I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 322: The great opportunity (3)

“I’m really not a devil ()”

“Comfortable!” Lingping ate another bunch of lamb.

The body has become extremely warm.

More importantly…

This lamb is so fragrant!

Too fragrant!

This is a delicious co-created by secret spice water, good lamb, and his excellent cooking skills!

“It’s worth it!” Lingping sighed: “The guest’s secret spices are really good!”

Situ He and Sun Jinyi, at this moment, have no energy and extra thoughts, they can listen to and think about the meaning of Lingping’s words.

They have been pushed!

Sitting on the small stool, Sun Jinyi felt like a melting pot all over him.

The skin, muscles and bones were all hot, making him dizzy.

If he wasn’t feeling well, he thought he had a high fever.


He started to feel…

In the pores…

In the meridians…

Something is about to move.

An extremely strong door is being slowly pushed by a powerful force.

He knew that if he started practicing immediately at this moment.

Nine out of ten, you can immediately open the heavenly gate and awaken to become an extraordinary person!


He doesn’t want to move now.

Just want to sit like this.

The belly is full of hot gravy.

The heat is constantly generated from the limbs.

“This is a chance…”

“The legendary chance…”

Sun Jinyi thought, he knows no matter how stupid he is, he’s in luck.

This lamb meal is indeed top spiritual food!


It should be a fairy banquet!

Where is the lamb?

Dragon, liver and phobia, but that’s all!

Beside Sun Jinyi, Situ He did not get there.

The major general of the black-clothed guard has no regard for etiquette now.

His trench coat has been taken off and hung on a stool, and the shirt buttons of his underwear have also been unbuttoned.

The cold wind blows on him.

It has become a hot air before it gets closer.

He feels the temperature on his body’s skin, and it is estimated that it can be used to make steel!

The whole body, all the psychic energy in the meridians have been filled to the point where it can no longer be filled!

What surprised or shocked him even more…

These extra psychic energies are slowly immersing in his limbs and meridian skin.

Like proteins, they are becoming reserves in his body!

These psychic abilities are forming a whole new kind of tissue in his body.

Similar to fat!

It can become his energy reserve when necessary!

This made Situ He couldn’t help but think about it.

Because he has understood that just this meal is enough to make his way forward wider!

It is equivalent to tying him several rocket engines.

Help him when he breaks through!

So, he knows, he might be able to chase the captain!

“Such a favor…” Situ He couldn’t help but remember: “How can I repay?!”

This is critical!

Because, for the Federal Empire.

The loyalty to the king is a cultural tradition for thousands of years.

And the black guard, who can be different from other foreign countries, is willing to give allegiance to the country and the people.

It is also because of this tradition!

The loyalty to the emperor.

The people have raised them, they must be loyal to the people and the country!

So the question came.

This meal is like establishing a contract for Situ He.

If you eat someone else’s, you don’t want to kill him, at least you have to do things for him!

That’s why, Boyi and Shu Qi would rather go to the mountains to eat wild vegetables, rather than starve to death than eat the food that King Zhou Wu sent to them.

But the problem is…

“What can I do for Him?”

Situ He thought about it and found that he couldn’t do anything.

Because, in front of him, Situ He knew that he was just the morning dew, a bug in the water.

For those who live and die, why do they have the confidence to say “repay” and “repay”?

This is very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Situ He stood up, and said to the ancient goddess who is holding lamb and feeding his pet, the cat goddess: “Your Excellency, the hospitality tonight really makes me not know how to repay. !”

Speaking, he solemnly gave a deep bow.

Sun Jinyi is not stupid, and immediately followed the long line: “It’s the same below!”

After this meal, Sun Jinyi also discovered the problem.

Although he doesn’t know much about the world of the extraordinary.

But I have heard of some.

In the world of transcendents, the more you go up, the more precious things you need and what you need!

Ordinary capital, the little money in your hand, is not enough to even hear them!

Only a country, a powerful country, has the ability to support a powerful transcendent!

The growth of every general in Heiyiwei is the result of consuming countless materials and resources!

This is why the black guard is loyal to the country.

It is also the reason why the Gentiles are controlled and played by supernatural beings.

When these small nations cannot cultivate powerful transcendents by themselves.

Then, those extraordinary will surely control the country in turn.

Ling Ping An looked at these two people in surprise.

He scratched his head and said with a smile: “Why are you two so polite?”

“It’s just a light meal…”

He probably knows why these two are so solemn.

One is the old Republic!

The personality of the old Republic is like this.

They are deeply influenced by traditional thinking, courtesy, righteousness, loyalty and filial piety. What they admire is the kindness of a meal and a thousand dollars!

Very staid!

The other one has been beaten up badly by life. Thinking about it, his personality is inevitably biased towards conservative and traditional.

But the problem is…

Lingping feels that even according to the traditional concept, he invited these two to eat this meal, there is nothing remarkable.

Because, the traditional so-called ‘gratuitous for a meal, pay a daughter’ is conditional.

It’s not a casual meal that can make people forget their lives.

The basic condition for its establishment is to starve to death or that the meal was obtained under extremely difficult conditions.

For example, in ancient times of famine, the spirit was safe and there was no food, but when he saw two poor people, he gave them the only little food in the family.

In this way, it constitutes a traditional precondition.


“It should just be that my cooking skills are so great and I have conquered them…” Lingping thought: “Of course, it’s not ruled out. It’s just their character, so be polite with me…”

Thinking of this, Lingping stood up: “The two really don’t need to be too polite with me…”

“It’s just a meal…”

He rubbed his hands and laughed: “If you really want to repay, bring me some guests to take care of my business!”

The face of the young bookstore owner, under the charcoal fire, smiles very sincerely and brilliantly.


Situ He and Sun Jinyi heard these words, but they completely changed their taste.

“It’s just a meal…”

“For him, maybe it’s just that…”

“But, can I ignore it?” Situ He thought.

Definitely not!

One thing, this can’t pass his heart!


Hammer is so hard to see a kid…

The big men waved their hands and said: I don’t care, and don’t care.

The people below are not necessarily!

The so-called humiliation and death of the minister, in ancient times, the eunuchs and courtiers around IndoMTL.com did not remember things that the kings themselves did not dare to forget.

Because, what if your Majesty remembered it and asked him back, but didn’t do it?

That’s disrespectful!

To die for the whole family!

The same thing!

Those terrible monsters in this bookstore will definitely remember.

So, Situ He understood that he must bring a few people here to ‘take care of’ this business.

Sun Jinyi has another mentality.

“Such a top-notch food…In his eyes, it’s just a “potty meal” that he can easily get…”

“The strength of seniors really makes me stand up to the mountains…”

“It’s no wonder that even the generals in black guards have to flatter and please…”

“If I can achieve something in the future, I must find ways to repay me!”

As for now…

Sun Jinyi knows his own weight.

I also understand my position.

‘Take care of’ his business?

Selling him, I am afraid it will not be worth the eleventh of this ‘potty meal’!

Where did he go to find people who bought goods of the same or higher grade?

He is just a capitalist.

In this world, capital is nothing more than wage earners working for the extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Sun Jinyi suddenly remembered.

He really has no capital and ability…

But it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it!

Besides the black guards, those who are free from the black guard system…

If it is…

So Sun Jinyi knows, this is the real opportunity!

Great opportunity!

Acting as a pimp and middleman, introducing other strong men to this person, building a bridge…

Thinking of this, the talent of the Sun family awakened in him.

This is a big deal!

The real big deal!

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