Invincible Leveling King Chapter 2344: For

? Hei Jue Da Zun left with someone!


  The forces Venerable Lord, who were attached to the shadow palace, also left.


   They depended on the Shadow Palace and lost the Shadow Palace, but it was not so good. After leaving Hei Jue Da Zun, a banquet was a disappointment.


  The what displeasure did not appear on the face of the killing Emperor Dazun.


   “master, because what won’t let them stay. If you speak, even if you give them a hundred guts, don’t dare to go!”


  After Grand Space and Time Temple Mingdong left, the banquet was over. Yan Kui, who recovered from his injury, asked Venerable Lord at master with a trace of confusion.


   For himself, killing Emperor Dazun is not angry, and laughs, “Shadow Palace appearance looks like a dim sum, as long as that day is still there, no one can help the Shadow Palace. There is a contradiction between the teacher and Hei Jue Daizun. It was too urgent, and it broke the three lords. At that time, no one could afford it!”


   The following disciples understood it and took a breath!


   “master, Hei Jue Da Zun will be forbearing, not so good to deal with, but I feel that during the siege of the Demon Motherland, the Shadow Palace can suffer a big loss!” Nu Tao Venerable Lord said with narrowed eyes, his eyes turned and penetrated With a conspiracy atmosphere.


   “No hurry, no hurry, take command of the barracks for the division, as long as it is within the rules, what things must be done according to the meaning of the division, even if Hei Jue Da Zun can no longer be tolerant, he can tolerate what. , As long as the rules are broken, you must take off the one layer / first level skin without dying, haha ha!”


   disciples bow their hands together.


   “Congratulations master will soon be revenge!”


   slapped a loud butt.




  The military camp of Space and Time Temple.


Mr. Dong Dong with a vague smile.


   “Ronaldinho, you have what ideas!”


  Mr. Dong Dong felt very exciting for the evening banquet.


   “The character of killing Emperor Dazun is too proud. Like the rumors, he is not very big-hearted. At that time, he lost hands with Heijue Dazun. He always held grudges, and the position of God’s List was above him. This breath could not be swallowed, and finally he was in charge of the power of the barren barracks. As long as he was within the rules, he would definitely hit the Shadow Palace hard!”


   Luo Shen said lightly, “And we can also benefit enough from ob­tains in this matter. The disciples believe that the Great Emperor will soon come to visit the Supreme Lord, perhaps just tonight!”


  Mr. Dongdong is full of smiles, “You are excellent in analysis, you can’t change the character of killing Emperor Dazun, this time the Shadow Palace is going to be unlucky. Believe that killing the **** court is not without trying to suppress The Shadow Palace’s thoughts are among them, so what do you think of those guys!”


   “The great disciple who killed Emperor Dazun is angry, strength is really good, and there are still treasures on his body, which can explode the strength of Dazun Intermediate Stage in a short time. If you play with me, my Sun Moon Space-Time round can easily Serious Damage him. “Luo Shen said proudly. “As for the other few killing Emperor Zun, it is not worth mentioning. The Shadow Palace is more difficult to deal with alone. Those Lin Feis who practice body are the easiest to deal with!”


  Mid-dong Zongdong smiled and said, “This siege of the Demon Motherland is actually a battle among our three forces. As the Supreme Talent of the Space-Time shrine, you have to be a good performance. If you can suppress the Shadow Palace and the killing in one fell swoop. The Divine Court is equivalent to making great achievements. I can take the lead and recommend you to go to Secret Realm for dive practice!”


   God Luo’s eyes light up, ” many thanks Great respect is fulfilled, because those people can’t stop me from becoming the biggest hero of encirclement and suppression of the motherland. Whoever dares to block the road, I will kill who, Battlefield Go on, die the last person, count what , Venerable Lord Can fall! “


   “Good, good!”




  The military camp where the Shadow Palace is located.


  Hei Juehei violently expelled the murderous aura in the body of Saint Heaven, and the black lines that appeared on his body disappeared without a trace.


   “Da Zun, this time I’m miscalculated, I didn’t expect them to have prepared!” Saint Heaven Zi’s guilty face, “Next time, he’s definitely not so lucky!”


   For Saint Heaven, losing to Lin Fei and losing to Dugu and Sword can be said, but to lose to the killing **** court, the face can’t feel hung.


   “This thing is not to blame you!” Hei Jue Da Zun said, “Kill the Emperor Da Zun is directed at me, you are just incidental, this hatred, I will remember!”


   appeased the son of Saint Heaven.


  Hei Jue Daizun said, “Killing the Emperor Dazun just wants us to make mistakes and violates regulations. In this barracks, the last thing you can do is to violate the rules. That’s what the three gods established. For this reason, There is still a piece of treasure of is difficult to deal with/ferocious, no matter who it is, as long as it is violated, even if it is a big Venerable Lord strength, I still want to carry that treasure, which is why I am not angry about what!”


   “Da Zun, can you tell me that it is what treasure!” Lin Fei asked curiously.


   “In fact, it is our military barracks. We have arranged a super Great Array. In this Great Array, the killing emperor can control the Formation, soaring strength, and immediately hit the Venerable Lord peak strength!” Hei Jue said, ” The Mozu Kingdom is very strong, and has never been able to break through the front line, because this Formation, as long as it is not the hands of the gods, it is impossible to destroy the front line by relying on those people alone!”


   The three of them suddenly realized!


   Big Venerable Lord pinnacle strength!


   This pinnacle strength is not simple as imagined, but Expert.


  In the barracks of the wild front, the commander-in-chief of the Emperor Killing King is equal to the first which can really suppress everyone.


   This is the other party’s confidence.


   is in charge of the barbaric front barracks!


   The three of them secretly took a breath.


  The first Expert of this huge military barracks is indeed daunting. With the assistance of Formation, strength has soared, and quite is normal.


   In the Saint Spirit world, many countries, the royal city, and even the family headquarters, will arrange Formation, so that their own strength has been greatly improved.


  In Formation, strength has soared and can fight across borders.


   These are not impossible!


   In general, few people will kill Large-scale and other places, unless your strength is really Complete formidable, can destroy everything, that is another matter.


  ”End before in the encirclement and suppression of the Demon Motherland, you all have to be patient It’s a very normal thing. The three sitting in turn will suppress one party!” Hei Jue said.


  The three of them are not fools. Hei Jue Daeun said so clearly, and quite understood it in his heart.


   “We really want to be honest!” Lin Fei laughed, “The rules are great!”


   “I hate these regulations, no wonder when I come to the barracks, I feel uncomfortable with have guts!” said Du Gu Yi Jian.


  :. :

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