Invincible Leveling King Chapter 2026: mysterious

“The what incident happened just now. For what, my eyes are black. what is do not know!”

“It’s terrible!”

“We must have hit the spirit Secret Technique attack just now, don’t forget, Xu Patriarch is a psychic division, belongs to the special Profession, unless you have the spirit treasure, otherwise you can’t stop it!”

no way, that was the mental Secret Technique attack just now. I didn’t even have a reaction time, so I fell from the sky!”


Nangong Emperor and Long Junwei roared, and broke the spirit of Secret Technique‘s broken attack. All the talents recovered, but Complete was also uncomfortable.

Almost, they are going to die.

This attack is too terrifying.

Everyone knows Xu Patriarch is difficult to deal with/ferocious, terrifying of a true spiritualist do not know.

Long Junwei and Nangong Emperor show a rare dignity, even if they want to block the attack of the spiritualist, it is not so easy. When paying attention to the spiritualist, pay special attention to it and rarely offend the spiritualist. , Their attack was invisible and colorless, and ordinary treasure could not stop it.

The Scroll of the mysterious person surprised them. It was blocked in this way. It seems to be a special transfer method. You can see the situation of the people around you.

“Xu Patriarch, my fight is moving, how about it!” Lin Fei laughed.

Since the mental double kill Secret Technique hit the disc, Xu Tengsheng realized that something was going to happen. Sure enough, the Secret Technique attack was diverted and all the people around shared it.

“Xu Patriarch, you also take me a try Secret Technique spirit!”

Lin Fei took out a piece of Formation Scroll and opened it with a clatter. Xu Patriarch‘s face became extraordinarily dignified. A spirit Rune was condensed in Void, but he couldn’t stop one of the opponent’s Scroll assaults, one spirit Rune was broken, and the Xu Tengsheng body. It also shivered slightly, and a trace of blood ran out of the corner of the mouth.

you let me win!”

The Formation Scroll Secret Technique attack just now was not clearly seen by everyone.

On the spot, two people could see clearly, one is the Nangong emperor and the other is Dragon Regal. Only their Realm can see the secret of Formation Scroll.

“Brother Long, we still underestimated the ability of Avenger Alliance!” Emperor Nangong said.

Long Junwei rarely has a temper tantrum, a rare point is nod, “It’s amazing, inside a Formation Scroll, condense has a spiritual attack, this attack is very solid, it is really the first choice for killing, Xu Lao Fox After a big loss, his own spirit Rune has been affected by serious injuries, that mysterious person is not simple!”

Xu Tengsheng is a special psychic division of Profession. Indeed, he suffered a big loss in the confrontation. Even if they are matched, not necessarily can resist it, and always pay a certain price.

Xu Tengsheng has a pale face. He was really hurt by the pure Spiritual Mark. He has been in the world for many years. He did not expect to eat a big loss here. The broken Rune will take a long time to repair. .

From this moment on, Xu Tengsheng no longer dare to despise this mysterious man, and the mysterious Avenger Alliance behind it.

“Your Excellency strength is unfathomable, and you are convinced to take it orally!” Although Xu Tengsheng does not have full power making a move, after seeing the other party’s Spiritual Mark attack, the next discussion is not necessary. Then do not know!”

Xu Tengsheng lost to Spiritual Mark, but also pulled up the two big Patriarch.

Lin Fei saw Xu Patriarch’s eloquence. He lost his own money and had to draw two others. It’s really interesting, “Nangong Patriarch, Dragon Patriarch, how about you?”

Whether it’s Nangong emperor or Long Junwei, how many times he has cursed the other person’s do not know in his heart, it’s almost shameless to get home.

At this time, if they are not making a move, Xu Lao Fox will definitely promote without restraint, which will affect the reputation of the two. Others may not do it. Xu Lao Fox is a what person and will definitely promote it. People are this morality and conduct. As an enemy for many years, is the what character still do not know?

Long Junwei stood up first, “Your Excellency, Xu Lao Fox hasn’t suffered a loss in a long time. It’s really heartfelt.”

Xu Tengsheng‘s complexion went down. When Long Junwei said his big mouth, it was strange to be happy on his face. He wished to block the other’s big mouth immediately.

“Our Long Family and Innate are fighting families. You can use Formation Scroll to injure old fox Xu. I also want to give it a try!” Long Junwei laughed. “Please advise!”


Long Junwei gave a long roar, Heaven and Earth concussion, within ten thousand miles, the roar was continuous and boundless Endless.

At this moment, everyone seems to be out of divine soul. I really feel that terrifying is deeply aware of the reputation of the fighting family.

The Nangong emperor waved his hand and arranged a vacuum zone to isolate the power of this roar. The disciples of Nangong Family were also worried. They all knew that Longjunwei is difficult to deal with/ferocious, but did not expect is difficult to deal with/ferocious to this extent. It would be useless if there was a roar during the fight.

“ Is this the sound wave Kung Fu of the Long Family chapter-Dragon Roar?” Nangong Beiming asked in a low voice.

“Yes, it’s the Dragon Roar of Dragon Clan, now you know the power!” Nangong Dihao said, “In the future, you will meet someone with Long Family, you must be faster than the other party, this trick, you can’t beat it, you understand No!”

Negong North Point nod, “many thanks Father Reminder!”

Dragon’s roar, Long Family‘s most famous attack method, and only the physique of Dragon Clan can be urged by full power, exerting perfect power. If outsiders, at most, they can exert 20% to 30% power.

Dragon Regal’s Dragon Roar is directed at the mysterious people. The people nearby are only affected, but they also make them aware of the terrifying. They dare not imagine how the mysterious people in it can resist.


Lin Fei took out a Scroll again, and after ripping Scroll, a roar spread, and the people present were bleeding from the shocked seven holes.


The two major attacks are facing each other, and the whole Heaven and Earth only has a roaring sound, which is endless.

Nangong Emperor and Xu Tengsheng opened their aura at the first time, forming a barrier, a huge impact, pressing the barrier to produce ripples, the people standing behind them, the body trembling, shaky, a pair of **** The expression, and the fear between the contractions in the pupil.

They have never seen such a terrible attack.

The huge roar is no less than that of Long Family‘s dragon roar. The same overbearing is incomparable. They don’t give in to each other and keep hitting until they finally disappear.

“Dragon Claw Hand!”

Long Junwei took a note of insuffcient. Once again, making a move and Void were captured by the big hands. The mountain-like violence ran over. It was another powerful hand of Long Family.

Lin Fei did not intend to use force to take out the previous Scroll, but Spiritual Mark Formation Scroll, and stab Spiritual Mark directly at the opponent. (To be continued.)

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