I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 383: The Cruel World

  Hold the chopsticks and gently pick up a piece of roasted browned pork chop.

  Ling Ping Ping, in the expectant and perturbed eyes of Chiba Michiko, slowly put it into her mouth and chewed gently.

  The smell of meat blooms in the mouth, with a little burnt fragrance.

  But the meat is very tender, without a trace of firewood, it tastes delicious.

  Ling nodded safely: “Yes! Progress!”

  Michiko Chiba was very excited when he heard this praise, and felt the hard work these days, not in vain!

  So, she immediately bowed deeply.

  Ling Ping An aftertaste, and then said: “But…there are still many shortcomings…”

  ”Don’t hide Qianye sauce from you…”

  ”I used 50% of my taste skills this time!”

  As an excellent foodie, Lingping’s biggest problem since childhood is the tongue is too sensitive.

  As long as he wants, his tongue can even taste the subtle difference between a glass of water.

  This is an advantage, but it is also a huge disadvantage!

  Before graduating from university, he lived a life like a year.

  Because the food in the school cafeteria is the most unpalatable index in the world, it is known as ‘food from hell’.

  It tastes so terrible, it is horrible!

  Don’t say it’s spiritually safe, most people can only pinch their noses, ignoring their stomachs, and swallow in pain.

  And Lingping is even more tortured.

  When he was in elementary school, he often skipped lunch, or only ate a bite…

  Wait to middle school, direct boarding.

  The painful torture began.

  In order to prevent oneself from starving to death, Lingping can only be a dead horse as a living doctor.

  Through some psychological hints, let your taste buds block out some taste.

  In this way, although the food in the cafeteria is still unpalatable, it can finally be swallowed.

  He will not starve to death on campus, he will die of malnutrition and severe hunger.

  Now, he let go of half of the taste buds he blocked.

  The sensitivity of the tongue has since increased several times.

  Naturally, you can easily taste the many shortcomings of Chiba Michiko’s dish.

  Michiko Chiba, of course there is no doubt.

  She bowed deeply: “Lingsang please give me your advice!”

  Lingping looked at this attitude and nodded in satisfaction.

  Fusang people are just that good.

  I like to keep improving when it comes to specific issues.

  This is also their national characteristic.

  I heard that in the Kingdom of Fusang, some chefs are even particular about making rice balls!

   Ling Ping An once again picked up a piece of meat, and said to Chiba Michiko: “Qianye sauce, look… the maturity of this meat…”

  ”You can go deeper!”

  Chiba Michiko looked at the piece of meat carefully.

  Psionic energy is entwined between the fibers, in the gravy? The spice is radiant.

  It is indeed not enough for the spirit fire.

  so that the psionic energy fails to soak into the fiber and juice of the meat.

  She bowed deeply: “Yes! I will pay attention!”

  She understands? She is still a little too weak after all.

  If it can break through to school level? This problem can be solved.

  Just right? Heiyiwei has also promised? Willing to provide all necessary resources.

  She only needs to practice hard.

  ”In addition…” Lingping pinched the meat in his mouth, chewing and said: “When marinating? Pay attention…”

  ”It feels a bit too much…”

  ”The seasoning has been marinated for too long!”

  Chiba Michiko lowered her head deeply, her face full of shame.

  She naturally knows this problem.

  But she has no choice!

  The strength is too weak!

   can only be marinated with the condiments applied for from Heiyiwei? In order to reduce the need for psychic energy during roasting and preparation.

  Sure enough, this tricky method? Can’t hide from Lingsang’s insight!

  She bowed deeply: “I’m sorry!”

  Lingping smiled and shook his head: “No need to be so sad! Qianye sauce!”

  ”Your cooking skills are already very good!”

  Have high hopes for Chiba Michiko?

  After all, it’s really not easy to find a takeaway that suits your appetite?

  What’s more rare is that this takeaway chef is still willing to continue to learn and improve his cooking skills!

  It’s precious!

  Ling Ping An Ke points to her future cooking skills, so that her stomach and taste buds can really feast on!

  You don’t need to do it yourself, you can satisfy your mouth and stomach, but it’s always a hope for peace!

  Chiba Michiko bowed again and said: “Right? Reisang…”

  ”I’m going to the Imperial Capital next month…”

  ”The “Fuso Food Promotion Association” of the Federal Empire has recommended me as a representative of Fuso chefs to participate in and prepare for the sorority next month!”

  ”This is an honor!”

  Speaking, the Fuso girl’s face is full of pride!

  For Fusang people, if they can become famous in this land and be recognized.

  That is a lifetime honor!

  The statue of Abe Nakamaro, who was sent to the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago, still stands in Kyoto and has become a part of national memory.

  Lingping’s eyes lit up: “That’s great!”


  He also worried that he would go hungry when he went to the imperial capital!

  Now it looks like……

  At least I won’t be hungry anymore!


  When she returned home, Chiba Michiko’s mind was still thinking of Lingsang’s guidance and encouragement.

  She knew that she was lucky.

  Otherwise, how can such a sage figure be taught and corrected by hand?

  ”I have to work harder…” She thought: “This will live up to Lingsang’s hard work!”

  Thinking about this, she was about to walk into the house.

   was stopped by his mother: “Michiko…Michiko!”

  Chiba Michiko raised her head and saw her mother calling her name in the yard.

  ”What’s wrong?” Chiba Michiko walked over and asked: “Mother, are you okay?”

  Her mother, Chiba Xuanzi, is a typical Fusang woman. She always wears traditional Fusang clothes and doesn’t speak much.

  But she is very excited today.

  ”Michiko…” She took Chiba Michiko’s hand: “My daughter…”

  ”When you were out, the palace hall called…”

  ”They said they hope that you can register in the invitation list of the Federation Empire in the name of’Prince’s Attendant in the Court of Yoshiko’!”

  For every Fusang person, if there is a chance to become a royal attendant, that is simply a beautiful thing that has fallen from the sky.

  This means more than honor.

   also means a transition of status.

  Royal attendants can be regarded as Chinese.

  And the prince of Rigong Yizi is the only daughter of King Fusang.

  Beloved since childhood.

  This can be seen from her royal name.

  Ri and Yi Guanzhi, they are almost regarded as the crown prince.

  And this princess, indeed, is almost exactly the queen of Fusang, if it weren’t for the King of Fusang who gave birth to a baby boy.

  Chiba Michiko was stunned.

  The royal family is looking for her at this time?

   She lowered her head and thought about it: “Will the black guard agree?”

  Thinking about it, she got the answer: Yes!

  The Black Guard and the Federal Empire have always strongly encouraged the Gentiles and extraordinary people who came to the Empire to return to China to build their own country after completing their studies.

  Especially immigrants in the world.

  And immigrants in the world can have dual citizenship.

  This is a historical tradition.

   is also a fact that this country cannot deny!

   is its obligation and responsibility.

  The Son of Heaven, the Son of All Peoples!

  Federal Empire smashed the tributary system.

  But the tributary system in my heart cannot be eradicated.

  Instead, it has become more and more intense over time.

  Chiba Michiko, just after a brief thought, she said to her mother: “If your Royal Highness really wants to…”

  ”I have no opinion!”

  Sooner or later, she will return to Fusang with the skills she has learned, and use food to heal people’s hearts and bridge the conflict between ethnic groups.

  This is her wish, her ideal, but also her promise, a promise to Lingsang, a promise to a sage.

  Just like the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago and the envoys sent to summer today.

  The homeland is in my heart, and my soul is in the Central Plains!

  ”Yo Xi!” Chiba Xuanzi was happy: “I’m going to call the palace hall now!”

  Chiba Michiko nodded.

  Half an hour later, Chiba Michiko received a call from Kyoto.

  ”Qianyejiang!” On the other side of the phone, there was a very quiet female voice: “I am a son!”

   “Your Highness!” Chiba Michiko hurriedly used the honorific.

  ”Michiko…may I call you that?” The princess on the phone spoke softly and was very gentle.

  ”This is my honor!” Chiba Michiko replied: “Your Highness!”

  ”Hayi! Michiko really deserves to be the hero among Fuso girls!” The princess said happily, “Then this time I visit the emperor and princess, please ask Michiko!”

  Chiba Michiko is unknown.

  The emperor?

  The princess?

  I have a chance to meet such a big man?

  I listened to the princess on the phone saying: “Tomorrow, there will be a special person from the palace hall, personally come to the door and report to Michiko…”

  ”Please also Michiko’s advice!”


  Chiba Michiko put down the phone, her beautiful eyes flashed, feeling a little flustered.

  She is just an immigrant who moved to this city.

  At most, he has a little talent as a chef, and he has been directed by a reclusive ‘sage’.

  The prince of Riko Yoshiko would actually notice her.

  Forget it if you noticed, but you are so solemn and humble?

  She felt a little unreasonable.

  Fortunately, she can ask for help.

  So, Chiba Michiko went to Jiangcheng University with full of doubts, and found his cousin Fujiwara Chika who was reading in the library.

  She told Fujiwara Chika about her experience today and her incomprehension.

   Then, Chiba Michiko looked at her cousin and asked: “Cousin…what the **** is going on?”

  Fujiwara Chika finished listening and blinked.

  As the granddaughter of the former prime minister, her sensitivity is naturally not comparable to Chiba Michiko.

  She looked at her cousin, the fox girl who was picked up.

  She laughed: “Michiko… your luck is really good!”

  Michiko Chiba didn’t understand, she looked at Fujiwara Chika suspiciously.

  ”Be courteous, everyone must ask for something!” Fujiwara Chika looked at her silly cousin, and said: “I can let the Prince Yoshiko Reimiya be so solemnly please…”

   “Michiko… the one you met… I’m afraid the background is bigger than expected!”

  ”Maybe, his status in this country is far beyond your knowledge!”

  Speaking of this, Chika Fujiwara can’t help but envy his cousin.

  This silly fox girl, since she was picked up, has evaded practice.

  It was only recently that I finally began to practice seriously.

  With a character like her, if she is in Fusang, she may not survive for a day.

  The priests and Onmyojis will be happy to extract her spirits and train them as Shiki.

  And the demons, don’t mind, eat a little fox demon to increase your cultivation.

  But she was lucky to follow her adoptive parents, obtained refugee status, and came to the safest place in the world.

  This allows her to grow up safely and still retain her innocence.

  But, this good luck is just the beginning.

  In this country, she unexpectedly met a ‘sage’ who lives in seclusion, even a ‘sage’.

  Teach her the magic of spiritual food and teach her precious cultivation methods.

  Even the law enforcement agencies of this country are very cooperative.

  Almost everything I want, for fear that she is not enough.

  Such treatment, Fujiwara Chika, who looks at it, is envious.

  But she didn’t know it, she was still confused.

  Chiba Michiko’s eyes widened: “Is that so? Reishang’s status is very high?”

  Fujiwara Chika looked at the silly boy and shook his head: “Great hidden in the city… But since ancient times, the sage who is truly hidden in the city, who is not famous?”

  ”Not to mention, now is the extraordinary age!”

  ”The age where power is truth, and magic is righteous!”

  ”Do you know, what kind of world is outside of this country?”

  Chiba Michiko shook his head.

  Fujiwara Chika stood up and said solemnly: “Above the temple, the dead wood is an official, among the temples, beasts and beasts, people of wolf-hearted and dog-hearted, rolling in power, slaves, slaves, and knees, are upright!”

  ”Powerful transcendents and monsters and aliens are manipulating everything behind the scenes…”

  ”The wailing cry of thousands of creatures, the suffering of thousands of people…just to make the cultivation of those strong people more diligent!”

  ”Even if Fuso, the same is true!”

  ”This is why we want to merge into the empire!”

  Chiba Michiko was stunned: “Why haven’t I seen it on the news…”

  ”Hehe…” Chika Fujiwara smiled: “News…only what you want to see will appear in the news!”

  ”What you don’t want to see will never appear on it!”

  ”News control and official secrecy laws are the best means to cover everything!”

  ”Back then, in the Chaos of the Feather Fox, such a big thing could be washed into a natural disaster!”

  ”Other…isn’t it simpler?”

  Chiba Michiko felt a little confused.

  Is this world so dangerous?

  She didn’t know.

  Fujiwara Chika smiled and held up Chiba Michiko’s chin. She looked at the delicate skin and delicate face of this little fox demon, and then solemnly said: “Qianye sauce!”

  ”Fusang up and down, hundreds of millions of livelihoods…”

  ”I’m afraid I might have to ask you!”

   “Ah!” Chiba Michiko did not understand.

  ”If that Lingsang, really has a very high status here…”

  ”The relationship between you and him may determine our life or death!”

  Speaking, Fujiwara Chika’s expression became meaningful.

   Yun Temple Hua Yan Jin step shakes, Furong tent warms the spring night.

  If you can…

  Use a little fox girl to exchange peace and prosperity for a country.

  Really a good deal!

  Thinking of this, Fujiwara Chika understood that she must keep this secret firmly.

  Because only odd goods can be stocked!


  Ling Ping’s legs lifted Erlang’s legs, drinking sweet tea, and watching a variety show on TV.

  Yelling male celebrities, deliberately exaggerated performance, a bit awkward.

  The female star he cooperated with was also very embarrassing.

  ”I don’t even have a good variety show now…” He lamented, “What else can I see in the future?”

  In recent years, the TV industry has really been ensnared.

  TV series, variety shows, all pull the hips.

  One year may not be enough to see.

  The full screen is full of exaggerated acting and awkward variety shows.

  This makes Lingping uncomfortable!

  After all, other people may still be able to look at beautiful girls and handsome boys seductively.

  However, it is already difficult for people with face blindness to even distinguish the actors on the screen.

  Where can you still appreciate beauty and ugliness?

  At most, he sometimes thinks a certain star is ‘cute’.

  So just look at it a few more times.

  Thinking of the lovely ‘female star’, Ling Ping sighed again.

  He saw some of them when he was young.

   is gone now~IndoMTL.com~ The female stars on TV now, in his eyes, feel like a dummy carved out of a mold, a model dummy in a shopping mall.

  The bookstore owner who felt really bored picked up his phone.

  He looked at the nightmare legend icon on the phone, thought about it, and clicked in.


  The screen goes black and then flashes back.

  A prompt appeared on the screen: Dear player, the server is undergoing upgrade and maintenance…

  Ling put out his tongue safely: “I don’t even have to play the game!”

   can only be a codeword!

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