I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 281: Mimic Drugs

In the morning, the spirit got up very early in peace.

He woke up before about seven o’clock.

After a simple freshening up, he hurriedly went downstairs.

“Last night, how many collections did you increase?” he thought.

“Five? Ten?”

With this kind of longing and expectation, he didn’t even care about his pet’s daily cuteness.

Let’s not open the store first as in the past.

Instead, he turned on the computer first and sat at the counter, waiting anxiously.

Old-fashioned old computers are slow to boot.

Moreover, there is relatively loud noise, especially the fan, which is very loud.

However, Lingping is used to it.

He listened to the sound in the case and watched the screen slowly light up. After two minutes, the window finally appeared normally.

He immediately clicked on the web page, entered the author’s background, and looked at the data on the screen nervously.


Pour a plate of cold water directly on your head.


In one night, two collections went up!

He is shocked!

Scratching his head, the young web writer began to think.

Is it a book problem? He asked himself.

Then got a negative answer.

So, is it because of exposure?

He thought, hesitated.

Then, I clicked into this chapter to talk about the background, and saw the number of comments in the first chapter: 1

He suddenly rejoices!

You know, almost 800,000 words were written in the last book, and this chapter of one chapter says nothing more!

What does this mean?

It means that this book is equivalent to 800,000 words in the previous book!


Wonderful congratulations!

He can’t wait to click in immediately, wanting to see which pretty boy is so discerning.

As a result, what he saw was a comment from a reader whose id was a digital account: Check in.

Lingping scratched his head: “Check in?”

“What do you mean?”

He doesn’t quite understand, is this good or bad?

However, out of the reservedness of an author, it is difficult for him to ask directly.

So, after thinking about it, he picked up his phone, quickly logged into his reading account, found his book, clicked on favorites, and then ran under that comment and typed? .

In this way, the author’s dignity can be preserved.

After doing this, he stood up and opened the store door.

This morning, the temperature in Jiangcheng was very suitable.

The thin morning mist filled the streets.

The people who jogged on the road in the morning are coming back. Lingping took a deep breath of fresh air and let out a comfortable cry.

Walking to the intersection, Aunt Cai’s shop next door has opened.

Moreover, there are still people in line.

Ling Ping walked over and heard Aunt Cai talking with a person.

“Your son, have you scored in the college entrance examination this year?” Aunt Cai asked.

“Estimated points!” The man was very excited: “At least 430 points!”

“The key university is stable!” He was very proud: “No, I came out specially to buy his favorite tofu brain for the child!”

Ling Ping’an listened, but couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

430 points?

Thinking about his college entrance examination results, he bowed his head in ashamed.

The college entrance examination of the Federal Empire is divided into two subjects: liberal arts and sciences.

The total score of both subjects is the same 500 points.

The difference is that liberal arts focus on literature, geography, and history, while science focuses on mathematics and physics.

Regardless of the total score of 430 in that subject, it is enough for the admission line of a major university.

If you apply for a top local school, you may even have stepped on the threshold of scholarship!

It’s really amazing!

Just listening to Aunt Cai said: “Congratulations, congratulations… Your child is the fourth child I have heard of this year…”

“Four?” The man was surprised.

Lingping was also surprised. The key universities of the Federal Empire are not so easy to take!

Because the candidates are competing with hundreds of millions of peers!

On a street, there are four key points of assessment?

Do young people nowadays study so hard?

Ling Ping’an was ashamed again.

Because he did everything in the college entrance examination that year, he scored 278 points!

I was far from the score of a college book that year. I still relied on my parents’ Yu Yin to barely go to college.

Aunt Cai continued: “My daughter will have a good grade in the college entrance examination next year, too!”

“Definitely!” the man said: “We are a treasured place of geomantic omen, the street of Wenquxing!”

“Yes!” Aunt Cai said with a smile.

Ling peacefully listen, scratching his head, Wenquxing’s land?

This statement is indeed very popular recently.

They all say that Wenquxing is shining here, Wenquxing is prosperous, and will be the first assistant in the future.

So, the house price rises just like riding the Rockets.

But Lingping feels that this is probably a speculation by real estate developers.

Anyway, those capitalists cannot get out because of money.

Listening to the wind is rain, I am best at hyping concepts.


Situ He came to his office early in the morning.

Just sitting down and turning on the office computer, he received a work email.

Sent from the think tank of the Imperial Capital.

He opened the mailbox and looked at it.

Then his brows frowned.

This is the analysis report of the think tank.

Last night, for the work he explained, the think tank organized manpower overnight and began preparations.

Split into three groups for the test.

The result is…

The ordinary people in the first group all reported that there was no response after the target book.

They can freely collect or download target books.

The second group of transcendents all reported that they had one reason or another and did not actively collect books until the testers requested them.

The third group is a test group composed of ordinary people and extraordinary people.

As a result, the process of the above two groups was repeated.

This was a test conducted at four o’clock last night, and the subject was not informed of the purpose. It was conducted in the form of a social test or interview.

Looking at the report and the subsequent analysis, Situ He’s brows slowly frowned.

“Undoubtedly, the target book has certain psionic characteristics…”

“As a network data, it seems to have some peculiarities…”

“It seems to have the ability to recognize…”

“Strongly recommended, continue testing!”

Looking at the summary on the email, Situ He thought repeatedly and replied: “Please arrange a top-secret test as appropriate…”

“The test content is a control…”

“Continue with three groups…”

“A is the normal group, B is the extraordinary group, D is the mixed group…”

“All testers, conduct close and long-term observation…”

After thinking about it, Situ He emphasized in his reply: “All decisions, please do not intervene, in addition, all the decisions of testers, please do not actually operate!”

After replying to the email, the black-clothed general frowned.

Although he had already had psychological expectations, he still trembled after learning about the situation.

The bookstore owner, even the data on the Internet, can give certain powers.

Moreover, it seems to have the ability to identify and identify.

We will give feedback to different readers.

This is terrible!

Because this means that he may be able to release a wide range of spells through the Internet.

In other words, in today’s society, as long as he is willing, he can eliminate enemies at a specific point through the network in an instant.


Clean up human beings at designated points!

This makes Situ He just think about it, it’s all creepy!

That’s why he wants to emphasize, don’t actually do it.

I’m afraid of accidents!

Especially at the moment, when the intention of that person is not yet known, you must be careful!


Sitting at the counter, Lingping ate her breakfast.

The kitten Best is in front of him, constantly buying cute.

It seems that this morning, Lingping didn’t immediately pay attention to it as it did in the past, which made it feel some pressure.

Ling Ping’an looked at it, and it was also cheerful.

Can pets be crisis-conscious?

This is great!

So, after eating breakfast, Lingping picked up the little guy, teased it in his arms for a while, and then put it on the counter.

“Keep working!” He said, “Today, I have to write seven or eight thousand no matter what!”


The kitten whispers softly, seeming to cheer for his owner.

Ling Ping’an sat down, straightened the keyboard, opened the document, and crackling typing sounded in the bookstore.


Ran Bing took the refugees behind him, trekking in the whistling sandstorm.

She looked ahead, the group of buildings that gradually appeared.

She finally let out a long sigh of relief.

“Everyone, keep up!”

“We are coming soon!”

“A safe new home!”

People listened and looked at each other. Where is a safe new home?

Isn’t the ground all the same?

Sandstorms, scarlet beasts, and even more dangerous monsters!

However, these days, this woman who forcibly killed the Pope has indeed shown extraordinary abilities.

Moreover, she seems to know many things.

So people cheered up and kept up with Ran Bing’s pace.

A group of hundreds of people struggled through the sandstorm.

Ran Bing walked directly to the high wall that he could not enter that day.

It has been blown down by the sandstorm.

The houses inside the high walls were also buried by sandstorms.

Without human maintenance, the building is so fragile.

Han Li took the people and walked in.

Then she walked to the passage where she left the underground that day and opened the lid made of steel.

Undoubtedly, all the umbrella staff who once existed here have fallen under her gun and turned into a coin.

People watched Ran Bing’s movements.

They hesitated.


But they have no choice but to follow.

Follow Ran Bing one by one, down the corridor that leads directly to the ground.

The underground passages are dark. People are not like Ran Bing. They can see things in the dark, so they turned on various flashlights and lighting tools one by one.

So, the whole picture of this underground passage was exposed to everyone.

The spiral-shaped steel guardrail hovered down.

The walls on both sides have been specially reinforced.

The traces of steel and cement are clearly visible.

More importantly-many places show that this place is maintained.

“Where is this place?” someone asked.

“Are there any survivors like us?” some smart people asked.

Ran Bing listened, she turned her head, looked at the people, and laughed: “Here in the past, there are indeed people living…”

“You will know when you go in…”

“Everyone will know…”

“Floating city, religious…”

“And…” She lowered her eyes: “The real crisis we humans face!”

People looked at each other and followed Ran Bing down.

Half an hour later, people finally arrived in Diding.

Countless caves, glowing moss.


Ran Bing took them all the way.

People saw the living corpses soaked in the jar, and saw those who fell in the cave, obviously no longer human umbrella staff.

Finally, they saw the underground world.

The underground world opened up by the Kunyang people.

Jungle, plain, river…

There is even light here!

The crystal sun of the Kunyang people illuminates the world on the rocks of the underground world, and also brings light and heat.

“This is our world, the reason why it is what it is now!”

“Some people, a company called Umbrella, betrayed us humans!”

“They now claim to be immortals, evolved humans…”

“In their eyes, we are livestock, beasts and horses…like other races eliminated and extinct by Homo sapiens!”

“And…” Ran Bing raised his head: “The religion in the floating city… Whether it is the Bright Church in a1 floating city where I was before, or the Lord of Truth in your floating city…”

“All umbrellas are manipulated behind the back!”

“They are using our flesh and blood as a stepping stone!”

As Ran Bing said, people finally understood.

Especially, when Ran Bing took them and walked into the Kunyang pyramid in person, they finally understood everything before the facts.


Han Li walked in this chaotic land.

The babble in the ear is rustling.

She knows that she is getting closer and closer to the other main medicine of Liberty Potion!


She dare not act rashly.


The name of this abyssal land is: the lonely prairie.

Now, it was renamed by its owner as ‘Yeno Ancient Realm’.

It was clearly marked on the map in her hand.

The realm of Yenogu is the territory of Yenogu, the **** of gnolls!

That is an opponent she can’t beat!

So, she must be careful, she must be careful.

However, the chasing soldiers behind him were chasing after him.

This is the third day after she destroyed the chaos ship.

It is also the third day of escape!

That ship actually has an owner!

After she cleared the ship full of demons, she was immediately spotted by the ship’s owner.

The demon lord named Buffett was furious.

An incarnation of him, came to chase him personally!

Han Li finally got rid of the entanglement of the other party and escaped into this abyssal plane.


Han Li knows that as long as she takes a shot here, she will be spotted by the incarnation of the demon lord and will catch up immediately.


Han Li looked at some text descriptions on the map.

She has an idea!

The chattering in her ears also cheered for her idea.

So, a hazy picture appeared before her eyes.

The shadow of Mr. Yaml appeared again.

He grabbed a handful of the soil of the abyss and exerted a little force.

Several soul spars were instantly crushed and mixed with these abyssal soils. Then, Mr. Yaml mixed them with the sap of four different abyssal plants.

So, a pill appeared in Mr. Yaml’s hands.

Mr. Yaml casually threw it into the mouth of a guinea pig.

A miracle happened, and that obviously was just a test item of a small evil demon, and instantly became a fire demon.

Then, it turned into a succubus…

But in essence, it is still a little evil.

Mimic Potion!

This is a kind of test agent that Mr. Yamr developed for his experiment.

As long as you take it, you can simulate the appearance and smell of almost all abyssal species in one day.

Han Li looked at this picture, she took out a few soul spars.

Then, I found the four abyss plants nearby.

They are all very ordinary things.

Abyss grass, rotting flowers, ruined trees, dark fruits…

These things, on all planes of the abyss, are as flooding as the actual weeds.

Han Li took them and found a safe place.

Then she squatted down and put a special symbol on the ground using the soul spar.

She doesn’t have the power of Mr. Yaml, so she can only use this symbol to pray for the help of the Lord of the Deep Sky Star Sea.

Next, she held a handful of abyssal soil and suddenly crushed the soul spar in her hand.

The moment the soul spar broke, it was automatically entangled with the soil of the abyss.

This is the rule!

It is also the instinct of Abyss and Styx!

All souls who died in the abyss must return to Styx, even the gods!

At this moment, Han Li squeezed out all the sap of the four plants.

The sap fell drop by drop on the entangled abyss soil and soul spar powder.

In an instant, it was like paper soaked in ink.

Everything made the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

Vaguely, it seems that something is projecting its own will.

At this moment, the symbol placed by Han Li suddenly lit up.

A skinny-looking body, shrouded in layers of ragged yellow robe, with a gorgeous crown on his head.

In an instant, this figure became extremely tall.

A breeze began to surround Han Li’s body.

This wind is an unknown wind, and it is also a wind that does not exist.

It was scraped from an unknown dimension.

So all gazes are shifted.

In Han Li’s hand, a green pill was whizzing around.

The mimicry is finished!

Han Li grabbed it and poured it into his mouth without thinking.

Her figure~IndoMTL.com~ slowly began to change.

The inexplicable power began to show up.

She slowly became an evil and dirty jackal.

But in fact, it is just a layer of phantom, a layer of mimicry, and she has not changed anything.

This is the magic of mimicry potions!

With the help of the power of the abyss itself, the person taking the medicine can transform into any abyssal species, regardless of being seen!

As long as there is no attack, few people in the entire abyss world can see through this layer of disguise!

Han Li raised her head, under the shadow, she laughed.

If the abyss lord who sent her the map didn’t lie.

So, the Buffett who chased her and the owner here are deadly enemies!

The kind that never dies!

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