Invincible Leveling King Chapter 2285: Kill

The desert of Endless. Teana novels www. ⒉ 3TXT. COM


   Several Teams are watching.


   The movement brought by the desert bandit king is not small. Everyone stood side by side, but they dare not compete with the desert bandit king.


   “What’s going on!”


   “The Lin Fei of could it be and the desert gangster match up!”


   “This movement is not right!”




People who are watching from a distance are not quite normal.


   That area, constantly burst terrifying fluctuations.


  every single time‘s fluctuations make them feel the breath of death.


   This situation is obviously not right.


   “No, no!”


  Bai Zong frowned, and shook his head subconsciously, “My could it be guessed wrong. That Lin Fei is more is difficult to deal with/ferocious than expected. Can you fight the desert gangster?”


   Even if it is himself, he has no confidence to survive in the hands of the desert gangster.


  The desert gangster king is the Paragon recognized by the Endless desert.


  Whether it is what Team, I don’t want to meet the king of desert gangsters. I have the opportunity to leave when I meet ordinary desert gangsters. But if I meet this Paragon person, I will definitely die.


   “If Lin Fei can really fight against the desert gangster? Wouldn’t it say ~~~” Bai Zong subconsciously shivered coldly.




On the Team side of the world, Qian Ji also looked at that area, revealing difficult‘s confident eyes.


   “San Fei, what situation is over there!”


   “What about people!”




  Qian Ji went to the message without any reply.


  This is basically impossible to give birth to.


   Sanfei was in the team, so quite was the same as scouts, and he made a lot of credit for Team. It will never be silent at the critical moment.


   “Captain, will something happen!”


  Qian Ji is right. Lin Fei is not the opponent of the desert gangster, and arranged three lurks to lay aside, so as to seize the opponent’s training method at the critical moment.


   But the current situation doesn’t feel right in any way.


   “No!” Qian Ji shook his head, “The desert gangster king is is difficult to deal with/ferocious, but this time his goal is Lin Fei, three flying in the dark world, there will be nothing wrong!”


  For San Fei’s journey through the dark world, Qian Ji still believes it.


   will know this Emperor Intent, after all, there are a few.


  As for whether Lin Fei can appear, Qian Ji is thrown aside. He does not believe that Lin Fei can threaten the three flying in the dark world.


   “It must be the critical time!”


  Qian Ji thought so.




  The huge body of the desert gangster constantly is in retreat.


  Overbearing Heavenly Body Ten times power increase, each punch of Lin Fei carries the power of terrifying, especially with the split sky gloves, every single time has a tearing effect.


  The desert gangster king is very strong, and it is destined to be unlucky when he meets the Lin Fei of Overbearing Heavenly Body, which also produces unrivaled / Wu Shuang from condense.


   “The desert gangster king’s fleshly body is afraid to exceed the peak of Great Emperor Rank 3. With a tenfold increase in power, I attacked thousands of times. It is indeed formidable!”


  Lin Fei has attacked thousands of times.


   In the tyrannical Great Emperor Expert all died countless times, the desert gangster king is different. Under thousands of attacks, the combat power has dropped by about 20%.


   “Now the desert gangster king strength is beginning to appear, and no more than 5,000 attacks will surely be defeated!”


   finally find an is difficult to deal with/ferocious opponent, whether it is defensive, degree, or strength, they are all the same Level. It’s really hard.


With a tenfold increase, with Overbearing Heavenly Body, Lin Fei is not inferior to the desert gangster king.


  The power of every single time collided and set off a monstrous yellow sand.


  The battle between the two lasted for half an afternoon.


   walked all the way, Void collapsed, and the desert bandits were crushed.


  Originally hailed as the most dangerous stone platform, the desert gangster constantly was affected by the power and disappeared.


   “The last punch!”


  The combat power of the desert gangster is getting weaker and weaker, and it can not shake the halo of the body surface. On the contrary, the fleshly body of the desert gangster becomes tattered, as if it will collapse at any time, but this is the way The desert bandit king can still work hard with survive.


   is another punch.


  Like the attack of before, pass through the chest.


  The powerful defense of the desert gangster was finally penetrated by Lin Fei. A series of cracks quickly covered the whole body of the desert gangster, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.


  Peng! !


   The desert bandit king broke apart like a piece of art.




How can Lin Fei miss a good opportunity.


   Take a breath.


   哗哗哗! !


   Those energies containing powerful essence of life poured into the body of Lin Fei.


  The Lin Fei whole body‘s breathing ball is getting bigger and bigger, and it turns into a big ball, sometimes expanding and shrinking, which lasts for a long time.


   “Fortunately, it almost burst!”


  Lin Fei took a deep breath and thought that the thick essence of life from the desert gangster almost burst him, and he still felt terrified.


   The life essence of the desert gangster is too thick.


If Lin Fei is not cultivated into Overbearing Heavenly Body, this essence of life energy cannot be refined.


   “With the life essence energy of the desert bandit king, although my Overbearing Heavenly Body has not entered the 4th Layer, fleshly body has exceeded the limit of Great Emperor Rank 3.”


  Lin Fei exhaled gently.


The large area of ​​Void in front of it suddenly collapsed, forming a huge black hole.


   “This trip, the life essence of the desert gangster king, is a big gain!” Lin Fei squinted, “Yes, the desert gangster king, as the Paragon of this one layer / first level, must have collected a lot of treasure, I have to take a look!”


  Lin Fei really thank those Team calculations.


  If it were not for them to attract the king of the desert gangsters, he would never have had the chance to obtain such a profound life essence energy.




  Lin Fei turns into a streamer.




   “Nothing happened!”


The energy fluctuations in the yellow sand have stopped.


   In the distance, Team did not feel the exist of the desert king.


   “It’s what!”


  ”The breath of the desert gangster is gone!”




  Bai Zong with ‘Zhang’ Team, came to the scene The scene was filled with terrifying breath.


  With the fleshly body of Great Emperor Rank 1, Bai Zongzhuo can withstand the aftermath of the invasion.


   “It seems that it is really gone, could it be is back!” Bai Zong glanced, “While the other Team did not come, quickly search around, maybe the practice method is near here.”


  The desert gangster king is not here, so Lin Fei must have lost.


   This result is not as good as what or accidental/surprised.


   It’s just that Bai Zong’s psychology still has doubts, it seems a bit wrong.


The changes during    are somewhat unpredictable. Bai Zongheng hates that he does not have Secret Technique in cultivation Soul. Otherwise, you can also see the movement inside, and it will not be confused at present.


   “Brother Bai, I didn’t expect you to be interested in this thing!”


  Qian Ji came with Team, ‘The World’.

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