I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 518: Storm (5)

Five o’clock in the afternoon.

Li Shouyi’s landline has already patrolled the vast territory of Jizhou, Liaodong and the Northern Sea Territory.

Wherever they have gone, the local power factions are incredibly well-behaved.

They have agreed to his request, accepted the emperor’s canonization, and sent the best children of the family to join the black guard to serve the people!

The implication is that even in the nightmare space, the black guard will be the main one.

Follow the arrangement and accept the assignment.

This made Li Shouyi finally relieved.

With this beginning, other places should naturally look forward to the scenery and dare not rebel!


The danger of civil war has been stifled.


Before he could be happy, he received another bad news.

The Kunlun prefecture war is about to start!

The Kingdom of Egypt announced that it will close its borders and protect itself.

And above Kunlun Prefecture, nowadays, it is already at war.

I don’t know how many extraordinary people and aliens who fled from the world and Qin Lu to Kunlun Prefecture have all emerged from the ground.

They each support a group of people, ambitiously wanting to occupy a piece of land.

According to this, gain the recognition of that nightmare space.

This is the cause of the war!

In the past, Kunlun Prefecture had no extraordinary people who were willing to work hard to rule the world.

For the transcendent, especially those who consider themselves to be the sons of gods and masters.

They no longer think of themselves as humans.

In their eyes, civilians are no different from pigs, dogs, and ducks.

Where are you willing to bother for pigs and dogs?

Extraordinary people who maintain the worldly order, in their eyes, are similar to the owners of the feedlot.

It’s someone who does dirty things.

But it’s different now.

Secular countries may be recognized as entities by Nightmare Space.

Although, the specific procedures and rules are not yet clear.

But it was stated clearly on the invitation card.

Nightmare Space will recognize a group of real entities and allow relevant parties to establish related entities.

Between the lines, there is even more crazy information.

The bloodline of the fairy…

Unimaginable magic drug…


A whole new world!

You can get it all!

Therefore, as long as possible, transcendents will find ways to obtain a physical qualification.

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!

As the nightmare space gradually surfaced.

It is natural for careerists to find it difficult to sit still.

The whole world has been swept by the storm.

Li Shouyi even heard that a group of vampires from Qin and Lu have landed on the icy and snowy North Pole.

They had a whim and plan to try to establish a nation in the Arctic.


They were easily destroyed by the Odin kingdoms of the Northern Qinlu!


Rohia is confronting them.

Both parties are claiming each other’s sovereignty over the Arctic.

The reason why we didn’t fight is just because of their own scruples.

In Qinlu…

The storm is also raging.

The Church of the Bone, summoned all his followers.

All countries immediately announced the closure of their borders, prohibiting random entry and exit, in order to prevent transcendent believers from flocking to the Bone Church.

Qin Lu’s battle is also on the verge of breaking out.

It looks like…

The Lord’s filial sons, intend to carry forward the filial piety.

The most direct evidence is that the king of the Kingdom of France has announced his conversion to Huguenots.

King Francois, it seems that he is also planning to convert to Protestantism.

After the aura recovered, the old and new contradictions that had been eased with the angel’s coming to the world began to recur.

Another war is brewing.

Poland, which prides itself on the Lord’s Shield, has been sharpened.

All of this was caused by the nightmare space moving from behind the scenes to the front of the stage and throwing out invitations.

Everyone is involved.

No one is spared!

In the face of such a situation, even Li Shouyi felt like a sailor standing on a sailing ship swaying in a storm.

I can only manage to control this sailing ship that is crumbling in the storm, moving forward hard, avoiding the waves hitting one by one, hoping to pass through the storm and reach the calm sea.

Sitting on the helicopter, Li Shouyi looked at the Beihai sky, the dusk aurora gradually falling.

The aurora intertwined, reflecting colorful colors.

Aura is surging in it.

The psychic tide of the world seems to be blowing again.

He looked back to the south, towards the direction of the imperial capital.

“I don’t know, what on earth does that son of spirit want to do?”

A thought stirred the world and tore apart the world order that had been maintained for a hundred years.

The world now has come to the brink of war.

A real world war that may involve all parties seems to be brewing.

Thinking of this, Li Shouyi couldn’t help but ask Zhang Hui in the imperial capital through his communicator: “General Zhang, our distinguished guest, what are you doing now?”

After a while, he got an answer: “The guest is in his room and seems to have a very happy conversation with the Silla girl…”

“We dare not approach, we can only vaguely know something!”

Li Shouyi listened, his cheek twitched slightly.

The whole world, because of his thought, came to the brink of war.

Is he in trouble?



There is no way!

Who said, his fist is the hardest!

Li Shouyi could only sigh, and said: “Wait for the Silla girl to come out, send someone to contact the Silla Embassy…”

“Look at what the guests and Silla people said?!”

“Understood!” Zhang Hui took his orders immediately.


Chiba Michiko raised her head and looked at the room upstairs.

She thought about the plea of ​​the prince in the palace, and also the plea of ​​the Fuso officials.

Also recalled their fear of the revival of “His Royal Highness Taige”.


“I’m just a little demon who can cook…”

Well… it’s a little demon with some origins at best.

Multiply yellow…

The knowledge in her bloodline tells her that she is a cub of Chenghuang.

It takes three thousand years of cultivation to truly grow up.


Even an adult Chenghuang, in front of Lingsang, is probably just a cute little cat, right?

Like the cat raised by Lingsang.

Chiba Michiko’s instinct told her.

That’s a big monster!

Much more terrifying big monster than her!

However, this big demon is just a cute little cat in Lingsang’s arms.

Dare to make any requests at all.


“If I go to ask… Will Lingsang agree to it?”

“Even so annoyed me?” she thought, so she lingered, not daring to move forward.

This is very possible.

Furthermore~IndoMTL.com~ It’s not right to trouble people casually.

Chiba Michiko’s adoptive parents, since childhood, have said the most with her: Michiko, don’t bother others to know?


His Royal Highness the Prince of Yoshiko, has already asked himself so much.

Moreover, everyone treats themselves well.

And… this is a matter of the welfare and destiny of the entire Fusang people.

Lingsang is a contemporary sage…

He is a hidden wise man with a compassionate heart of compassion and compassion. He must be sympathetic to the fate of the Fusang people, right?

He will definitely!

Chiba Michiko shook her little hand and finally gathered courage and walked forward.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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