Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 674: Rebellion Case (2)


As soon as the two sides came on stage, they immediately made their attitudes clear.

The key lies in the crime of rebellion.

The procuratorate planned to charge everyone with treason, but the other party obviously refused to accept it, including Wu Tian.

This not only triggered heated discussions among the onlookers, but even Qi Ji was surprised, “I didn’t expect that they had such a big appetite and wanted to help Wu Tian get rid of the charge of rebellion.”

Zhang Fei just smiled and said: “It’s not illegal to talk about it. Besides, no one is stupid enough to admit to the crime of treason. Even if there is irrefutable evidence, he will not admit it because it may lead to the execution of everyone!”

Qi Ji nodded, “That’s true.”

But this has also aroused the expectations of everyone here, how to determine the crime of rebellion.

In fact, there is no specific answer.

It depends on how the government determines it. The key lies in people.

This is also the most anticipated point of this lawsuit.

Next, it’s time to ask for confessions.

The first person to come up was of course the number one criminal Wu Tian, ​​who was worthy of being the legendary Huahua Taisui. As soon as he came up, he immediately became the focus of the audience. He was about forty years old, wearing prison uniform and wearing a wooden belt around his neck. Shackles, with chains hanging on their feet.

There were two court policemen accompanying him.

This is the first time this happened in the imperial court.

Li Lei looked back at Li Guozhong.

Li Guozhong nodded and said: “This has already come to court, so don’t worry so much. The better we perform, the safer we will be.”

“President of the Court!”

Li Lei suddenly stood up, “These wooden shackles and iron chains will affect my client’s testimony. For the sake of fairness, I kindly ask the chief judge to remove my client’s restraints.”

There was an uproar immediately.

How can you, a little Erbi, teach the president of the court how to do things?

Furthermore, for such a criminal, giving him the opportunity to go to court is already a great gift.

Zhao Pian frowned slightly and looked at Zhang Fei again. Seeing that Zhang Fei was silent, he thought for a while and nodded: “Although what the defense said is reasonable, in view of the fact that the suspect is very dangerous and has many murder cases. , so the president of this court can only remove the wooden shackles from his body.”

Li Lei also accepted the offer and said, “Thank you, Chief Justice.”

Immediately, two court policemen came forward to help Wu Tian remove the wooden shackles from his body.


Wu Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and a glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in his desperate expression.

This was also his first time seeing the public prosecutor. In the past, criminals like him had to kneel, and it was impossible to remove the wooden shackles.

But now, not only is the wooden shackles lifted, but you can also sit and wait for trial. This is the treatment.

He immediately cheered up, in case he could escape the death penalty.

Many officials also looked happy.

This can be regarded as coming out on top.

After waiting for a while, Zhao Pian saw that the two sides did not have many opinions, so he said: “The prosecution can ask questions.”


Zhang Fei stood up and said, “Wu Tian, ​​what were you doing on the night of the 21st of last month?”

Wu Tian thought carefully about what he had been told recently, and then said: “That night. That night I went to save my lover.”

Zhang Fei said: “Save your lover? What happened to your lover?”

Wu Tiandao: “She was arrested by the Taxation Department.”

Zhang Fei asked again: “Why did the Taxation Department arrest your lover?”

“Because. I don’t know very well.”

“Have you ever gone to the Taxation Department to ask?”


Wu Tian thinks Zhang Fei is sick in his head. I am such a gangster. Do I dare to go to the tax department and ask? He shook his head and said: “No.”

Zhang Fei asked again: “Did you go alone that night, or with a few people?”

Wu Tiandao: “My brother and I went together?”

Zhang Fei asked: “Does this brother mean a real brother?”

Wu Tiandao: “Of course not, who can have hundreds of brothers.”


There was a burst of laughter outside the hospital, but the sound was not loud because most people were very nervous.

Zhang Fei said: “Then what kind of relationship are you talking about as brothers?”

This question really confused Wu Tian. He was stunned for a moment and said, “Sworn brothers.”

Zhang Fei asked: “So you have hundreds of sworn brothers?”

Wu Tian hurriedly said: “Only a few are sworn brothers, and the rest are all my subordinates.”

Zhang Fei asked again: “So you have hundreds of subordinates?”

Wu Tian didn’t answer.

Zhang Fei asked again: “Did they all go there with bare hands?”

Wu Tian hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: “No.”

“Bringing weapons?”


“What weapon?”

“Well, it’s just like swords.”

Zhang Fei said: “So that night you and a few of your sworn brothers took hundreds of subordinates with you and ran to the secret military camp of the Imperial City Division to rescue your old friend.”

“I object.”

Li Lei immediately stood up and said: “The other party is deliberately tempting my client to answer. My client has no idea that it is the secret military camp of the Imperial City Division, and according to our investigation, few people in the entire Qizhou know about it. It is the secret military camp of the Imperial City Division.”

Before Zhao Bian could speak, Zhang Fei said: “I take back this word.”

As he said that, he asked Wu Tian again, but he removed the Imperial City Division and changed it to an ordinary military camp.

“I object.”

Li Lei stood up again and said: “My client didn’t know that it was a military camp.”

Boy, your objections are a little too much. Zhang Fei explained with a smile: “First of all, it is also a forbidden military school on the surface.

Secondly, the suspect already knew that it was the Taxation Department who arrested his lover. It is impossible for the Taxation Department to lock someone up in someone else’s home.

Finally, if the suspects don’t even know where the place is, how can they dare to go out easily and bring hundreds of people with them. ”

Zhao Peng nodded, “Objection is invalid.”

Li Lei sat down.

Wu Tian first glanced at Li Lei, then nodded, “Yes.”

“I have no problem for now.”

Zhang Fei sat down.

Although Zhang Fei asked these questions lightly, if he could not explain them well, this alone would be enough to convict Wu Tian of treason.

Qi Ji and Wang Gong both looked at Li Lei very curiously, wondering how Li Lei would respond.

Under the spotlight, Li Lei stood up and said, “Wu Tian, ​​can you talk about your relationship with your lover?”

Qi Ji was stunned and couldn’t help asking: “Why did he ask this?”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Our focus is on him leading troops and horses into the military camp, and their focus is naturally on saving people.”

Qi Ji suddenly understood and couldn’t help but look at Li Lei again, thinking, it seems that these Erbi’s methods are better than ours!

Wu Tian nodded, “I met Lian Mei probably eight years ago!”

“Is this Lotus girl your lover?”


“Go on.”


Wu Tian nodded and said: “At that time, Lian Mei was working as a drinking prostitute in a brothel, and she specialized in drinking with people. I remember one day I also went to Chunhua House to drink, and I happened to meet an official who wanted to scorn her. I was about to drag her into the room, but I saw that Lian Mei was pitiful, so I came to my aid, beat the official, and then ran away with Lian Mei.”

Li Lei said: “So this is not the first time you have saved your lover.”

Wu Tian nodded and said: “After that night, I hid Sister Lian in a nunnery, but the official found her and sent someone to capture Sister Lian. After I learned this Afterwards, he secretly kidnapped the official’s son and exchanged Lian Mei back.”

Li Lei said: “Do you know that what you do is breaking the law and may even be a death penalty?”

Wu Tiandao: “I know, but Lian Mei and I fell in love at first sight. I can’t leave her behind, and I have no choice, because the official sells private salt, and his godfather is from Qiancheng County, Qizhou Lieutenant, the power is overwhelming, so I can only use this method.”

Zhao Xu on the corridor snorted softly. Is this how powerful he is? Never seen the world.

Li Lei asked again: “Since the other party is so powerful, aren’t you afraid that you will lose your life because of it?”

Wu Tian shook his head, “Not afraid.”

“I’m done asking.”

Li Lei sat down.

Lü Gong stroked his beard and said: “Perhaps we should really change our view of these Erbi. Under the system of public security, procuratorate and law, they are no longer like before, they only know how to cheat and cheat, but more to use wisdom.”

Wen Yanbo nodded slightly.

In this question, Wu Tian was actually charged with kidnapping someone else’s son, but at the same time, the president of the court learned that Wu Tian had risked his life for his lover several times.

According to the evidence provided by Qizhou, Wu Tian did attack the military camp at that time to save his lover.

It can be seen that their goal is very clear, that is, to avoid the crime of rebellion, and the rest can be accepted.

Qi Ji frowned and questioned: “Is this explanation feasible?”

Wang Gong said: “I think it makes sense. In some famine-stricken areas, people rush to checkpoints set up by the imperial army in order to survive, but this cannot be regarded as a crime of rebellion.”

“How do we respond?”

Qi Ji looked at Zhang Fei again and said, “We don’t seem to be well prepared for this matter.”

Zhang Fei said: “Actually, there is.”

After that, he stood up and asked Wu Tian: “Wu Tian! What did you name this Lian girl?”

Wu Tiandao: “Liu Lian.”

Zhang Fei said: “In other words, you met Liu Lian by accident eight years ago.”

Wu Tian nodded, “Yes.”

Zhang Fei said to Zhao Bian again: “President, we summon the first witness, Hu Wanggui.”

Wang Gong and Qi Ji looked at each other.


They know nothing about it.

The other party, Li Lei, also looked confused and confused.

“Who is Hu Changgui?”

Li Lei turned around and asked Li Guozhong.

Li Guozhong shook his head and looked at the young man next to him.

The young man said: “We don’t know yet. This witness should have nothing to do with Liu Lian.”

Li Lei said: “It’s impossible. The other party directly summoned this witness without retorting. It must be related to Liu Lian.”

As he was talking, I saw a middle-aged man in his early forties coming to the court and sitting on the witness chair.

Wu Tian secretly glanced at Hu Wanggui, with confusion in his eyes.

Zhang Fei asked: “Hu Wanggui, what do you do?”

Hu Wanggui said: “I used to be a salt merchant in Binzhou, but now I am farming in the countryside.”

Zhang Fei said: “I heard that salt merchants are very rich, so you must have a lot of farmland at home now, right?”

A flash of anger flashed in Hu Wanggui’s eyes, “It was supposed to be like this, but because of a woman, my family was almost destroyed. Now my family is only a second-class household.”


Zhang Fei said: “What is going on? Can you tell me more specifically.”

Hu Wanggui said: “I remember nine years ago, I went to Qizhou selling salt. I made some money during the period. Plus, I was young and energetic at the time, so I went to the local Chunhua Building to drink. I met a man named Liu there. Lian’s little drunken prostitute.

In our line of work, we have to **** money everywhere, and we must keep our whereabouts secret.

But that night, I drank a little too much, and I was confused by Liu Lian. I wanted to marry her home as a concubine, and also informed Liu Lian of my itinerary.

As a result, on my way back, I encountered a group of highwaymen and robbed all my money. ”

Wu Tian suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Hu Wanggui carefully.

Zhang Fei said: “Do you know the person who robbed you?”

Hu Wanggui shook his head, “They all had their faces covered at the time.”

Zhang Fei asked again: “So you think it was Liu Lian who revealed your whereabouts.”

Hu Wanggui said: “It must be her.”

Zhang Fei said: “Why are you so sure?”

Hu Wanggui said: “Actually, I didn’t realize it at first. Two years later, I met a friend who also sold salt and learned that he was also robbed on his way back to Binzhou from Qizhou. At the same time, he also went to Chunhua. Lou, who was also there at the same time, met the drunk prostitute Liu Lian. Only then did we realize that Liu Lian might be with the group of robbers.

The two of us went to Chunhua Building again, looking for Liu Lian, and learned that she had left Chunhua Building. Then we went to the government office to file a complaint, but the government paid no attention to us, and in the end we had no choice but to let it go. ”

Li Lei turned around and said to the young man: “Why didn’t you tell us about this?”

The young man said: “Didn’t I tell you that Wu Tian built his home by blocking roads and robbing people?”

Li Lei said excitedly: “What I mean is that Liu Lian was also involved, and there are people who have sued the government for this.”

The young man said innocently: “How could you ask such detailed questions? Who would have thought that they could find out what happened nine years ago? Wu Tian may have forgotten it himself.”

Li Lei covered his forehead depressedly.

He asked himself carefully enough, thinking about using an accident eight years ago to excuse Li Lei. At that time, he was still complacent, but this time he must be thinking more carefully than Zhang Fei. How could he have thought that if the Tao is one foot higher, the devil One foot taller, Zhang Fei directly checked it nine years ago.

He is indeed a man who is famous for his “fineness”!

Li Lei can’t accept it.

Qi Ji and Wang Gong also looked at Zhang Fei dumbfounded.

Brother! When did our procuratorate investigate so deeply?

I heard Zhang Fei ask Hu Wanggui: “Did you lose a lot of property at that time?”

Hu Wanggui said: “I lost two thousand copper coins and silk, as well as a very valuable mink fur.”

Wu Tian looked at Hu Wanggui again, his brows furrowed.

Zhang Fei turned his head and said, “Exhibit No. 13.”

An inspector immediately handed a very expensive box to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei took the box, opened it, and took out a mink fur from it, “But this one.”

Hu Wanggui looked at it for a long time and said: “I’m not sure, but my mink fur is very easy to recognize. There is an embroidery of my Hu family name on the left corner.”

Zhang Fei immediately turned to the left corner of his clothes and showed it to Hu Wanggui.

Hu Wanggui nodded and said, “It’s mine. This is my mink fur.”

Zhang Fei said to Zhao Bian: “The tax police found this from Wu Tian’s cottage, and according to the confessions of Wu Tian’s cronies, Wu Tian wore this mink fur every winter. Even if it was worn out, he would not want to throw it away. Many of them People can prove it.”

After saying this, he presented the mink fur to Zhao Bian again.

Wu Tian suddenly said: “I spent a lot of money to buy this mink fur.”

Zhang Fei ignored him and called in another witness named Chen Yuanhai.

This person was the salt merchant Hu Wanggui mentioned earlier who was also robbed. His experience was exactly the same as Hu Wanggui’s, and among the belongings he was robbed, there was a belt inlaid with gems.

The same thing was found when the tax police raided my home.

Li Guozhong scratched his head in frustration and said with emotion: “This grass bandit is really nostalgic! He can keep his stolen goods around for so long, the local government is really incompetent!”

Then Zhang Fei came to see a young man named Xiao Xin who was in his twenties or five years.

Zhang Fei asked: “Don’t you have a last name?”

Xiao Xin shook his head and said: “I am an orphan. Later, Sister Chunhua picked me up and raised me.”

Zhang Fei asked: “But the old madam of Chunhua House, Sister Chunhua?”

Xiao Xian nodded, “Yes.”

Zhang Fei asked: “Have you grown up in Chunhua Building since you were a child?”

Xiao Xian nodded and said: “When I was ten years old, I helped welcome guests and deliver drinks.”

Zhang Fei asked: “Then do you know a singing girl from Liu Lian?”

Xiao Kai nodded and said: “I know, I know, she is a drunken prostitute in Chunhua House. Among those drunken prostitutes, Sister Lian and I have the best relationship.”

Zhang Fei said: “Really?”

Xiao Xin nodded and said: “Sister Lian often gave me some money at that time, but the condition was that I would help her find some out-of-town businessmen. Because at that time I was waiting for guests at the door, helping them find seats, and finding drunken prostitutes.”

Zhang Fei asked: “Then do you know why Liu Lian asked you to help her find some foreign businessmen.”

Xiao Xun said: “I don’t know that. Maybe businessmen from other places are generally very rich.”

Zhang Fei said: “Then do you know if Liu Lian has any relatives around her?”

Xiao Xian shook her head and said: “Sister Lian seems to have no relatives, but one day I saw Sister Lian secretly meeting a man.”

Zhang Fei said: “Then do you still know that man now?”

Xiao Xian shook his head and said: “I only saw a profile at that time, but I remember that the man had tattoos on his face and a scar on the back of his left hand.”

Wu Tian subconsciously covered the back of his left hand.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Don’t cover it up, the chief judge has seen it.”

Zhao Pian looked sideways at Wu Tian. Wu Tian slowly let go of his right hand and saw that there was indeed a scar on the back of his left hand.

He glared at Xiao Xun fiercely, “You have the best relationship with Sister Lian, why the **** are you betraying her?”

Is it a human?

Zhang Fei said to Wu Tiandao: “It turns out that you did not know Liu Lian eight years ago, but you have known her for a long time, and you are looking for prey through Liu Lian. The interests between you and Liu Lian far outweigh the feelings. , and you risked your life to save Liu Lian, just because Liu Lian holds the evidence of your crime.

What kind of criminal evidence would make you take the risk and lead hundreds of people to break into the military camp? ”

“I object.”

Li Lei stood up, “The other party’s words are leading everyone to think that Liu Lian has evidence of my client’s rebellion, but this is groundless. According to the confession just now, Liu Lian may only have evidence of Wu Tian’s robbery. ”

Zhao Bian said: “The objection is valid. The witness does not need to answer this question.”

As I have to send some Mid-Autumn Festival gifts to relatives today, I will come here in the evening. This chapter has a shorter word count, so please forgive me.


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