Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 672: I am innocent



“Wait! Bachelor Sima.”

Zhang Fei said to Sima Guang with an uneasy look on his face: “In other words, Bachelor Sima did not stop the officials from handing the case over to our public prosecutors.”

This guy is really good at pretending! Sima Guang glanced at him angrily and amusedly, and said: “Actually, this is your flaw. With your understanding of the public security organs, it is impossible for you not to have thought of this step.”

Zhang Fei couldn’t help but smile bitterly and said: “Does Bachelor Sima think highly of me? I really didn’t expect that no one in the civil and military circles of this dynasty would dare to take this lawsuit. This has nothing to do with justice, but with…”

Sima Guang chuckled: “The more you explain it like this, the more likely it is that you planned this matter.”

Zhang Fei was about to cry but said without tears: “So, Bachelor Sima thinks that those thieves who ambushed the tax police and even attempted to rebel were all planned by me?”

Sima Guang frowned and said: “Maybe you didn’t plan this matter, but the actions of the Taxation Department are definitely related to you. Because the only one who can really control the Taxation Department is the Public Security Bureau. Without the support of the Public Security Law, the Taxation Department will I would never dare to do this. And among the public prosecutors, only you, Zhang San, will provide support to the tax department. Therefore, they will be emboldened and dare to cause such a big disturbance.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Senior Sima should know that using force is what I am least good at. I really don’t know how to do it. The key thing is that it cannot be done whether I support it or not. The key is whether it is legal or not.”

“Stop it!”

Sima Guang raised his hand and said: “No matter how you excuse me, I am sure that this matter has something to do with you.”

Zhang Fei said depressedly: “Senior Sima, you are the most reasonable senior in my mind.”

Sima Guang exclaimed: “Although this is not a principle, it is experience.”


Zhang Fei wondered: “What experience?”

Sima Guang said: “Think about what you did before!”

“Ahem, Bachelor Sima, do you have any misunderstanding?”

“Why don’t we invite Uncle Lu Hui and Wang Jiefu, and let’s reminisce about the past together?”


Zhang Fei said: “Whether you believe it or not, Academician Sima, this case really has nothing to do with me. I don’t recommend that it be tried by the Public Procuratorate. In fact, the trial by Dali Temple also falls under the Public Procuratorate. This kind of major case is inherently It is reasonable and reasonable that it should be handed over to Dali Temple for trial. As long as Dali Temple handles it impartially, there is no need to fear the investigation of our procuratorate. We are also very knowledgeable.”

“I had already guessed that you would say that.” Sima Guang sighed: “It would be great if the judiciary could make all issues fair and just, but the problem is that this is simply not possible! ”

Zhang Fei said: “In fact, the legal system emphasizes protection.”

Sima Guang frowned and then looked at Zhang Fei in surprise.

Zhang Fei added: “Protect everyone’s legitimate rights and interests.”

“That’s it. That’s it. That’s it.”

Sima Guang whispered three times and then asked: “Are you sure you can successfully hear this case?”

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: “No.”

Sima Guang frowned and said: “You are not sure, you.”

At this point, he suddenly chuckled: “This trick of yours is really tried and true!”

Zhang Fei spread his hands and said, “I really didn’t take any action. I am innocent.”

Sima Guang said: “I just don’t believe it. Anyway, this is not going to court, and there is no need to provide evidence.”


Zhang Fei was speechless.

Sima Guang said sincerely again: “Actually, if you are sure that the case will be successfully tried, I will actually be happy to see it succeed. You don’t have to play this trick in front of me.”

I believe you, you idiot. If I really tell you, if you don’t refuse, I will call you Sima San. Zhang Fei was so aggrieved that he almost cried, “This really has nothing to do with me.”

Sima Guang glared at him, stood up and left.

He really wasn’t trying to test it, but he was sure that Zhang Fei was responsible for this. If that was the case, then Zhang Fei must have a way to properly solve it, and he felt relieved.

After Sima Guang left, Xu Zun, Qi Ji, and Wang Gong entered the house.

Xu Zun asked solemnly: “What did Bachelor Sima say?”

Zhang Fei sighed: “What else can I say, other than to coax me into taking on this lawsuit.”

Qi Ji hurriedly said: “Absolutely not! The public security system has never tried such a rebellion case, and we don’t know how to try it.”

Zhang Fei said: “Inspector Qi, do you think I’m stupid? Of course I won’t agree. I refused decisively just now, but… Bachelor Sima didn’t listen.”

As he said that, he turned to Xu Zundao: “General Prosecutor, logically speaking, this case should be tried by the Dali Temple. Now the president of the Grand Court has taken over the power from the Kaifeng Prefecture. The Dali Temple and the Trial Court are still the highest. Judicial Office, there is no way in **** it will be our turn to try this kind of case.”

Qi Ji and Wang Gong nodded repeatedly.

Xu Zun stroked his beard, glanced at Zhang Fei covertly, then nodded and said, “I will go to the official meeting to explain this matter.”

He really did what he said. He reported it the next day and said that the case should be tried by Dali Temple or the Criminal Court. The public prosecutor and the procuratorate were not qualified yet.

Zhao Bian is really not afraid of these things, but he did not say anything. After all, the procuratorate did not agree, and the imperial court alone could not accept the case. The implication is that whether to try it or not, it all depends on you. I have nothing to fear anyway. .

When those ministers saw that Xu Zun was playing, they also followed suit, hoping that the emperor would not act out of emotion.

Zhao Xu was reasonable and withdrew the order, and then handed the matter over to the Political Affairs Hall. You can choose someone to try it.

Anyway, the criminals and witnesses are all still on the road, and there is no rush to make a decision at this time.

And the dignitaries over there finally realized why Wen Yanbo and the others were unwilling to take the case, which made them also start to have difficulties.

In fact, if this matter comes to this, as long as one of them is willing to step forward and take over the case, they will most likely be able to win it.

Because all ministers will support it.

But no one dared to pick it up.

This case is like a hot potato, daunting.

However, the Qizhou case did not affect the Taxation Department’s actions on Jingdong East Road. Last year’s autumn tax was already two or three months later than before. This will become more difficult to collect as time goes by. The Taxation Department Still accelerating action.

After all, the emperor did not issue an order to stop collecting taxes.


In front of a large house in the suburbs.

“Don’t shoot the arrow, I. I know I was wrong. Please give me a chance.”

A crying voice came from the hospital.

Someone outside the hospital responded immediately: “Open the door now, raise your hands, and come out slowly, otherwise, we will attack.”

The voice is also very nervous.

After a while, I heard a squeaking sound, and dozens of tax policemen in front of the door immediately drew their bowstrings to full capacity, as if if the other party made the slightest move, thousands of arrows would be fired.

But when I saw a tall middle-aged man appear in the door, and saw the sharp arrows, especially the crossbow in the middle, my legs were trembling, and my heart was broken.

What do you think?

It’s just a small broken door in my house. You use a bed crossbow? Not to mention the door, even the wall will be shot down by you!

“Li Fujiang raised his hands and walked out slowly. People behind him should stay five steps away from him and don’t get too close.”

“Yes yes yes!”

The middle-aged man turned around and told his servant, “Stand far away, stand far away, don’t kill me.”

After the servants retreated, he slowly walked forward.

Two tax policemen beside the wall suddenly rushed forward and captured the middle-aged man directly.

“Ouch! Ouch! Be gentle, my hand is broken.”

The middle-aged man screamed in pain.

After seeing this man captured, the tax policemen put down their bows and arrows, and there were beads of sweat on their foreheads. Although Qingzhou was not as violent as Qizhou, they also suffered many attacks. These wealthy gentry also secretly supported the bandits. Come fight the tax police.

But this devil is as tall as the road. The Taxation Department has been secretly working on Jingdong East Road for so many years, and has a clear picture of their details. There are many backup plans waiting for them. .

At this time, a civil servant came out of the team, and he came to the middle-aged man and said, “Li Fujiang.”

“The villain is here!”

The middle-aged man nodded. He was tall and mighty, and now he was like a poor quail.

The clerk said: “Did you receive a tax bill from our tax department in January this year?”

Li Fujiang nodded.

The clerk said: “But our tax department has not received your tax return.”

Li Fujiang remained silent.

The clerk asked again: “Did you receive your penalty note last month?”

Li Fujiang nodded: “Yes.”

The clerk said: “In the penalty order, we asked you to send the taxes and fines to the Taxation Department at the beginning of this month, but you did not do so.”

Li Fujiang remained silent.

The clerk said: “You will now face prosecution from our tax department.”

Imperial Court.

“President Qian, the twelve tax evasion defendants tried yesterday have paid all their taxes, fines, and atonement today.”

Fan Chunren handed dozens of documents to Qian Yi, “If there are no problems with the imperial court, the Taxation Department and the Police Department will release him.”

Qian Yi took it, looked at it carefully, stamped it with the seal of the imperial court, handed it back to Fan Chunren, and sighed: “Sometimes, the actions of the Taxation Department are deeply worrying, but… we must not do it. I don’t admit that they can really raise taxes. So far, including fines and atonements, Qingzhou’s autumn tax revenue last year was already three times that of the year before. This was unimaginable in the past. ”

This time the tax department finally showed its fangs. If you don’t pay taxes, they will use all means to sneak attack, break in, or even directly seize all the property of those big landowners. The store door will be closed for you and the goods will be given to you. If you confiscate it, if you want to buy some salt or a bottle of wine, it may be confiscated.

Both sides tried their best, and there were also casualties. But there is a saying that this porcelain does not touch the tiles. After fighting for a long time, the Qingzhou wealthy gentry found that the tax department was fighting them desperately. In addition, the murder case in Qizhou , causing them to gradually become discouraged.

This time, the high fines made them want to die. The autumn tax was three times the usual, all due to their fines.

One is truly worth a thousand.

After hearing this, Fan Chunren felt mixed emotions in his heart, and said with a wry smile: “Now that there are corpses everywhere in Qizhou, how can they not be afraid? Who would have thought that the tax department is really so cruel, not even paying taxes to those grass bandits?” Let it go, I just caught a wanted criminal in the capital.”

Having said this, he sighed deeply again, “I won’t hide it from Judge Qian. In fact, I really don’t like the methods of the Taxation Department. However, every accusation brought by the Taxation Department is judged by us. If they If it is wrong, then we are not helping the evildoers.”


Quite confusing!

The key tax department is so good at finding evidence that he has never lost a lawsuit.

Qian Yi stroked his beard and said, “It’s really strange. Qizhou seems to be full of blood, but there doesn’t seem to be much turmoil.”

Fan Chunren chuckled and said: “Su Zizhan’s letter has already made it clear that the Taxation Department specializes in investigating those big landowners and wealthy people, and does not care about ordinary people at all. The people of Qizhou care about them every day. I’m watching a show, so I don’t have time to join in the fun.

Moreover, the tax department’s independent declaration has no conversion or transfer, and the people are more active. Those second and third-class households who want to benefit from the situation are frightened and rush to pay taxes when they see this situation. ”

Qian Yi said: “Now let’s see how the Qizhou rebellion case will be judged. Do you have any news?”

“How could it be so fast? Those suspects and witnesses have just been sent to the capital.”

Fan Chunren shook his head and said: “The officials will definitely support the Department of Taxation, but the resistance they face is conceivable!”

Fan Chunren is only half right.

There is definitely resistance. Those powerful officials and scholar-bureaucrats cannot succeed and can only go back to the old path. The censors and admonishers began to impeach the tax department for some of their actions.

At the same time, some ministers who were close to the emperor tried to persuade the emperor that they had no intention of rebellion. It was only because the tax department was too reckless that they took a counterattack, which involved many meritorious deeds. Taizu’s edict must not be violated.

In any case, he used both soft and hard tactics to put pressure on the emperor.

But Zhao Xu has no pressure at all now. No matter you are here to be tough or soft, he just said one sentence, you have to send someone to interrogate. You can’t commit rebellion and just ignore it!

The Political Affairs Hall will arrange for someone to go to trial!

Why are you telling me this?

I didn’t say what I was going to do!

At this moment, Zhao Xu and Zhang Fei are sitting in the attic, changing glasses, how comfortable they are!

“According to the news from the Taxation Department, Qingzhou’s autumn tax has been three times that of last year.”

Zhao Xu’s eyes were shining, it was so satisfying to have this money.

Zhang Fei quickly reminded: “It is estimated that the court can only get about twice as much. After all, the main part is fines, and the tax police have to take more than half of the bonus.”

Zhao Xu smiled and said: “This bonus cannot be less, it must be given. They deserve it, haha!”

It’s really frustrating to be able to collect so much tax when Jingdong East Road is in such a mess. He sighed: “But why is that? I used to collect taxes from those wealthy gentry, but I couldn’t collect them. Anyway, problems are bound to arise as soon as the tax is collected. Now, as soon as the tax department comes, it will be successful immediately. I really never thought that the tax department could be so successful.”

Zhang Fei said: “Actually, it’s very simple, because this time the Public Security Bureau was established first, and the officials did not reduce their privileges. All the violent acts of the Taxation Department were based on legality. Otherwise, how could they I will not take the case.”

“It makes sense.”

Zhao Xu nodded and said, “But whether they can be convinced by this case depends entirely on you.”

Zhang Fei hurriedly said: “For officials, it depends on the president of the court.”

Zhao Xu exclaimed: “Let me tell you, the best thing about the public prosecutor’s office is that they can shirk responsibility from each other!”

Zhang Fei chuckled and said, “I don’t deny this.”

They are not in a hurry at all, because the case must be handed over to the Public Security Bureau, and without this certainty, the case will not get off the ground.

However, many people in the court are still resisting. They still target Wang Anshi and Sima Guang. They are Zhao Xu’s right and left arms. If they come to interrogate, the procuratorate will probably have to weigh them.

The Ordinance Department of the Second Government was established.

“Xueshi Wang, now many ministers hope that you can stand up and preside over this case. This is an excellent opportunity to attack the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate, and it can also gain more official support for the new law. The tax department has offended the public by doing this. .”

Meng Qiansheng personally took action to persuade Wang Anshi to take over the case.

Wang Anshi said: “Do you know that this case is most likely a conspiracy of the Department of Taxation.”

Meng Qiansheng nodded and said: “Of course I know this. That’s why so many people oppose it. The Taxation Department can use this trick to deal with the gentry and powerful people in Qizhou today, and it can also use this trick to deal with us in the future. , this rebellion is a capital crime!”

Wang Anshi said: “Since you know this is a trap, can you guarantee that the Taxation Department has no concrete evidence of their rebellion?”

“We have all inquired clearly about this. Absolutely no one in this case has any intention of treason. Wu Tian is just a small bandit. The evidence has not been scrutinized, and we will definitely support Xueshi Wang. .” Meng Qiansheng said.

Wang Anshi said: “Then you can guarantee that Sima Fu will not interfere with it?”

Meng Qiansheng blinked.

Wang Anshi said: “At the meeting at that time, why I refused was because Duke Wen and Sima Fu refused to accept. This was most likely a trap set by them to deal with me.”

Meng Qiansheng looked shocked. He really had never thought about this.


Wen Yanbo looked at all his old friends and said, “Why don’t you go to Sima Junshi about this matter and come to me instead?”

A gray-haired old man said with a smile: “How come we haven’t gone to Jun Shi? But after all, he is responsible for the judicial reform. The officials want to transfer the case to the Public Security Bureau, so it will be inconvenient for him!”

In this case, neither the progressives nor the conservatives want the Department of Revenue to succeed, endangering the interests of all of them.

Wen Yanbo chuckled: “This Junshi is getting more and more cunning, and he doesn’t even blink when he lies.”

“I wonder how Brother Kuanfu plans to deceive us.”


Wen Yanbo smiled bitterly and said: “I won’t lie to you. I’ll tell you clearly that as long as Wang Jiefu doesn’t speak for a day, I will never speak.”

“What does this have to do with Wang Jiefu?”

“Because no one knows how much evidence the Taxation Department has in hand. Assuming that one of them is really related to the rebellion, and I take the overall situation into consideration and let him go, then Wang Jiefu will definitely attack me. Before Qi Xiye is the best example. If I have anything to do with rebellion, then the Wen family will all be defeated by me.”

The old men looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

We really have to guard against this. After all, Wang Anshi didn’t say anything. If the conservatives get involved, it will be over.

This is a charge of rebellion.

These people plan to use party strife to lure Wang Anshi and Sima Guang to take the case, but there is always a mountain higher.

They also took advantage of party disputes and refused to take the case.

The reason you asked us to interrogate is simply to attack the tax department, or at least to suppress it. But if I don’t do the interrogation well, the other party may connect with the public prosecutors and the judiciary to deal with me.

After the Qi Hui incident, there is no trust at all between the two factions, and cooperation is even more impossible.

This becomes a dead end.

While the two factions were fighting, the prisoners and witnesses had already entered the capital. After all, Qizhou was just around the corner, not far from Bianjing.

Zhao Xu sent people to the Political Affairs Hall again to ask what was going on and who would be the judge.

Wang Anshi said that he would not try the case.

Sima Guang also said that he would not try the case.

Wen Yanbo and Lu Gongzhu all said that it was none of their business and they were really afraid to avoid it.

As a result, an extremely weird situation occurred, and the political hall did not make any arrangements.

If no arrangements are made, according to the system, it will be handed over to the Public Security Bureau of the capital. Because this case was handed over by the Qizhou and Qingzhou Public Security Bureau, it must be connected with the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

The case eventually fell to the public prosecutor.

All the officials in the Procuratorate were at a loss what to do.

How to try a rebellion case using the system of public prosecutor, prosecutor and law?

One characteristic of rebellion cases is that even if you have even the slightest involvement, you will die. Unlike ordinary criminal cases, a lot of evidence needs to be found.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m innocent and I really don’t want to take this case.”

Zhang Fei spread his hands and said innocently.

Qi Ji said: “I know that Prosecutor Zhang is innocent, but we can only count on Prosecutor Zhang now.”

Zhang Fei frowned and looked at Xu Zun again, “General Prosecutor, are you really unable to push me away?”

Xu Zun sighed, “Don’t mention it! Those political advisors are smarter than the other. They neither speak nor open their mouths. According to the court system, the case will naturally be transferred to the Beijing Public Security Bureau. If we want to blame now, we can only blame Qizhou’s Public Security Bureau.”

“Oh my God!”

Zhang Fei slapped his forehead.

At this time, someone outside said: “Prosecutor Zhang, Li Xing is asking for a meeting.”

Zhang Fei frowned slightly, “Bring him here.”


After a while, Li Guozhong and Li Lei entered the house. Seeing so many people, they quickly bowed.

Zhang Fei asked: “What’s the matter?”

Li Guozhong hesitated for a while and said, “That’s right. We were entrusted by others to defend several suspects in the Qizhou rebellion case.”

Qi Jidao: “Are you crazy? This is a case of rebellion, and you still dare to defend it?”

Li Guozhong said: “To be honest with you, we actually don’t know whether the case can be defended. If not, then it will be treated as if we have never been here.”

All the prosecutors were also dumbfounded.

Does defending a traitor count as treason?

Zhang Fei said: “Well, you go outside to go through the relevant procedures first.”

Li Guozhong said: “But I want to know, can I plead in this kind of case?”

Qi Ji said: “Since you are afraid, you shouldn’t come here.”

Li Guozhong was about to cry but said without tears: “I don’t want to either!”

As soon as these words came out, several people looked at each other.

Xu Zundao: “Our procuratorate doesn’t know much yet. You should go to the imperial court and ask first.”

Li Guozhong said: “Yes.”

As he said that, he glanced at Zhang Fei again.

This kind of thing should have been handled in the imperial court, but they were also panicked. They came to ask Zhang Fei this time. Unexpectedly, Zhang Fei did not meet them alone and could only leave in anger.

Wang Gong said: “You don’t have to know who the people who invited them behind the scenes are. If the imperial court does not allow it, will they use this to attack our public prosecutors?”

Qi Ji sighed: “We have encountered difficulties before the trial has even started.”


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