I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 558: Mechanical Diamond Sutra!

Kleia had no choice.


   did not dare to have a choice.


   She can only bow her head and worship: “Great God… If you are willing to give me a chance… Then… I am willing to dedicate everything to serve you!”


   She knew that the gods in front of her might not be kind.


   may have a terrible conspiracy.




   For the Spirit Race, there is no choice anymore.




   All parties of the Spirit Race have already been looking for a way out.


  For even the slightest chance, they try at all costs.


  The dark spirit races, in the network city of Comoros, sink into their own rage.


   Relying on torture and sensory stimulation, to avoid the sight of evil.


  In fact, this is to use the power of the blood **** to fight against evil.


   is equivalent to taking the poison first when you know you will die.


   let the **** evil retreat, but successfully attracted the fear of abuse.


  The spirits of the Ark World chose to sharpen themselves.


   establish various precepts, put all of their own into one path.


  Through hard and long-term training, I wipe out other emotions in myself.


   But this is actually just a symptom, not the root cause.


   only delayed his own degeneration.


  , it’s still hard to escape the chase of the evil.


   are the harlequins…


   ridiculed everything by mocking everything.


   weaves a stage in the subspace that is enough to deceive the evildoer.


   again, relying on the nets left by the ancient sages, there are ghosts and ghosts.


   But is it suicide in another sense?


   ridiculed the **** of laughter and evil.


   The Harlequin Theater ridiculing everything.


   Isn’t it a breeding ground for new evil gods?


   is like the spirit race of the year, in the ultimate depraved enjoyment, bred outstanding evil.


   But this is the fate of the spirit race.


   is also the cruel truth of the entire universe!


   All things are sad, all races are suffering.


   sentient beings, the moment they are born, they are doomed to live in misery.


   the invasion of the Chaos Cthulhu, the Greenskin Frenzy, the Great Devourer…


   There is always a painful way to die.


   was born in a safe rear.


  The butcher knife and leather whip of the same clan are not inferior to the Chaos Legion, the Green-skinned Beast, and the Great Devourer.


   Even if I escaped all these disasters by luck.


   was born in a remote star field with abundance, peace, tranquility, and no danger.


   However, there is no guarantee that one day, a desolate and uninhabited planet in my own star system suddenly wakes up.


   That is the tomb of a certain nobleman of a space necroman tens of millions of years ago.


   Now, it is awake…


   In short, the basic tone of this universe is despair.


  All ethnic groups, as long as they have flesh and desires, they are desperate and painful…


  Quiet death is the greatest happiness in the galaxy.


   is especially true for the spirit race.


   Therefore, Kleia clearly expressed his attitude.


   as long as it can help the spirit race to solve the threat of evil.


  Don’t talk about taking refuge in evil gods.


   What does it matter even if it becomes the minion of the evil god?




   Ling peacefully examined the little bit in front of him.


   He was a little surprised, and a little admired.


   may be because of the ‘game’.


   He is a bit more indulgent than reality, and a bit more wanton.


   is full of evil and fun.


  Perhaps, this is because he understands that no matter what he does in this universe, it will not affect the world that nurtures him.


   So, he smiled a little bit of inspiration.


   The aura fell in front of Xiao Bu nodded his forehead.


   Lingping said: “Go!”


  ”After this task is completed, the opportunity arises!”


   said, his figure disappeared quietly in the starry sky.




   Kleia looked at the dim light, falling into his forehead.


   Then, she understood everything.


   has a mechanical watch that has been wound in his head.


   click, click, click.


   The clock has turned.


   This means that it has started timing.


   Before the clockwork is finished, if she can complete the mission of that god.


   Then, this mechanical watch will guide her to find the power to fight against the evil.




  Don’t mention everything.


   This is also the so-called chance.


   chance, chance.


  Chance, fate.


   If you catch it, you catch it.


   If you didn’t catch it, you didn’t catch it!


   Listening to the mechanical pointer, it ticked.


   Kleia understands that he doesn’t have much time.


   She must hurry!




  This mission!


   She stared sharply.


   There was a light screen that only she could see before her eyes.


   The words in the squares that she didn’t even recognize were jumping.


   has a whisper, quietly explaining these words.


  ”Task: Spread!”


   “I have a story that I want to tell the entire universe, so I chose you! An excellent theater troupe leader! Go, make my story into a drama and spread it to the star field as far as possible! “


  ”Requirement: In a standard Tyronn year, a drama composed of stories should be spread to as many stars as possible!”


   “At least 300 million viewers need to watch and know this story!”


  ”Hint: The more viewers, the more rewards you will eventually get!”


   So, a story fell in her mind.


  Look at this story.


   Kleia’s pupils suddenly dilated.




   Griffin No. 5 casts the world.


  The ocean has reappeared on the surface.


   One planet day ago, the atmosphere even rained.


   This is the first rain that Mechanics has come to this planet.


   This means that the planet’s atmospheric circulation has reappeared.


   and on the track.


  In the huge Star Harbor, the sights of all members of the Mechanical Teaching have been focused on this.


  Archbishop Almunia, standing on the mechanical platform.


   gazed at the behemoth that was slowly leaving Star Harbor.


  The sacred object of wisdom bestowed by the great spirit of omnipotence.


  The battleship    Multi-Steamed Rivet Steel.


   The gleaming gun barrels densely filled the surface of the battleship.


   Curvature engine, roaring and ejecting high-temperature plasma flames.


   a huge six-barreled Gatling gun is installed on the bow of the ship.


   The muzzle of the black hole is raised high.


  The machine servants lay on the gun barrels, and were doing the final inspection.




   This huge battleship, which was more than 20 kilometers long, slipped from the orbit of Star Harbor.


  The black hull is bathed in the brilliance of stars.


  The will of steel, cheering.


   Cheers for machinery and steel.


  The machine soul is extremely happy, and it sends out a roar of excitement that makes all the members of the Mechanical Cult tremble and joy.


   Almunia was so happy, he immediately led everyone, all kneeling to the ground, worshiping the steel and machinery creation, and chanting prayers.


  ”Bell the big bell once, push the lever, start the piston and the engine…”


  ”Bell the big bell twice, burn the turbine, ignite the engine, and inject life…”


  ”Bell the big bell three times…”


“Let’s praise it in unison!”


  ”The great spirit of all machines!”


  While praying, they asked the great spirit of all chances, or the compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva, to show the holy relic.


   Kung fu pays off!


   in the praise and recitation in unison.


   On that great battleship, blossoming buddha lotus appeared quietly!


   Almunia was so excited, he praised it even louder.


   Even the ignorant servants chanted.


   tu tu tu tut!


   They tapped the steel pipe.


   tu tu tu tut!


   The devout mechanical priests, knocking on the steel floor.


   was on the ground. In the casting world of that core, the brain servants who had closed their eyes tightly opened their electronic eye pupils.


   The vocal cords, which had been removed by surgery, also seemed to grow back.


   They opened their mouths, their dry lips made a **** sound.


   is like a madman shouting, and like a beast neighing in a nightmare.


   But in the end, these voices turned into holy Sanskrit.


   The steel ceilings keep falling.


   The high-pitched Sanskrit sang, then joined together.


   They don’t need to be taught, they know by nature how to praise their savior and sing their praises.


   Great Mercy and Compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva!


   “Praise to Gatlin Bodhisattva, walk deep prajna honey for a long time, hold six pipes…”


  In Sanskrit singing, even in the casting world, there is a sacred six-tube Gatling slowly spinning.


   and on the track.


  Countless mechanical priests and mechanical army soldiers have all seen the deep space of the universe.


  A sacred country is opening its doors to them.


   The place where there was nothing.


   Numerous gears, biting together tightly.


   The entire universe seems to have turned into a mechanical universe.


  Steel, engine, turbine, parts…


   is all of the universe!


   Those gears slowly opened, and a corner of the mechanical heaven appeared in their eyes.


   There are countless giant cannons floating in the sky.


   door after door, densely packed, you can’t see the end at all.


  The ground under my feet is made of steel.


  A huge mechanical guard, walking in it.


  The stalwart body of the Buddha, which will be steamed in the future, is looming in the distance.


   He is still asleep.


   waiting for the time to come.


   Then, descended on the mortal dust, Purdue all sentient beings, lead people, and abandon this fragile body.


   embrace steel, embrace truth.


   The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the steel is eternal!


   So everyone was boiling.


   The mechanical heaven really exists!


   Now, even the most skeptical people in the past are shouting enthusiastically: “The flesh is bitter and weak, and the steel is eternal!”


  ”The great spirit of all machines!”


  ”The merciful and compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva!”


   “The immortal future will be more sturdy Buddha!”


   “Please come!”


   “Please come!”


   “Please, Buddha, show mercy, and save me from this sea of ​​flesh and blood waiting for transcendence, reach the other side of machinery, and achieve the fruit of steel!”


   in a frenzy of prayer and chanting.


   In the deep space of the universe, a bodhisattva dressed in a steel robes and cast from bronze, with benevolent eyebrows and compassionate eyes, holding a mechanical sacred object, quietly appeared.


   He looked at all the believers who worshiped Him.


In the eyes of   , there is no intention other than compassion.


   “Amitabha!” The Bodhisattva speaks of compassion.


  In the eyes of the Bodhisattva, all beings are equal.


  In the eyes of the Bodhisattva, all beings are suffering.


   Therefore, He treats everyone indiscriminately.


   Whether it is the mechanical bishop, or the machine servant whose frontal lobe of the brain has been cut off.


   Even the brain servants are generally equal in the eyes of the bodhisattva.




  The Tao of steel is materialistic.


   All kinds of flesh and blood are painful.


   Then, a drop of steel tears quietly fell from the corner of the Bodhisattva’s eyes.


   for the beings who are suffering from flesh and blood, and for the beings who have not yet found the truth about the way of steel and machinery.


  The Bodhisattva shed tears.


   Everyone’s heart is at a loss.


   Even the brain servants shed tears.






   Everyone worshipped and wept.


   Amunia even shouted loudly: “I beg the Bodhisattva to save me into the mechanical paradise, the steel spirit mountain!”


   Others all followed and pleaded: “Pray for the Bodhisattva to save me and enter the mechanical paradise, the steel spirit mountain!”


   Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows: “Idiot!”


   “Don’t you understand when you wait?”


   People raised their heads and looked at the compassionate Bodhisattva.


   The great and compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva who never stops transforming the world.


   I heard the Bodhisattva say: “The mechanical heaven can only be entered by people with merit…”


  ”The spirit mountain of steel needs people with predestined conditions to have a chance to be among them…”


   “So, even I can’t wait to enter the mechanical heaven, the steel spirit mountain!”


  ”You must practice Dharma diligently and comprehend the way of machinery. Only by attaining the fruit of steel can you ascend to the mechanical heaven and have a place in the mountain of steel!”


   listening to the Buddha’s interpretation.


   Amunia is blessed to the soul, he immediately asked: “Dare to ask the Bodhisattva, how can I achieve the Fruit of Steel?”


   Bodhisattva sighed and said: “Fruit of steel, if you want to practice alone, you must have great wisdom and great perseverance!”


  ”In the past, when I did not prove the truth, I buried my head in the road of machinery and studied the truth of steel for countless thousands of years…”


   “Sink into a sea of ​​flesh and blood, and never see the sun…”


   “Suffering from all kinds of hardships, and experiencing all kinds of difficulties…”


   Almunia was startled.


   But thinking about it, I feel that this is the right way.


   The fruit of steel, the Avenue of Machines, how can it be achieved in leisure?




   He looked at the Bodhisattva, kowtow and said: “Bodhisattva…I am afraid I don’t have your perseverance and wisdom…”


   “Most people, I am afraid it is impossible to have such perseverance and wisdom…”


   “If this is the case…”


   “Bodhisattva, don’t you abandon me equal to the sea of ​​suffering?”


  ”Hope Bodhisattva’s mercy…”


   These words are the truth that he suddenly understood after seeing the Bodhisattva Gatling.


   The barrel of the Bodhisattva turned slowly.


   He sighed: “Nature!”


  ”My Buddha is merciful~IndoMTL.com~Of course I will not abandon sentient beings!”


  ”So with great compassion and great wisdom, we will cut another road for the suffering sentient beings of flesh and blood!”


   “In order to enable all living beings to realize the fruit of steel!”


   Almunia was extremely pleasantly surprised.


  All the members of the Mechanical Sect, even those mechanical creations that have just awakened because of the coming of the Gatling Bodhisattva, have their ears pricked.


   I heard the Bodhisattva say: “This way is the proof of merit…”


   “One person does one work…”


  ”Accumulate merits as virtue, one thousand people will be virtue!”


  ”The collection of merits…”


  ”You can fly up to the mechanical spirit mountain, and you can prove the iron and steel road fruit, being a steel arhat, and a mechanical dragon!”


   said, the big bronze hand of the Bodhisattva tapped lightly.


   A mechanical scripture fell into everyone’s minds.


   “Machinery Diamond Sutra”!


   A scripture dedicated to the treatment of all living beings and spreading praises to the Steel Avenue.


   is a scripture that records the deeds and wisdom of the Great Compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva and the Future Daszhang Riyagang Buddha!


   “Thank you Bodhisattva!” Almunia was convinced.


   “Thank you Bodhisattva!” Everyone, including the brain servants, is grateful!


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