I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 288: The angry young sapling

“Ilidan…” Kael’thas said the name with trembling lips.

Ilidan the Betrayer was released, and in Felwood, the killing of Tichondrius, the dreadlord of the Burning Legion, is no longer known.

And his most iconic army is Naga.

Those compatriots in the deep sea, the Highborne 10,000 years ago!

So, Lor’themar and Illidan came together?

When did they approach? When did they come together again?

The prince can’t figure it out.

But he knows that he and his people have become chess pieces.

Garythers looked at Lor’themar, then at Kael’thas, then he looked at the naga army that was coming out of the sea.

He laughed.


“The Alliance already knew…”

“Someone will deal with him!”

One after another night elves appeared on Garithus’ ship.

The figure of Maiev Shadowsong emerged from the shadows.

The high priestess who followed the betrayer had already sworn with her life that she would definitely bring the prisoner back to his cage!

Kael’thas saw this with cold hands and feet.

He finally understood.

Everything is hypocritical.

What alliance, what honor, what faith.

All are fake! All are fake!

As soon as it is profitable, they will tear up all disguise immediately.

Even the night elves!

At this moment, the Sunwell suddenly trembled.

The golden well water is hot and boiling like lava.

The little sapling, the tender leaves of the sapling of the World Tree, slowly spread out.

Its shadow is reflected in the well water.

It is also reflected on the entire island of Quel’Danas.

Strips of golden yellow roots appear from the land of the island.

The intense arcane energy is tumbling and boiling.

“You…” A fragile voice rang from these roots and from the sky.

On those tender leaves, countless shadows are quietly spreading.

“Put me…”

“What is the only mother tree planted by the great master?”

The immature voice sounded directly in everyone’s heart.


“Unforgivable profanity!”

“Great master…”

The anger of the young sapling caused the roots to emerge directly from the ground.

Over the entire island of Quel’Danas, the green leaves slowly folded into a magnificent and fantastic scene.

It is a pattern composed of strange rings and magnificent paths.

Bright psychic energy lingers in these patterns.

Countless lights bloomed with devastating colors.

“You are blasphemy against the great master!”

This is where the young sapling is most angry!

Insulting Him, it’s nothing.

After all, he is just a young sapling that is still developing.

However, these stupid creatures actually regarded Him as the Virgin Tree of God, which was planted and watered by the great master himself, as nothing, and even discussed the words destroying, seizing, and giving in front of Him.

This is unforgivable blasphemy!

The most direct and shameful blasphemy against a great master!

Because this didn’t put his master in the eyes at all!

This is a big crime!

Unforgivable, incurable sin!

If these blasphemers cannot be sanctioned immediately, Little Sapling knows that someone else will do it.

In this lower world, there are several seeds that can allow some great existence to descend at any time.

Once these seeds are activated, the servants of the great master will come.

Then they will tear the whole world to pieces in anger!

Even he might have to eat and hang himself.

So, the young sapling is now angry and frightened.

So, he immediately began to use his abilities.

It is also the only active ability to awaken under the water of his master.



“Stupid mortals!”

In the anger of the young sapling, the rings fell from the sky, and the paths circled the entire island.

The arcane is boiling, and the magic is released in anger.

One by one, roots emerged from the depths of the earth, flying in anger.

At this time, everyone was stunned to discover that their body seemed to be frozen by some force.

They hung their heads, and countless roots entangled their bodies.

Not only that, but these terrible roots also entangled their souls!

There are rings around the body, bursting with bright light.

In those paths, powerful energy rushes.

Looking up, people saw angels on the sky, spreading their wings.

Holy light blooms from the angels.

When I looked again, the appearance of these angels changed.

Their bodies are like roots, and their divine wings are like tiny long beards.

If you look closely, people will find that those angels seem to be themselves.

“I became an angel?”

Humans, naga, and high elves all felt a kind of fear and horror from the depths of their souls.

It seems that turning into an angel is like some kind of terrible disaster and curse.

The next second, they know the reason!

The bright light obscures everything.

Those angels are falling apart little by little, turning into brilliance.

At this moment, the light blooming on the island of Quel’Danas can be seen even on the planet Argus.

The chiefs of the Burning Legion looked at them.

They all felt some kind of power that would destroy them!

“This is…” Kil’jaeden swallowed: “The blew of a Void Lord?”

But he soon learned that this is not.

It is a forbidden technique released by a powerful existence!


Stormwind City.

Countess Katnara, standing in the window of the castle.

She looked in Lordaeron’s direction.

There, the shining beams of light rushed straight into the sky, and they were still clearly visible even in the daytime.

She lowered her head and smiled.

“Not bad…”

“The test came out…”

“I have to tell brother…”

And the entire Stormwind City is now in chaos.

Because these beams of light are so dazzling that everyone starts to worry.

After all, the destruction of the kingdoms of Lordaeron and Quel’thanas did not take long.

People worry that this is the result of natural disasters and even the attack of the Burning Legion.

In the palace, the regent, Duke Polva, is also looking at the beam of light rising from Lordaeron.

“Why I don’t know how Marshal Garithus led his army to Quel’Danas?” He asked the ministers.

But no one answered him.

“Send someone to investigate immediately!” the regent ordered.



Sylvanas turned her head suddenly and looked in Quel’Danas’ direction.

Her eyes saw an endless beam of light.

“What happened?” She immediately jumped out of the hidden room and landed on a tall building.

Quil’Danas’ beam of light continued to bloom.

The bottom of her heart is beating.

She no longer cared about playing hide-and-seek games with the natural disasters in Alsace’s lair.

She quickly began to turn back.

The power of the sun burst out of her body.

She began to run wildly towards home.

She knows that she must go back immediately!


Sitting at the counter, Ling Ling yawned listlessly.

He just refreshed his background data.


From yesterday to today, there has been a total increase of 5.

Looks great!


He has no energy today and doesn’t want to code words.

Looking outside the door, it was still raining.

He suddenly started to worry about his little sapling.

“Should it not be frozen anymore?”

It is indeed a bit cold today, and the temperature drop is obvious.

So he stood up and walked upstairs.

Walking all the way to the third floor, he saw the young sapling in the plastic pot.

The leaves are drooping, looking like malnourished.

Lingping scratched his head: “Sure enough~IndoMTL.com~ The weather is cold, even the saplings will be affected!”

So, he squatted down quickly and looked at the young sapling: “You must be strong, little guy…”

In case it freezes to death.

There will be no peaches next year.

So, he thought about it and decided to apply some fertilizer.

So, untie the waistband…


Don’t say anything, as soon as you pee down, the leaves of the young sapling become more energetic.

“Sure enough…” Lingping nodded: “It’s a lack of nutrition!”

Saplings, like people, have to eat.

The young tree sapling was planted in a plastic pot, so he can only fertilize it!

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