I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 30: Connect to all worlds

   Hanli flashed a flashlight.

   walked forward along the way he came.

   is so dense that I can’t see my fingers when I reach out.

  Only the flashlight in the hand can illuminate the road ahead and guide the direction.

   Hanli even felt that without this flashlight, she would probably not be able to get out of this mist anyway.

   The mist looks very peaceful.

   is no threat.

   But is it really that simple?

   She didn’t know, and she didn’t dare to gamble.

   is just being honest and going back along the path.

   suddenly, she raised her head.

   the flashlight shone forward, and a figure appeared in the fog.

   hazy, although not really.

   But that is indeed a person.

   Han Li, I can feel the surging spiritual power in that person’s body.

   Such a surging spiritual power made Han Li feel jealous.

   She understands that even if she is now, she can’t be an opponent of someone with such a magnificent spiritual power.

   There is no such powerful witcher on earth.

   Because, the stronger the demon hunter is, the faster the ghosts and evil spirits sealed in the body will be broken.

   But she is fearless.

  Because, here, this mist is the site of the owner of the bookstore.

  This is His realm!

   And in her hand, she held the token of that great existence.

  In the mist, she has the advantage.

   So, Han Li just stopped a little bit and continued to walk forward.

   flashlight, shining straight forward.

   The bright light quickly hit the opponent’s body, allowing Han Li to see the basic outline of the opponent through the mist.

   That is a tall and burly man.

  He is wearing a uniform, which is covered by fog, so that Hanli can’t understand the specific style of the uniform and the appearance of the man.

   But intuition tells Han Li that the other party and her should be of the same kind.

   are all soldiers.

   and is a soldier who is fighting to protect the people and the world.

   This made Hanli’s long-held guesses finally confirmed!

   “Sure enough… this is not the world where I live!”

  ”It’s a special place opened up by the owner of the bookstore…”

  ”The mysterious place that can connect countless worlds freely regardless of time!”

After the    cataclysm, the concept of the existence of another universe world has long been known.

   But ignoring the fog of time and space, it is still beyond imagination.

   This shocked Han Li, full of awe.


   Situ He watched the man coming from a distance warily.

   Until someone came, he stopped about three meters in front of him.

  The light of the flashlight came over.

   Using the light source, Situ He finally knew that the other party was a woman.

   and a very young woman.

   is just a hazy mist, which makes him unable to see the appearance of the people.

   can only vaguely see a general figure.

  ”Girl!” Situ He broke the silence, and the chief inspector asked: “Are you from this place?”



  ”Are you from this place?”

   Hanli listened to what the other party said, guessing that the other party, like her, was someone who entered this place by mistake.

   Or rather, the person chosen by the bookstore owner here.

   So, she shook her head and replied: “No!”

   She looked at each other’s figure, with some sympathy in her heart.

   Because in Han Li’s understanding, people who can step into this place are probably the same as her world, facing the invasion of terrible enemies.

   Maybe, the person here is a person from a world deeply eroded by the abyss.

   In the spirit of the same enemy, Han Li suddenly said when passing by him: “The master of this place is an unimaginable great existence!”

   She pointed to the light swaying in the mist: “Did you see there?”

   “The master of this place is right there with the light!”

   After speaking, Han Li took the flashlight and strode forward.


   Situ He, watching the woman with a flashlight walking past him.

   He wanted to keep it.

   But, he dare not.

   is not only because of the fog, which imprisoned his mana.

  Because, the moment he gave birth to that idea.

   He felt it, a cold and strange breath hitting his body and mind, making his scalp numb, his soul trembling, and his blood freezing.

   He knows this is the most obvious warning!

   as long as he dares to do it.

   will definitely die!

   and it will be extremely miserable!

   So, Situ He could only stand on the spot, looking at the woman, flashing a flashlight, and walking along the road in front of him.

   Fortunately, the woman didn’t completely ignore him and just left.

   But when he walked past him, he suddenly said: “The master here is an unimaginable great existence!”

   “Have you seen there?” She pointed to the distance, the end and the depths of the mist: “The master here is in the light!”

   After speaking, the woman flashed her torch without looking back, and disappeared into the mist.

   Situ He looked at the opponent disappearing into the mist, he raised his head, and looked forward as the opponent said.

   So he saw, deep in the fog, an electric light swaying in it.

   “Why didn’t I find out just now?” Situ He was shocked.

   Many years of experience told him that he should leave this place immediately.

  Because of the danger and horror of this place~IndoMTL.com~ I am afraid that it is beyond his ability to deal with.

   He can’t solve this fog alone.

   Besides, there are still things deep in the mist.

   Unfortunately, he looked around, but he couldn’t find a way to leave.

   What’s more terrifying is that he also felt the danger hidden in the depths of this seemingly harmless mist.

   told him intuitively.

  No one can leave this place without permission.

   took a deep breath, and the face of the black-clothed major general showed tension and anxiety for the first time in years.

  After hesitating many times, he finally made up his mind and stepped forward.

   Beyond his imagination, the seemingly out of reach light is not too far away.

   He only walked for a few minutes before he came to the light.

   The light illuminates the place, and the influence of the fog has greatly declined.

   Situ He found that his eyesight was recovering, and he could see clearly about five meters around.

   The imprisoned mana is slowly returning.

   This made him even more horrified and even more fearful.

   Because, this only shows one thing-the owner of this place, the existence in the light.

   Actually, I don’t care about him at all, what power he has.

   The other party has ten thousand percent confidence and can crush anyone who comes in front of him.

  This confidence shocked him.

  This mindset made him tremble.

  ”When did such a character appear in the Federation Empire?” Situ He asked himself.

   But he knows that since they are all here, in any case, even if there is Longtan Tiger’s Den in front of him, he must go for a break!


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