Invincible Leveling King Chapter 2224: Plotting


  Yuanzheng Empire.

   has not been calm recently.

  The two Great Emperor countries kept fighting on a small scale at the border.

  During this period, technological weapons began to take the stage, unlike any small-scale battle. This type of battle is entirely supported by financial resources.

  I have to say that this way of fighting builds a line of defense in the one layer / first level layer, which is fierce compared to usual.

   Yuanzheng Empire and Monster God Emperor Country battle, the two sides fought Complete fiercely, Avengers No. 1, Charger No. 1, all for the first time on the table.

   As soon as they got on stage, they captured a lot of Martial Artist‘s hearts.

   does not need strength, does not need too much skill, can exert perfect power, form a line of firepower.


  Lin Fei went back to Emperor Peak and had a good night’s rest while letting System go to analysis col­lec­tion.

  At the same time.

  Yuanzheng also has some unknown things happening inside the empire.

  The five princes Fan Qinglong secretly received a mysterious guest.

  In the Yuanzheng empire, the five princes are not influential, especially in the military, they have made outstanding achievements, and even personally control an army.

   “Your Tianji Hall is really in a good mood. If you don’t deal with Avenger Alliance, how can you find the emperor here?”

In the secret room, Fan Qinglong teased each other.

  The dynamics within the Ancient Desolate world, outsiders may be do not know, but they know on this side, especially Fan Qinglong, who is a member of Imperial Family, that can’t be more clear.

   “Your Highness’s news is really well informed. This is all known to you!” The coming person is a middle-aged man, square and square, with a strong fragrance of books. “However, a Avenger Alliance is really not what! “

  Fan Qinglong half smiled, “Yes, your five elements Special Envoy attacked that Mu Yan, but it doesn’t mean that other people in Avenger Alliance will not be indifferent!”

  The middle-aged man’s face flashed a little embarrassment, “His Royal Highness, in fact I came to you this time, in fact it is a big thing about your future, it depends on your Highness whether you are interested!”

  bright light flashes in Fan Qinglong‘s eyes, people leaned back and changed a more comfortable posture.

   “Big event, interesting, please tell me!”

  Middle-aged people didn’t care about the indifferent expression on squared face and smiled, “His Royal Highness is not going well in recent days. Your big brother has made great contributions to bring back a lot of Avengers One and Chargers One for the Empire. No. Now, your empire is convening new people, preparing to build a new scientific and technological army. The commander of the new army will be your elder brother, could it be. Isn’t this showing what?”


   Fan Qinglong slapped it on the armrest next to it, the hard material ~snap~ cracked at once, “Enough, believe it or not, the emperor will charge you a provocative charge!”

  Middle-aged people are unimpressed, continues said, “We Tianjitang think that the five princes are the dragons of human beings, and they are all true enemies, and we all have a common enemy, that is Avenger Alliance, our Tianjitang willing Support His Royal Highness and become the future Son of Heaven!”

  Dare to say such things in the secret room, the middle-aged people’s courage is not ordinary.

   “Oh, you are very interesting, do you think it will work?” Fan Qinglong‘s face is unpleasant and angry, making people unable to see the other party’s real thoughts.

   “If we say that Tianjitang is not good, there is what power!” The middle-aged man laughed, “High level knows His Royal Highness’s concerns, and the Special Envoy sends a gift below. I believe His Highness will meet likes, and you can also see it. The sincerity of our Tianjitang!”

   A box was placed in front of Fan Qinglong.

After the box was opened, Fan Qinglong both eyes exploded, and gaze stared at the contents of the box.

   “Ancient Beast Dan, Item Quality is perfect, can make His Highness first step to ascend heaven, fleshly body impact Rank 9 fleshly body, and then equipped with the hero Battle Armor that our Tianji Hall first researched, His Royal Highness strength will surpass anyone of your Imperial Family peers!”

   Another large box was taken out. After the box was opened, a stacked Battle Armor was placed on it. Unlike the previous Battle Armor, this Battle Armor was not flat, but rather up and down raised.

   “Hero Battle Armor, comparable to the hero Battle Armor of the four major Battle Armor?”

  Fan Qinglong finally showed a touch of emotion on his face.

   “Your Highness has good eyesight, the hero Battle Armor Item Quality lacks a little bit, and has been infinitely close to the four major Battle Armors. After wearing it, you can play the true role of the hero Battle Armor with the Rank 9 fleshly body of your Highness, and we High level also said , If your Great Emperor has an opinion, we High level will be on your side and will not hesitate to send that one!”

   This temptation is great.

  Whether it is the perfect Ancient Beast Dan or the hero Battle Armor, it is a rare treasure, and the Yuanzheng empire is all obtained from not necessarily. Don’t be outside the Star Territory.

  The thing that makes Fan Qinglong the most exciting is the latter sentence.

  Everyone knows that Tianjitang can dominate one side and expand its influence to any corner. Although treasure is a big advantage, it is not enough in the eyes of those Top Grade Expert.

   They can sit firmly in this position, monopolize all resources, and actually rely on the Supreme Expert who sits in town.

  Ancient Desolate beast!

  Top Grade Expert even surpassed Rank 9 and reached the super Expert level of 10-Step.

   It is precisely because of this exist that Tianjitang always sits firmly in this position.

  If at a critical moment, the Supreme Expert speaks, even if the father and emperor disagree, they can’t help themselves. Fan Qinglong feels that he has stepped onto that throne.

   “Okay, everyone’s enemies are Avenger Alliance, as long as you can help me to get higher, in the future Yuanzheng empire, only Tianjitang ~ ~ will not have any Avenger Alliance exist!”

   is worthy of being born in Imperial Family, and Fan Qinglong made a statement.


  Yuanzheng Empire, Imperial Capital.

  In the back room of a humble mansion.

   This middle-aged man is kneeling in front of another person, reporting on the situation.

   “The mission is completed, the five princes have accepted our gift and can proceed to first step!” The middle-aged people dare not rise. In the secret room, the wind blade constantly rotates, with a trace of roaring horror. .

   “Yes, you have done very well, and the five princes are in!” In front of the middle-aged man, there is a mysterious man wearing a mask who is sipping tea. “The next cooperation is up to you. I’m in charge, and there are several major forces of Imperial Capital, you also visit one by one, Xu Family, Long Family, Nangong Family, these must be brought together!”

   “Special Envoy, you can rest assured that I will visit one by one. Under the attack of our Tianji Hall, they will definitely become our loyal partners!” Middle-aged man nod said with a waist.

  The mysterious mask man put down the glass, “This matter is very important to us, there is no room for a handicap, you should pay attention!”

   “Special Envoy, isn’t our originally plan some more time. Advance for what, although our power has penetrated the various departments of the Yuanzheng Empire, it is not perfect!” The middle-aged man carefully asked what he was thinking doubt.

  The mysterious mask person sneered, and the middle-aged person immediately hit a chill. “In this case, I don’t want to hear it for the second time. I can only tell you that it’s all because of Avenger Alliance!” (To be continued. )

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