Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1: Death lingers outside the door

In the dim light, the drifting dust swirls in the ubiquitous mist, like a lonely dancer.

Black mist, this exclusive product that only exists in the reverse world, is the culprit of the gloomy environment. They absorb a lot of light and heat, making the world behind the Clough Gate always so dark and gloomy.

Beside the rusted iron cabinet with cardboard boxes and documents, a man in a red protective suit and a hooded helmet was flipping through the contents of the cabinet. Those things have existed for an unknown number of years, and they shatter and turn into fly ash when they are touched.

“This reverse world number 127 really disgusts me. Look at how similar the civilization it used to be to ours. Even if I see another me here, I won’t be surprised.”

Turning around, his tone was a little impatient: “What’s the matter, Tianyang, can’t you still contact our team?”

There is a faint light on the protective clothing, which is the miniature searchlight on the shoulder. Originally, the effective distance of the light is short, coupled with the absorption of the black fog in the air, the light is even dimmer.

With the help of light, it can barely be seen that this place seems to be a room like an archive room.

There were papers scattered on the ground, and there were messy footprints all over them. Someone was squatting on a thick stack of documents, fiddling with a standard communicator.

This device, which looks like a radio, can be used for communication in the reverse world, and can send and receive data.

The built-in security device can prevent unauthorized interception, and its components include receiving antenna, frequency conversion module, strengthening module and backup matrix circuit.

Now, the person called Tianyang is installing components on the communicator to strengthen the transmission of signals.

Even so, the electronic noise fed back from the communicator portends a difficult future for the team.

“…This is the fourth team of the collection team. I am Tianyang, and the soldier code is 1507. Please answer if this team receives it.”

After several attempts to no avail, Tianyang raised his head. In the light, one can see a childish face in the helmet that has not yet faded.

“Can’t get in touch, captain, maybe we’re too deep, and we’ve already left the limit transmission distance of the communication terminal.”

Someone not far away kicked a shelf hard, pointed at the captain in the red protective suit and shouted, “It’s all your fault, Qin Wu! If it weren’t for your hotheadedness, we wouldn’t be killed by those damned people now.” The prowlers cut off the retreat!”

Captain Qin Wu pointed to the fourth team member guarding the door and said, “Can you blame me? If that **** Dongyan hadn’t sworn that he had found the signal from the Star Pillar, I would have rushed over with you all? “

The team members at the door argued: “My digital model is not wrong. According to the recent prowler’s activity data, there must be a star pillar nearby!”

Qin Wu rushed over and grabbed his protective clothing: “Then tell me, where is Xingzhu now?”


Tianyang raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, which was a warning gesture.

Including the captain, all members of the collection team looked out the door nervously.

In the passage outside the door, the walls are mottled and covered with mold.

Some strange sounds came from around the corner not far away.

Like the dying gasp of a critically ill patient, or the deep roar of a wounded beast.

Tianyang took out a fluorescent stick from the tool bag behind his waist.

Qin Wu became nervous: “What are you going to do?”

“We need lighting, don’t worry Captain, the Prowler doesn’t respond to the light source.”

Tianyang bent the fluorescent stick, then threw it out, and the fluorescent stick fell to the corner of the passage. The chemicals in it start to react, and the cool light gradually turns on.

In the cold blue-gray light, everyone could see clearly that several figures appeared on the wall at the corner.

Those figures were extremely distorted and wobbly, wandering in the corridor on the other side.

Unexpectedly, one hand was caught in the corner of the wall, and the skin of that hand was festered, secreting a kind of dark green pus. They are sticky, dripping to the ground, sizzle.

Like water drops on hot rocks…

The collection team member’s heart rose to his throat, but fortunately, that hand quickly retracted.

“It’s the prowlers, it’s them!” The team member named Dong Yan stepped back again and again, “Captain, let’s go. I don’t want to be caught by those things!”

“But how?” another team member called out, “Even if we rush through this corridor, there are more prowlers down there. Downstairs, on the street, in every building, they’re everywhere! “

“Shut up!”

Qin Wu tightened his grip on the attacker rifle, his eyes flickered: “It seems that this is the only way to go.”

He turned around and stretched out his hand towards Tianyang: “Recruit, give me your gun!”

In the hooded helmet, Tian Yang’s face was obviously full of hesitation.

He subconsciously clenched the rifle in his hand.

Assailant rifle is the standard equipment of the collection team. Although this kind of live ammunition gun that fires solid bullets has limited power, the gun body is clumsy.

But if the distance is right, it can still destroy the wanderer’s will cage, which is the only way to stop these dark people.

So surrendering the gun is tantamount to surrendering one’s own life.

At this point, the light from the light sticks begins to fade. In the gradually dimming light, a foot stepped on it, completely extinguishing the cold light at the corner.

Those distorted figures began to come, and in the dark passage, the pale light emitted by the wanderer’s will cage was like a will-o’-the-wisp dancing on the cemetery!

“Quick! I’ll stop them, you go first!”

Qin Wu urged: “I need enough firepower, **** it, can I still harm you!”

Tianyang bit his lip: “Okay.”

The teenager handed over his rifle and a magazine.

Qin Wu took it, waved his hand and said: “Leave from the window, climb up, and find another escape route. Tianyang, you go first!”

Tianyang nodded, turned and ran towards the window.

Just step forward.


The boy’s whole body shook, and the blood sprayed from his right thigh was reflected on the helmet’s visor, like blooming flowers.

With a stagger, the boy fell to the ground.

This sudden change stunned the other two team members.

Qin Wu roared: “Why are you still standing there, come with me quickly. There are too many prowlers in the building, and now his protective clothing is broken, and the B-type pheromone released will attract those dark bastards. It is our only chance!”

So it is!

I don’t know if it was because of his injury or because he was betrayed, but the young man only felt cold hands and feet.

Anger burned in his chest, galloped in his veins, and finally turned into a loud roar.

“Qin Wu, why!”

In the helmet, Qin Wu sneered: “There are so many reasons, I am a citizen of the fortress, and I have a noble status. A dog like you who lives in the lower class, now has the opportunity to die for me, you should feel honored! “

“You bastard!”

Tianyang wanted to prop up his body and fight Qin Wu desperately.

The black muzzle of the attacker’s rifle stopped him.

At the same time, it also calmed him down. Tianyang realized that anger can’t change anything, and only by calmly thinking can he have a chance of survival.

Qin Wu pointed his gun at the young man, and then looked at the other two: “Will you go away, or stay here with him if you don’t!”

Leave these words behind, Qin Wu walked towards the window.

The two players looked at me and I looked at you, and finally chose to leave with the captain.


Tianyang took out a dagger, turned the tip upside down, and pointed at his heart.

“You can go, give me the first aid kit and two units of survival supplies!”

Qin Wu became anxious all of a sudden: “Why do you still have a knife in your hand!”

Daggers are not included in the standard equipment of the collection team.

Tianyang sneered, this dagger was given to him by his mother for self-defense before departure. In order to buy this alloy dagger, she spent all her savings.

The young man hid it carefully, and was reluctant to use it. Qin Wu naturally didn’t know its existence.

“Qin Wu, I don’t need to remind you. A dead person will not release type-beta pheromone. If you don’t give me something, I will die anyway, so I might as well kill myself now!” Tianyang shouted, The eyes are determined.

In the helmet, Qin Wu was sweating profusely, with hesitation in his eyes.

Tianyang looked at the other two team members: “Maybe you have to persuade Captain Qin Wu, otherwise I will die, and maybe the next one to be abandoned will be one of you two.”

“After all, you are also servants who can sacrifice at any time, aren’t you?”

Dong Yan and another team member couldn’t help but swallowed, and clenched the rifles in their hands. Although they didn’t dare to point the guns directly at Qin Wu, they put their fingers on the trigger.

Qin Wu could see this detail clearly, and couldn’t help cursing inwardly.

Of course he knew that this recruit was putting pressure on him. To be honest, he didn’t expect this situation at all just now.

If he knew that Tian Yang was so difficult to deal with, maybe he should have changed his target just now.

As for now…

“I’ll give him a first aid kit, each of you has a unit of survival supplies! Come on, there’s no time!”

Qin Wu quickly untied the backpack behind him, which contained a first aid kit. The other two exchanged glances, took out survival supplies, and looked at Tianyang nervously.

The young man moved the dagger away a little.

Qin Wu heaved a sigh of relief, snorted, and got out of the window.

Soon the three of them used the pipes on the outer wall to climb up to avoid the prowlers in the building.

Watching them leave, Tianyang didn’t say any cruel words, but kept this hatred firmly in his heart.

Next, he reached out to get the first aid kit, but there was a strange noise from the passage outside the door, the sound was like a leaking bellows, making Tianyang turn his head to look.

The pale will-o’-the-wisp floating in the dark passage was getting closer and closer, and Tian Yang even saw that a foot with only three toes was bubbling with sticky pus, stepping heavily on the ground.

Juice splatters.

The prowler has come to the door!

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