I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 404: The dark battle in the imperial capital

Take the palace as the dot.

In the center of the imperial capital, there is a large area of ​​protected historical and cultural relics.

The Shilla Embassy is one of them.

Of course, it also includes the Fuso Embassy opposite the embassy, ​​which was built with bamboo and wood.

Cui Min first looked at the door of the Fusang Embassy opposite from the window of his office.

There, a car with a diplomatic flag is driving in.

“Humph!” Cui Min snorted first.

Silla and Fusang, facing each other across the sea, are not only neighbors of generations, but also mortal enemies of generations!

Since ancient times, it has never been so.

Even if Cui Minxian’s professional ethics as a diplomat requires him to smile at everyone.

But it is still difficult for Cui Min to have a good impression of Fusang people first.

“Cui Libin…” A voice came from behind: “The Ambassador has ordered you to go to his office!”

Cui Min first put down the curtains and nodded: “Okay!”

Then, I walked to the mirror and arranged my appearance.

There must be no flaws.

It must be strictly required!

Because this is the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom.

And under his feet is the diplomatic territory of Silla.

It is a window for all citizens of Silla Kingdom to show their spiritual outlook and image in the face of this ancient empire.

So, it must be meticulous.

You must be trembling!

Cui Min cleaned up his appearance first, and then walked towards the ambassador’s office at the end of the embassy.

Tuk tuk tuk!

He knocked on the door, and then announced: “My lord, come here to report from a humble job!”

“Come in!” A majestic voice came from the room.

Cui Min opened the door first and saw Silla Ambassador Wen Bongming talking with someone.

“My lord…” Cui Min lowered his head and asked, “Do you have any instructions?”

Silla is a country with extremely strict hierarchy and rigid order.

The two groups of nobles in ancient times did not perish in the 300-year-long era of the federal empire.

Instead, it gradually merged with emerging industrial capital and financial capital.

In the end, something called the ‘chaebol’ was born.

By controlling land and capital, the chaebols firmly controlled the fate of the entire Silla up and down.

As a result, the Silla Kingdom became a paradise for the chaebols, who controlled both inside and outside the country.

Wen Fengming is the son-in-law of the Li family, the head of the five chaebols.

And he’s the son-in-law of the daughter-in-law.

Naturally, the status is very unusual.

That’s why he was allowed to come here for gilding.

Stayed in the Imperial Capital, this is a recognized opportunity for gilding in Silla.

Because this is the center of the world.

People here, with one word of praise, can send back to the country to write dozens of fancy reports.

Several times of Silla’s first assistants have come out like this.

“Cui Libin!” Wen Fengming put down the phone and smiled at him: “Sit down and talk!”

“Yes!” Cui Min sat down opposite Wen Fengming first.

“I will give you a task!” Moon Bongming smiled and said, “A task related to the welfare of the people in Silla!”

Cui Min raised his head first. He is also a child of a chaebol. Although he is a side branch, he cannot inherit the family business.

However, he still understands the words of the chaebols.

“It’s about the well-being of the people of Silla?” He sarcastically: “The chaebols, especially the well-being of the Li Clan!”

But in terms of action, Cui Minxian immediately stood up again, straightened his chest, and looked awe-inspiring: “Humble duty to complete the task!”

“Sit down…” Wen Fengming laughed: “This matter is actually nothing too difficult…”

He pointed to the Fuso Embassy behind him.

“Fusang Embassy, ​​picked up an immigration representative from the Imperial Capital Airport this afternoon…” Wen Fengming took out a stack of files from his desk drawer and handed it to Cui Minxian: “Your task is… “

“Try to get close to them…”

“I want to know, what the fusang people are doing?!”

Cui Min took the file first, looked at it, and became confused: “My lord, these are just ordinary files…”

“A family of Fusang immigrants was invited…”

“This is not weird!”

On the file, the records of a family surnamed Chiba are listed in every detail.

This level of intelligence is not difficult for the Shilla people at all!

For 300 years of the Federal Empire, Silla immigrants and pro-Silla officials are everywhere in this country.

There is no difficulty in asking for the internal files of a Fusang family.

Of course, everyone understands.

Compared with Silla, Fusang people’s operations and expenses in the Imperial Capital are equally huge.

Otherwise, why can Fusang people always get so much of the annual aid allocation?

The security intelligence department of the Federal Empire will not embarrass each other on these matters.

In most cases, they close one eye.

“It’s not weird…” Wen Fengming laughed: “It’s weird…”

“They are from Jiangcheng…”

“Also, when you get off the plane, you will be picked up by the embassy!”

“Jiangcheng?” Cui Min first raised his head. As a diplomat, he knew that it was a coastal city in the southern part of the Federal Empire.

It seems that a certain port city with Silla is a friendship city object?

“Um…” Wen Fengming nodded: “That is the focus of our diplomatic work next year!”

Cui Min frowned first: “The point?”

Are there any key points in Silla’s diplomacy?

It’s not the outside world, but closely following the Federal Empire.

What the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Empire said what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Silla said.

Even the speech was copied directly.

You have to say what is different.

Silla will work harder when scolding Fusang.

Wen Fengming coughed: “This is not something you need to take care of!”

“In short, you only need to know that Fusang people attach great importance to this family, and they are from a sensitive area!”

When Cui Min listened first, he understood in an instant.

The historical grievances between Silla and Fusang, if you really want to spread it out, it will be endless for three days and three nights.

Therefore, there is a saying in Silla: After every Silla is born, his parents will teach him two things.

The first thing is to respect Confucius.

The second thing is to hate Fusang.

So, the diplomatic relationship between Silla and Fusang is completely conceivable.

What you do, I will not let you go smoothly.

Even if it’s just disgusting and disgusting, both sides are happy.

Thinking about the turmoil in Kobe at the beginning, the ratings of Shilla TV directly peaked.

So, he immediately said: “My lord, please rest assured…”

“The humble duty will also find out the joints!”

Wen Fengming laughed: “You do things, I can rest assured!”

When Cui Minxian was sent away, Wen Fengming’s smile disappeared.

He picked up a file from his drawer.

“Master x…” he groaned.

Silla, since ancient times, has been “big things”.

Especially in the past three hundred years, the only thing that needs to work hard for Silla up and down is ‘big things’.

So, Shilla invested a lot of resources here, at no cost.

Now, there is a legend that even this country may be wooed.

Silla naturally wanted to look for him at any cost.

One person is licking.

It doesn’t hurt to have one more.


Chiba Michiko was taken to the top floor of the embassy.

A woman wearing traditional Fuso costumes stepped on wooden clogs, walked in front of her, and bowed deeply: “Are you Miss Chiba?”

Chiba Michiko was shocked, then nodded quickly: “Yes!”

“Please come with me…” The woman chuckled, twisting her butt, and stepping on the wooden plank to go forward.

Chiba Michiko looked back at her parents and cousin, and with their encouragement, she bit her head to follow.

Led by the woman, they walked through the long and narrow bamboo-floored corridor, and they came to a room.

“Please!” The woman bowed: “His Royal Highness is waiting for you inside!”

Chiba Michiko swallowed, then opened the door.

A young and capable Fusang girl has already looked at her from behind the desk.

“Qianye-chan, right!” She stood up, greeted the sun shining through the glass window behind her, walked towards Chiba Michiko, and stretched out her hand: “I am Aiko Reimiya…”

“You can call me my beloved son…”

“Your Highness…” Chiba Michiko stammered a little.

For the first time, she faced such a noble person directly.

The royal princess aloft.

According to legend, this highness is also a classmate of the Grand Princess of the Federal Empire.

In external newspapers, they are also figures who are hailed as independent female models in the new era.

“Don’t be so nervous…” Remiya Aiko laughed: “Chiba-chan doesn’t need to call my highness…”

“You are now, but the pride of my Fusang country!”

Chiba Michiko looked up in confusion.

“The chefs in the world don’t know where…”

“And you are the only Fuso chef invited!”

“Is the representative of my Fusang Kingdom!”

“So…” Aiko Reiko said with a smile: “I want to thank you on behalf of the Fuso royal family and the people! Qianye sauce!”

“You have won glory for our Fusang women!”

Chiba Michiko felt dizzy all over.

I completely fell into the rhythm and mastery of Aiko Riyako.

Naturally, the next thing she asks is what she answers, without reservation, without covering up.

She didn’t wake up suddenly when she walked out the door.

“His Royal Highness Aiko, why do you care about Lingsang so much?”

Just now, Aiko Ligong tapped on the side and asked several topics related to Lingsang from her.

She answered seriously.

Of course, she also kept an eye on her, and didn’t directly tell Lingsang’s address.

But looking back now, she was still a little scared.

“Will Lingsang blame me?” She regretted.

People in the hidden world don’t like to be known about their stories casually.


Regiya Aiko looked at the innocent girl from the back.

She smiled slightly.

“The hidden great sage…”

“The sages who gave the wonderful cooking skills…”

“I don’t usually like to go out…”

“With glasses, there is a cat…”

She slowly thought: “That Lingsang…is that Young Master X?”

She doesn’t know.

But she understands that countless clues have been pointed to the past.

After thinking about it, she picked up the phone and said to the other side of the phone: “Prepare a celebrity for me…”

“Send to Her Royal Highness the Princess tonight…”

“At noon tomorrow, I will personally pay homage to the princess!”

After a pause, she said: “Also, give my order to wake up all the lurkers…”

“I want to know everything that happened in the Silla Embassy!”

Silla and Fusang have been hostile to each other for hundreds of years.

Naturally, it is common practice for both parties to bury and nail each other.

Nowadays, the imperial capital is surging inside and outside.

Aiko Reiko had to activate all lurkers.

No way, she can’t be sure if the other party is active or if there are lurkers around her.

After all, the relationship between Fusang and Silla has long been ‘even if I can’t succeed, I can’t make him succeed’.

This is not just historical grievances.

It is also the inevitable result of real interests!

Silla, facing Fusang across the sea, is a country that has been closely related to the empire underneath for thousands of years.

They are also countries that compete for subsidies and assistance.

The cake is so big, eat more Fusang, and Silla will eat less.

The deeper contradiction is the contradiction in the transcendent realm.

In the East China Sea, there are many islands.

The tide of aura washes the seabed of the East China Sea.

Spirits appear every year.

Fusang and Silla both want to dominate this precious land.

The extraordinary people of the two countries have been clashing in the East China Sea for more than ten years!

If it wasn’t for a giant standing in the middle.

They have already fought each other.


Fat and drink, Ling walked downstairs safely, it was already night.

He turned on the light and checked the time. It was half past six.

Reopen the bookstore door.

He thought for a while, found a piece of paper and pen, and wrote a notice on it: The shopkeeper has something to go out for a few days, and I hope all new and old customers will tell each other.


He understands that this is just fuss.

Where is his old customer?

New customers are going to be extinct.

But… just behave.

Write the notice, and he received it in the drawer of the counter.

Then he looked at the kitten Best on the counter.

“Little boy…” He said, “You seem to have to consign it!”

He knows that for safety, civil airliners have regulations that all pets need to be checked in.


The kitten barked softly.

“Then say so!” Lingping touched its head: “You have to be obedient then!”


The kitten barked again, very docile.


Li Anan finally got his latest mission.

It was also the reason why she was recalled to the Imperial Capital.

“Major Li Anan!” Her immediate boss, Lieutenant General Zhang Hui, personally handed over the commission to her: “Contact the extraordinary representatives of various countries…”

“We work together to maintain order…”

“This is your task!”

Countless question marks appeared above Ang Lee’s head.

“General…I can’t speak foreign languages!” she said.

“It’s okay!” Lieutenant General Zhang Hui said: “They can speak Federal!”

This is a fact~IndoMTL.com~The extraordinary representatives of various countries, who does not know the Federal language?

After the Hundred Years’ War, the lingua franca of world diplomacy was the official language of the Federal Empire.

The same is true of etiquette.

This is the foundation laid by the war, and it is also the embodiment of national strength.

“But, I don’t know much about religious and ethnic taboos either!” Li An’an struggled to argue.

“It doesn’t matter… Lieutenant Chu understands!” Zhang Hui said with a smile: “Lieutenant Chu Weiwei is a top student of the Federal Empire Central University!”

This is the result of Heiyiwei’s research.

Should Koi go to the position where she can send back the most power?

Is there anything better than the Transcendental Affairs Liaison Officer to give full play to this lucky aura?

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