I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 278: The Swarm vs. Alien (4)

Dragging the octopus alien that was injected with paralytic toxin.

The only remaining members of the death squad passed through the dense swarm.

They reappear at the exit.

Here, more than a dozen flying insects that are obviously larger than other flying insects are already waiting.

They are the mother royal guards.

These flying insects are more than twice larger than their counterparts.

There are no stings all over, but rather smooth.

But there are bulging tumors on their abdomen.

These tumors are their weapons.

Mixed with toxins, under the catalysis of psychic energy, it flashes with a deadly halo.

These tumors, each one is a bomb!

Once it is launched, it will explode immediately, and under the catalysis of psychic energy, a poisonous mist will be formed!

This poisonous mist can even pass through the skin and enter the organism.

And immediately attack his immune system, causing his organs to fail.

This is also the current insect swarm, the most combative elite.

It’s the mother emperor’s sharp knife!

It is also the ultimate evolution of the Swarm in the World of Warlords!

Except for the mother emperor, there can be no stronger individuals in the swarm.

These flying insects caught the Zhangyu fish with a different name and immediately flew to the moss field where the mother emperor was.

As for the death squads, they returned to the battlefield.

The will of the mother emperor is transmitted in the pheromone network.

Destroy all enemies!

This is the only command!

Also the highest order!

The mother queen needs everything from this shameful and despicable swarm.

And now, all the insect swarms thrown into this battlefield are tools used to consume the enemy!

The mother emperor knows that for the time being, the swarms it hatched do not have the ability to fight against those things.

But it doesn’t matter!

It has sufficient energy reserves!

For generations of the mother emperor, the dimensional stone energy accumulated day and night is enough to launch an attack on the scale of more than ten waves again!


The dense swarm of insects drove straight in from the pipe.

As individuals in the swarm, these worker ants and flying insects have no will.

The mother emperor’s orders are everything they have.

So, they quickly followed the orders in the pheromone network, forming a dozen torrents, attacking them separately, and cooperating closely to their targets.

Those who have finished moulting, are using them, and walking through these channels.

An ethnic group with a pheromone network similar to them.

Fourteen in total!

All worker ants and flying insects can smell the enemy in the air.

The corrosive blood scent in them.

Suo Shuo…

Suo Shuo…

The swarm walked through.

One alien after another, stopped.

They heard vibrations and sounds in the pipe.



These things are puzzled, they know that they have a certain instinctual wisdom, and they are facing a group of enemies whose numbers far exceed them.

But it doesn’t matter!

These enemies are very weak!

So, they don’t even bother to pay attention-as long as these fragile simple bugs don’t bother them, they don’t bother to pay attention.

In the bodies of those simple insects, apart from corrosive liquids and bones with keratin structures for action, there is not much meat at all!

All of them were killed. I am afraid that the combined meat does not contribute as much as a mammal.

So, their focus is on the three aliens walking inside the pyramid.


The sharp tongues of the aliens accumulate force in the mouth.

They are ready to ambush at any time.


The queen’s order was also passed on.

One after another, the egg worms stood by behind the pipes and narrow slabs.

The queen wants to capture these things.

Their genes can hatch more powerful offspring!


A dozen flying insects returned to the mother emperor with a paralyzed egg holding insect.

They flew down and sent the prey they had brought to the mother emperor.

The huge mother emperor’s body trembled.

The mother queen, who has no mouth, eyes, and nose, relies on a network of psychics and pheromones.

It feels the ovum worm being sent.

Under the influence of psionic energy, the mucus underground began to envelop this thing.

The mucus secreted by these mother emperors quickly secreted the digestive juice given to it by the master.

These liquids can be broken down and the genes of all organisms can be recognized immediately.

It’s like a large computer.

The mother emperor felt the genetic fragment of this prey.

Parisis, incubation, molting, evolution, growth…

This is a species born purely for hunting.

It is also a species with a colony structure.

The difference from the mother emperor is…

In this race, after the queen dies, a new queen will be born from the remaining individuals.


Their development and growth again are also very good…

No wonder the owner would admire…


The psychic energy of the mother emperor began to vibrate.

Now… your genes are mine…

So, the master will love me more…

With the vibration of the psionic energy, a follicle slowly bulged up.

The mother emperor started to try to produce a new species based on the genes of her enemies and opponents!


Inside the pyramid.

Three aliens walked vigilantly.

They tried the mothership again, but this time they couldn’t even find the mothership’s signal.

As if they have left this star field.

A shadow began to float in the hearts of aliens.


An octopus alien, from the corner of a pipe, jumped up and jumped towards an alien.

The alien didn’t even turn his head, but raised his hand directly.

The metal dart in his hand was thrown out and nailed to the wall.


This is just the beginning. Dozens of octopuses are alien, jumping from every corner.

What’s more terrifying is that as they jump.

At least five prey that have reached the form of the ‘Horse Peak’ have shot out from the pipe or the wall.

They approached quickly!

The three aliens are in danger.

On their shoulders, missile launchers started to fire missiles.

At the same time, the weapon in his hand began to fire!

The octopuses that were hit were alien-shaped and exploded directly in the air.

The five majestic peaks were directly paralyzed.

They are about to celebrate victory.

Vibrating sounds appeared in each channel.

There seems to be a tide of things coming from it.

The aliens have no choice but to stand in a triangle.

At the same time, they pulled out a handful of weapons from their arms.


They roared and threatened these uninvited guests.


The swarms of insects that emerged from the pipes ignored their threat.

The will of the mother emperor is transmitted in the pheromone network.

Kill all living creatures!

Anyone who hinders the swarm, die!

The aliens immediately opened fire on the pipes.

The weapons in their hands fired beams of lasers.

The portable missiles on the shoulders constantly fired and exploded.


The number of insect swarms is hundreds or thousands.

But their ammunition is limited.

What’s worse, these insects are mixed with extremely flexible flying insects.

These things are quite agile.

They flew out of the pipe quickly under the cover of other bugs.

Then, aiming at the three aliens, shot a poisonous needle!

Ding jingle!

The alien wielded his weapon, relying on his armor to block.


They forgot, there is another powerful enemy at their side!

It’s at their feet!

The five majestic peaks are not completely dead!


The formation of these aliens was disrupted.

The five Xiongfeng who had been paralyzed on the ground suddenly jumped up.

The tongue in their mouth shoots out strongly.

Slap! Snapped! Snapped!

The extremely sharp bone tongue penetrated the armor of the three aliens!

Lift them high!


The next second, the slanted insect swarms rushed toward the majestic peaks in a dense crowd.

The allies of the last second have now become immortal enemies!

The vanguard of the swarm, pounced off the wall and landed on these monsters.

In their abdomen, the bulging pouch exploded immediately.

The corrosive liquid drenched on the skins of these alien creatures, causing blue smoke to scream.

The flying insects that rushed afterwards fired sharp poisonous needles.

These poisonous needles are densely packed and hit them like raindrops.

The neurotoxin is released immediately, making these things scream even more.

At this time, there were still conscious alien creatures who opened their eyes and saw more bugs crawling out of the pipes.

They look only the size of a fist.

However, the number is counted in thousands!

The dense swarm of insects swallowed everything on the ground instantly.

They open their sharp mouthparts and bite away the surface of the majestic peaks.

Even if it is completely dissolved by the highly corrosive blood of these things, it will not hesitate!

At the same time, they pounced on the octopus aliens that were killed.

Drag these things and immediately retreat towards the pipe.

However, they did not care about the aliens close at hand.

They completely ignored their existence.

“These things…” The three aliens struggled. They thought of a terrible possibility: “Behind them is a highly intelligent individual like a queen!”

“And that individual, focused on the queen we nurtured here…”

“This is a life and death war between two species!”

The leader frantically pressed the button on his wrist immediately, and he wanted to notify the mothership of this news.

This is a major discovery!

Meaning that the race may be able to find a new hunting target.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he presses it, it won’t help.

Mothership, there is no response, the mothership’s signal has disappeared!

He was stunned.

How powerful is the mothership?

He knew that the weapons and personnel on the mothership were enough to destroy this primitive elementary planet.


Who can make the mothership disappear?

He looked at the bugs.

Densely dense, with **** Ding exoskeleton growing on her body, her abdomen bulging, and something like a pouch.

There are also some flying individuals.

These individuals are like a hodgepodge.

There are many characteristics of arthropods.


A crazy idea appeared in the mind of this alien.

“They are not natural species!”

“They are created weapons of war!”

Just like these alien creatures!

And the people who created this species…

Destroy the mothership!

This is the only reasonable explanation!

Crazy, but reasonable!


Who is the existence or force that created this simple but crazy species?

The alien trembling body, looking at the insects, they simply and roughly divided the corpses of the male peaks.

They dragged pieces of tissue, pieces of bones, and even bugs desperately holding drops of corrosive blood.

Even if I fell off the wall, I would not hesitate to do so.

They are crazier and colder than Xiongfeng!

The aliens couldn’t help but think of a legend from a superior race in the universe.

Legend, the vast galaxy, the vast universe.

It’s a dark ocean.

In this ocean, there exists an unimaginable upper civilization.

They destroy planets, they light stars, and they shape everything in the universe.

And their purpose is only one-to quiet the universe!

Anything that is not quiet will be destroyed!

The reason is simple…

On the surface of the sea, there is a fisherman.

If the fisherman knows, this dark ocean is rich in food.

They will flock to them until they have eaten up all the huntable food in the ocean!

This is the legend of the universe.

It is also their ethnic group. For thousands of years, the underlying logic has remained silent.

The elders in the temple.

The queen in the palace…

They all believe that this legend is true.

Be careful!

Be careful!

Don’t make any noise, let the fishermen who may pass by on the sea discover that there are prey that can be hunted in this sea area!

Those fishermen live on civilization.

In the temple, their great names have been recorded!

They are gods!

A powerful **** born in the nebula and even the rules of the universe.

The old ruler, the ancient creator and the nightmare.

People worship them and fear them.

The aliens remember that in the temple of the mother star, the **** named ‘the beast’ was enshrined in such a legendary fisherman.

The nobles and priests of the home planet believe that this great **** once descended into this universe in a long time ago.

He is ignorant and barbaric.

But also omnipotent and omniscient.

The coming-of-age ceremony of their species is to pay tribute to this god.

Worship to his mighty power, and be subdued by his omnipotent might.

The whole group dreamed of getting his favor.

In the past, this alien always thought it was a legend and a myth.

But now…

Look at those bugs.

Simple structure, original structure, but…

They are advanced and powerful, but they are unimaginable.

Aliens can even perceive that there is a powerful network-like thing connecting these worms.

It is a network that is almost undisturbed and can even ignore distance.


The existence of creating such a species~IndoMTL.com~ can only be a legendary fisherman.

Those who feed on civilization, but at the same time, also create species, help the creators, and establish the terrible existence of civilization!

Only they have this ability!

Only they can quietly make the mothership of the mother star disappear into the orbit of this primitive planet.

Thinking of this, the alien closed his eyes in despair.

Because, in the legend, when the fisherman appeared.

All civilizations in the universe will be tested.

They will hunt as they please.

The order and everything of the universe will be reshaped!

No one can be an exception!

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