I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 540: 2 camps


No one can say clearly what constitutes this place, and no one can say clearly when this place appeared.

Ancient species with extremely strong curiosity once explored the void after developing extremely powerful space-time technology.

The strong in that race even went deep into the void, looking for clues.

Leave a guess.

Void, perhaps the beginning of the universe.

Strong ions emitted from countless quasars washed out.

Only those ancient stars whose brightness is hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times that of galaxies can create such a spectacle.

Those terrible giant stars, in the early years of the birth of the universe.

At the speed of devouring gas equivalent to the mass of a star every day, it crazily distorts himself and all the matter around him.

Their accretion disks, measured in light years, hover in the deep space of the ancient universe.

So these huge ancient celestial bodies became the time origin of the current universe.

The light from them illuminates the original universe.

And left a trace of his own existence in the microwave background of this universe.

No matter when, where, what year and month, when life looks up and peers into the starry sky above.

I can always see the light emitted from the depths of the universe by those giants that were once too large to be imagined and could not be described in words and words.

With the help of deep-space radio telescopes, intelligent life can even get a glimpse of the afterimages of the stalwart figures left by those ancient celestial bodies on the other side of time.

These terrifying celestial bodies are so huge and powerful.

So much so, even today after hundreds of millions of years or even billions of years.

Smart beings, can still see their redshift traces left behind in the cosmic microwave background.

This means that these terrifying celestial bodies have distorted their spectra.

Whether it is visible light or invisible light.

They are all twisted, torn, and absorbed by their gravitational force.


These terrifying ancient celestial bodies slowly evolved into today’s cosmic black holes in later years.

The central black hole in the center of those galaxies.

The ancient species that left this speculation has long since died out in time.

Even their home planet was crushed in a fierce battle.

But the emptiness still exists.

Existing outside of time, outside of space.


Here, there is life.

It’s just that the life form here is completely opposite to the physical universe.

In the depths of the void, a corner where countless materials are superimposed and distorted.

A certain behemoth suddenly opened its eyes.

The long nose, which is as large as a sucker, squirmed slowly.

The webbed limbs slowly recovered.

He seemed to wake up from a never-ending nightmare.


After waking up, his proboscis stirred in the void.

In the depths of the churning void, ripples continue to rise.

In the end, the shadow of a giant tree slowly grew out of these ripples.

This giant tree seems to have grown out of this void.

He grew up quickly and stood tall.

His leaves spread out piece by piece.

Each leaf has jagged teeth.

In the veins of the leaves, there is something like eyeballs in the winter.

Vines hang down.

Each vine is a thick tentacle.

These tentacles are extremely large, each of which is dozens of kilometers long.

Above the tree canopy, an unimaginable terrible evil pupil slowly opened.

As soon as the evil pupil opened, it released endless light, and the entire void was illuminated by it.

Just like when the universe was born, the huge quasars lit up here.

Looking at this giant tree, even the powerful old ruler had to kneel down.

“Salute you!”

“The mother of immortal races!”

“The Great Tree of Time!”

“Honorable High Priest of the Late Night Veil!”

This is an ancient foreign god.

His body was once transformed into a quasar at the birthplace of this universe, creating and laying down the original physical rules of this universe.

Now, He has become the immortal High Priest of the “Late Night”.

A noble man, the most beloved messenger.

If he wins.

He will take the place of the godless god.

On the torso of this great foreign god, many eyeballs light up like stars.

Have a great immortal will and escape from it.

“Good job!”

The appreciation of the outside **** is beyond words.

Listening to the old ruler, he kowtows quickly: “It’s all arranged by you!”

Listening to the will of this great foreign god, he clamored in the void: “You should do better!”

“Yes!” The old ruler bowed his head: “Yes, I should be able to do better!”

“Then do it!” The outer **** said majesticly.

“Don’t be afraid!”

“Victory, after all, belongs to us!”

“The great curtain of the night will win!”

“Those heretics and traitors will be liquidated most thoroughly!”

The old ruler listened, full of joy: “Your will!”

“The great late night curtain will surely win!”

This will be a great immortal battle.

War has been going on for countless years.

The great late night curtain, although it temporarily failed.

But they firmly believe that as long as the master wakes up.

Everything will return to normal.

Those heretics and traitors will be completely liquidated!

Everything now is nothing but heretics and traitors, trying to delay time and confront their masters.


Zhou Ke finally returned to the house he rented.

He opened the door, and there was no one in the room.

Aning is boarding at school.

He walked to the sofa in the living room and sat on it.

The human skin on his face slowly showed signs of wrinkles.

“In the words of mortals…”

“This is a fight between gods, and it hurts myself!”

He sighed helplessly.

But what can be done! ?

Since we are all on the boat, we can only bite the bullet and walk to the end.

After all, he is not eligible to bet on the table.

“Go and get Aning back tomorrow!” He said: “My supper must be reopened too!”

“That’s right!” He suddenly remembered: “I have to shake a game pod for Aning back!”

In the prophecy, the great old ruler will eventually perish.

Only his daughter can reverse this established fate.

Now, he knows the meaning of this prophecy.

Involved in this terrible war involving the destiny of countless universes.

His existence is nothing but cannon fodder.

Even if it is a foreign god, it is probably only a consumable in this war.

I didn’t see that the fellow Yige was soaked in a wine jar to make medicinal wine?

If he fails, I’m afraid he will end up similarly.

It is not soaked in a jar and made into cold octopus, it is estimated that it is put on the grill and grilled directly.

“Oh!” He shook his head.

Now, he can only hope that he won’t roll too deeply, lest he won’t even have a way back in the end.


Zhang Hui finally got the report from the Imperial Gene Analysis Institute.

The results of the specimen he sent for inspection came out.

Holding the report, his face immediately turned gloomy.

“70% of human genes…”

“Other genes come from frogs, fish, snakes…”


“A genetic hodgepodge?!”

“How is this possible!?”

This is the most bizarre creature that the Black Clothes Guard has discovered since the rejuvenation of the aura.

An intelligent creature that is genetically completely different from humans!

You know, in the past, even the strangers.

Whether it is an alien from the East or the West.

As long as they are transformed into human forms, their genetic relationship with humans is very close.

The similarity is generally over 99.9%.

The similarity is even higher than that of ancient humans and modern humans!

This is the first time I have discovered that there are only 70% of the species with wisdom species in terms of genetic similarity!

The worst thing is…

According to research and reports, the teacher’s family has been intermarried with the outside world in the past few years.

Some people are constantly getting married and others are getting married.

Thousands of people have been affected and affected.

There is no report showing that there has been reproductive isolation between Shi’s family and other people.

Until now!

In other words, Zhang Hui knows that he and the whole world are in big trouble!

An unknown species is quietly lurking in the human world.

What do they want to do?

This is a more terrifying enemy than the ‘humanoid’ aliens that were regarded as the greatest threat to mankind in the past.

Humanoid and heterogeneous.

Whether it is a zombie, a vampire, or the so-called Ghoul species discovered by Fusang, the mandrills that appear in Silla are genetically similar to humans.

Either it is reproductive isolation from humans.

As for Shijia, there is no reproductive isolation, and there is a huge genetic difference from humans!

In other words…

This brand-new species is very likely to have contaminated human genes!

“Check!” He put down the report and immediately ordered: “Check out immediately, all those who have been married to the teacher’s family…”

“Established a tracking system…”

“Be sure to find everyone out!”

When she said these words, Zhang Hui felt her hands tremble.

If you are not of our race, your heart will be different!

A species that is 30% different from humans in terms of genes, body and structure, once it spreads.

Hundreds of years later, who the world belongs to, I’m afraid there are two things to say.

For the sake of future generations, Zhang Hui understands that she must do whatever it takes!

So, the intelligence system and security system of the entire Federal Empire immediately entered the highest level of combat readiness.

Inside and outside the imperial capital, countless police cars drove out of the police station and rushed to addresses one by one.

The special police, fully armed and wearing protective clothing, began to build obstacles at each intersection.

Before dawn, the entire empire had completed screening.

In the past hundred years, an individual who was married to the teacher’s family has been found.

Track the blood, track the spread.

If one is found, blood will be drawn and tested immediately.


No abnormal gene was found in everyone.

It seems that as long as the members of the Master’s family are married, it is normal.

This allowed Zhang Hui to breathe a sigh of relief, but the anxiety in her heart expanded rapidly.

After thinking about it for a long time, he had to inform the Cabinet and the Joint Security Council of the Black Guards about this matter, and informed all active generals.

At the same time, he ordered all relevant persons to be put under house arrest and sent to the Demon Suppression Prison established in the Gobi Desert in the Northwest Desert for isolation and observation.


In the morning, Lingping was woken up by the phone.

He picked up the phone and dumbly put on the call: “Who?!”

Just listened to a sweet female voice on the phone: “Sir, hello, we are the official customer service center of Nightmare Legend!”

“Our press conference is scheduled for 4:44 this afternoon…”

“I don’t know if you need the private car service we provide?”

Lingping listened and woke up immediately, and replied: “Okay…then you send a car to pick it up!”

“Okay!” The other party smiled and said: “We will prepare a special car for you immediately…”

She asked again: “I don’t know when you plan to leave?”

Lingping thought for a while and said: “Let’s go around two o’clock!”

“Okay!” The other party said sweetly: “The special car we arranged for you will come to your residence on time!”

“Excuse me, do you have any more orders?”

Ling Ping An thought for a while and said: “No more for the time being!”

“Then I wish you a happy life!” The other party respectfully said: “If you have any questions, please feel free to call, and we will serve you wholeheartedly!”

Lingping hung up the phone and smashed his mouth: “This game company has a really good attitude!”

So, I got up and started washing.


Yin Mingxiu got up early in the morning.

In front of the mirror, she began to try on the dresses provided by the embassy one by one.

But there is always no satisfaction in choosing to choose.

It’s either too bright, or it feels too bold.

This makes her a little bit distressed.

After putting on a set of traditional Silla ladies’ clothes again, she looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head: “This is not good either!”

“I’m just a handmaid!”

“If you put on this one, others might misunderstand it!”

If it is misunderstood, Master Ling might be unhappy, thinking she has ambitions.

Serving a big country with a small country, but restless.

This is the way to bring disaster!

And to see the master with a maidservant is the way to death!

The education and training she received kept her in mind.

So, she changed the Silla ladies’ clothes.

“I’d better wear the clothes I used to clean when I went to Master Ling!” Thinking about this, she opened her closet and selected a pale yellow dress from it.

Then, put it on.

Look at myself in the mirror again.

She finally laughed.

Although this dress looks simple, it is not solemn enough.

But very comfortable!

The most important thing is that ~IndoMTL.com~ can remind myself that I am just a maid.

Moreover, he was just a maid who didn’t even have a name.

Because of the kindness of Lord Spirit, you must not have thoughts that you shouldn’t have.

So she put on this suit and opened the door.

At the door, Silla Ambassador Wen Bongming is already waiting.

Seeing Yin Mingxiu’s dress, Wen Bongming was surprised: “Miss Yin, why are you…”

“Is the clothes we prepared for you bad?”

Yin Mingxiu shook her head and said: “Thank you Wen Gong for your arrangement…The clothes you prepared are all very beautiful…”


“Mingxiu is just a little servant girl, where dare to overstep?”

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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