I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon: Section 166 Even if it’s a slave status, you need to fight for it

The spirit is peaceful and happy to collect all the ‘blood of the wind master’/’blood of the rain master’ collected by these people, and then release the task reward.

Although it cost him 70,000 nightmare points—he redeemed another 200,000 nightmare points, and by the way, the epic accessory of “Plague Princess’s Determination” was also exchanged for this descending character. .

Supplemented their own combat capabilities.

So, this cost him more than 20,000 extra points (exchanging 5,000 points + coupons and equipment transaction fees are almost 17,000 points!)

Equip this epic jewelry to the equipment slot.

Lingping waved to the other players and said: “Let’s do things individually!”

Simply, he set the task of replacing blood with points as a routine.

This makes these players happy.

The longer they stay in this nightmare space, the more they cherish their lives! The more you understand the fragility and preciousness of life!

How many strong people, once a horse stumbles, it’s all gone.

How many big people in Zeng Weizhen Space have died because of a failed mission!

It is precious to everyone to get a chance to resurrect!

The four people in the top four immediately rushed to the ancestral hall with joy.

Guinong is naturally one of them.

He is only ranked third in this competition!

Moreover, he looked at the other three people beside him.

They were all people he didn’t know well.

Even strangers!

Ruan Keke, Rondo, Qi Xiu… these people he is familiar with and who think they are competitors can only be ranked in the top ten.

Ruan Keke almost didn’t even keep his top ten ranking!

This Guinong was actually shocked!

He knew that he had used all his hole cards, tried everything, and with good luck, he killed a “Crazy Victory Bird” who was stronger than him, and got more than 30 milliliters of “Rain Master” Blood’.

I barely made up 50 ml and squeezed to third place!

And ranked fourth after him, a woman named’Zheng Jiajia’, she turned in 49ml of mission blood!

What does this mean?

She just had a little luck!

The fifth place that surprised Guinong was still the fifth place-forty-five milliliters!

He has no impression of these two people!

Similarly, he had no impression of the two people ranked ahead of him, and he had not even heard of their names before.

One is called ‘Guo Fei’, who seems to be from Lanfang.

The other is a monk from the Three Buddha Qi, named ‘Je Mi’.

“cnm!” Looking at these three people, Guinong couldn’t help but blurt out the national curse of the Federal Empire: “Quan Te is Old Yin Bi!”

Guinong can imagine that these people have been hiding their strengths, even hiding in the crowd in obscurity.

There must be no good intentions!

It’s wrong this time, it’s related to the resurrection authority.

Plus special nightmare items that can be exchanged for use in reality.

They finally tore through the disguise and revealed their true colors.

Otherwise, I will always be kept in the dark and be immersed in the dream of ‘I’m No. 1 in the World’.

Then, at a critical moment, a knife is stabbed in the back, and people are gone!

In my heart, even though I was screaming, Gu Nong was full of spring breeze on the surface, and he was not angry at all for being deceived by them.

He is a realistic person.

In this nightmare space, it has been understood even earlier.

Nothing matters, this truth is the most important thing in life!

“Three…” Chai Nong once studied at the Imperial College of Humanities in the Federal Empire, so he sometimes appeared very elegant.

He looked at the two men and a woman beside him, and said with a smile: “Today, I guess Nong is fortunate to be able to meet three heroes, why not, let us become brothers!”

“Having blood in front of Grandpa Guan!”

“From now on in this nightmare space, we will communicate with each other…”

“Hehe…” The woman named Zheng Jiajia just laughed.

“Amitabha!” The monk who claims to be Jue Mi put his hands together: “All four monks are empty!”

“Keeping worship will be avoided…” The self-proclaimed Guo Fei smiled and said: “You can exchange what you have, but you can…”

Guinong listened and had no choice but to laugh.

While speaking, the four of them stepped into the ancestral hall.

As soon as they stepped into it, they all felt like they were being stared at by something terrifying!

The light-winged woman holding a halberd is suspended in the middle of the ancestral hall.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Chainong and others.

“Very good!” He said softly: “You have all obtained my master’s permission! It is possible to become a slave to my master!”

“This is the honor of Er Deng!”

Under his wings of light, his white and slender, flawless arms full of divine brilliance, gently stretched out.

Four dazzling papers flew in front of them.

“Sign it!” He said: “Sign your humble and small real names under this sacred contract!”

“Get a chance to dedicate your ridiculously fragile simple soul to our Lord!”

“Countless worlds, infinite universe!”

“How many gods are these things that are longing for but unavailable!”

The four people lowered their heads, and the terms on the light paper automatically emerged from their brains and even in their souls!

Article 1: Humble and small humans*, voluntarily dedicate all flesh and soul, and apply to become the eternal slave of the great immortal master!

Article 2: I wish to swear by the souls of me and all my bloodline children to always be loyal to the great and immortal Lord, for his happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, and do everything possible…

The third article…………………………

Article Nineteen: Even though I am unfortunately not recognized by the great immortal master and become a hardworking slave and loyal hound under his seat, I am still willing to be loyal and obedient to him with all my heart and soul.

I swear: The above oath is indeed an oath that my flesh and soul fully agree with.

This life is like this, the next life is like this, life after life…

Every clause of this clause is extremely harsh and severe.

Each article only talks about obligation and dedication, not the slightest compensation.

More importantly, after reading the whole article, Guinong discovered a fact: even if it is so harsh, even if it is so strict.


They are still only seen as alternatives for ‘working hard and desperately trying to be the eternal slaves of the great immortal master’.

In short…

These conditions are not for slaves.

It is prepared for candidates for slaves.

To those who wish to become the slaves of the “great immortal lord”, to serve and dedicate everything to serve him and defend him, and to offer his flesh and soul in his hands anytime and anywhere, just to please him Prepared by the reserve army of slaves.

From the tone and content of the terms.

Obviously, in the eyes of this light-winged woman.

People like them are not even qualified to be slaves.

Only seeing the face of the ‘great immortal master’ outside, reluctantly gave them the green light, and prepared a shortcut to the south for them!

“I’m not even qualified to be a slave?!” Guess the farmer swallowed.

“Can I not sign?” At this moment, Guinong heard the woman named Zheng Jiajia asked.

“Of course!” The light-winged woman holding a halberd smiled: “This is a wise decision!”

“How can humble and ignorant human beings serve our lord?!”

“This is the opportunity to serve and defend our Lord. This is also a humiliation and trampling on us!”

“I am so relieved to know this!”

“So…” The woman named Zheng Jiajia bowed softly: “I’ll take a step!”

She actually gave up this opportunity directly.

This opportunity that took her countless time and effort, and paid a huge price!

Guess Nong and the others looked at her and slowly retreated to the door.

Just when her feet were about to walk out of this ancestral hall.

A halberd penetrated her body and raised her high!

In the halberd, the aura of the dead bloomed, and Zheng Jiajia’s body was torn into pieces and turned into powder.

He even sucked her soul into the halberd thoroughly.

“Although I admire your intelligence!” The woman who stretched the light and shadow floated up, and the light feathers on her body shone, and the **** breath from the Youdu Jiuquan was flowing: “But then…”

“I am a man who serves eternally and devotes everything to my Lord!”

“How dare you refuse the kindness of my lord!”

“This is a great disrespect and blasphemy to our lord!”

“Those who blaspheme our lord will be broken into pieces, and their soul will be at the bottom of Jiuquan, the secluded capital, and will be tortured by the devouring souls of thousands of ghosts for life and life until they are worn out!”

Guinong and the others swallowed violently.

They looked at the light-winged woman holding the halberd tremblingly.

“I sign!” Guess the farmer immediately shouted: “I sign!”

As he yelled, the terms that emerged in his brain and soul were automatically made into golden chains, entwining his soul and brain.

At this moment, Guinong knew that in the future, whenever he dared to have half-disrespect to the’Great Immortal Lord’, he would show a little disrespect.

These chains will immediately tear him and his soul to pieces!

Then follow the traces of the bloodline, tracing up and down.

Within three generations, the whole family will be up and down, no chickens and dogs will stay!

Even if it is dead and buried in the ground, as long as there is a soul, it will be dragged out and put to death!

That’s how overbearing!

It’s so ruthless!

It’s so unreasonable!

This is the end of the matter. Guess the farmer has no room for repentance!

Not only dare not!

He will soon need a secret method to shatter all possible thoughts in his mind and soul.

Then clicked and knelt down: “I will be the master of the great and immortal forever!”

“I will strive to become a slave to the great immortal master!”

“Even if it fails, I will do my best to do everything my children and grandchildren have…”

“Just to please the great immortal lord…even if only to win him a smile…even if only for him to get the pleasure of every second!”

Seeing Guinong’s appearance, the other two dared to talk a lot there and immediately agreed to sign.

Then they understood why Guess Nong did this.

Next, they also swore in front of the Lightwing Lady just like Guinong!

I vowed to use all the efforts of myself and my children and grandchildren to strive to become a slave to the ‘Great Immortal Lord’.

Even if they fail to get this honor in the end, they will never regret it!

I will also smile at Jiuquan, and I will live forever for my chance to become a slave to the great immortal master. I am honored!

“Good!” Looking at these people, the light-winged woman reluctantly nodded.

“In view of the fourth’Bloody Beauty’ Zheng Jiajia voluntarily gave up the spot…”

“He Rourou, the original fifth Lion City Rose, automatically substitutes for the spot!”

“He Rourou?” When Chai Nong heard the name, he was shocked: “Unexpectedly, she also entered this nightmare space and became a nightmare game participant…and she has great strength!”

He Rourou is the only daughter of He An, the owner of the largest casino in Nanyang.

Princess of the Lion City, she is a famous beauty in the entire Nanyang region!

She is even more famous and talented!

At the age of sixteen, under the blessing of his parents’ “currency ability”, he studied in the Federal Empire and enrolled in Imperial College, which the Federal Empire claims to be ‘only the top talent’ can be admitted!

And among them, ranked first among international students with a total score!

This incident caused a sensation throughout Nanyang.

He Rourou has thus become the dream lover of countless men in the entire Three Buddhas Qi, and even the entire Nanyang region!

Guinong originally ~IndoMTL.com~ had planned to take the Lion City princess, but because of the typhoon and heavy rain, the federal empire attracted attention and gave up this plan.

It now appears that, fortunately, he did not act.

Otherwise, it will hit the steel plate!

That He Rourou, I am afraid that the strength is not lost to him!

Thinking about this in my heart, a girl with a graceful posture and wearing a piece of equipment that can hide her face walked into the ancestral hall.

She looked at the Lightwing Woman, and then at the ashes scattered all over the floor.

Naturally understand how to choose.

So, he signed the terms readily.

Then there were four people kneeling on the ground.

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