Kingdom’s Bloodline Chapter 3: Ghost

   “If the news is indeed–” A middle-aged aristocrat with gray hair trembled with his right hand, pressing his left chest and bowing deeply.

  ”——please let me go personally and do this for you.”

  ”There is no final confirmation yet, but the lamp in the Temple of Sunset is indeed lit. It seems that the distance is very close.”

  Beside the raging fire, a sturdy figure lowered his right hand on his chin and said solemnly.

  ”I have sent Yodel, he is more suitable for secret operations than Edda. You know how important this news is—Li Xiya even sealed off the inner altar in the name of an oracle for the first time, so she should not risk it. With the risk of unnecessary exposure, I will send you secretly only when the final confirmation is reached.”

   “Of course, of course,” the gray-haired middle-aged nobleman could not hide his excitement, “If it is then, I will be happy to serve you.”

   “Oh,” the sturdy figure sighed, “I don’t know why, I should have been more excited than you when I heard this news.”

   “But now, I am so peaceful.”


  Rick didn’t know how he got back to the Brotherhood headquarters.

   The coldness behind the neck is always there.

   When he saw the black street headquarters of the Brotherhood, he saw two elites playing finger-prick games at the door, and saw the shadowy bright post and secret whistle outside the house, walked into the big room, and looked behind the iron table. Boss Morris, who was reading the accounts, saw Belicia’s contemptuous gaze with his back on the pillar (tonight Belicia’s proposal to increase the brothel’s funding was rejected), he was really relieved, even with him. The mismatched killer Leyoke looked amiable under the candlelight at the dining table.

  Unconsciously, the coolness on the back of his neck disappeared, as if it had never been before.

   Even Rick himself wondered if he was too nervous.

   When he talked to the boss of Morris who specializes in population business, when he suspected that someone was stalking him, Leyoke smiled and sprayed out a sip of ale and directly sprayed out the candlestick on the table. Belicia yawned, His huge chest tightened, and the look at him became even more contemptuous.

   And the boss of Morris, he looked weird when he saw him in a cold sweat, patted Rick on the shoulder, so that he should not be too tired in the near future, watch some dramas of the Temple of the Night less, wait for Doctor Ramon After a business trip, let him prescribe a soothing prescription.


  Rick knows that even the existence of his ability is hard for others to believe, let alone a person who has followed a whole kilometer from the abandoned house to the black street. It is invisible and invisible, with an unknown purpose but no action. Assassin-but Rick subconsciously believes that the guy’s existence is real!

   But when he returned to his room, lay down, and carefully thought about the details of his encounter tonight, even the suspicious one could not help but wonder, is he really too nervous?

  Rick calmed down again, tried the ability again, everything was normal, and the neck resting on the velvet pillow was very comfortable.

   Okay, maybe I’m too worried.

   But the next moment, the thrilling coolness hits again!

  My grass!

   I can’t sleep anymore!

  Rick suddenly turned up from the bed.

   He pulled out a box under the bed, and in the box he turned out a Segal Six Magic Gun that was so heavy that he could drag with two hands, and he was so nervous that he stuck it on the solid wall, slowly Stepped out of the corridor and listened carefully.

   The corridors are full of eternal oil-burning unextinguishable lights, shining incredibly bright, but there is still no one. In the distance, a guard checkpoint brother came back after going to the toilet, seeming to be scratching, pulling the black and red leather armor on the crotch, and walking past Rick.

   In the room at the end of the corridor, the slutty and crazy roars of Lyok and Belicia were heard as usual.

   “Damn, these shameless dog men and women are best broken off with too much force.” Rick cursed loudly.

   The checkpoint brother who just passed by turned around in sympathy, and nodded to Rick. The two of them met with each other and felt like a confidant.

   Then, Rick saw that the opponent was scratching the crotch leather armor in pain, while the opponent looked at him holding the magic gun against the wall.

   Both of them turned their heads in embarrassment.

  Rick touched the back of his neck.

   Damn, this **** ability must have failed.

  Furthermore, if the opponent touches the headquarters of the brotherhood of the master Ruyun, and has not been discovered by one person, then holding the magic gun must be useless, even if the abilities of the boss of Morris are useless.

   sleep, sleep.


   Thales’ back injury looked bad, but it didn’t seem to be serious, because it was only the third day before he could get up and walk.

  Naruto attributes, talented, Thales lined up, sighed, looked at the broken houses and broken walls around, took the brown bread and wild vegetables from the thug Pearson, and bit into his mouth. in.

   It is a pity to be born in such a place.

  ”There is a sharp branch next to you, you must have cut my hand secretly!”

   “It’s not me! My hand was cut last night too!”

   “All of us in the house got cuts on their hands! They must be from the eighth house! They are jealous of our gain yesterday!”

   “It turned out to be them! The people in our fourteenth house were also cut at night! They don’t want us to go to the streets to’touch the sheep’!”

   Thales yawned and listened lazily to several beggars in the other house. From quarreling to fighting, the beggars next to him were even yawning until the thugs came to stop. He sighed, swallowed the last unpalatable breakfast, clapped his hands and called the beggars in the sixth room.

   has started.

   The same day was Tuesday, and the begging in the sixth house went smoothly. They went straight to the west gate near the checkpoint for more business. The last week seems to be a celebration of the **** of sunset, but it is heard that the oracle came down and the temple of sunset blocked the inner altar. This caused many believers to enter the city from the west gate, climb the wall, and pray to the sunset to make up for their inability to face Regret that the spokesperson of the goddess of sunset in the world prayed.

  Before the guards turned their glare to stop, Thales even, with the assistance of Ryan and Corlia, managed to pass from a fat vegetable and fruit vendor to a black wood carved Haoyue idol. The vendor paid too much attention to the purse in his arms, so while Ryan and Coria were bargaining with him for a clover, Thales reached for the package behind him.

  The market value of this statue of the God of Bright Moon should be at least fifty coppers. Of course, this kind of stolen goods cannot be seen, and can only be sold through the channels of the Brotherhood. The veterans of the Brotherhood know that they are just begging and stealing, and they will desperately hold down the price (when they encounter valuables, they will even grab them). Five coppers are good.

   But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

  When Thales and everyone returned to the abandoned house, they saw Rick, who was visiting as usual. He was not always kind and indifferent. Instead, he hurriedly told the thugs and disappeared from sight.

   “Mr. Rick is in trouble?” Coria asked, biting her finger, hungry. They walked far and came back late. Fortunately, Thales had a good relationship with Pearson, the thug who was in charge of delivering meals. He often bribed small gifts, and the latter agreed to keep them a meal.

   “It may be Quaid, that guy will get the most trouble.” Kelly said, his stomach screaming.

   Hearing the name, Ned shuddered with Ryan.

   “Boys, there is no food tonight.” The six children entered the empty catering courtyard. Seeing them from a distance, Pearson, who was in charge of the meal, waved his hand.

   “Don’t look at me, I can’t do anything about it,” Pearson just shook his head indifferently when facing the angry but somewhat lackluster questioning of the six children, “Rick gave the order to rest early tonight. The schedule for work and rest is advanced.”

   In the end, Thales said, and at the price of the bright moon idol, he exchanged the four and a half brown bread and half a bowl of black pine vegetables from Pearson that he was going to cut his beard and left for his two hounds. .

   “Rick and Quaid are both a bit nervous recently.” When the other five children were all eating, Pearson revealed a message to Thales before leaving, “Quide has been getting more and more tempered recently. The worse, I’ve been scolding for “dead bald head” all day long-but he is like this-but Rick becomes very strange, especially since the beginning of these two days, I heard the people in this department say,”

  Speaking of which, Pearson looked around and whispered in Thales’ ears softly: “He is entangled in a ghost.”

   Thales looked at Pearson, who was going away, and took a bite of brown bread that was usually unpalatable but became especially delicious when he was hungry, silently thinking.

   I don’t know what happened to Rick that would make him run into a ghost.

   But what made Quaid’s temper worse and worse, Thales took a bite of the bread, and it seemed that he was going to keep a low profile recently.


  Rick became nervous again.

   Two days ago, he had always thought that his ability had gone wrong.

   Until this morning, when he prepared supplies for the next batch of beggars, and when he opened the roster, he did not really confirm that his abilities were correct.

  Rick is a very ambitious person. And he believes that to realize his ambitions, he must start with small things, such as daily careful habits, such as never writing schedules and plans on paper, such as drawers, cages, and important documents. Put a few hairs in eye-catching places to prevent people from stealing and peeking, such as never hiding money in one place, etc. He has always been proud of his caution, and believes that one day he will be so cautious. Collect the rewards you deserve.

   such as now.

  rik opened the roster of beggars.

On the    roster, the hair on each page is in the same position.

   This should have been a good thing, which means that no one has flipped the roster.

   But Rick is the son of a secretary scribe.

  His father taught him that if he is willing, every good thief and ranger can easily avoid this kind of “clip hair” secrecy and unknowingly open the desired file.

   So Rick got a more cautious solution from his father.

   If the hair is clipped in the page, the secret is to flip through the documents unconsciously. The secret of course is to ensure that the hair remains in its original position after flipping through it.

   The fastest way is to hold the hair in place, and when turning the pages, hold the upper and lower pages with your hands, and continue to hold the hair in place.

  How to crack this method?

   Like a nobleman, it is of course the fastest and safest to seal directly with fire paint.

   But Rick has a light dry gel made of blue fish oil for his father. This is a gel for poor people living by the river. The characteristic (disadvantage?) of this dry gel is adhesion. If the force is not strong, as long as the book is not too heavy, after the pages are painted, even if the book is closed, the glued areas will not stick. You must use external force to press the glued sides for a short period of time before the pages will stick. .

   When Rick opened the roster, he found that his hair was still in place, except for one point.

   These hairs are all stuck tightly to the pages of the book.

   Someone had read his roster of beggars, and turned the pages with his hair in his hands.

  Rick feels cold.

   Moreover, it is an absolute master who can leave the four hairs in different but inconspicuous positions on the pages of the book without a trace.

   Fortunately, I have the secret taught by my father to discover it.

  Four days ago, because I saw the begging scene performed by Thales, in order to find the house where the boy Thales was, I checked the roster, and everything was normal at that time.

   But as of today, someone has come to his room during the four days and looked through the list of beggars?

  Rick got a cold scalp, and he suddenly realized that this was not the most important thing.

   So he scrambled to open the secret compartment of the drawer, and pulled out the most important population transaction account book, his secret deposit book in the Royal Bank.

   The ledger and deposit books are safe, there is no trace of being turned over, and the hair on the pages of the book has naturally fallen.

  Rick breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, the things in these hidden grids have not yet been—wait.

  If you are a master, how can you miss the secret grid?

  Rick tremblingly pulled out the entire secret cell, opened it, and touched the cell where the hair should have been clamped.

   Then he collapsed on the chair.

  The hair is being firmly adhered to the seam of the hidden grid by the light dry gel unique to his family.

   When Rick walked into the restaurant desperately and turned a blind eye to the flirting Leyoke and Belicia, it was Leyoke, who had always been mismatched, and called him gleefully.

   “Accountant, I heard you hit a ghost recently?”

  Rick ignored him, but continued to sit down blankly, pulled a bottle of ink from the table, used it as a sauce, and poured it on his steak.

   “Leave him alone,” Belicia sat in Leyoke’s arms with a smile on her lips, glanced at the killer coquettishly, and fed a glass of red wine into his mouth. “Come to my room tonight?”

   “When—of course, of course,” Leyoke hurriedly replied without waiting to swallow the red wine, “I just learned today that the boss withdrew all checkpoints out of the house a week ago, so we are tonight Might as well—hehe—be crazy.”

   “Oh, you are so bad–“

   “Dang!” The ink bottle in Rick’s hand fell to the table, and the ink spread across the table and flowed in front of the man and woman on the other side.

   He looked up pale and looked at Lyork and Belicia who were displeased.

   “A week ago, a week ago-Is there no checkpoint guard in the main house?”

   “Nonsense,” Leyyoke brushed off the ink on his body, threw a piece of bread unhappily, and hit Rick’s face. “The boss said that he would keep it secret in the blood bottle gang recently. The less the better, so the checkpoints are all removed outside the house, and you can’t even go to the toilet—but don’t worry, there is still an inseparable ghost protecting you.”

   “Well, in the corridor,” Rick didn’t realize it, and his voice was trembling at the moment. “In the corridor, there will be no checkpoints in the corridor?”

  Leyyok and Belicia have already left him behind, and kissed each other without anyone else.

  Rick took a deep breath.

   was inexplicably followed in the abandoned house the day before yesterday. That night, the checkpoint brothers who shouldn’t exist in the corridor of the main office, and the roster of beggars in the room were carefully looked through.

   Very good, everything is connected.

   Now, Nar Rick, he said to himself shaking nervously:

   You are being watched.

   The opponent may be very powerful, powerful enough to come and go freely in the sentinel headquarters of the Black Street, powerful enough that even a terrible killer like Leyoke is unaware of it, and an experienced fighter like Boss Morris knows nothing.

  Only I was lucky, thanks to the blessing of my dead father, I discovered this.

   He may be behind me.

   I must help myself, help myself!

   I want to find his purpose!

  Rick’s brain is running frantically.

   The other party should have turned his room upside down in the past two days, but he has only read the list of beggars carefully.

   has abandoned more important books.

  What the other party is looking for is in the list of beggars! By the way, I was spotted near the abandoned house, where the beggars lived!

  He was looking for a beggar!

   But, Rick thought with a headache, he has more than a hundred beggars on his hands, next month, Beth will send another batch of them, these are children of unknown origin or no future problems (important and valuable For example, the children of certain people in power, the children of certain wealthy businessmen, who have been redeemed and killed long ago), which beggar did he want?

   With such a brilliant skill, such a terrifying strength, why didn’t he just make demands on the Brotherhood? We will give it to you directly!

   I would rather cooperate with him item by item, even if he pulls out all the more than one hundred beggars one by one, does a naked body search, or even kills all of them for anatomy, it is better than being feared by a “ghost” every day. Hanging!

   Wait, I seem to have thought of the key.

  Why didn’t he make a request to the Brotherhood in a fair manner?

   Of course, this matter cannot be known to anyone, even the Black Street Brotherhood!

Is    a rival to the Brotherhood? No, if the Blood Bottle Gang had such strength, the Black Street Brotherhood would have been tossed and destroyed dozens of times.

   That is, he neither has formal channels, nor does he bother to deal with the Black Street Brotherhood in Xiacheng!

   such a terrible is certainly not low-level to deal with gangsters from slums.

   Why should he be interested in these orphans who have been dead for many years?

  Isn’t it okay to go directly to the Security Department to report the case to the missing child? Moreover, the warning hall did not dare to neglect the characters and forces of this level, and even the Brotherhood could only bow their heads.

   Wait! Rick’s mind brightened, and he seemed to have caught the point.

   is smart, comes and goes without a shadow, acts in secret, is interested in the origin of a certain child, and is far higher than the Black Street Brotherhood.

  Strength is piled up with money and resources. The secret is because the public of this matter will be detrimental to him. He does not deal with the Brotherhood because he is too high-level, and he has different sources for the Brotherhood. Are the collected children interested…

   I may be above the extreme level. Behind it is a high-ranking person with power and wealth. However, he avoids any eyes and ears from the Brotherhood to the Security Department, and secretly searches for an important child-the child?

  Rick patted his thigh fiercely, and a string in his head seemed to penetrate instantly!

  He is involved in the blood inheritance struggle of some big families!

  My grass!

  Rick stared fiercely at Layoke and Belicia, who had already begun to put their hands on them.

   is just his thoughts, he has already left the man and woman in front of him.

  Perhaps 15 million people in the entire Star Kingdom didn’t know that one day, a secret truth that could shake the kingdom up and down and shake the situation on the east and west continents was once so close to an unremarkable gang leader Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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