I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 303: Awakening

Lingping turned on the computer and made a cup of tea for herself.

Sitting at the counter, drinking tea while waiting for the computer to turn on.

His computer is very old. It is an old model seven or eight years ago.

So every time I turn on it, it is very slow.

There is even more buzzing in the case.

However, it is of high quality. After so long, it has never had a problem.

The processor is too old to carry most of the end games currently on the market, and can only be used for office or codewords.

However, it is now the era of mobile internet.

It’s okay to use computer trash, as long as the phone is easy to use.

So, Lingping has not been changed.

About two minutes later, a view finally appeared on the screen, and software icons began to appear.

Many self-starting software also started to start.

Lingping shut down those anti-virus software and applications.

Then he opened the web page and logged into the author’s backstage to take a look.


In other words, there is another five increase in one day today?

He nodded, this result is not bad!

So, open the document and start the codeword.

Cracking, the keyboard sounded in the bookstore.

Best the kitten, lying gently beside the computer on the counter.

With its paws, gently grabbing the bronze glutton on the counter.

The cat, I always like to play.

Apparently, this little gluttony is now its cat toy.

Ling Ping An is already immersed in his own world.


Acado opened his eyes weakly.

This is already the first time he woke up without knowing it.

“Accado…” The mistress’ figure reflected in front of her eyes again: “How are you?”

“My little master…” Arcado replied feebly: “I’m fine…”

“What’s the matter with you?” Ingulat asked with concern.

The Lord of the Blood River has fallen into this unprecedented state of weakness for several days.

He has been in a coma for several days.

Even for the first time, the Lord of the Blood River, who was lying in his original form, was revealed in front of Ingulat, his face was pale, and his whole body was skinny.

This terrifying strong man who made the whole Qin Lu tremble, the weak at this moment only needs an ordinary person to hold a sharp blade to kill!

Moreover, He will never be able to rise from the river of blood.

Because his power has weakened to the point where he can’t even contact the blood river!

“I went to a place and participated in a terrible trial…”

Acado’s eyes flashed, and the memory began to look back.

The sky is like a tumor, and the rain of flames is constantly showering down.

Countless terrifying monsters rushed across the vast land.

They are engaged in an eternal war with no end in sight.

Distorted flesh and blood and huge bones cover the earth.

Countless souls were wiped out on the battlefield.

A presence at the level of Arcado, on that battlefield, is only worthy of being an advanced infantryman.

Even a terrifying monster as strong as a god, once stepped into that battlefield, it will not escape the fate of falling.

Every day, thousands of strong men fall there.

Every day, thousands of monsters join the battlefield from outside.

This battlefield of abyss and hell.

The eternal **** battlefield.

And He was cast in the center of that terrible battlefield.

Even the gods will be distorted by their almost deformed killing intent there, turning them into a monster that only knows how to kill.

And Akado has the privilege, he enjoys a certain amount of awake time.

This greatly increases the probability of his survival.

Even so…

In his memory, Akado also recalled several near-death experiences.

On one occasion, he was even only affected by the aftermath of two terrible monsters fighting, and the soul and body were almost torn apart.

Thinking about this, Akado couldn’t help trembling.

That was indeed the most terrifying experience he has experienced in this life.

“Trial?” Ingurat didn’t quite understand: “What trial can hurt you like this?”

“I can’t say…” Arcado lowered his head.

That is really something that cannot be said.

“Little Master…” Arcado said suddenly: “Please report to the Queen…”

“We should reconsider our relationship with this country…”

“We want to establish a closer partnership…”

After this trial, Akado has only one feeling: there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

He finally knew what monster he was dealing with.

So, he understood immediately.

Own role and positioning.

The same goes for Butania!

As long as the bookstore owner is still here, he doesn’t need to express his position, he is here, he can already make this country invincible.

Only an idiot would see the iron plate, and still smashed into it, hitting his head and bleeding.

And smart people always judge the situation.

Just like the Hundred Years’ War that year, as soon as the Battle of the New Qinling Mountains failed, Butania immediately abandoned those past allies, first announced the acceptance of the four-point proposal of the Emperor of the Great Xia Empire regarding the world, and opened peace talks.

Folangji, Flange, Union Province, and Shenluo were all in tears.

It wasn’t until the French let the king go to the guillotine that the nations finally became sober and understood.

“A closer partnership?” Ingulat did not understand.

Acado smiled and said: “You just go and send the report… The queen will understand…”

After speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

Since Gulat is still young, he certainly does not understand the obscure lines under such diplomatic rhetoric.

But the queen will know.



The sound of keyboards echoed in the silent bookstore.

Thinking about those notes under the wallpaper.

Occasionally, some notes will penetrate the wallpaper, flow into the empty starry sky, and on the other side of the distant galaxy, there will be a thunder-like echo.

Griffin No. 5 casts the world.

Machine Bishop Almunia crawled in front of the steel gear, and he prayed devoutly.

“The way of steel is materialistic, because machinery is truth!”

“You are the only one who steams!”

“Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva is also you!”

“You are the Father, the Mother, and the Holy Spirit!”

“Billions of turrets are your glory, and the roaring engine is your sermon!”

“I should walk on your way, just like a machine walks on the ground, the engine roars, and the steel is forged!”

“Blood and weak…Steel is eternal…Amen…”

He finished his prayers and stood up.

Feel the joy from the machine soul.

Mechanism still cheers for his piety today.

In the steel gear, there is a vague will from the spirit of all things.

That will is grand, sacred, and more compassionate.

In front of this will, Almunia felt his humbleness and insignificance, and also understood his ignorance and stupidity.

It made him feel ashamed.

“Great Spirit of All Opportunities…” He said: “Your devout believer is working for your immortal divine will…”

“Look at…”

“How hardworking and brave they are!”

He opened his arms, and the huge mechanical platform slowly rose.

The casting world beneath the surface of the earth, before his eyes, is unobstructed.

Countless pipelines are criss-crossed densely.

Countless machine servants, one after another, stood there, with tubes extending from the back of their heads.

Under the influence of their brain power, all the data of the casting world are being calculated.

More machine servants are in workshop after workshop, manipulating a machine that is too heavy and starting to cast parts one after another.

The hot red molten iron ran out, and the huge forging hammer beat it loudly.

The new battleship is in production.

This is a brand new battleship built to carry out the sacred instructions of the Spirit of Almighty.

It removes all unclean and profane carrier-based aircraft.

Also removed all the space torpedo tubes that displease the spirit of all things.

And all the remaining space will be installed with a large and thick turret.

When it is manufactured and ascended to Star Harbor, this brand new battleship will spit out steam and rage.

It will have an array of twelve main gun turrets and sixteen secondary guns!

In an instant, you can tear all the enemies of the spirit of all things into pieces!

Leave them to pieces in the fury of steel and machinery!


Almunia closed her eyes.

He felt the sacred sound of those steel and machinery.



The oracle of the great spirit of omnipotence reverberates in steel and reverberates in machinery.

Almunia felt, tasted.

This is a sacred instruction!

It is also a guide for the devout!

He opened his eyes and found that no one felt the will from the spirit of all things like him.

The Mechanical Bishop was ecstatic.

“The great spirit of all mechanisms…” He burst into tears: “Your compassion and tolerance for me really makes me feel ashamed!”

“I will definitely believe in you more piously and firmly!” He swore.

The soul becomes colder because of this!

This means that he is one step closer to the road of steel!

So, Almunia knelt down religiously and kissed the steel under her feet.

Because that is the holy land of the spirit of all things!

In steel, the echo of machinery is clearer.



It is the Spirit of Almighty that is delivering the sacred gospel to his devout followers.

Only the most pious people can feel the divine edict!

Almunia felt it, and his e-cigarette began to bewildered: “What does the spirit of the universe want to say to me?”

Undoubtedly, this extremely rhythmic oracle inevitably contains the will of the great spirit.

So, he closed his eyes, put down all precautions, released all protections, and allowed his soul and will to get closer and closer to the great spirit of all mechanisms.

So, a sacred steel battleship appeared in his soul.

It is so sacred!

So that, as soon as he saw it, Almunia knew that this is a battleship of steel, a holy artifact of machinery, and a real battleship of multi-steaming rivets!

Those sacred turrets, those pious armors, and loyal engines.

This is a real, great battleship that only machinery and steel can create!

“Praise the Spirit of Almighty!” Almunia crumbled again convincingly.

In his brain, all the blueprints about this great battleship have been stored.

This is the will of the Spirit of All Machines!

It is also the holy thing he will cast!

So the mechanical bishop stood up, and he pressed a button.

The whole casting world, all workshops and projects, all ringed bells.

Then, the voice of the mechanical bishop began to appear in the electronic cochlea of ​​every mechanical priest and servant.

“The great spirit of all mechanisms, and give me an oracle!”

“We will make real mechanical artifacts!”

He gave the blueprints of the sacred battleship that he bestowed upon him with the spirit of omnipotence, directly through the mechanical circuit, and hit the screens in all workshops.

All the mechanical priests, the moment they saw the appearance of this warship, were impressed by it.

This is the real battleship!

This is the holy artifact of steel and mechanical casting!


There are so many holy turrets…


The pious barrel is so big!


That loyal engine is so charming!

Everyone felt that their blood vessels were swelling and their souls were trembling.

This is the battleship they should cast!

In the past, the design and manufacture of the pseudo-emperor can be thrown into the trash can!

And above these workshops and factories, the world on the surface.

The ecological template, which has just been launched, is working.

The poisonous gas in the atmosphere is being pumped away by huge airbags.

A huge starship, dragging comets, lined up outside the planet.

The huge mechanical arm smashed these comets to pieces.

There were countless pieces of hard ice falling down.

A huge block of ice cut through the atmosphere and fell on the barren ground.

At high temperatures, they are quickly melted.

The water slowly re-flowed on the surface.

The countless servants, driving trucks, are eradicating the toxic substances that have been entangled with the surface for countless years in this vast and barren world.


The servant seems to feel something.

They raised their heads, countless currents in the electronic eye sockets flashed back, and they, who had already had their frontal lobes removed, seemed to know and understand something.

“I… who…” Even the organic servant can say simple words.

“I…I am…machine…servant…”

“Servant of the Spirit of All Machines…”


Ling safely stopped the codeword’s finger.

He stretched and leaned back in the chair.

Then he looked at the number of words on the document.


Two thousand words!

So, he whistled.

I looked up at the time, it was half past six!

“Order a takeaway!” Lingping said.

So ~IndoMTL.com~ he took out his phone and ordered a beef bowl.

At the same time, he opened the souvenir.

Because when he just looked at the phone, he found that he seemed to have a lot of unread information.

He clicked in and found that his aunt had sent it.

It’s all photos, signs she took while on vacation in Ryukyu.

Sun, beach, ocean…

There are one after another, young and beautiful women.

Ling Ping’an watched and curled his mouth, then shook his head, and then he left a message to his aunt: “Auntie, your photography skills have improved a lot!”

Want him to go on vacation?

There are no doors!

Next, he threw the phone on the counter and began to leisurely wait for the delivery to arrive.

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