I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 536: Ecology

In the morning, Lingping was awakened by urine.

He got up from the bed in a daze, then walked to the bathroom and pulled down his pants.

The sound of splashing water followed.


“What’s so fragrant?” He smelled an unusual, unprecedented fragrance.

So, he opened his eyes wide, and his whole body became sober.


Urine splashed and landed in the toilet.

“My urine…” Lingping swallowed.

The color of his urine is wrong!

It’s black urine!


Urine splashed.

The toilet water is dyed the same color as ink.

It’s as if someone poured a large plate of ink in the toilet.

The faint black, spinning.

Urine is constantly splashing.

Ling’an is scared to pee more!

He is stupid!

He has only heard of urine in urine. He has never heard of urine in urine?

In a panic, he hurriedly pressed the toilet flush after urinating.


Clear water rushed into the sewer with a strong ink.

But, it hasn’t been cleaned yet.

A thick layer of black still remains in the toilet.

It’s a bit like coal ash, floating on the water.

Ling Ping An hastily rushed again.

Finally washed out!

He patted his chest: “Did I eat something unclean?” he thought.

Then, I became anxious again: “Will I have some kind of disease?”

“Would you like to go to the hospital for an examination?”

As a qualified modern gentleman.

Ling Ping An insists on the idea of ​​curing the disease.

So, he will go to the hospital regularly for a comprehensive medical check-anyway, the money is fully reimbursed by the Meritorious Children Committee.

But now, he hesitated.

Because he discovered that the strange scent he just smelled seemed to be the smell of his urine.


“I went to the hospital and told the doctor that I pulled out ink-like urine, and the urine still smells?”

“The doctor will probably treat me as a lunatic!”

“Even if it is not…I am afraid I will be asked to take another pee to verify it!”

“In case, I pulled it out…”

Ling Ping’s neck shrinks.

Slicing or something is not enough.

But the doctor will definitely ask him to assist in research in the name of ‘science’.

For example, provide samples regularly and live in designated residences.

“It would be troublesome if you didn’t pull it out!” Lingping lifted his pants and said, “Then I will be considered to be a prank…”

About, there seems to be nothing abnormal in the body.

Let’s wait and see.

Thinking about this, he walked to the bathroom mirror and took a look at himself.

The face seems a little paler than yesterday.

The eyes also seem to light up a bit.

But other than that, there is nothing unusual.

He moved his body a bit, and he didn’t feel anything abnormal.


Ink-like urine, mixed with clean water, rolled in the pipe and fell vertically.

In front, a swirling void portal is waiting.

The portal is like a monster with an open mouth.

The urine fell into the portal.

After passing through a thin layer of light.

Fell in an old sewage ditch in the city of Guangnanjiang, more than a thousand kilometers south of the imperial capital.


The ink-like liquid fell into this culvert that was already covered with cobwebs and moss.



One by one, blisters appeared from the sludge.

Among those moss, hungry eyeballs appeared.

Then there are countless tentacles, sticking out from the mud and walls.



They scrambled.

If anyone is here, they will be frightened directly.

Because, in this seemingly inconspicuous old sewage ditch.

I don’t know when it became a paradise for monsters!


To be precise, this is a monster world.

Thousands of monsters are growing here.

Their appearance is weird and distorted.

It’s like a program written by wrong code.

If anyone can carefully observe the physiological structure of these monsters while remaining sane.

Then he will discover that these things actually have two different characteristics.

They are like plants, firmly fixing their roots in this sewage ditch.

But it can also have limbs and mobility like animals.

There are even vocal organs.

Moreover, extremely ferocious and extremely cruel.

The body surface of those tentacles is covered with barbs.

Those open mouths are full of sharp teeth and poisonous glands.

They bit each other and attacked each other.

Just to compete for the ink-like liquid that fell in the sewage ditch.

The entire culvert is shaking.

Space is tearing apart, matter is annihilating.

But there is a powerful force that suppresses all these visions in this small area.

These monsters are confined, and these monsters are also kept in captivity.

I don’t know how long it took before the monsters’ battle finally ended.

The sewage ditch is full of broken limbs of losers.

The tentacles torn apart in the battle are superimposed on each other.

Even if they are torn apart, these things are still attacking each other.

Even self-attack.

And within the walls and sludge.

There are thousands of monsters, even the root system is pulled up by their opponents, and then torn apart in various ways.

Black, green, and purple thick blood flowed from the stumps of these monsters.

The smell of this sewage ditch instantly became extremely foul and pungent!

Any creature, even if it just smells these smells, will be poisoned to death!

Because of the smell, it is enough to poison all living things!

The toxicity of this smell far surpasses all known chemical poisons.

The thick black, green, and purple blood is even more corrosive.

Soon, all the residual limbs accumulated inside and outside the sewage ditch were dissolved.



Even the substance was dissolved.

The poisonous mist rises up.

The stone bricks on the top of the sewage ditch turned into powder and fell down.

At this moment, there was a huge evil pupil, which opened from the stone brick.

The evil pupil looked at everything in the sewage ditch.

He seemed very satisfied, very happy.

Several huge tentacles stretched out from the void, reaching into the poisonous mist.

Like a drunk customer in a nightclub.

These tentacles rolled up and greedily ingested the poisonous mist.

Then, more and more figures appeared in this sewage ditch.

There is something like a polyp in the ocean.

But their body structure is half matter and half hidden in a certain void.

Their body surface is covered with countless fluffy things.

The mouthparts on the head are hideous and terrifying.

In a trance, the shape of these things becomes completely plasma.

It’s like a group living in solar flares, coming from stars to the earth to feed.

There are also bugs the size of a pigeon with countless tentacles that shuttle through the poisonous fog.

These insects are like luminous fishes deep in the ocean, and their bodies are covered with countless luminous cells.

Like neon lights that shuttle in the poisonous mist.

Colorful, grotesque and magnificent.

There are more shadows of ape-like monkeys, haunting them.

And all these monsters are desperately swallowing and ingesting the poisonous mist in this sewage ditch.

It seems that these poisonous mists are necessary for their survival.

It also seems that these poisonous mists are proof of certain rules and contracts.

Like some creatures in nature.

Use the excrement of higher-level individuals to confirm their status in the community.

So, their feeding seems rough and frantic.

In fact, there is a strange sense of ritual.

In the end, strips of thin tree roots pierced through the wall and fell directly into the poisonous fog.

The figure of a little girl is looming in the poisonous mist!

“My!” The little girl’s shadow declared sovereignty in the poisonous mist, and he took a deep breath.

Small mouth bulges.

On countless roots, mouthparts open.

“It’s all mine!”


Take a deep breath from the mouthparts on the roots.

The poison mist was sucked in one by one.

The feast is over!


There seems to be a full hiccup of milk and milk.


On the top of the sewage ditch, in the bookstore that has closed.

Countless shadows are looming in the darkness.

There seem to be countless monsters whispering.

The old staircase, which has been in existence for decades, creaked.

The planks of the stairs dangled.

It has the shape of flesh and blood.

Walking up, between the cracks in the floor, a luminous monster the size of flying pigeons shuttles back and forth.

They have eaten and drank enough and are working hard.

They walked between the living room and the kitchen.

Busy like a hard worker bee.

The walls and portals seem to have never existed before them.

In the kitchen cabinet, a jar is immersed in a monster that cannot be described in words.

The monster looked like a snake, and it didn’t seem to be too big.

But in fact, his body shape cannot be described by words and words.

Vaguely, the monster seems to be entrenched in the deep space of millions of kilometers.

The scales on the body surface are still flowing with a certain color brilliance.

The wine in the jar was boiling.

I can hear it vaguely, with countless prayers echoing in the bubbles of wine.

“Father and Lord of the snakes…”

“The great and inexplicable father…”

“Listen to the prayers of your believers…”

“Please accept our humble sacrifice!”


“Lord…please bless us…”

“Father…Don’t abandon us…”

Unfortunately, this was an unimaginable and powerful foreign god.

Now it has become a snake soaked in a wine jar.

Millions of insect-like creatures constantly shuttle among the wine jars.

They constantly surround this foreign god.

A targeted venom was secreted from their mouthparts.

These venoms not only paralyzed the divine body of this foreign god, but also decomposed his divine power.

It’s like some kind of cruel torture.

Dissolve it bit by bit.

It turns into the medicinal properties in the wine jar, and becomes the original liquid in this medicated wine.

Not only that, these venoms also have the effects of ban and curse.

Slowly transform the divine power and divinity of this external **** into a continuously released radiant liquid.

This makes as long as people get permission.

Even if I drink a glass of medicinal wine that contains the power of an outside god.

Nor will be affected by the mighty power and terrible divinity in it.

He will have a long time to digest.

And above this kitchen.

One foot of the platform that day, a small peach tree, slowly stretched his body.

Even if it is winter, it still has a dozen green leaves.

The shadow of the peach tree is reflected on the ground.

Vaguely, you can see a lake flowing with golden well water.


There seems to be a milky voice echoing on this rooftop.

On the other side of this young sapling, in the stove in the utility room.

A little light blue flame, swaying.

It’s like a sprite growing up among stars.

The street outside the bookstore is full of traffic.

Shop early, business is very good.

Today’s steamed dumplings and tofu nao are all sold out!

Aunt Cai, who is slightly fatter, is holding a calculator and calculating today’s income.

“Today I made more than a thousand more!” She nodded happily.

My daughter will have the college entrance examination next year.

Now, she can think about it and ask her daughter more tutors for counseling.

This year, Jiangcheng has achieved good results in the college entrance examination.

Aunt Cai believes that her daughter will also be admitted to her favorite school!

At this time, a few people with blond hair and blue eyes in formal clothes came to the early shop.

They asked in fluent Mandarin: “Boss, hasn’t it been early?”

Aunt Cai raised her head, looked at these guests, and nodded with a smile: “Sorry, guests, today’s early has been sold out!”

“Oh…” A few foreign friends listened, and couldn’t help sighing: “Boss, why don’t you do more?”

Young researchers from Butania, since they came to Jiangcheng, they feel that they have opened up a whole new life.

They finally know that there is really good food in this world!

Not like Butania.

There are just a few things that have been turned over and over again.

Especially the breakfast shop near this research institute really opened their eyes!

Unfortunately, I slept a little longer this morning.

As a result, there was not even a steamed dumpling skin left.

What a pity!

They shook their heads and left helplessly.

At the intersection not far away, an LCD billboard is being installed by workers.

The installation work has been completed and is now under debugging.

These young Gentiles looked at them, couldn’t help stopping, and looked curiously.

After a while, a picture appeared on the LCD billboard.

A calm and well-dressed rich man appeared on the screen.

“I am Wang Shan!”

“Chairman of the Demon King Wang Group!”

“I will work with all the employees of our company, share the glory and shame, and develop together!”

“Join the Wang Group!”

“Share the development dividend!”

“From now on, all new employees will receive a gift from me!”

“This meeting gift includes the preferential mortgage provided by the group company!”

“Ensure that all employees can start a house in Yaodu and start their home in peace!”

“In addition to ~IndoMTL.com~ all employees who have worked for one year will receive the same option rewards as the old employees!”

The rich man stood up, faced the front, and said, “Join the Wang Group and create a better future!”

“I am Wang Shan, I am waiting for you in the demon city!”

These young people from Butania looked silly.

They looked at each other.

Now, has the recruitment of Orientals been playing like this?

Don’t they have two billion people?

In theory, there should be no shortage of labor!

It should be hundreds of people competing for a job!

What’s the situation?

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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