I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 335: Renewal

When I woke up, it was already eight o’clock…

Lingping took a look at the phone, and then yawned.

Then I wore slippers and washed in the bathroom.

Then he looked at himself in the mirror.

It looks like my hair is about to be cut again…

“Go to the barbershop in two days and cut an inch…” he said.

This haircut was only popular after the establishment of the Great Xia Empire.

In the past, it was ‘the body’s hair and skin, the parents who are affected, dare not be damaged’.

Whoever has a haircut is unfilial.

However, in the last years of the previous dynasty, the world was in chaos.

Another ethnic minority from the north entered the Central Plains and issued a notice of ‘keep your head but not your hair, keep your hair but not your head’.

In front of the swordsman, the Jiangnan Confucian scholars no longer talked about body hair and skin. They shaved their hair and changed their loyalty to the new dynasty. This gave birth to the stalk of “New Dynasty Elegance”.

When Taizu Juyi, this hair became a big problem.

In order to show that it is incompatible with foreign enemies.

Taejo took the lead in cutting his hair and cut out his first inch.

So the whole army followed suit and cut their positions.

So, Xia Jun had a bandit title, ‘The Thief’.

Wait for Taizu’s army to push Kyushu across the board to overcome the old capital and return the capital to the imperial capital.

The great Confucian scholars in the south of the Yangtze River naturally did not dare to fight against Taizu’s sword soldiers.

So the imperial barber industry flourished.

So far, all barbershops still offer portraits of Taizu, and burn incense in the morning and evening.

And this short position has become another tradition.

80% of the federal people have a haircut, and the first choice is the inch.

Simple, clean and refreshing.

No extra care is needed, especially for people like Lingping.

Comb her hair, Lingping took her cell phone, hummed a little song, and walked down the stairs.

His pet cat is already waiting for him under the stairs.

“Little boy!” Lingping picked it up, kissed him, and said: “You are really my brother and my little cotton jacket!”

Holding it, walked to the door, pulled up the rolling shutter, and opened the glass door.

The street outside the door is full of traffic and people.

It’s another sunny day!


With a briefcase, Qin Keqing walked into the’Jiangcheng Municipal Comprehensive Service Building’ in the city center.

Along the way, countless people are staring.

It’s not just because of her tall and exquisite figure and her face like a queen in comics.

Because of her uniform.

Bright yellow jacket, bright red boots.

A jade breastplate is pinned on his chest.

The standard royal commissioner!

And a high commissioner!

Two hundred years ago, in the Gaozong era, this kind of person was an imperial minister and an envoy.

Therefore, people came to pay their respects.

Qin Keqing nodded slightly in response to them, and then took the elevator to the sixth floor.

When you step out of the elevator, the first thing you see is the nameplate of the Jiangcheng Office of the Committee for the Children of Meritorious Federal Empire.

Qin Keqing opened the door directly, and it was already done. The office staff who were waiting for her to come all stood up.

“Hello, Secretary Qin!” The people bowed together to welcome the arrival of their immediate boss.

Qin Keqing nodded, then walked to the conference table, sat down, then opened the briefcase in her hand, and she took out the documents.

Then she looked at the people who were still standing and said: “Everyone, sit down…”

Everyone dared to sit down.

No way!

The Committee for the Meritorious Children of the Federal Empire, although nominally it is an official body under the Central Committee and the Secretary-General’s Council.

But in fact, this institution and the center have nothing to do with the Secretary-General’s Council!

The funds for the Meritorious Children’s Committee have been under the responsibility of the royal family for two hundred years.

Donations and grants are not accepted.

This is the death of the Emperor Gaozong!

So, the Meritorious Children Committee, like other institutions directly led by the royal family, is clearly a central institution, but in fact it is the royal department.

It is nothing more than covering the cabinet and the Council of Ministers.

So, the royal commissioner from the Imperial Capital has absolute power over all local institutions!

Qin Keqing looked at these people respectfully, and she shook her head slightly. The shortcoming of the imperial family’s institutions lies in lack of vitality.

In the words of His Royal Highness Rou’an, it means ‘hit a whip and go, if you don’t hit it you can’t go’.

Even after reforms, it is still a bit difficult to reverse decades of ills at once.

Thinking of this, she puffed up her chest and looked at these people: “Please tell me about the situation of the meritorious children in Jiangcheng in the past three years…”

She raised her head and looked at the well-dressed man: “Commissioner Wang, start with you!”

The other party smiled immediately, took out the notes that had been prepared a long time ago, and started talking.

Qin Keqing listened for a while, and became a little impatient.

Because all he talks about are official articles.

It’s nothing more than praising the royal family and praising the emperor.

But the actual work is nothing.

Qin Keqing listened for two minutes and couldn’t help it anymore and interrupted directly: “Commissioner Wang, I am hereby ordered to come, not listening to your praises!”

“I want to listen to the reality!”

“If the committee members refuse to speak, I believe that there will always be someone in the office!”

“Zhongliang, virtuous minister, I believe that Jiangcheng Office will definitely have it!”

Listening to her, the man smiled in a jealousy, his face was embarrassed, he stopped talking, and became silent.

It looks like it has been trained.

In fact, the sarcasm on his face and the contempt in his eyes are clear!

Qin Keqing knew that he looked down on himself.

Not only because she was young, she was inevitably despised, but also because she was a woman.

Qin Keqing sneered.

She is from Princess Rouan, and Princess Rouan, besides being the person in charge of various committees directly in charge of the royal family.

At the same time, she is also an honorary committee member of the Federation of Empire Women.

A feminist!

The feminism of the Federal Empire emerged during the Gaojong era.

It was a dreamlike era.

The awakened woman said no to the feudal bad habits.

At first, people only wanted the freedom of marriage and love.

But later, after the imperial princesses joined, feminism began to pursue equality in all aspects.

The princesses believe that men can do as well as women.

For example, Gaozong’s eldest daughter, Princess Xin’an, is a typical example.

At that time, some decadent old-school literati said in the newspapers, ‘There are still differences between men and women. For example, men can go on the battlefield and kill the enemy, but women can’t! “‘War let women go away’.

Princess Xin’an signed up to join the army. After three years of service, when she retired, she was ranked in the top three of her company in every military training.

Won the title of’Super Shooter’.

Princess Xin’an compiled her results into a table and published it in the “Empire Central Daily”.

The faces of the big scholars are as swollen as buns.

Inspired by the princess, the number of women who signed up to join the army surged. From then on, women appeared in the army, navy and air force of the Empire, and even female generals appeared.

Later, someone said ‘there is a gap in IQ between men and women’, on the grounds that all bachelors are men.

So, Princess Ya’an, another daughter of Gaozong, has been engaged in scientific research since she was sixteen. At twenty-five, she discovered that particles in the air and water were always in irregular motions, and obtained a bachelor’s degree. honor.

Moreover, the sport she discovered was named the ‘Ya’an Movement’.

Since then, the number of female bachelors in the Federal Empire has increased sharply, and today, 40% of bachelors are women.


In short, feminism is a movement that royal princesses participate in and call for.

And to this day, it still does.

Under the influence of the princesses, the feminist rights of the Federal Empire have always pursued equality.

Men can do, so can I.

So, through the feminist movement, the empire not only eliminated many of the feudal legacy of the past, but also eliminated the lottery.

The reason is that women’s rights believe that if they receive a gift, it is an attack on themselves!

How does this work?

Women’s rights are the pursuit of equality, not subversion.

Subversion is not feminism, it is matrilineal society, and history is going backwards!

Naturally, after staying with the princesses for a long time, most people will be affected and become feminists.

Qin Keqing is no exception.

She has a strong sense of equality.

At this moment, she looked at the self-righteous committee member in front of her.

“Commissioner Wang!” Qin Keqing said calmly: “Why don’t you speak?”

“Are you a little tired?”

“Go back and rest when you are tired!”

Speaking of this, she stood up and looked at each other: “As the royal commissioner, on behalf of Princess Rouan, I announce that you will be relieved of your position as a member of the Jiangcheng Office of the Federal Empire Meritorious Children Committee!”

“From now on, your Excellency will no longer be a member of the Royal Family…”

“The relevant documents will be issued to the Jiangcheng municipal authority later!”

After saying this, Qin Keqing patted the table: “Mr. Wang, you can leave!”

“You are no longer welcome here!”

The opponent was startled, and immediately became angry.

“Little girl!”

“How dare you do this?”

Qin Keqing sneered and waved: “Send Mr. Wang out!”

A guard came in immediately, grabbed the opposite direction and walked outside.

The other party broke away from the guards, trimmed his clothes, and said, “I will go by myself!”

“It’s Secretary Qin… Jiangcheng matter, if you mess up…”

“I’m afraid it’s hard to explain!”

“Your Excellency, please remember!” Qin Keqing laughed.

She will not do things that are not sure!

In terms of work, she really has nothing to fear!

“Huh!” Committee member Wang slammed the door angrily.

Qin Keqing looked at others: “Let’s continue…”

There was a committee member who killed chickens and monkeys, and the rest of them immediately put away all their contempt, and finally began to seriously talk to Qin Keqing about the actual things.

Qin Keqing sat upright, listening very carefully.

From time to time, she would chip in and ask some questions, and these questions often pointed to the point.

This makes others even more afraid to neglect.

Unconsciously, the rhythm of the entire conference room was controlled by Qin Keqing.

She also controlled the Jiangcheng office.

This is exactly one of her purposes for coming to Jiangcheng.

Rectify and strictly enforce the discipline of Jiangcheng City Office.

This is the task that Princess Rouan, confessed!


Situ He took his salute and stood at the entrance of Jiangcheng Airport.

He turned around, and the people who came to see him off waved at him.

Situ He took a look again at this city that had been awake for more than a month, both excitement and fear, and then walked into the airport terminal without hesitation.

The staff who had already been notified immediately greeted them.

“Your Excellency General…Your special plane is ready and ready to take off…”

“Hmm…” Situ He nodded: “Thanks for your hard work, everyone!”

“No hard work!” The staff laughed, led him to the specially opened passage, and then entered the terminal building from the VIP passage at the airport.

A wide-body airliner is already on standby.

This is a business jet of Heiyiwei, specially designed to travel between the two sides of the ocean.

It uses many advanced airliners and various special equipment developed by imperial psionic experts.

It can sail at supersonic speeds, and more importantly, it has certain anti-psychic performance, which can effectively prevent and alert various possible extraordinary attacks.

Situ He brought his salute and walked directly from the terminal building to the passenger plane. The cabin door was opened. The representatives of the officials in black clothes from the Southern Zhou Kingdom raised a welcome banner at the cabin door.

Situ He looked at it and couldn’t help touching the appointment letter on her body.

He was approved this morning to be appointed as the commander-in-chief of the black guard of the Southern Zhou Kingdom and concurrently as the representative of the Southern Zhou royal family, the minister of the Privy Council, the deputy commander of the Homeland Defense Command, the representative of the empire, and the commander of the Imperial Guard.

To be fully responsible for the special affairs management and royal security affairs in the Southern Zhou Kingdom.


Almost at the same time Situ He set foot on the special plane.

Song Shihui opened the door of the Jiangcheng Heiyiwei Monitoring Center.

Blocks of surveillance screens appeared before his eyes.

He walked in, all the staff turned around and saluted: “General!”

Song Shihui smiled and raised his hand: “You don’t have to be polite…”

“I came to Jiangcheng to learn…”

“In the past, what was the time when General Situ was here, so let’s do it everyone…”

He walked to the center of the surveillance command room, looked at the screens, and then asked Xia Ping, who was already on standby: “Director Xia, the relevant information and intelligence have been sorted out?”

Xia Ping saluted: “General, it’s all sorted out!”

“That’s good!” Song Sihui nodded: “Please send them to my office…”

He looked at those screens and asked, “Those are the targets?”

Xia Ping points to all screens: “It’s all!”

“We have installed a hundred and twenty-four high-definition surveillance cameras in and around the street where the target is located…”

“In addition~IndoMTL.com~ there are 38 high-performance long-endurance drones on standby for 24 hours…”

“In addition, according to the target’s personality and think tank, all possible areas within 20 kilometers of the target have been followed by real-time cameras!”

“Make sure that when the goal wants us to know… we can know it for the first time!”

“Want?” Song Sihui immediately grasped the key!

“Yes!” Xia Ping said: “If the target doesn’t want to, no matter how hard we try, we can’t find him, and we can’t see his shadow…”

“It’s like now…” Xia Ping pointed to the screens.

The streets on the screen are crowded with people coming and going.

Multiple cameras were pointed at a bookstore.

However, no matter how they adjust their positions, they can only see the door and doorway of the bookstore.

Other than that, everything in the bookstore is out of the lens!

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