I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 302: Brewing

Lifting two big bags of grapes, Lingping finally returned to the door of the store.

He took out the key and opened the store door.

Then he lifted the grapes in his hand.

Best kitten, followed in.

Lingping put the two big bags full of grapes in his hand on the table.

Then he collapsed on the sofa.


“Really tired…”

He raised his hand, which was not sour at all, and imagined that he was already very tired.

So he stuck his tongue out and gasped for breath.

The kitten Best came to him, gently stuck out his tongue, and licked his owner’s hand, seeming to be comforting.

“My dear, you still have a conscience!” Lingping is very satisfied.

He touched the little guy’s head.

Then I sat up and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was past four o’clock.

“Watch TV and prepare to make wine!” Lingping said, so he went to the counter, sat down, and turned on the TV.

It happened to be broadcasting news.

An aerial shot appeared on the screen.

On the vast plains, the gunpowder has stopped, and groups of troops have withdrawn from the front.

The picture turned around and came to the scene of a press conference.

Two foreign men, each sitting in a position.

The countless cameras in the audience clicked and rattled.

“At 3:25 pm local time this afternoon, the Foreign Ministers of Nan Tianzhu and Bei Tianzhu jointly signed. According to the agreement, the two warring parties will disengage from contact and cease firefighting at 5 pm local time today. ……”

“It is reported that this peace agreement was promoted by peaceful people within the two sides…”

“For this, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Empire expressed his appreciation at the press conference held this afternoon. The spokesperson said: Maintaining regional peace and stability requires the concerted efforts of everyone. I hope that the North and South Tianzhu can join hands. To advance together and build mutual relations under the premise of peace, development, and stability. To this end, the Federal Empire is willing to provide necessary help…”

Ling Ping’an watched, his mouth opened wide.

“This world is changing so fast…” he said.

Obviously yesterday, they were fighting to death and alive, and the high-level officials of the two countries exchanged harsh words.

While talking about bombing the opponent back to feudal society, the other side simply said that they want to fight back to the Stone Age.

In the blink of an eye, peace?

Lingping thought for a while, took out the phone, opened the micro-book, and sure enough, the front row of the hot search is ‘Peace between North and South Tianzhu’.

He clicked in and saw pieces of news and videos.

Now you understand what happened?

It turns out that the two parliaments have turned back!

The Northern Tianzhu Republic held an emergency meeting and voted to dismiss the chief of staff and the minister of defense.

South Tianzhu Kingdom, even the king has changed.

Replaced with the new king of Lord He.

All this happened in the middle of the night yesterday.

So that at dawn, the troops on both sides of the war were told not to fight, it was peaceful!

So, countless discussions and analyses appeared on the micro-book.

Some people say that this is the victory of the peaceful spirit and the awakening of the people of Tianzhu.

Then he was slapped in the face and uploaded a lot of videos about the killing of each other.

On fighting each other, the Tianzhu subcontinent is a bit more powerful than Kunlun Prefecture!

It is also said that this was achieved under the mediation of the special envoy of the Federal Empire.

But it was immediately rebutted, because it was too fast from fighting to ceasefire!

It is impossible for the Federation Empire to react!

In addition to these, there are some strange sounds.

For example, what is the great fortune-teller of Nan Tianzhu speaking.

Ling Ping’an watched, and almost laughed out a pig cry.

However, this is normal. There are everyone on the Federal Empire network.

Conspiracy theorists are like crucian carp across the river.

Every time there is news, I can always see these guys rubbing hot spots.

Ling Ping’an has long since been familiar.

He put the phone away and pouted: “What age is it…”

“There are people who believe in these boring things!”

“Right?” he asked Best.


The kitten gave a soft cry, and he was very supportive of his owner’s judgment!

Lingping smiled and shook his head, and stood up: “Ready to make wine!”

He went to the front of the case, picked up the two bags of grapes and went upstairs.

Best followed immediately.


The repaired stairs really stabilized a lot, and the sound they made was no longer so loud.

But listening, it’s more pervasive.

It’s even more creepy than the background sound in horror movies.

Ling Ping’an listened and shook his head: “This old staircase…that’s it…”

After all, this staircase is older than him!

After so many years, it has not been completely broken, it is already a miracle in itself.

Holding grapes, he walked to the kitchen peacefully and briskly, and then took out the two large wooden barrels that had been cleaned after making wine last year from the kitchen cupboard.

These two wooden barrels are both very old wooden barrels **** with iron rings. They are as old as Lingping and they were made by his mother in the year he was born.

Remove the two wooden barrels, and Lingping found a clean rag to wipe them clean.

Next, he poured the washed grapes into two wooden barrels.

As a professional winemaker who has been learning winemaking since he was a child, Lingping’s drink volume is extremely poor, so he pours just one glass.

However, he has his own special skills and experience in making wine.

Others usually have to remove grape stems and squeeze juice when making wine.

Is it safe?

Because he has his own experience.

He looked at the two large barrels full of grapes in the wooden barrel, stood on tiptoe, and removed the two large cans of brown sugar from the top of the cabinet!

This is the brown sugar he made by hand last year.

Then, he poured all the brown sugar into two wooden barrels.

Next, Lingping picked up a mallet and began to beat the grapes in the barrel.

One hammer and one hammer…

Until all the grapes are mashed into a paste!

He just laughed.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lingping firmly placed the two red wine barrel lids on the two wooden barrels. Finally, he tucked them back under the cabinet.

The next thing is to give it to yeast.

In wooden barrels, grapes are mixed with brown sugar and then fermented.

The brown sugar made by Lingping’s own hands has a feature that it will make the grapes ferment more thoroughly.

There is no need to add any other additives in the middle.

The wine produced will become ruddy in color and rich in aroma.

She stuffed the wine barrel under the cabinet, and Lingping looked back at the kitten behind her.

“My dear, my brother is amazing!”


The kitten screamed clearly, agreeing with the owner’s words!

It’s simply amazing…

There is no greater existence in the world than the master.

In particular, Best recalled the movement just when the owner swung the hammer.

With one hammer, the endless psychic energy was hammered into the grape juice.

Each hammer is equivalent to taking the entire city’s psychic energy away.

So, the grapes that were originally nothing but mortals have become treasures that are comparable to the divine fruit on the divine tree!

More importantly, the brown sugar sprinkled by the owner.

Every piece is filled with blessings from Miss Sa Sa.

With the blessing of Miss Sa Sa, no yeast dare to be lazy!

But all this is just the beginning!

Best knows that every day from now on, the most industrious and loyal slaves of the master will do everything to take care of and take care of these two barrels of wine.

Those little things no more than the size of pigeon eggs were once notorious races in the universe.

But now, for the sake of their masters, they have given up their life in the universe, come here, and re-start the old profession of their ancestors countless years ago, using their tentacles and psychic abilities to make people here Every piece of food is fully and completely changed!

To make them fully meet the requirements of the owner!

This is their mission, glorious mission!

Lingping claps his hands~IndoMTL.com~ He stood up and said to Best: “Okay, let’s go downstairs…”

“Go to work!”

I haven’t written a word today!


The kitten gave a cry and immediately followed his owner.

Behind it, from a gap in the cabinet, small things with black glowing tentacles appeared.

They shook their wings, as if they had crawled out of another dimension.

They saw the two wine barrels.

They know that this is a brand new mission! So, one after another gathered around, using their long tentacles, went deep into the wine barrel, and began to check every drop of grape juice.

They must ensure that the owner’s wine is one million percent without accidents!

This is a business to bet on the fate and honor of Xia Gai Chong!

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