Invincible Leveling King Chapter 2692: Dare to kill

  Despair Domain Mountain, in a wood.

  Long traceless feels really sad.

   originally explored Despair Domain Mountain with Tian Xiao Shen clan Shen Yuan, but encountered troubles, Expert from Xinghe Prefecture, wanted to rob them of things.

   The two sides started directly.

  As a result, they suffered heavy losses on this side.

   fled all the way, and was finally trapped in the woods.

   “Run, have the ability to run continues!”

  In the woods, more than twenty gods Expert, surrounded the dragon traceless, also surrounded Shen Yuan.

   Each of them has a serious injury.

   “I think you better leave. If my lord comes, you will all die here!” Long traceless tried to stabilize himself and said towards them.

  Sun Ling came to the Tian Xing gate of Xinghe’s first-class forces.

   In Despair Domain Mountain, anyone who is not from the galaxy, did not care and plundered and robbed resources.

  The Tianxiao Protoss was surrounded by Sun Ling and wanted to force them to surrender things. Whoever expected them to be brave and dared to rebel against them, so Sun Ling wanted to destroy them.

  Dare not to be obedient, all will be wiped out.

  Sun Ling has a heavy killing intent.

  In Xinghe Mansion, the reputation of Tian Xing door is not very good, likes secretly eats black, kills and steals goods, fortunately they do secret, there is no real evidence, no one can take Tian Xing door.

   “haha Ha, are you threatening me!” Sun Ling did not look at making a move, quietly looked at, “Your master? Really a joke, in front of our Tian Xing door, your Patriarch son is coming, and you must bow your head to obediently!”

  Long traceless can only expect Lin Fei to come now.

Don’t look at these people is difficult to deal with/ferocious, but in the eyes of the dragon traceless, it is by no means an opponent of Lin Fei, or even how many kills come.

   “You will regret it!” In a blink of an eye, the dragon traceless was beaten a few more times, without any struggle ability, the other party’s party’s strength was arrogant, and a lineup limited their range of activity,

   “Sorry, someone from Sun never do not know!” Sun Ling smiled, “Kill all of them without leaving, what things!”

This is not the first time Sun has done this kind of thing.

  what regrets and doesn’t care at all.

   Come to Despair Domain Mountain, except for Xinghe Mansion, Sun Ling, the Expert of 8-Star Top Grade Divine Sovereign, was not treated as one thing at all.

   “traceless, can Lin Fei Fellow Daoist come?”

  Shen Yuan is covered in blood. Now he can only count on Lin Fei. In Despair Domain Mountain, I really can’t find anything that can help me.

  The Expert of Xinghe Mansion is more terrible than expected, and the Tianxiao Protoss is not weak, but there is no World War ability in front of the other party, and they have suffered a big loss.

   “I am also do not know!” Long traceless smiled bitterly.

   “Hey, that’s really fateful!” Shen Yuan’s eyes dimmed a lot.


The people brought by Shen Yuan died one by one.

   Surrounded by the array, they are not opponents of the Tian Xing gate at all, they are completely one-sided.

  Long traceless and others, soon at the end of the crossbow, basically did not resist ability.

   “Send them to the road.”

   Sun Ling said cruelly.

   solved them. You can use continues to encircle and suppress the gods of Despair Domain Mountain, which is much safer than personal exploration. This is also the principle that Tian Xing has always pursued.

   Therefore, the current Tian Xing door is very moist.

The people at the Tian Xing gate came around and were ready to send them off the road.

  Long traceless and others were struggling, and all eyes were full of despair and unwillingness.

   Dang Dang block! !

   When they started, a huge shield appeared in front of them, protecting the rest of them, and their weapon was blocked by the shield.

   “Lin Fellow Daoist!”

  Long traceless is desperate.

   But when the shield appeared, he shouted without thinking.

  At this time, almost no one except him will come to save himself.

   “Kill them!”

  Sun Ling Divine Sense was released, and no one was found. He could only say that the person was not here. He was not afraid of the sky, and they were extinct. They said, as for the rest, there is no what to worry about.

   Those people making a move again.

   “The courage is so great, who let you do it!”

After a series of voices, those who want making a move to deal with the Dragon traceless have become a pool of flesh and blood, red and bright, especially dazzling.

  Long traceless finally saw Lin Fei, whole body wept with joy.

   “Save it!”

   The remaining four people will survive for the rest of their lives.

   “Good brat, you dare to kill the people of our Tian Xing door.” Sun Ling’s face was very green, and several under the hands / subordinates were lost in one face. This face could not be hung.

   “Sorry, I haven’t heard of Tian Xing!” Lin Fei laughed, “People from Xinghe Prefecture are very arrogant!”

  Sun Ling waved his hand, “Kill them and let them know our is difficult to deal with/ferocious at Tian Xing gate!”

A dozen Expert swarmed behind him.

   Lin Fei side, no need to speak, Jin immortal like Devil God came, a punch, it is infinite magic fist, dozens of Expert were bombed into pieces.

   “Too weak!”

   Jin immortal first step came to Sun Ling. A large hand reached out and grabbed. Sun Ling’s moves were broken and his neck was pinched. Like a dead dog, he was casually thrown in front of Lin Fei.

   “Hey, Tian Xing door!”

  Lin Fei condescending laughed, “what stuff!”

   There are two big Universe God cannon fodders, and the what Tian Xing doors are all grey and gray.

   “You~~ who the **** are you!” Sun Ling’s mind was blank. The twenty-four Experts brought by himself were completely wiped out in a blink of an eye, making it unbearable for a while.

   “I know I have no regrets, I think you must be do not know, send him to the road!”

  Kim Unbroken earnestly executes the order.


  Sun Ling was beaten to death with a fist of Jin Undestructive. When he died, his eyes widened, and he really died.

   “Okay, now it’s safe!”

  Lin Fei said back to Long traceless and Shen Yuan.

  Long traceless blinked, and the guy who nearly forced them to death was vulnerable and vulnerable in front of Lin Fei, right or wrong, from beginning to end, Lin Fei seemed to have no making a move.

   “Lin Fellow How did you kill the people in Xinghe Prefecture!”

   The Tian Leilie and Mo Wuhu from behind were frightened by the cold sweat, but the people in the galaxy, Innate is a higher class than them, Star River Prefecture is a monster.

   They didn’t expect Lin Fei to be so courageous that they dared to kill the people in the galaxy, and it was still the smallest Tian Xing door. That was notorious Sect.

   Although the seal of the continent is available on the Pantheon and the Heaven Martial Continent, there are some channels to know some wind.

   “If you don’t worry about what, you can kill it if you kill it, and you can revenge me!” Lin Fei disdain.

  Mo Wuhuo really served Lin Fei, “Are you could it be do not know Eternal guard?”

   “Yeah, the Eternal guard, who is responsible for the arrest of the murderer. Anyone who is targeted is not dead!” Tian Leilie added.

   “Eternal guard? what ghost?” Lin Fei blinked, I haven’t heard it. “It sounds like incredible / extraordinary.”

  Mo Wuhuo and Tian Leilie both served Lin Fei.

   “You have a big disaster!”

   “We are here to break the world, and they are different. All registered Sects are protected. You are now killing them here. The news spreads that you are in great trouble!”

  Lin Fei smiled, “I’m afraid. The two shoulds won’t let you know!”


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