I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 261: Assessment (2)

The night is already very deep.

Sitting at the counter, Lingping changed his own.

The main thing is to cut some redundant content and add something interesting.

He wrote slowly.

The clock is ticking.

Inadvertently he raised his head: “It’s ten o’clock…”

Removing his hands from the keyboard, he moved his neck, then turned his head to look outside.

It’s already autumn now.

The night in Jiangcheng became cooler.

Far away, Lingping heard a burst of happy singing.

“Under the big tree in front of the door, swimming past a group of ducks, come and count them, two, four, six, seven…”

The singing voice is immature and melodious, which makes people feel peaceful.


The kitten who had been sleeping on the counter raised his head, with amber cat eyes, looking out the door.

It seems to feel something.

After a while, a young man walked to the door of the bookstore with a little girl who was carved and carved.

Lingping looked over and found that it seemed to be the owner of the barbecue restaurant.

He quickly stood up, walked over, and opened the door.

“Your Excellency…” The young man, holding a cute girl who looked at most five or six years old, held the lens on his eye socket slightly, and then said very politely: “I listen Say, you have some exercise books for sale here?”

Ling’an listened and laughed immediately.

“Yes!” he said: “Please come in and talk!”

“Thank you!” The owner of the barbecue shop was very grateful, and then picked up the little girl he was leading and walked in.

While entering the door, he also introduced to Lingping: “This is Aning, my adopted little sister…”

“Oh…” Lingping nodded, looked at the little girl, feeling very cute, so he said: “It’s so cute!”

“Thank you brother!” Aning thanked sweetly.

“That’s right…” Lingping reached out and touched Xiao Aning’s head, and then asked the barbecue shop owner: “Guest, what kind of exercise book do you want?”

“There are national exams, right?”

“Yeah!” Lingping nodded, and then looked at each other in surprise: “Guest, do you plan to apply for the official examination?”

National examination is the main way for the federal empire to recruit civil servants and grassroots officials.

It was changed from the past imperial examinations.

It’s just that Emperor Taizu’s system is that everyone must go to the grassroots!

The so-called fierce generals must rise from the ranks, and Zaifu flourishes in the county.

He mandated that all cabinet members and state and county officials must have complete resumes.

So two parallel systems appeared in the Federal Empire.

There is a popular saying: In the general election policy, Zaifu is out of the national examination.

So, the difficulty of the federal empire’s national exam is very high!

Nowadays, most of them are graduates from top universities who have the courage to apply for the exam.

Anyway, Lingping doesn’t dare to go-can’t afford to lose that person!

The other party seemed to be taken aback, and he immediately denied: “No…I’m only in the next level, so I dare to have that idea?”

“Just thinking, buy some back, exercise, lest you be eliminated!”

Dare he answer this?

Don’t want to live anymore?

Participate in his examination and become his official?

Outer gods will pinch to death such blasphemous worms immediately!

Hearing this, Ling Ping’an was in awe: “Guests, true gentlemen too!”

The other party smiled and said quickly: “Ahhh, I just want to improve…”

“So, I took the liberty to come…”

“I hope you don’t take offense…”

Speaking, he bowed deeply.

Just like young people in ancient times, they ask for advice and copy books from local celebrities with rich collections.

This makes Lingping’s goodwill a little bit more.

So, he picked up two cups, made a cup of tea for the two guests, and while making tea, he said: “Please sit down, please…”

“Thank you!” The owner of the barbecue restaurant, hugging his sister, sat on the sofa.

His eyes looked at this bookstore.

The powerful spiritual sense of the old ruler clearly perceives the great and immortal forces that exist in this terrifying bookstore.

Time and space, in a sense, are stagnant here.

Of course, it can also be fast.

All of this depends on Him—the great and immortal origin of all things, the ultimate existence of universal truth, the supremacy who decides everything with one thought!

The Silver Key is a servant who is responsible for supervising and sorting time according to his great will.

And in this ultimate place that exists completely according to the will of the Supreme.

His loyal servants are on standby at all times.

The old ruler has already felt that the terrible will, which is far stronger than him, has paid attention to him.

They exist under the floor, hidden in the wallpaper, crawling in the gaps in the ceiling.

They are all waiting for orders.

The command may be a thought, it may be a look, or just a seemingly meaningless action.


All this will be interpreted!

These people who have served the Supreme for not knowing how long exist, are His most loyal servants.

So, the owner of the barbecue restaurant is very nervous now.

His soul was trembling.

Because he is very clear, although he is worshipped and worshiped by countless races in countless worlds.

Be regarded as the Father and Savior, the ultimate judge and destroyer.



He is just a trivial worm that can be trampled to death anytime, anywhere!

A single-celled lower organism.

Insignificant garbage!

However, Aning didn’t know this.

She looked around the bookstore curiously.

In her naive and simple eyes, everything she saw was so novel.

“Wow!” Aning clapped his hands and said, “Brother, brother here has a kitten!”

“It’s so cute!”

Zhou Ke had to smile and said: “Yes, he is very cute!”


Hearing the sound of praise, the kitten raised his head, with amber cat eyes, looking at the little girl who was carved and carved.

It can feel that this little girl is a bit special.

She is not a human, but she has no psionic fluctuations in her body.

Besides, the person sitting next to her.

Best recognizes him.


Best lowered his head gently. He didn’t want to care about these things, and there was no need to care about them.

The master’s footsteps came from far and near.

Best raised his head and looked at his master.

He can feel the danger of the thing the master is holding!

The terrible power is in it.

Endless howls of terror, overflowing inside and out.

That is a ticket, a ticket to a terrifying and dangerous world.

And that world, even for the old rulers, is a sufficiently dangerous world.

Best doesn’t know what kind of world it is.

But he understands that such a weak and small true **** is probably just cannon fodder there!

Zhou Ke also turned his head away.

He watched the Supreme, who was holding a card of endless wailing and anger, approaching him.

In the misty eyes of the Supreme, the fire is rising.

He subconsciously fought a cold war.


Lingping took the exercise book in his hand and handed it to the barbecue shop owner.

He smiled and said, “Guest, how about this exercise book?”

He said: “This has been sought after by countless national exam candidates. It is known as the exercise book for the national exam comprehensive strategy…”

Zhou Ke listened, his eardrums were tingling.

He looked at the card shrouded in endless black mist.

He took it tremblingly.

Starting with it is hot to the temperature that makes him heart-rending!

Zhou Ke knew immediately that this was a ticket to an ancient battlefield.

It is his calamity, and it is also his chance.

If he can live out of it, then he might have a bit of qualification to compete with the outside god.

And this is what he dreams of.

Get a qualification!

So, Zhou Ke immediately thanked: “Thank you so much!”

He knew very well that this supreme was immersed in a dream.

Therefore, he can rely on the way he is now to hit the side ball.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, He will never have this opportunity!

Because he is just a worm!

But even so, there is still a price!

So Zhou Ke smiled and asked: “How much is it?”

Lingping listened and laughed: “Forget the money…”

It’s just an exercise book, it’s worthless!

“How can this be?” Zhou Ke was nervous, he knew what the price was?

Here, everything is already priced.

The amount and amount of money are not critical.

The key lies in the price that has already been set.

But compared to real money payment.

The scariest thing here is free and gift!

Because, for this supreme, with the exception of a few mortals, I am afraid that any other free gifts have already been secretly marked enough!

And those costs are usually expensive and dangerous.

In the universe, everyone knows a truth-free is the most expensive!

Ling Ping An looked at this barbecue shop owner who wanted to be polite to him, and smiled and said: “You are not welcome…”

“Next time I order a takeaway from your store, you can just send me some food…”

The barbecue restaurant owner’s barbecue skills, but he personally certified.

In the future, I believe there are many opportunities for contact.

So, a worthless exercise book is really irrelevant.

“Give me some…” Zhou Ke’s face stiffened.

Sure enough!

Free is the most expensive!


What can he do? Refuse?

That is looking for death!

Not only cannot refuse, but also thanks.

Thanks for this kindness~IndoMTL.com~ Thanks for this kindness.

Thunder, rain and dew, all are Jun En.

He clearly perceives that countless existences are staring at him.

This great reward, this supreme glory, already belongs to Him!

So, He immediately said with a strong smile: “Next time, you come to my store to order, I will definitely give you the best…”

Those who exist, closed their eyes with satisfaction.

For his knowledge, but also for his cleverness.

This is a beautiful job that many people want and cannot get!

“Then I won’t bother you…” Zhou Ke picked up Aning and bowed farewell.

Lingping nodded: “You go slowly…”

So, he personally took the brother and sister to the door.

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