Invincible Leveling King Chapter 127: Tricked

PS:: Thank you “Yimu” for the starting point of 100 yuan. The recommendation ticket is bleak, and the final recommendation ticket in 2012 is requested.

   “It’s you!”

   Zhang Gan in an excited state, looking at Lin Fei coming out of the wooden house, a flash of accidental/surprised flashed in his eyes.

  The killing of the mine continued for no more than one two hours. According to the normal situation, there was someone exist at the scene without should, but someone appeared, and at the same time was a big enemy of Zhang Family.

  Other than that, Zhang Gan was the first to think that this is weird.

   They appeared in before, and also searched this area, just like Li Yuan, they generally searched and made sure that there was no danger before they came out.

  Importantly, Zhang Gan invites Rune division and Level 3 Rune division to have confidence.

   When Lin Fei appeared, it still brought a lot of pressure.

   This pressure, Zhang Gan really did not mind.


   “It’s not ok for what.” Lin Fei smiled, “This is my site, could it be, you haven’t heard a word, will my site be the master?”

   choosing to show up at this time is undoubtedly equal to closing the net.

   Around the mine, a figure emerged, holding a crossbow, the crossbow cold light flash moved, aiming at everyone in the mine.

  In order to ambush these people, Lin Fei has spent a lot of thoughts. If he is not a Rune teacher and is practicing in the virtual world, it is simply impossible to complete this series of actions.

   Packing up a big fish tonight, the excitement of Lin Fei quite.

  Level 3 Rune division Sang Mo is a big fish.

  The Rune division itself is rare, reaching the Level 3 Rune division, Gui Yuan City is regarded as the number one figure.

  Lin Fei believes that if the Level 3 Rune division is destroyed, it is a big blow to Zhang Family, which is equivalent to the loss of a left arm and right arm.

   Of course, the Level 3 Rune division appeared tonight, indeed contrary Lin Fei imagination.

  Zhang Family is probably stronger than imagined.

   Zhang Gan looked around, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, “I haven’t seen it in five years, Third Young Master has been able to rise, and it is a trap for lay out, so that everyone can come to a competition for fishermen. what a pity, you didn’t think about it I thought that we Zhang Family will invite Rune teacher? The final winner is still our Zhang Family, and you Lin Family will bear the notoriety of killing Li Family, the disciple of the North Palace.”

  Level 3 Rune was present, and Zhang Gan was full of confidence.

  The crossbow attacked is difficult to deal with/ferocious, but the Rune division was present and did not fear everything.

  The importance of Rune division is obvious.


   “Is it?”

  Lin Fei smiled, exposing his white teeth, “Idiot, you are the No. 1 fool of MMZ, could it be, you haven’t operated for accidental/surprised Lin Family for so long, why did you hear the news of Top Grade material today?”

   is not right, not right.

  Zhang Gan frowned, “What do you want to say about what?”

   a bad feeling comes out of my heart.

   “You really are an idiot, my home Young Master said so clearly, could it be you do not know, our Lin Family did not dig out Top Grade material!”

  Third Lin haha laughed and despised each other very much.

  Since the Lin Family forces not as good as, the mine Contest was cruel. As the person in charge of the mine, Third Lin had a bad life and kept breathing. There was a vent place tonight, and he naturally showed no mercy.


  Zhang Gan regressed three steps, said angrily, “impossible, you are lying!”

After the excitement, the painful blow is not for what people.

   In order to be foolproof this time, Zhang Gan invites Sang Mo out, and he will offend Li Family Beigong family and kill them all.

The purpose of    is not for Top Grade material.

   But now, Top Grade material is not exist at the beginning.

  Zhang Gan suddenly felt that the sky was falling down, so that there was such a panic, so slap in the face, and it was still very loud.

  Two blades of light flashed over, and the iron box was divided into two.


   “This is not Top Grade Hematite!”

   “Fake, we are fooled.”


  The people brought by Zhang Gan, many of them in charge of the mining area, recognized the stone in the iron box at a glance, not the Top Grade black iron stone.

   Everyone’s heart is cold.

   They were fooled.

  The bamboo basket fetched water.

  Zhang Gan‘s face was pale. If it weren’t for Top Grade material exist, he wouldn’t be so cruel, he would even have to marry Lin Family to the east.

   But now everything is empty.

  Lin Family doesn’t have exist of Top Grade material.

   “Ancient linguists don’t wait and see for three days, and Zhang admitted that he has gone away this time.” Zhang Gan tried to calm himself down, and the grudged gaze stared at Lin Fei. “However, your biggest mistake is not should. Stay here.”

  Zhang Gan‘s expression, Lin Fei is always seen in the eyes, and my heart is very cheerful.

  Fuck me Lin Family, this is great.

  Although he doesn’t have what feelings for Lin Family, this identity prevents him from leaving Lin Family.

   So, if you are right with Lin Family, Lin Fei will not let go.

  Resolve the worries of Gui Yuan City, so that he can rest assured that cultivation will not be affected by things.

   “Oh, your plan is to leave us here.” Lin Fei said, “Use our Lin Family as a scapegoat, the method is good, what a pity you use the wrong place!”

  Zhang Gan grinning, “That’s not necessarily.”

   “Kill them all!”

  Zhang Gan is very angry. I still know that once things spread today, they will have a great impact. Only the people in the mine will be killed, and no news will be revealed. Then Lin Family will be stinky for years, and they will be Zhang Family making a move without them. Was wiped out.

With a command, the Zhang Family people waved their swords for the first time.


  Zhang Family has just moved.

   In the middle of the crossbow arrows shot all over the place.

  咻咻咻咻! ! !

  Martial Artist strength formidable, the crossbow is still the most commonly used weapon in the family army.

  bows and crossbows are intensive attacks, specifically breaking Profound Qi Body Defense, Astral Qi Body Defense, of course the latter requires special crossbows.

  Generally speaking, the family uses broken Xuanjian most.

  Broken mysterious arrows can break Profound Qi Body Defense, which has little effect on Astral Qi Expert, but the overwhelming crossbow arrows, Astral Qi Expert, also cannot eat, and consumes Profound Qi too.

  The crossbow was killed, and there were many casualties in Zhang Gan.

  Profound Qi Body Defense and then is difficult to deal with/ferocious, facing hundreds of thousands of crossbow arrows, were shot directly into hedgehogs.

   A long-range attack, a melee attack.

The effect of    is immediately apparent.

   For a moment, Zhang Gan under the hands / subordinates suffered heavy losses.

  After all, Zhang Gan under the hands / subordinates generally cannot reach Astral Qi Body Defense, even if he himself, facing so many crossbow arrows, it is equally uncomfortable to break Xuanjian.

   “Master Sang, you still need making a move for this matter!”

   stunned the crossbow, Zhang Gan said to Sang Mo.

  Actually, Zhang Gan didn’t think that Lin Fei would be so well-arranged. They would use a crossbow to attack them on a large scale.

  Looking at the constantly dead and wounded under the hands / subordinates, Zhang Gan knew tonight that he lost his wife and broke his soldiers, and how to go back to do not know to explain.

  The only thing that can be done right now is to kill them all. But the crossbow arrows arranged by Lin Fei are very difficult to entangle. If you don’t start deal with first, you will suffer endlessly.

   “A trifle, the old man hates the liar most, this old man what Lin Family Third Young Master, the old man will ask him to taste Rune torture!” Sang Mo‘s eyes throbbed something called anger. [bookid=2556276,bookname=”The most powerful summoner in history”]


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