Invincible Leveling King Chapter 4226: enter

No one thought that this North Kuangshan would directly launch a big move.

Just put my sacrifice out.

On the other side of them, this meeting also passed directly on dumbfounded.

This situation is completely different from what they thought.


Do you do what?

This is not to plunge them into the disaster of Endless.

Even Lin Fei in Void can be seen clearly, it is really a sacrifice.

With this sacrifice, the power of Yellow Springs emerged.

It really makes people feel the fear of Endless.

At this time, Bei Kuanglie started directly.

“Even if you make a sacrifice and can how about it, I can still suppress you, because I am stronger and more fierce than you, so I am called Bei Kuanglie.”

At this time, Bei Kuang Lie was extremely arrogant.

The whole black hair danced and punched into the depths of Yellow Springs.

And the others dare not approach at all.

At this time, Bei Kuanglie was directly on the edge of enter and Yellow Springs.

The making a move kept facing this scarlet figure.

Every punch has reached its peak strength.

Those who saw clearly in the secret of Lin Fei also admired this Northern Crazy Mountain, and actually sacrificed themselves.

In order to deal with his big brother, I really put my mind on it.

On whether do not know, the northern madness, can completely suppress this northern madness.

As long as the northern wild mountain is not suppressed, the northern wild mountain can still show extraordinary power.

The action of the two is violent in quite.

In the end, Bei Kuang Lie directly released a piece of treasure, completely destroying the appearance and spirit of this Bei Kuang Mountain.

However, Bei Kuanglie himself was also affected by Yellow Springs.

Good opportunity!

Lin Fei has been waiting for the opportunity to enter.

Originally, opportunities like this are gone.

But this guy in North Kuangshan actually offered his sacrifice.

Connect directly to Yellow Springs.

Opened a hole.

This is a real opportunity for Lin Fei.

If you don’t go in at this time, you will have to wait until what.

It will be difficult to get in again then.


Lin Fei directly used the so-called Yellow Springs for enter.

During enter, this Yellow Springs was aware of the presence of enter from outsiders.

The monstrous waves came directly, and it seemed that Lin Fei would be completely suppressed in a single meeting time.

No one knows the is difficult to deal with/ferocious of Yellow Springs at this time.

Lin Fei showed all its methods.

Hold the attack of Yellow Springs hard.

Teleport is still working.

He feels that as long as it is in a fixed place, it will always be Yellow Springs‘s advantage.

Only the non-stop Teleport can make Yellow Springs unable to mobilize all the power to deal with itself.

It’s also a way.

Lin Fei‘s guess is quite right.

The effect is quite useful.

At least these so-called Yellow Springs did not stop him.

The power here is also exceptionally formidable.

It can be felt clearly.

Fortunately, his body is extremely strong, and it is cheaper to pick it up.

It also makes his consumption extremely powerful.

If you don’t say anything, just use the methods you haven’t used yet.

“Ding, sign in at Yellow Springs successfully, ob­tains Yellow Springs body care!”

The reward came so much that Lin Fei felt surprised.

He actually signed in for the so-called bodyguard.

It’s still a Yellow Springs body.

There was a thought.

Mastered in an instant.

An Yellow Springs protective body was formed around it.

As soon as this protective body is formed, it becomes a part of the surrounding Yellow Springs.

It’s very Springs seems to be distinguished.

No more attacks.

The breath of Lin Fei was finally isolated, leaving only the breath of Yellow Springs.

Lin Fei still somewhat underestimated the is difficult to deal with/ferocious of this Yellow Springs.

After all, the Yellow Springs here is mighty and mighty, no wonder that Northern Kuangshan is going to sacrifice.

I wanted to use this power to kill Bei Kuanglie.

However, Bei Kuang Lie’s methods are indeed fierce.

For example, it is still strong enough to shake the opponent down, completely Nirvana.

Following the Great Array to be controlled, the gap was sealed back again.

The Yellow Springs was trapped again, and the Lin Fei was also trapped inside.

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