I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 600: Too Shang Lin Warhammer

The Gothic galaxy, Nest Capital Star Smith.

In the lower theater of Chaodu, a theater troupe from the spirit race is performing.

Today is the last day of this new show.

After the performance, the troupe will immediately evacuate the star field through the pipeline network of the spirit race.

Not only because, the Ark World of the Spirit Race, “Usvi”, has issued an early warning.

The dark spirits in the depths of the network also sent out dangerous information at the same time.

In the eyes of fear that has been silent for hundreds of years.

The Blackrock Fortress of Abaddon, the warlord of Chaos, showed signs of charging.

The trajectory of its waterway also began to appear.

The goal is exactly: Gothic galaxy!

A new round of dark expedition is ready to go.

If it’s just that, it’s fine.

The key is that in the subspace at this moment, a Tribunal fleet departing from Terra is on the journey.

They will jump out of the subspace in less than four Tyra hours.

Then, to this nest star, announce the decision from the Tribunal and the Supreme Lord Council-extinction!

This nest city star will be sentenced to extinction by the upright and selfless trial court for tolerating heresy and preaching heresy!

The flagship of the fleet, on that huge cruiser, is equipped with a brand new weapon against the stars developed by the bishops of the Mechanic Cult after the last dark expedition, based on the wreckage of the Blackrock Fortress!

The moment the fleet jumped out of the subspace.

The destruction cannon developed specifically for stars will be launched immediately.

Tear the entire star field to pieces with the anger of the court and all the sun lords!

Just like in the Gothic War, Commander Abaddon used the Blackstone Fortress to ignite the stars within the territory of the human empire.

Let the stars become a weapon of destruction.

One helium flash will destroy everything!

This is something that has already been decided.

And cannot be changed!


Smith’s Nest, the star, has fallen into an incurable blasphemy!

The profanity of the emperor and the thoughts of rebelliousness are spreading throughout the entire nest city.

If the entire star field is not destroyed, there will inevitably be omissions.

Therefore, the big men in the trial court issued an order for the extermination of Smith’s Nest without hesitation.

He even did not hesitate to mobilize the sun lords to **** an entire star warrior group.

Now, Smith’s Nest is only four hours away from the end.

Everyone in the theater knows this.

Because the stories of blasphemous language and great rebellion are circulated from the troupe.

It is also the theme of the play they are performing now.

“The Emperor is in Terra”.

This script makes fun of the emperor who is regarded as the true **** and the only truth by the court of justice and the sun lords.

Not only that, it also blasphemed the glory of the emperor and all Star Warrior Primarchs!

It’s like the story being played at the moment.

The actor who plays the emperor is about to sit on the golden throne.

He summoned Gilliman.

The thirteenth son of the emperor, the original body of the Ultimate Warrior Legion.

The emperor looked at Gilliman anxiously: “You tell me, I have a hidden worry!”

“Dear father, tell me!” Gilliman said.

“I am worried that the people will not follow you after I am!” The emperor thought seriously.

“They will definitely follow me!” Extreme Soldier said very seriously: “They will definitely!”

“I hope so!” The emperor closed his eyes: “But I am still worried, what if they refuse to go with you!?”

Gilliman replied: “Don’t worry, my dear father!”

He laughed: “If someone refuses to follow me, then I will let them follow you!”


Complete blasphemy!

It’s comparable to slapped on the face of a human empire.

Not only did the Tribunal go into a rage, even the interstellar warriors who had always been a mess of sand were furious!

Such profanity must be accompanied by the cruelest and bloodiest cleaning!

So, the Inquisition directly dispatched a fleet directly under it, carrying the weapon against the stars found in the wreckage of the Blackstone Fortress, and leaped from Tyra.

In order to ensure success, the Space Cyclone, an interstellar warrior group stationed in Terra, is also fully loaded with its fleet under the leadership of its lord.

In order to destroy such a nest star.

Tara has mobilized enough power to wipe out a galaxy.

Aim for it!

Full of confidence!

There is almost no power to prevent the destruction of Smith’s Nest.

Kleia and her troupe members also think so.

So, after the performance.

They quickly boarded a Spirit Race scout ship, and then took it to fly out of the atmosphere of Smith’s Nest.

Kleia sat in the scout ship and watched the building of Lao Duxing under him slowly shrinking.

In the end, the star in her eyes turned into a planet with a gray atmosphere full of poisonous gas.

“Goodbye!” Kleia said.

Everything on this planet is about to be destroyed!

In the distant solar orbit, ripples of subspace turbulence have appeared.

The Extinction Fleet from Tyra is about to debut.

Kleia closed her eyes. She didn’t want to see this planet and everything around it, burning to ashes in the dazzling light of the stars.

I was about to drive the engine of the starship, go to the agreed coordinates, and transfer to the safety ship from the network city.

Kleia’s heart beats suddenly.

She seemed to have seen it, and the great being who gave her the task said in her ear: “The task is complete!”

“Please stay in the current star field and observe the situation of the Smithsonian star!”

“The completion of the mission will give you the opportunity to fight against evil!”

Klea raised his head and looked behind him in disbelief.

The great voice repeated his request again.

“This…” Kleia swallowed.

The extermination fleet from Tyra will soon jump out of the subspace.

Smith’s Nest is all destroyed!

Now, stay?

Isn’t that going to die?

Is this a test? !

Kleia trembling hands.

But she has no choice!

She turned around, looked at her men, and gave her order: “You take the escape boat and go to the meeting point!”

“What about you?” a young Ashen female asked.

“Me?” Kleia laughed: “I still have the final task!”

“For the souls of our compatriots and ancestors…”

“I must stay here!”

“Let’s go!” she waved.

In the end, under her order, most of the troupe members boarded the escape boat and went to the agreed coordinates.

Only three spirit warriors remained.

They are warriors sent from the Dark Spirit Race, Ark World, and a certain Spirit Race prince.

Is not only an overseer, but also a spiritual elite who will use his life and soul to protect Kleia.

“What are you waiting for?” the three spirit warriors asked Kleia.

Kleia shook his head: “I don’t know either!”

“But this is the final task!”

In the distant solar orbit, the fleet from Terra is already slowly moving forward.

Three cruisers, twenty-one destroyers!

This is Tyra’s main fleet!

Among the ships, one can vaguely see a wave of powerful life energy resonating.

The breathing sound from the star warrior is clearly audible in a vacuum!

This is a terrifying fleet that can sweep enemies tens of thousands of light-years away.

Kleia’s heart was twitched.

Such a huge terrorist fleet can easily tear apart planets. Now it is equipped with weapons against stars from Blackstone Fortress, and it also has the means to destroy stars.

After a while, all the ships have all appeared.

The main battery is charged.

The dazzling light is intertwined in the orbit of the sun.

Smith’s solar galaxy is about to be destroyed!

Kleia swallowed and closed her eyes.

“If that great being, hopes that I will use my life to prove my sincerity…”

“Then I will never spare my life!”

“As long as you can help us and our compatriots…”

“Let us no longer be threatened by sex!”

Thinking of this, Kleia said to the other three spirit warriors: “You have the last five minutes…”

“In five minutes… the entire solar system will be destroyed!”

This is inevitable.

It only takes three minutes to recharge the main gun, and up to two minutes when fired.

In the Gothic War, the commander Abaddon relied on constantly destroying the stars, and almost forced the coalition forces of the human empire and the spirit race into the Jedi!

Wrong is the critical moment. A captain of the human empire, driving his battleship, with his loyal warriors, directly blocked the main guns of the Blackstone Fortress, and the hero and his men were all The main gun was burnt to ashes.

But this also caused the Blackstone Fortress’s energy system to go down and severely malfunctioned.

As a result, the coalition forces seized the opportunity to launch a Jedi counterattack, and the commander and his Blackstone Fortress were forced to return to the Eye of Fear.

The three soldiers were motionless.

For the Spirit Race, death is not terrible.

The terrible thing is to be swallowed by the evil!

Now, there is hope.

Even if it is slim, they will hold onto it!

In the distant solar orbit.

The energy waves emitted by the main guns of the three cruisers produced ripples.

The energy system from Blackrock Fortress has been activated.

On the end of the sun, only the last few minutes are left.

Kleia couldn’t help looking at the sun.

The orange-red star is like a big fireball that never stops.

The main artillery is intertwined with a bright torch of destruction!

“Will it be destroyed?” Kleia murmured.

“The Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!” A voice sounded in the abrupt Kleia’s ears.

This sound is very strange, very strange, it does not belong to any known language at all, and it may not even come from the vocal cords or organs.

Because even in the vacuum, there is this voice reverberating.

More importantly, this voice is extremely stalwart, full of compassion and wisdom.

Just listening, people can’t help but burst into tears.

It reminded Kleia that he had met the omnipotent spirit in the first place.

Kleia turned his head.

She saw a scene that she will never forget.

A green cow!

A green cow that can be seen in countless human galaxies, holding a gray-haired old man in a robe of unknown material, walking slowly between the deep space of the galaxy.

Moo, moo!

The sound of the blue cow~IndoMTL.com~Resonating the universe.

The old man seemed to feel the existence of Kleia. He turned his head and looked at Kleia with a pair of black and white eyes with infinite wisdom and infinite compassion.

Just looking at those eyes, Kleia couldn’t help but knelt down.

She burst into tears.

As if his own mother appeared in front of him again.

It also seems to have returned to the mother’s womb. There is only safety, only comfort, and I am lazy.

“Blessed Heaven!” The old human man with white beard and hair just hit the head.

Then his voice spread throughout the starry sky.

It also spread to the ground, oceans, lakes, and even into the ears of flowers, trees, birds and animals.

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