I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 424: Ludwick’s plot

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The special plane landed slowly.

The staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hurried forward.

But the cabin door was tightly closed.

The face of Chu Wen, deputy director of the Qin Lu Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who led the team to greet him, suddenly looked a little ugly.

“If this is the case…” Chu Wen hummed coldly.

Let’s put the front, the princes of these barbarians, so rude, can be dragged out and cut.

But the Federal Empire cannot.

So Chu Wen can only endure it.

Beyond diplomacy, etiquette is very important.

Furthermore, Gentiles can be rude, but the Federal Empire cannot.

The federal empire has been a country of etiquette and righteousness since ancient times.

Etiquette is the face of the empire.

Never damage!

Especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-the meaning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to maintain the image of the empire and establish an empire style.

No way, Chu Wen can only contact his superiors.

He dialed the emergency number of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was transferred to the Special Affairs Liaison Office.

After the beep, the call is connected.

“I am Chu Ming!”

“The prince refused to disembark…”

“It’s probably because I dislike my low level!” Chu Wen was half laughing at himself, half laughing ironically.

So he got authorization from across the phone.

“The attitude of our black guards is…”

“If the prince gets off the plane, we welcome it!”

“If the prince refuses to disembark, we will not force it!”

The female voice on the other side of the phone was very plain, so plain that it made Chu Wen feel that Heiyiwei didn’t care about the Prince at all.

Hang up the communication, Chu Wen’s brows slowly tightened.

After a while, he gave the order: “Let’s go…Let’s go have afternoon tea!”

As for the prince?

Love it!


Ludwick, looking at the Eastern diplomats in front of the plane through the window, left collectively.

His eyes narrowed slowly.

I couldn’t help clenching my hands.

The glass wine glass in my hand is shattered.

Lieutenant General Hurricane, has been angered!


Ludwick raised his head, he could clearly feel that among the clouds above his head, a long knife was pointing at him.

That is Qinglong Yanyue Sword!


As long as he dares to act rashly.

Then, this magic sword will fall immediately.

God slaughter the soul!

“Guan Shengdijun!” Ludwig stood up solemnly.

The Polish intelligence service still knows the protector of the Federal Empire.

“It looks like…He has awakened to a high level!” Ludwick thought.

Sleeping gods generally do not take the initiative.

It is necessary to hold a large ceremony to wake it up so that it can display the power of the gods with the support of faith.

After the shot, that **** will inevitably fall into dormancy.

Only the gods who have awakened to a certain level can have the ability to actively interfere in the world.


“Is Beelzebub afraid to enter this land because he was afraid of him?” Ludwick thought.

Beelzebub, the king of hell, had returned to **** in his consciousness before entering this land.

Ludvik thought, he should be afraid of gods of the same level?

“Sure enough, it has a profound background!” Ludwick sighed.

So he knocked on the table.

Soon, a servant came before him and knelt down on one knee: “His Royal Highness…what order do you have?”

“Open the hatch!” Ludwick said: “Send someone to tell the Easterners…”


“The Prince of Lithuania of Poland, the protector of Estonia, the head of the Teutonic Order, the Earl of Danze, the Baron of Bavaria, on the order of my king, visit the Federal Empire of Great Xia, and request a meeting with His Majesty the Emperor Great Xia !”

“I need the diplomatic courtesy and treatment I deserve!”

Speaking, he took out a gilded letter of credence from his briefcase and got it in his hand.

This eastern country has been lingering in the hearts of Qin Lu people since ancient times.

They were once Elder John Country.

It was also the source of the whip of God.

It was once an oriental utopia described by Rousseau, Hugo and others.

But in the end, they eventually became Qin Lu’s nightmare.

The lingering nightmare from three hundred years ago to today!

It can even be said that Qin Lu’s predicament today is inseparable from the country in the East!

“Our ancestors…Three hundred years ago, they used to spread all over the world…”

“The French and the Butanians, spreading thousands of miles in the Northern Zhou…”

“Francois and the Union Province Republic, ruled the vast Southern Zhou…”

“Tianzhu is the dumping ground for our products!”

“Nanyang is our source of spices and rubber…”

“It is in this East. We have also visited Fusang, coveted Silla, spied on Cochin, and even colonized the mainland of this eastern country!”

Ludwick stood up, countless thoughts surged in his mind.

That was the glorious age of Qin Lu, and it was also the golden age of Qin Lu!

It’s a pity…

When the gunpowder in the east goes out and a brand new empire rises from the ruins, everything is different.

That day, a huge fleet sailed out of ports.

The sails that cover the sky and the sun continue to reach the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Tens of thousands of expeditionary forces, pushing cannons and muskets, landed from the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

They claim that they are messengers of righteousness and defenders of morality.

They believe that the aboriginals of the Northern and Southern Zhou dynasties are their compatriots who separated three thousand years ago.

So, they have a natural obligation.

It’s to sling the people and attack the people, it’s to fight for the thieves!

The Hundred Years’ War was bloody.

Qin and Lu countries, even if they formed a coalition in the end, they even dispatched extraordinary people.

It was still defeated.

So the golden age is over.

Qin Lu’s suffering began.

Looking back at this history, Ludwick slowly clenched his fists.

“But we won’t lose again!” he said.

“Can’t lose anymore!”

If you lose again, it’s not just about signing a contract.

It will not be as simple as just giving up the colony.

Because this is an extraordinary time!

It is also the age when the gods will wake up from their long sleep!

If you lose again…

Ludwick remembered the secrets in the Bone Church.

I also remembered some of the secrets Beelzebub had told him.

He understands…

In this extraordinary age, aura recovery can already support the gods to become more active today.

If you lose again, what you lose will be something that Qin Lu cannot bear!


The official credentials submitted by the Kingdom of Poland through diplomatic channels were sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As a liaison for special affairs, Li Anan saw the contents of the Polish credential from his computer.

She only glanced at it, and she was stupid.

“How dare they!” Li Anan’s hands trembled.

“How dare to make such a rude request to our country!”

The content of the credential is very brief, and it is very straightforward when translated into imperial script.

The Kingdom of Poland proposed to marry the Federal Empire.

The king proposed to the imperial emperor.

Request that Ludvik, Prince of Lithuania, marry Royal Princess Rouan.

This is a provocation!

Naked provocation!

Who doesn’t know, the Emperor Taizu back then, although he didn’t like the previous dynasty in every way.

But he praised the backbone of the previous era.

No relationship, no land, no compensation.

The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the emperor is dead!

If this was the case in the previous dynasty, how could the Federal Empire be inferior?

jingle bell…

The phone rang.

Ang Lee picked up the phone.

Zhang Hui’s voice came from the phone: “Major Li, have you seen the Credentials?”

Li Anan nodded: “I saw it!”

“What does Major Li think?” Zhang Hui asked.

Li An’an froze slightly: “General…subordinates dare not express opinions on such a major event!”

“Talk about it…” Zhang Hui smiled and raised her brows on the other side of the phone.

He knows that the attitude of this Koi can be seen indirectly as that of the ancient god.

Li Anan said without hesitation: “The subordinate’s opinion is… he dreams!”

Now, although it is modern.

But some things are always rooted in the hearts of the people of the empire.

Zhang Hui listened and laughed: “He is indeed dreaming!”

Putting down the phone, Zhang Hui put on his coat, and said to his secretary: “Get ready, let’s go to the airport!”

“The hurricane lieutenant general for a while!”

He moved his wrist slightly.

Before Zhang Hui was injured, her fierce reputation spread far!

Now, he has recovered from his injuries.

I also studied “The Book of Reason” concurrently, and his strength has long been different from the past!

He lightly waved his hand, and the magic sword that had not been used for several years fell into his hand.

Envoy of Yama!

This is his past title!

A sword will kill you!


Ling safely walked on the streets of the imperial capital with surging people.

He petted his pet.

“It’s weird…” He said: “The fragrance is gone…”


The kitten barked softly.

Behind Ling Ping’an, Chu Weiwei heard his broken thoughts and became curious: “Master, what fragrance do you smell?”

“Very delicious fragrance!” Lingping said, “Unfortunately, I can’t smell it now!”

He swallowed as he spoke.

The scent I just smelled, but it’s really good!

Lingping even has a feeling that even if you don’t sprinkle salt or seasonings, the thing only needs to be simply grilled, and the child will cry!

This is really the best ingredient for gourmets!

It’s a pity…

The fragrance has now disappeared.

“Didn’t you smell it?” Lingping asked, turning around.

Chu shook his head slightly, and Hu Nuonuo also shook his head.

Lingping said: “Maybe I have an illusion!”

At this time, the phone rang.

Ling Pingan picked it up and looked at it. It was his aunt.

“Hello!” He switched on the phone: “Auntie, are you off work?”

“Hmm!” On the other side of the phone, Ang Lee’s voice came, but he seemed a little unhappy.

Ling Ping An couldn’t help asking: “What’s the matter?”

Li An’an sighed: “It’s nothing…I’ll come over and pick you back to Luming Villa!”

“Oh!” Lingping nodded.


Ludvikian sat in his seat, and the iron armor on his head flashed with an inexplicable color.

He knows, there are strong people approaching.

He can feel the rhythm of the opponent’s psychic energy.

Quiet, mysterious, as deep as an abyss, and as vast as a starry sky.

“Is that the captain?” Ludwick couldn’t help holding his weapon, a huge two-handed epee!

It is a quasi-artifact forged from the star stone he traded among the Greek gods.

It weighs thousands of catties!

More importantly, it is extremely sharp!

After Beelzebub’s spellcasting, two magical techniques of plague and bloodshed were added.

When cut by this sword, even an extraordinary person will be attacked by the plague and become weak, and the wound will not heal, and he will bleed for life!

Ludwick knew, if the captain came personally.

This sword can’t save him!

Because of that governor, half of his foot has already entered the realm of the gods.

In this era when the gods cannot fully awaken, he is the strongest existence on earth.

You can even kill the gods!

The evil **** of Nanyang died in his hands and completely fell!

“It really saves me!” Ludwick thought.


He is not afraid.

The biggest problem of the Orientals is that they love face, like to emphasize benevolence, justice and morality, and value procedural justice.

So the two countries are at war, don’t cut it.

He will not be in danger.

This is something that was determined before I came!

I didn’t see, can even Arcado be free to move around in this country?

But I know that Gui knows, but Ludwick is still nervous.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

The captain in black, who is not afraid?

Raising his head, Ludwick looked in front of him, on the opposite seat.

A man dressed in black, glasses, and a scarf appeared before his eyes.

He is carrying a long and narrow sword.

A name struck Ludwick’s mind.

Lieutenant General Zhang Hui in Black Guard!

The Minister of Internal Affairs, the guardian of the palace!

Envoy of Yama!


Isn’t he seriously injured and about to die?


Ludwick looked at the person in front of him.

His breath is long, his body is full of energy, and his eyes are embarrassing.

Who was seriously injured there?

Ludwick can feel that this one’s foot has stepped into the realm of an admiral!

He can become an admiral at any time!


One person is equal to a heavy mechanized army!

The kind of heavy mechanized group army attached to artillery division, air defense brigade, and air assault brigade!

You can destroy the country or massacre the city!

The nuclear weapons in front of them are almost like artillery battles.

For the general, those so-called strategic missiles flying slowly in the atmosphere, it is impossible to target him, let alone lock him.

Even if it is hit by a hydrogen bomb head-on, it is difficult to completely kill such a person.


Admiral, he is close to the gods.

As long as there is one cell alive, the admiral may be reborn!

To truly and completely kill an admiral, apart from the gods, only the admiral himself!

The emperor of France, for example, had little physical lifespan and exhausted blood.

So, he took the initiative to die and was buried in the Invalides.

But is he really dead?

That may not be necessary.

Perhaps, when the concentration of aura recovery rises again, he will return from eternal sleep.


Even the emperor of France had to take the initiative to be buried because of serious injuries.

What happened to the Envoy of Yama, who is said to only be able to take two more shots at most and is about to collapse?

How did his injury recover?

Also, how did he break through?

Ludwick stared at each other tightly.

“Your Excellency, come with your Yan Luo sword…” Ludwig said in very pure federal mandarin after a long silence: “Are you going to take my head?”

Because of the prosperity of the Federation Empire, the Qin and Lu nobles are more familiar with Eastern culture than their own culture!

Like Ludwick, who has studied in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, read the Water Margin~IndoMTL.com~ and can even read the Dream of Red Mansions.

He can also chant poems and make fus, know how to be flat, and know how to rhythm.

It is even more precious to Eastern history and allusions.

Zhang Hui smiled and said: “His Royal Highness…”

“Our country has never faced off against guests!”

“Even if you are a villain, you will only get out of the house!”

Ludwick understands this implicit meaning naturally.

He laughed: “Your country’s sages have something to say: A fair lady, a gentleman is so beautiful!”

“I admire the eldest princess of your country, and sincerely ask for marriage… Am I wrong?”

Zhang Hui sneered and did not answer.

He just stared coldly at the hurricane lieutenant general, the magic sword in his hand, stunned the ripples.

Ludwick looked at him, and he understood that the other person’s attitude was actually telling him—you are at fault!

And it’s a big mistake!

As for where is the error?

For some reason, Orientals will not say it directly.

But Ludwick can guess.

Three hundred years ago, the people of Qin Lu were described as ‘red-haired ghost’ or ‘red-haired barbarian’ in the notes of the Easterners.

For Orientals, even in the eyes of Fusang and Jiaozhi people.

Qinlu and Kunlun prefectures are also wild and barren land.

This is exactly the purpose of his trip.

By marrying the co-lord of the East, the noble eldest princess of this country, psychologically defeat their arrogance!

This is also a long-planned attempt by him.

Once he can succeed, then it is not only a victory over the East, but also a way to build prestige throughout Qin Lu!

I can even marry a princess from the East!

You guys, hurry up and kneel down and praise the great Kingdom of Poland!

So, the crown of the Holy Roman Empire can be worn on the head of the Polish royal family without blood!

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