Invincible Leveling King Chapter 2277: Influx

   on the desert.

   A looming mountain floats.

   The light spreads out circle by circle, forming a halo.

   “Can’t rush in.”

   “This halo is a good is difficult to deal with/ferocious.”

  ”Halo will absorb our attack.”


   in the desert, a figure was blocked from the halo.

  ’s eyes are unwilling.

   The place of origin is that Universe God strength is required to enter.

   All Universe God strength gathered at this time.

   Many of them are armored warriors, all from foreign Universe.

  Eternal Universe local Universe God are subconsciously distanced.

   These foreign Universe Expert are not easy to deal with.


   “The Holy See is here.”

  The Space fluctuated, and an Level 5 battleship rushed out. A huge air wave broke the Void.

  ”Mercenaries have really helped.”

   As soon as the Level 5 battleship came out, Expert from outside Universe secretly inhaled.

   If it were not for mercenaries, the Holy See would not be strength advanced greatly, even though it was only borrowed from Xianwei.

  Level 5 battleship is enough to deter the main Universe God.

   No one can hold the power of a battleship!

   What makes remember everyone is Lin Fei, the means is tyrannical, completely invisible means, this kind of enemy will have a headache in any case.

  Level 5 battleship came near the mountain.

   flew out from behind.

   is headed by the no wind Founder, followed by a crowd of High level behind him.

  In addition, the appearance of another person also shocked everyone secretly.

   No one else is Lin Fei.

   This time Lin Fei came along with him to complete the task smoothly.


   “That Lin Fei Prefecture Lord is here.”

   “It looks ordinary.”

   “Ordinary is terrible.”


As soon as Lin Fei arrived, everyone’s heart tightened.

  The mercenaries have suffered a great loss, not to mention them, it is better to be careful or to be careful.

   “No wind Founder, since you are here, can you open the place of origin, so that everyone can go in, could it be that you want to enjoy it alone.”

   On a battleship, an old man in black robe said lightly.

   “This is the eighth Universe, Black Tiger Great Monster.” Wufeng Founder transmitted the sound to Lin Fei. “It is extremely powerful, with the peak of Universe God 8th Layer, which can match Universe God 9th Layer Expert.”

  Starting from Universe God 7th Layer are all big Expert.

   is often very difficult to upgrade an Level.

  Black Tiger Great Monster is a famous Expert in the big Universe.

   As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone’s face changed.

  The place of origin is their last hope, and no one can stop enter among them.

   The Holy See is no longer the original.

   “No wind Founder, the origin is everyone’s.”

   “I don’t think they dare.”


  No wind Founder expected that this would happen, who made their Holy See so bully now, want strength without strength.

   persimmons are naturally picked and picked softly.

   The Holy See is undoubtedly the soft persimmon.

   Don’t pick it now and wait until what.

   “Everyone, the place of origin appeared in Eternal Universe, our Holy See will naturally open the door, you are worried that it is redundant.” Wufeng Founder high said.

   Everyone is relieved.


   They don’t think that the Holy See has this strength, plus Lin Fei is the same result.


   “Count him to know!”

   “As long as we go in, the Holy See can step aside.”

   “Now the strongest strength in the Holy See is the windless Founder, Realm of Universe God 9th Layer, which can only be normal in Universe God 9th Layer.”

   “No one can stop us from robbing treasure at that time.”

  Each gaze is different.

The excitement between   meiyu can’t be concealed.


   “Lin Prefecture Lord, a lot of Expert came this time, and twelve Universe God 9th Layer Expert alone!”

  No wind Founder channel, “The strongest should is the white wave Universe God in the town Heavenly Gate, which is close to the peak Complete of Universe God 9th Layer.”

  , who was stricken by Wufeng Founder, is a white clothed. The whole body is surging and the huge ocean world is looming.

   “Lin Prefecture Lord, this time you only need to help us find the treasure.” Wufeng Founder continues said, “We are not the biggest opponent this time, I think they will not come to deal with us.”

  If the place of origin appears elsewhere, it must be the enemy.

   But in the ninth Universe, it seems that Complete is weak.

   Similar to Wufeng Founder, this kind of Founder grade Expert is not very eye-catching.

   “As long as treasure is found, I will try my best to making a move.” Lin Fei said.



  No wind Founder summoned a treasure.

   This is a sword-shaped key.

  A sword outside the sky, passing through the halo that stopped everyone, flew into the Void Shadow God Mountain.


The halo around the **** mountain began to disperse.

   “It’s done!”

   “You can go in right away.”

   “The place of origin, the old man finally waited.”


   The halo disappeared!

  All Expert present felt the pressure of terrifying released at the origin.

   Everyone feels the extraordinary place of origin.

  Full after one hour.

   The halo disappeared.

   looks like you can go in anytime!

   “haha Ha, I’m going in first!”

   burst into laughter, and a figure rushed out and turned into a streamer to the place of origin.

   As soon as this figure burst into the halo of originally, it was forced out of the figure and stopped in mid-air, a thunder fell, followed by the second and even the third.

   “Lao… Don’t die!”

   Another thunder struck the place. After screaming, it fell from the sky.

   “A pseudo-Universe God also wants to break in, it’s hardly alive.”

  Black Tiger Great Monster was held up by the demon wind and flew towards the origin.


   “That is the **** of thunder origin, but the power of Universe God, anyone who can’t carry it will die.”

   Someone sneered.


   “Let’s go too.”

   Wufeng Founder also went in person.

   That piece of treasure must be greeted back without any mistakes.

  Lin Fei nod, “Go!”


   Several people rushed into the Shenlei area.

   Sure enough, the **** thunder hacked down, so powerful, with destructive aura.

   As Universe Gods, there is no pressure at all, and treasure comes out and passes the area.

  Lin Fei is simple, fleshly body carries Shenlei into it.


  The whole process is not!

The moment everyone stepped into the place of origin, everyone’s body sank.

   The infinite pressure reaches the depths of Soul.


  Universe God Expert flew in all directions.

   some also flew forward.

  Blinking time, everyone walked away.

  Wait until Lin Fei and no wind Founder come in, you can’t see a person, especially Universe God 9th Layer Expert.

   “This place is dangerous everywhere and you must be careful.” Wufeng Founder reminded.


  Pedestrians flying at low altitude.

   This time, the Holy See came to No Wind Founder, plus three Universe God 2nd Layer Expert.

   is really weak.

   Fortunately, there is Lin Fei, anyway, you are weak.

   “Founder, look at the front.”

   Several people appeared in front of an treasure making a move.

   “Universe God treasure, the lowest is also Low Grade.” Wufeng Founder said, “Because of the special place of origin, a lot of treasure will be born after a long time, and these treasure are Universe God treasure.”


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