I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 552: The world has changed

Li Anan held the phone, hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed the phone.

“Face the wind!”

She was a little nervous listening to the voice on the other side of the phone.

It didn’t take long before the call was connected.

The familiar voice of my nephew came: “Auntie, something?”

Li Anan smiled and asked: “Ping’an, didn’t you tell me, that nightmare legend you are a closed beta player?”

“That game…is it fun?” she tentatively.

“It’s fun!” The man on the opposite side of the phone chuckled, “Auntie, did you also get a Nightmare Legend Game Pod?”

“Yeah!” Li An’an hummed softly, and she looked back at the silver-white cabin behind her.

A faint fluorescent light flows quietly at both ends of the shelter.

The metal on the surface shows beautiful patterns.

The man’s concerned voice came on the phone: “The lady…” He paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about excuses. After a while, he said: “You are so fun!”

“Call me if you have anything!”

“Hmm!” Li Anan felt a bit sore.

She hung up the phone, walked to the front of the cabin, and stared at the game cabin, which looked full of futuristic and sci-fi.

There are many things in mind.

“Little Ping An…” she muttered to herself: “You must have suffered a lot in that nightmare world?!”

She just entered the intranet once.

Through the intranet, I found some confidential files that were just allowed to be viewed.

Files related to nightmare legends.

These files, which were previously only accessible to generals, record a strange place called the Nightmare Space.

Many people were involved, and there were no bones left.

Many people who were once thought to be missing are actually buried in the so-called “Nightmare World”.

And the ‘Nightmare World’ is even more dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will never go back.

In short, in the archives, the so-called nightmare space is described as an ‘extremely dangerous and weird place’, but it has all kinds of adventures.

The nightmare world has so-called bloodlines, skills, and equipment.

As long as you live and complete space missions, you can get so-called coupons that can be used to purchase these things.

An ordinary person can easily become an extraordinary person with the help of space.


“Keep hiding from me…”

“Maybe you don’t want me to worry about it!” Li Anan thought.

“I don’t know how much he has suffered in it? How much wrong has he suffered?” She felt a little moist in her eyes.

She walked to the game bay and sat down slowly.

“Peace!” She stood firm: “Don’t worry!”

“Auntie will protect you!”

“The so-called nightmare space…”

“No matter how dangerous, I will protect you!”

“I will be stronger!”

So she lay down slowly.

The metal hatch cover of the shelter automatically closes.

There is a voice in his ears.

“The nightmare engine starts…”

“Connecting the inner world…”

“Open the nightmare channel…”


“Nightmare VIP: Miss Li Anan!”

I was in a trance before my eyes, and seemed to have entered a new world, passing through a thin film.

Next, everything is completely different.

A rumbling mist seemed to appear above his head.

The mist is like a nebula, as if there are many things hidden in it, ready to move.

Later, Ang Lee found himself standing on an empty square.

There are no figures here.

Some are just huge stone pillars.

The towering stone pillars are connected to a layer of flesh and tissue on the top of the head.

Li An’an lowered his head and looked at his hands.

It was a pair of white hands.

The skin is as delicate as a baby’s blow.

In the ear, there is a mechanical electronic voice asking: “Miss Li An’an, you have entered the Nightmare Square…”

“Nightmare Plaza is the departure hall and trading center of Nightmare Space!”

“You can choose to sell/buy materials here, and exchange game intelligence with other nightmare game participants!”

“Because of your VIP status, we have obscured your appearance, language and other basic characteristics!”

“If you disagree, no one can find out your true gender, age, appearance…”

“You can now name your nightmare character…”

A floating light screen appeared in front of me.

Like a computer screen.

There is even a virtual keyboard appearing.

Li Anan looked at and smiled: “Code name?”

“It’s called…”

She said seriously: “Zizhen!”

The keyboard was automatically tapped, and ‘Zi Jin’ appeared on the floating light screen.

She reached out and knocked to confirm.

She likes this code name.

Qingqing Zijin, take care of my heart.

But for the sake of the king, I still ponder it!


Huang Qin closed the door.

He leaned against the wall and took a breath, then after this effort, he briefly recalled his life.

Born into a worker’s family.

When I was a child, my father worked in an industrial park, doing machine tool operations.

Working alone and occasionally working overtime can make the whole family live a good life.


By the time he was in junior high school, the industrial park began to run down.

One company after another closed down and moved.

Faced with increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements, the huge city of Jiang has no place for heavy industry.

So, my father is unemployed.

Fortunately, the Datong faction and the Republican faction mobilized quickly.

One by one, job skill training courses for unemployed workers are held.

The federal central appropriation gives the way to policy.

So, my father quickly found his new job.

With the help of the Employment Security Committee of the Datong faction, his father went to a taxi company and drove a taxi.


Wait for him to go to high school, the wave of mobile Internet is surging.

Online car-hailing is booming.

Taxi’s income is getting lower and lower, and my father is getting older and older.

At this time, my mother was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer.

All savings can only be used for treatment.

But after all, he could not be cured by his mother.

When he comes out of school, society is no longer the society of his father’s generation.

Heavy industry and labor-intensive enterprises have either gone bankrupt or have moved to the other side of the ocean.

The local area is fully transformed to intelligent, refined and unmanned.

A high school student without any professional skills.

Nor can learn those dazzling skills.

It’s not qualified to drive a taxi.

It can only be used for food delivery and flyers.

In the new era, he has already lost the same opportunity as his parents and grandparents.

There is no ascending channel-to climb up, you must have an education and know the technology.

And those things are genuine college students, and they also need a lot of time to learn.

Self-taught? It’s already impossible.

Because modern society has long been a sophisticated, complex, highly information-based and technological society that does not depend on individual will.

If everything is normal, he will be locked at the bottom for the rest of his life.

Forever, we can only do food delivery, dish washing, cleaning, and security services.

The factory doesn’t need him anymore.

Automation and information technology have replaced manpower.

The new car factory opened in Chengdong last year has only more than 100 people.

But it can produce cars that were only produced by large factories with thousands of people in the past.

There are no more people on the assembly line.

Only robotic arms and electronic eyes.

What workers need to do is to serve and maintain these things.


“I finally got my chance!” He held a booklet in his hand tightly.

Instructions for the game cabin of Nightmare Legends.

He finally got the chance to play with his life.

He walked to the game bay and stared at the jet black game bay.

He can’t wait to step onto the gaming table.

Bring out a future for yourself!


Pyongyang, the capital of the Kingdom of Silla, and the Council of the Secretary-General.

A well-dressed nobleman in the two classes is already sitting in front of his breasts.

The center of the council is a screen.

Wen Fengming, the ambassador to Xia, was talking to the two classes in front of the screen.

“To sum up…”

“You Ming Gong…I can tell you a fact responsibly…”

“Through the unremitting efforts of me and the staff of the embassy, ​​with the help of Miss Yin…”

“We, Silla, have obtained a license…”

“Nightmare Legend will open a branch in our country…”

“For coordination, transportation and organization related matters!”

“This branch has been authorized to be directly affiliated with Nightmare Legend Daxia Operation Headquarters and accept direct leadership!”

The two classes listened and whispered.

Many people have blushes on their faces.

This is undoubtedly an exciting thing.


This is an unprecedented diplomatic breakthrough!

As we all know-the emperor has always believed that Shilla is an independent and sovereign country.

Therefore, for the past generations, the official institutions and enterprises with official background in Shanghai have always directly established a Silla branch or a branch in Silla.

This is an expression of respect for the independence and sovereignty of Silla.

But in the eyes of the people of Xinluo, this is a great shame!


In the hearts of Xinluo people, it is the same as expelling the house and expelling civilization.

In a sense, it’s expulsion!

Sovereignty, that’s even more so.

Silla never thought he had any sovereignty.

After the Shang Dynasty, the honor of the officials of the Han Dynasty and the concubines of the Tang Dynasty did not allow them to have such a thing.

Because once you admit it, you will be extinct from the world and civilization.

Expulse yourself!

Wanwan won’t work.

So, in Silla, they manipulated word games.

Shilla branch?

Put Shilla at the back and add parentheses.

In all public reports, there will never be words like the Shilla branch of the Xia XX group or the Shilla representative office of the XX committee.

They will only report: the first branch of Daxia XX group/the first representative office of Daxia XX committee.

If you don’t look carefully, you can’t find the Silla in the brackets at all.

In this way, you can at least comfort yourself and not be evicted from the house.

You can still give pointers to the country as the son of Zhongyuan.

He even interfered in the internal affairs and foreign affairs of the Daxia Dynasty in a fair manner.

Everyone in the world is negotiable!

Does anyone dare to block the way?

Those who dare to do this kind of thing must be the traitors of the powerful officials.

A loyal minister and a filial son, everyone can get it and punish him!

Now, Wen Fengming’s achievements mean that Daxia’s position has been loosened.

They even allowed Silla to have a branch under the direct leadership of Daxia headquarters.

This means that Shilla may have taken a crucial step!

Further forward, the King of Silla will make a pilgrimage to the emperor in the imperial capital.

Then, in the end, the new monarch accepts the emperor’s canonization and takes himself as King Xia Xinluo.

So Silla became an independent kingdom under the Daxia federal system.

Zhongyuan’s son, officially endorsed!

Not to mention, what exactly is this nightmare legend?

Everyone knows well.

So, after a moment of silence, there was enthusiastic applause.

Under the leadership of Jun Li Ge, Honorary Speaker of the Xin Luoqing Doctors Council, all the representatives stood up and handed over to Wen Fengming: “Wengong’s merits are in the contemporary era and benefit the future!”

“Wengong’s work is in the contemporary era, and it will benefit the future!” Even the two classes who don’t like Wen Fengming can only pinch their noses and congratulate in unison.

No way.

Now Wen Fengming has become something that the people of Xinluo have missed for 300 years.

He is the hero of Silla!

Furthermore, if he can accomplish this, it means that he has obtained Daxia’s approval.

The two classes don’t like it, they have to endure it.

You must even try to accept.

Because this is the will of the great powers.

Unstoppable, irresistible!

Whoever dares to sing the opposite, tomorrow, the prosecutor of the Shilla Prosecutor’s Office will be able to appear at his door.

In the applause, Wen Fengming humbly bent down, he solemnly said: “I dare not take credit here…”

“This is all due to Miss Yin!”

“So I’m brave enough, please representatives of Doctor Qing give Miss Yin Mingxiu a title…”

This is naturally the meaning of the question.

Silla’s grand doctrine has three thousand years of tradition.

For Silla, in the past three thousand years, the basic situation is: always worship the holy son, and whoever worships the son of heaven!

Nowadays, a Silla woman has become a bridge linking the relationship between the two countries.

Naturally, the doctors have nothing to refuse.

If it weren’t for Yin Mingxiu’s surname, they might even support each other as the king of Silla.

After all, fools know, who is standing behind Yin Mingxiu?

Master X!

That’s the object of even Daxia to please and flatter.

So, after a brief discussion, the Xin Luoqing doctor’s council collectively decided to designate Yin Mingxiu as the “Nanqing Monarch” and report it to the royal family for confirmation.

Facts have proved that the Shilla people’s choice is extremely correct.


The whole world, when the nightmare legend game cabin began to be delivered, there was already a huge wave inside.

Just when the people of Xinluo confirmed the title of Yoon Myung Soo.

The King of the Three Buddhas, Ma Ji, announced his abdication.

The reason on the bright side is because, “I admire the Dharma and have no interest in state affairs, so I abdicate and devote myself to the Buddha.

But in fact, this is a court coup.

The Three Buddhas who could no longer stand the transcendents were dissatisfied that the royal family did not actively fight for it, let alone get the result.

Plus they heard about Silla.

He took advantage of the night to force the palace~IndoMTL.com~Ma Ji was even put a knife on his neck once.

In desperation, he had to announce his abdication as a monk.

And Ma Ji has no children.

Therefore, in the Three Buddhas Qi, there was a fight over the candidate to succeed the royal family.

For a while, I am afraid it will be difficult to calm down.

But in Tianzhuyang, more than a thousand kilometers away from the Three Buddhas.

In the frontier of the world, the throne of the Kingdom of Ceylon has also changed hands.

Old King Zheng Shu announced his abdication on the grounds that he was old and sick.

And shaved and sent to the family, the law name is ‘Heart Yuan’.

Princess Zheng Manjing of Ceylon, with the support of the officials, ascended the throne as queen.

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