I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 564: Live another life!

Drip black, drip black.

Several police cars, sounding their warning lights, came to the ruined factory building.

A brave young female police officer walked out of the police car with someone.

The policemen who followed her were also very young looking.

There are about a dozen of them.

Snapping. These police officers seemed a little nervous.

“Novice?” Lingping thought: “Intern who just graduated from police academy?”

Probably only such a hairy boy will be so nervous.

Looking at their awkward expressions, Lingping smiled and greeted them.

“Excuse me, are you from the North Road Branch?” He tried to make his voice softer, so as not to put pressure on the police.

The female police officer headed by him seemed to be taken aback when she saw him. Although she concealed her well, Ling Ping’an still noticed the flash of panic in the female police officer’s eyes.

“What’s the situation?” Lingping was a little hard to understand.

“Yes…” The other party seemed to work very hard to calm himself down, and then squeezed out a smile: “I am Class B Sergeant Ning Qinghong of the North Road Branch!”

She looked at the scene, and she could clearly see the act of swallowing saliva on her white neck.

Just listen to her saying: “I’m here to receive… uh… criminals…”

Ling smiled peacefully.

He pointed to the front, the dozen or so people in black robes who raised their hands and looked very well-behaved: “These… are members of the criminal gang…”

“And their boss…”

Ling Ping’an glanced at his feet, the guy who was smashed and seemed to have not recovered: “It’s him! Seems like an ancestor…”


Ning Qinghong worked hard to calm herself down.

At the same time, in the spiritual link, comforting the accompanying colleagues: “Don’t be afraid…Don’t be afraid…Ling Son will not hurt us…”

But within the link of mind, there is only the endless panic of the same robe!

Some people are even scared to a halt in psionic energy.

No way!

It’s really everything in front of me, it’s too horrible and terrifying.

The ground seems to have been hit by a meteorite.

The dense cobweb-like cracks extended into the thick fog.

And that son of spirit, so neatly, stepped on the corpse under his feet.

The broken body that was smashed by gravity!

The flesh, bones and internal organs have been mixed together, and it is difficult to distinguish each other.

The chief deacon of the Disgusting School, the one who held an autopsy ceremony and claimed to be the hardest person in the world to kill.

Now, I can’t die anymore.

The robe that he placed on his body after his corpse was shattered by violence.

There is blood stained on every piece of robe scraps.

And his soul is surrounded by a black invisible tentacle.

The top of the tentacles, fully open.

Like a piranha from the depths of a nightmare.

It’s also like the evil spirit in that terrible nightmare.

Drops of mucus drip.

The cry of the soul and begging for mercy were heard.

A huge ghost and **** tens of meters high stands in the thick fog above my head.

His huge head hangs above this area.

The three large lantern eyes looked and examined everything maliciously.

There is a dangerous atmosphere of terror in the air.

Psionic energy is in the silence, and there is a strange smell.

Vaguely, there seem to be countless ghosts crying in the thick fog.

This is the most extreme horror.

From the first memory of fear of ancestors.

It also came from the day of the first birth of Lingzhi. After understanding ‘who I am’ and defining ‘my existence’, the fear that followed.

Everyone will die.

Regardless of emperors, generals, or supernatural beings with vast magical powers.

Even the gods have days of fall and dying.

So death itself became the source of fear.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, no matter how clever a wise man, he will be afraid of death.

Now, death itself is revealed.

It turns out…

The general will die too…

It turns out…

Even if it is as powerful as a general, it can be pinched to death as easily as a chicken is killed.

Ning Qinghong looked at the smashed corpse on the ground.

Feel the wailing and begging for mercy from the tightly bound and tortured soul.

There is only one sentence in her heart.

“Zhonggui is the emperor, and his death is not like a husband!”

The deacon of the Disgusting School who claims to be impossible to kill by normal means, and the most abnormal and ruthless butcher among criminals wanted by the Federal Empire.

Now, death is worse than a dog.

His soul, bound, kept wailing and begging for mercy.

He is probably not as good as the innocent people who have died in his hands.

The voice of that person came in my ear, very easy-going.

“These criminals are not just poaching the rare and protected species here…”

Ning Qinghong raised his head and saw ghosts surrounding him.

He gently stretched out his hand and stopped a ghost.

Black military uniform, straight figure.

There is no doubt that this is a defender of Cross Slope.

“Look at it…”

“How cute are these little things?”

The book storehouse network network. Ning Qinghong swallowed, only nodded: “It’s very cute!”

“Are they protected?”

“Hmm!” Ning Qinghong nodded vigorously.

The defenders in the cross **** are of course protected by law.

In a sense, they also belong to the black guard.

These respectable soldiers are all soldiers who died here in those days.

Just listen to the one who said: “In addition to poaching, these people… also kidnapped several innocent people in order to cover up their crimes!”

“Even, after seeing me, not only did not surrender, but also dared to resist…”

“I can’t help it!” He shrugged: “It’s just a small punishment and a big commandment, a small punishment!”

“Miss Police Officer!” He smiled, holding his foot, and lightly stepped on the stump on the ground: “I can’t help it!”

Ning Qinghong swallowed, and said: “I understand!”

She thought of this person’s character, so she tried to squeeze a little smile: “My son, I will report your charitable deeds carefully with the above!”

The other party listened, very satisfied.

“Then please trouble Miss Officer!”

“No trouble!” Ning Qinghong said quickly: “No trouble!”


Holding Peng Chang, Zhang Hui landed on the top of a building in Luming Villa.

Several staff members who were already waiting immediately greeted them.

Zhang Hui threw the ancestor of the Witch Gu Sect, who was holding only ten kilograms of weight, to the few people, and said: “Send to Heiyiwei’s Transcendental Research Institute…”

“Tell the people in the research institute, carefully observe and record the actual data of this specimen, and analyze it…” 攫欝攫

The current ancestor of Wugu Sect has now become a specimen.

He…no…it, the final value, I’m afraid it is to provide the Black Clothes Guard with a report of the “Unknown Spells Research and Analysis”.

Maybe, it can make a difference!

“Yes!” An official handed Na Peng Chang to several staff members.

Then he said to Zhang Hui: “General, the Public Security Bureau of the Imperial Capital has just received an alarm call… It was the one who called… Said that he had caught a group of criminals…”

Zhang Hui listened and slowly raised her lips: “Sure enough…”

“That person still sticks to his personal design!”

After thinking about it, Zhang Hui asked: “Who led the team to take over?”

“Return to the general, it is Lord Ning Qinghong!”

“Oh!” Zhang Hui nodded, he was not surprised.

Ning Qinghong is a typical example of Heiyiwei.

The typical horse bone in Qianjin City.

In the past, the black guard has never been out of the ordinary and can reach the realm of a general.

It’s not that there are few outliers in black guards.

In fact, the alien is not used to the atmosphere of the black guard.

I always feel that there are too many black guards.

Therefore, many aliens will submit a ‘retirement report’ before reaching the general level.

And Heiyiwei and the empire naturally know that a twisted melon is not sweet.

So, as long as you make a report, you will be released after confirming that the other party has a firm mentality to leave.

Ning Qinghong is the first heterogeneous powerhouse to remain in the black guard after breaking through the general in two hundred years.

Naturally, will be favored.

There are benefits, and priority is given to her.

In order to inspire latecomers.

This is also a kind of display: to show all the different kinds-we really treat all the same.巘戅Variety show literature 戅

“Where is the governor now?” Zhang Hui asked again.

“Return to the general, the governor had connected with us ten minutes ago. At this moment, his special plane should be over Liangzhou…”

Zhang Hui nodded, then turned around.

He watched the movement in the direction of the palace in the deep night.

He can feel that the psychic energy fluctuations in the direction of the palace have stagnated.

The battle is over.

So he connected to the communication and asked: “Brother Song, what’s the situation?”

Song Shihui’s faint laughter came from the communicator: “Fortunately, I have taken money for Qianqiu’s life!”

“Thanks for your hard work!” Zhang Hui hung up the communication.

The bat devil money is not a different kind.

To be precise, he is a lunatic who has cultivated from a human being to a demon.

In the era of rejuvenation of spiritual energy, not only the aliens can cultivate themselves, but also become species that are almost the same as humans.

Human beings can also practice certain evil and evil techniques to turn themselves into evil spirits.

Qian Qianqiu is one of them.


Qian Qianqiu is a very special kind of monsters.

It is said that he rose from the mysterious ‘nightmare space’.

Is the strong in the nightmare space.

Therefore, there are life-saving spells.

Killing him once is not enough.

He is not afraid of death!

“Nightmare Space…”

Thinking about the strange and mysterious nightmare space, Zhang Hui frowned.

For the nightmare space, the black guard has been pursuing it.

A special agency has also been established to target.

Sent many people into the nightmare space to explore.

After making sacrifices, I gradually reached the threshold.

It’s a pity…

More than two months ago, all work on the nightmare space was interrupted.

All members of the guard in black who infiltrate the nightmare space will no longer be punished by the so-called “space” for leaking the nightmare space.

But this is more troublesome.

Because before, that nightmare space has loopholes and holes.

That thing, in Heiyiwei’s research, seems to be a monster more similar to a computer than a human.

Its logic and procedures are relatively rigid.

So, the black guard has experimented with a variety of methods to safely carry the nightmare space secrets and intelligence.

But two months ago, that nightmare space changed drastically.

Since then, everything related to the nightmare space, whether it is words, words, or anything recorded by any other means.

All are disturbed for an incomprehensible reason.

To put it simply, any words and language involving nightmare space are blocked by an incomprehensible force.

Those who enter the nightmare space are talking about anything related to the nightmare space.

No one else can hear, see, or feel.

“The weirdness of the nightmare space…”

“Some features are very similar to that…”

“Will it be possible…that is the source of all the changes in the nightmare space?”

Zhang Hui thought.

If this is the case…

Perhaps, in the future, Heiyiwei can cooperate with it.


Lingping looked at the female police officer in front of him, and he blinked: “May I leave?”

“Don’t need to make a transcript?”

This is a bit unexpected.

Isn’t it all like this on TV?

However, he is still very happy to be able to end this matter so easily.

After all, it’s a little more now.

Ning Qinghong shivered as she listened.


Where did she dare to let this follow her to the police station to take notes?

So, she smiled sweetly: “My son…about the matter, we have all understood clearly!”

“Tonight, you are doing the righteous…”

“According to the law and system, you can indeed leave!”

“Of course…If it is convenient for you, just add a souvenir…”

“I will communicate with you again when there is something to do or need to trouble you…”

As soon as Lingping heard this, he took out his phone happily.

But the latter seemed to be stupid, staring blankly at Lingping’s side.

Ling Ping blinked and didn’t quite understand, so she asked, “Miss Police Officer, there are flowers on my face?”

Ning Qinghong immediately shook his head and squeezed a smile: “No!”

But the shock and horror in her eyes cannot be added!

Because, in her eyes, what she sees now is so magnificent and amazing!

At the moment the mysterious spirit son took out his cell phone.攫欝攫

Ning Qinghong saw it, and the mist that enveloped the entire cross slope, like a tide, rushed to this young master spirit.

It turned into thin strips of smoke, digging into his skin and clothes.

The gods tens of meters high, like a puff of blue smoke, curled into his shadow.

It just takes a while.

The thick fog disappeared cleanly.

And the huge **** has completely penetrated into his shadow, becoming a trivial projection.

Yuehua fell from the sky.

His shadow reflected on the ground, unremarkable.


Ning Qinghong only felt extremely shocked!

“The ghost… is just a projection in his shadow?”

This fact makes Ning Qinghong extremely frightened!

Because, if the facts are true.


How many things are hidden in his shadow?

Ning Qinghong stupidly took out his mobile phone~IndoMTL.com~ and scanned the other’s letter, and then touched the friend’s application with trembling hands.

The other party smiled and confirmed, then put the phone away.

At this time, a heroic spirit that had been lingering beside him fell to Ning Qinghong and turned into a female officer who looked a little childish.

The heroic spirit saluted Ning Qinghong, and then pleaded: “General…Can you please ask him for us…”

“Please allow us to continue to live here?”

Ning Qinghong listened, although he didn’t quite understand why these heroic spirits didn’t say it himself.

But, she did not hesitate.

I just thought about it for a while, and I got the courage to use this meeting

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