command to Haoyu Group. Junior Xu Jiahong voiced his voice and transferred his shares to Haoyu Group.”

“Xu’s stock fell sharply, and Haoyu Group took advantage of the momentum to acquire it.”

“Xu Ziming and others were released on bail, and the Xu family investigation has reached a deadlock.”

“Haoyu Group seizes shares of Xu’s Group and prepares to join the board of directors.”

“Xu’s many businesses have reached a deadlock. Foreign trade has encountered militants, the goods have been seized and cannot be delivered on time, and they are facing huge international claims.”

“The Xu family is swayed by storms, where is he going?”


A series of news appeared in Su Jie’s eyes. It was a major earthquake.

He studied with Luo Ma for a month and didn’t have time to pay attention to the news on the Internet. Unexpectedly, in just one month, this earth-shattering event happened.

“How could this be? Haoyu! It’s Haoyu again! This shot was really fierce. He attacked directly from multiple directions, and it seemed to have penetrated into Xu’s family a long time ago. Such a large group has been retreating steadily. There is no power to fight back.” Su Jie also knows a little bit about business, of course he is not very shrewd, but it can also be seen that Haoyu has been plotting for a long time and has carried out various layouts. Even the executives in the Xu family have been Bought it.

Especially a huge cargo of Xu’s foreign trade was seized by local militants, unable to deliver on time, and facing huge claims. This hit the root, and it must have a lot to do with Haoyu.

Su Jie thought of Feng Hengyi again.

The subsequent acquisition of shares, to enter the board of directors, everything is sharp and aggressive, just like a master shining a sword, one blow will kill.

“Huh?” Su Jie noticed that the senior executive of Haoyu who was in charge of the acquisition was called Li Xiaozhen. It was the woman she saved by herself last time, and she was Xu Jiahong’s ex-girlfriend. There are people who live in a big house of 50 million people who are worse than the garbage dump.

“Xu Jiahong was sold and talked about a girlfriend. He didn’t take the slightest advantage. Instead, he revealed a lot of the family information and was seized on the opportunity to chase. Can’t stand it.” Zhang Manman said: “If Xu Qiaomu is ten years younger and has vigorous energy, I am afraid that Haoyu will not be able to take advantage of it. Now it is extremely dangerous.”

“Is there any way to resolve it?” The Xu family is the mother Xu Ying’s natal family. Although she has left the family, she did not take any money from the family, and she did not want to have any relationship with the family in the future, but Su Jie did not want Xu. The family was so directly destroyed by Haoyu.

“If you eat the Xu family, Haoyu will really be full of wings.” Zhang Manman said: “The Xu family has many industries, especially overseas companies and real estate, and commercial trade also has unique features. In addition, there are also many real estate hotels, supermarkets, retail, and manufacturing companies in China. Although they are all asset-heavy, they are not making much money now, but for a light-asset Internet company like Haoyu, these traditions are missing. The industrial heritage is deposited.”

“I know that the most important thing about Haoyu is the online advantage. On the contrary, they are not good at many traditional industries offline, and this is what Xu is good at. Of course, even now Haoyu is devouring Xu, As long as Xu Qiaomu is here, the entire Xu family will not be swallowed so easily, and it can even slowly reverse the situation, causing the closed door and beating the dog, but Haoyu is counted. But the difficulty lies in Xu Qiaomu’s poor health and the dying year of the wind. Death. Once he dies, it will be the tree collapsed and the Xu family is really over.” Zhang Manman said: “The Xu family’s savings for many years have all been swallowed, and Haoyu has also quickly opened up overseas markets and became a world-class giant. “

Su Jie listened quietly, he knew that Zhang Manman would never be aimless when he said this.

“There is indeed a way to resolve it right now.” Zhang Manman said: “In fact, the most important thing now is that a batch of goods from the Xu family has been seized by militants and cannot be delivered on time. This has led to a sharp drop in stock prices, instability and instability of investment. They are very pessimistic. If this crisis can be resolved, then everything is fine. Xu Qiaomu has already begged my dad and promised huge profits. He also knows that Haoyufeng’s family is a hungry wolf who can eat people without spitting out bones.”

“Then what can I do?” Su Jie saw this series of news and Zhang Manman’s analysis, and felt that he was too weak.

What’s the use of good kung fu~ IndoMTL.com~ What’s the use of studying well?

Faced with this class of business wars, he was just a small commoner and could not do anything about it.

The small club he is now playing with Huaxing is just making some money to solve the economic dilemma. After all, it is a self-employed small-scale business and it is difficult to be elegant. Even if it has been in business for 10,000 years, it can’t be compared with Haoyu.

“You come with me to a foreign country to take back the goods.” Zhang Manman said astonishingly: “This is an excellent exercise opportunity.”

“What?” Su Jie said in a dumb tone: “Are you sure you are serious about taking back the goods from foreign militants? Are you not making a Hollywood blockbuster movie?” As a three-good student, he thinks these are all movies. .

“Do you think you are all making movies?” Zhang Manman said: “Business is easy to do in turbulent places, but they are also facing great dangers. The country is now very safe and peaceful development, but many places abroad are in dire straits. You want to work hard. Further, we can go to see, of course, we go to regain the goods, it does not have to be war, and can be solved by negotiation. But force is necessary, your force value is higher than mine, and the mental state is better than mine. , Can be my best assistant. In this way, if this matter is done, I promise to help your sister to be independent and get rid of Haoyu’s control?”

“Really?” Su Jie was actually the most worried about this.

“Of course. In fact, it’s easy for your sister to change jobs now, it’s just liquidated damages. After all, modern society is ruled by law, even if it is brutal, Haoyu can’t cover the sky with one hand. After all, you are Xu Qiaomu’s help to help the Xu family tide over the difficulties. Grandson, he wants to fight back against Haoyu, so there are a lot of articles to do.” Zhang Manman said methodically.

“I really don’t understand this aspect.” Su Jie thought for a while: “Then I will go abroad with you to increase my knowledge, hoping to solve this matter completely.”

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