I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 59: Situation

   Ling lay on the chair safely, patted his full stomach, and happily swiped his cell phone, and in the group, he and a group of friends were talking about the awesomeness of the sky.

  ”Do you know?” Someone in the penguin group typed mysteriously: “Today, in the Kingdom of Flange over Qin Lu, the Yin Soldier appeared in broad daylight…”

   “I was teasing my sister at the Arc de Triomphe, and I saw a ghost of the old guards two hundred years ago, carrying the flag, singing military songs, and walking through the streets!”

   “Now the French are crazy!”

  Ling looked peacefully, couldn’t help but laughed, then typed and asked: “Are there any photos?”

   “Yes… Countless people took pictures at that time, and I took them too!” The man said, “But, the negatives that came out were nothing…”

   “It’s so weird!”

   Ling Ping shook his head and thought: “Here is another trick!”

  ”Unfortunately, my buddy is not eight years old…”

  ”What is the Bermuda Triangle, the monsters of Loch Ness, the aliens of the Northern Zhou…”

   “I can’t lie to my buddies anymore!”

   was about to turn off the penguin, when I noticed an avatar in the communication bar started to move.

   looked safe, and quickly sat up.

   Then I clicked on the avatar, and I saw the message from the other party.

   Mung Bean: Peace, fishing?

   Ping An is his pen name, and Mung Dou is his editor in chief.


   Ling Ping’an denies it, typing his answer: Editor-in-chief, you have to believe me, I never fish.

   Mung Bean: Hehe…

   Lingping knows that the trick was seen through, so I had to type: Editor in chief, I really didn’t fish, I was just looking for material and inspiration!

   The other party is too familiar with him, so he typed immediately: You write the new beginning as soon as possible!


   Ling Ping An promised.

   Then, he put down his phone and muttered to himself: “I really have to think about what I wrote!”

   This novel writing is after all an interest.

  His enthusiasm is still very high.

   So, he turned on his mobile phone, cut into the novel reading software, and began to find those novels with good grades from the rankings.

   Writing novels, learning is very important.


  A small federal business jet landed slowly at Jiangcheng Airport.

   Situ He, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him.

   The door of the cabin opened, and a serious-looking man in his forties walked down.

   “Your Excellency, welcome!” Guangnan Governor Wang Andao first stepped forward and shook hands with the visitor: “Please, your Excellency, after returning to Beijing, be sure to convey to your Majesty the sincerity and loyalty of the Minister to your Majesty and the Federation! “

  The imperial royal family, although it has been ruled for two hundred years.

   But the royal reputation and prestige are still extremely prosperous.

   Especially over time, with the development of the times.

   There will always be some widows and children who miss the past in this world.

  In the Federal Empire, the Republicans are the centralized representatives of these people.

   It just so happens that Wang Andao’s position is more republican.

   “Duke Wang is serious!” Zhang Hui just nodded slightly.

  The attitude of the imperial family to general government has been consistent for two hundred years-governing by hanging arches.

   After all, whether the center or the magistrates, they are all citizens of the Federal Empire who choose one person, one vote.

   They are representatives of the sky.

   And the sky is a collection of people.

  The emperor is the emperor.

  How can the son instruct and command the representative of the parents casually?

   Isn’t that filial piety?

   Without much greeting with these local officials, Zhang Hui walked towards Situ He.

   The hands of the two are held together tightly.

   “Your Excellency…” Situ He released his hand and handed the prepared bag of materials forward: “This is the relevant materials organized by the subordinates…”

   “Hmm!” Zhang Hui didn’t say much: “Let’s go to the car and talk in detail!”

   Half an hour later, Zhang Hui ended the exchange with the local general officers and boarded the special car Situ He had prepared for him.

   Sitting in the back seat of the large car, Zhang Hui took out the materials from the material bag and looked at it carefully.

   “Huh…” He put down the materials in his hand and said to Situ He: “Has the half-life determined?”

   “Yeah!” Situ He replied: “Bachelor Zeng Jing, after careful calculation, it is concluded that the half-life of both clothing and the psionic substances extracted from domestic waste is stable for one hour!”

   “Every hour, their energy level drops by half!”

   “Six or seven hours have passed now… the psionic substances extracted from domestic garbage have become ordinary…”

  ”And the protective power of those clothes has dropped to the second-grade vestments!”

   “Hi!” Zhang Hui took a breath after hearing this.

   He understands what it means.

   This means that the goal itself is an unimaginable existence.

  Everything around him will be infected by his unconscious psionic energy.

   “Is there a way to slow the decay of this half-life?” Zhang Hui asked.

  ”Currently testing…” Situ He was full of confidence about this: “The subordinates believe that as long as there are enough samples tested, a method can always be found!”

   “Hmm!” Zhang Hui nodded, and then he flipped through the relevant data files.

  ”The parents of the target, 14 years ago, sacrificed in Kunlun Prefecture…”

  ”His mother’s sister served as his guardian…until she graduated from university…”

  ”Have you checked the target’s past behavior?” Zhang Hui asked.

   “In the name of social research and survey, the subordinates surveyed the teachers and classmates of the target universities, high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools…”

   “It’s very interesting…”

  ”Most of the interviewees said ~IndoMTL.com~ don’t remember well or replied, “There seems to be such a person, but it’s been too long and I’m unclear. The name of the target…”

   “Huh?” Zhang Hui didn’t quite understand: “Is there a problem?”

   “Speaking like this one or two, of course it’s okay…” Situ He said: “But most people say that, then there must be a problem!”

   Zhang Hui nodded, then congratulated Situ: “Will there be the fog you mentioned tonight?”

   “The subordinates are not so sure!” Situ He was not sure.

   “Then tonight, I will try it!”

  ”Does General Situ want to be together?”

   Situ He heard the words and shook his head: “The subordinate feels that it is better not to be easily alarmed…”

   “Because of the goal, it’s so mysterious!”

   He remembered everything he had seen last night, so far he has had a lingering fear.

   “It doesn’t matter!” Zhang Hui said easily: “We need to contact him sooner or later!”

   “To determine his attitude and likes and dislikes…”

   Situ He has no choice but to nod his head: “The subordinates should be respectful instead of obedient!”

   But I don’t know why, and I feel a little distressed.

   “Don’t be afraid!” Zhang Hui patted Situ He on the shoulder: “Since all the activities and trajectories of the target indicate, he has no malice towards the Federation and the surroundings…”

   “Don’t worry too much!”

  ”That’s right!” Zhang Hui took out an invitation from her arms and handed it to Situ He: “The little girl gets married on the third day of the next month. If General Situ is free, please come by!”

   Situ He accepted the invitation and nodded again and again: “The subordinates must be there!”

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